How To Build A Landing Page With AI In 10 Minutes

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building a landing page to build your email list can be a difficult task luckily there are solutions to that nowadays with AI you can build your landing page within a matter of seconds so let me show you how you can do this the first thing we do is we head over to if you want to follow along click the link in the description down below and let's get started we click on get started for free and this brings us to a prompt setup so over here it asks us what our ID is about this can be about your service about your product about your business anything that you want to use to gather your leads if you already have an idea what your business is about then be as direct as possible add in all the information that you know and enter it in the prompt but also try to keep it short and concise so I have this great idea about starting a subscription-based tropical foods company what this will do is it will deliver the freshest fruit to your doorstep every week so let me enter it into the prompt so once you got your prom ready you click on generate site and now now it is generating the website it does everything from the name the logo the whole setup the best thing is you don't have to do any coding any designing or any of that it all generates it in a matter of seconds so while it's working on this let me oh it's already done so that's how fast this works so this is the website that we have created as you can see there is a nice part where you can enter your email address so if anyone is interested in this business they can enter the email right there and then they can get more information that's the way this website is set up right now it also has a review section on here a quote from one of her customers it shows some pictures it has the whole explanation in there so in the bottom of our website we also have another opt-in section so this works really easy if you want to customize it then right now you can just customize the image selection if you don't like it you can click on refresh and now it will give you some new pictures if you don't like the pictures you can also add your own pictures you can also add your own text but the whole setup the whole layout it's already generated for you so let's customize this website so here we can customize our website it has this nice layout with the hero section features testimonials FAQ and all of that first thing I want to point out is at the bottom of the page you see this section right here it's built using AI by mixo if you want to remove that then you have to go to settings then you click on configuration and over here you can disable the batch for this you need to Pro Plan how much this cost and which one is the best I will show you later so if you go to the settings right there you can customize your logo if you have your own logo I would highly suggest to edit right there because the logos by mixo are a bit basic but overall this tool still works pretty well so let me show you can also change the logo to large or you can make it also smaller if you want to change the primary color of your website this will mainly mean like the button and some other minor details like these little dots right there then you can click on the color right there and you can customize it to the color that you like there are also options to change the SEO for example the title the description and the site image here's how you can change each section within mixo so let's head over to our hero section if you don't like the title you can type something else in here um for example if you change it to of the Dropbox add your own doorstep not sure if that makes sense but let's do it anyway then you can also change the subtitle that's this part and you can also change the call to action right now it's as a sign up form but you can also make it a subscribe button so for example you can click on this you can change the text uh sign up now and what this will do is it will redirect you to a page where they can leave their sign up details but for now let's use the sign up form because I like that the most you can change the placeholder text for example right now it is enter your email but you can also but you can also make it something like enter email to get more information and what this will do is once they click on this they can leave their email right there so you can also change this image it is connected to in Splash which is a free stock image website so for example if you want to change this to another form of coconut then you can click on one and it will change it to that if you have your own pictures then of course you can upload your own images you can also add a Vimeo or a YouTube link which will play a video on that section of your website you can customize everything from the rating you can add Stars you can add like information about your product or your service or anything that's relevant to this if you have already like all of your information in one place for example you already have all the information in Word document then I would highly suggest just changing each section make it more custom to your own and this way you can have your website so if you have a landing page and you want to include a FAQ then you scroll down to the FAQ section you click on show section and now you can add question in there for example this one has a how much does it cost you can provide information about it you can add any questions that you'd like I would be as detailed as possible but make it not too long because if it is too long then people might scroll past it and they won't sign up to your email list so this is just one landing page if you want to have multiple Pages within your website then you can add another page the way you do that is you head over to Pages you click on new page right there and now you can add a few more options to your website for example an about us page a product page a search page or a pricing page and a privacy policy on every website I would highly suggest to have a privacy policy so people know what you do with their information depending on the website that you need for example if you have a product then add a product page if you have a server then add a service page which is a bit more detailed about what your service is about let me give you an example of a website that I created for my business this is a marketing agency and I need a way that people can get in touch with me so essentially what they will do is they leave their email and then I can get in touch with them on this website I have the Pro Plan this means that I have five pages and let me show you what those pages look like this is the website that I created with the growth plan this costs like 19 a month and this allows you to add multiple pages so for example right there I have or Services I have or work and and about this page so as you can see right here people can leave the email and I will show you where that goes so let me just type one in test123 and if you click on get in touch now it will be submitted you can also change the what it says right there for example right now I have success we will be in touch soon and what this does to me is if I go to my dashboard then I can see the recent subscribers that are right there what I can do now is I can download that list I can add that into my email marketing software for example MailChimp and now I can start a funnel sending them new emails every week I can send a custom message or anything that I'd like so what this does it gathers all your emails into one place and you can download your subscribers right there and this will give you an Excel list with all of your email subscribers that sounds all nice but how much does this cost well let me explain to you if you want to change your domain name then you would need a premium website if you also want to remove the watermark then you will also need a premium website this will cost at least nine dollars a month if you have the yearly option then you will get 20 off which is a big discount but it's completely up to you if you want to go with the monthly one or the yearly one so if you want a custom domain for example right now I have this domain by mixo which is video it's not bad but it's not like really custom really professional then you would need a Pro Plan you can get started for nine dollars a month this will allow you to get a single web page so that means that you cannot add like an about this page you cannot add the privacy policy you can also not add a product page or anything like that you just have one landing page if you want a website like this for example with multiple Pages set up even for example if you click on our services you can set up like a even with this one if you click on get started then you can add another page to that which will link you to like a sign up form or anything that you'd like so if you want that then you wouldn't meet in the growth site this allows you to get one website with five pages on there you have a landing page and then you can add four more websites but if that's not enough for you then you would need the premium site if you have a really detailed landing page I don't think many people do have that page but of course there is an option for this then you will be set back at 39 a month if you just want to get started and you want to have your landing page ready as fast as possible then I will just get started with the growth page this way you can collect emails as quickly as possible it will be all done within seconds you can just change a little bit of the text but AI generate the whole thing you don't have to do a complicated coding or graphic designing or funnel building or any of that you will just have your emails in one place you can download them and then everything will be ready so this is a quick tutorial of how you can build your own landing page using mixo if you want to see more of this then click on the video right there and if you want to get started right now head over to the link in the description down below and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Dan Kieft
Views: 14,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landing pages, landing page, how to build a landing page, ai landing page builder, how to create landing page, how to create a landing page, build landing page, landing page design, landing page tutorial, landing pages that convert, how to make a landing page, build a simple site in only 10 minutes, ai landing page, landing page builder, how to create landing pages with ai, create landing pages with ai, how to build a landing page for free, how to create landing pages
Id: sNfbkGH8hp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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