How To Build A Professional Looking Wooden Sign With Raised Letters // Woodworking / DIY

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[Music] hey everybody I'm Chris this is my shop partner and today we're gonna be building a big eight-foot wide sign it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's get started so I'm making this sign for a good buddy of mine who owns Pine Hill sportsmen bug which is a pheasant hunting preserve it's a place that boots and I often guide at and somewhere that I really enjoy so talking to him we thought it'd be time to replace the old sign which you can see here I got my hands on this really cool really weathered barnwood I'm gonna clean it up a little bit I'm gonna run it through the table saw at different widths and then I'm gonna glue it and nail it down to a sheet of em do viola and that's gonna be the backdrop of the side [Music] MD o stands for medium density overlay and instead of a veneer laminated to each side of the plywood it's a resident pregnat 'add fiber surface and it's ideal for exterior work and perfect for anything that you'll be putting paint on [Music] now that all my boards are glued and nailed down I just snapped a chalk line and squared off each edge with I want the background of this sign has a nice deep color so I have this dark brown latex exterior paint and I'm gonna give it three coats and I'm really flooding all the cracks and in between the boards I really want these boards to be sealed really nice against the weather now on my other sheet of em do I'm gonna lay out the logo that I'll be cutting out on the bandsaw and I got this logo printed out very large like this using Microsoft Paint really old school and really barbaric compared to all the different graphic technology and software out there nowadays but I don't know how to use any of that stuff so I was able to figure out how to do it in paint and there's a printing option that allows you to print it on several different pieces of paper and so that's what I did now I'm just gonna cut these shapes and letters out and use some spray adhesive to stick it to the MVO then I'll take a jigsaw cut those out and then take it over to the bandsaw to finish cutting out all the individual letters which I'll add was a lot of cutting [Music] [Music] so this is a little tip that I saw watching one of Jimmy turistas videos on band saws and essentially I'm just gluing down with some hot glue a board that I cut a soccer fan it gives me a zero clearance insert later on when I do the really small letters that helps quite a bit [Music] now a drill hole in all the areas that I can't get to with the bandsaw and I'll take my fret saw and cut all these pieces out [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it'll take some small files and try to clean up any rough areas that are left from the saw blades [Music] the best part of the sign is the fact that there'll be a silhouette of boots on there this is a German versatile hunting breed called the Deutsch dritt are the owner of Pine Hill also has straw tires he and we both agreed that the sign wouldn't be complete without at least one of those dogs now I'll do a little bit more sanding especially on some of the bigger letters making sure all the edges are smooth and so the saw marks are removed now we'll begin painting everything and for the dogs and some of the shapes I'm gonna have kind of the border the edge painted black and then I'll paint the top white later on so the black will act as a nice little shadow for the main logo part I'm gonna paint all the pieces a solid color each I think that'll end up looking really nice I have the border on there now and now I'm just trying to lay out all the pieces and get everything aligned where I want it before I glue a mil everything down to attach everything I'm using a combination of goop which is a flexible adhesive that's rated for outdoors and nailing everything down with a brad nailer now I'm gonna go back over everything with some spackle and fill in all the holes then I'll sand it all off and repaint everything now this was the part that I was really unsure about how it was gonna turn out my idea was to paint black so that it would have that shadow and then paint the white over top I'm really happy with how it turned out it took about four different coats but it ultimately looked really nice now I'm gonna put down some aluminum foil tape to the top and the sides and my thoughts here is that this will kind of act as some flashing so that water can't get down into the top or the sides and just sit there I'm confident that the front is nice and sealed up from the paint and then I'll also sue it again later but this will help water from getting in behind it now I'm just going to attach the border which I painted black off scene then I filled all those holes and I'm going back over top of that with some more black now as one final measure of protection I'm adding a poly acrylic clear satin top coat this will help further seal the wood and protect it from the weather and the elements well everyone here's the final sign I think it turned out amazing really happy with everything if you like this video and like my channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and give me a comment let me know what you think if there's any things I could have done to improve I'd love to hear it so thanks so much for watching guys you have a good one see ya
Channel: Third Coast Craftsman
Views: 532,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: third coast, third coast craftsman, build a pro looking sign, how to, howto, build, sign, diy, woodworking, mdo, plywood, mdo plywood, barn wood, rustic, barnwood, 100 year old, pine, professional, professional sign, building, business sign, wood, wooded, wooded sign, wood sign, raised letter, carved, bandsaw, pinehillllc, pine hill, hill, sportsman's club, pine hill sportsman club, diresta, woodwork, sign making, making, create, creating
Id: mv3IcZdB-pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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