How to Build a Ground Level Deck (Father & Son Project)

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okay this is sunny South Florida painting a port st. Lucie and we're gonna try to build a 16 foot by 32 foot round the whole deck right here on this spot here so we'll see how it comes out right now we're doing some measuring and trying to set the parameters so this is the first video clip okay at this point we know where we're gonna build or dig our holes for our support post you're gonna have three over there read that way three in the middle and three of the sides so let's take a walk around we'll take a look at it from that post that post is a cheat that post to that post is eight feet so the size of sixteen feet from that post way over here is sixteen feet then this post there all the way to this side number sixteen so we're going to have a sixteen by 32 foot deck and we're now ready to start digging in this clip we're looking at the holes we're digging for the 4x4 post that hole is 12 inches deep the post is 17 inches so that means we're gonna have five inches above and we're gonna bump the lumber against it so at this point we're just digging some holes there'll be nine holes all together here's a live action shot of my son now we're ready for the concrete all the holes are dug all the posts are in we're gonna fill up the little extra area there with concrete and put a lot of water right on top of it okay today is a deck-building day here's our lover came from Home Depot and we're right ready to go so far so good two by six it's 16 feet by 32 feet all around and we're using a combination of 16 penny nails here she is so far all the cross members are 2 feet apart there is black paper mulching paper and the bottom to prevent grass from growing and we're making good headway we decided these screws down here to hold those down to the nails which were kind of awkward to use so we have one more section so we thought we'd cover the one side with some boards already just to see what she looks like it's very sturdy doesn't bounce and we use some one-inch boards when 1/4 inch boards I guess from Home Depot these are 1 by sixes here's a deck with the other cross members in place and now we can start the very top with the 1 by sixes forks all of it she starting looked like a dick now Wesley [Music] way back here where the edge of it's straight it's hanging over three-quarter inch we're gonna push these boards to match and we're gonna push them from the middle out to the edge so we get tight fit hopefully at the very end have just maybe a three inch board to cut that fire I guess that's coming along no no justjust leave it straight and don't move it so we started with nothing kept working for several days and here's our finished product the the deck is 16 feet by 32 we used about 1400 screws there about three and a half inches long there four decks all the lumber is treated the top has a 1 by 6 and then the bottom down here below the frame is a 2 by 6 and there's a little bit overhang there but he might cut that later not sure this was a father and son project took us a couple days then we had some scrap lumber and we've got a small extension over this side for the grill so that's not really needed on the main surface not sure how many man-hours it took or price just got a price at some local hardware store like Home Depot Lowe's or somewhere else [Music]
Channel: Dr. Stewart Productions
Views: 930,692
Rating: 4.653779 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, father and son, deck, wood deck, deck project, outdoor project, easy wood project
Id: KHICI7pjIsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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