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hey guys welcome back to my channel it's murray i am gonna show you guys how to create your own online store online a website using big cartel if you're new around here i already made a video similar like this but then it's with a paid plan so if you want to learn how to create a website using a paid plan you can watch the i link it's over here over there but if you want to create a website using no money at all then keep on watching just one more thing before we do get started with the video and is to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already because i do want to create more business related content and other stuff revolving my new business alex babe and yeah just want to type in and they should show up click on the link and then this is the homepage you just want to click the sign up a button and then scroll down you'll see all the plans that they have available for you to choose from but all we're focusing on today is the free one which is right here and it'll tell you all the features that you get within this free plan i do have a free plan with my new online store just because i am in the budget and if i don't have to spend any money on a website i am going to choose that option and then you just want to fill in your information i do already have an account so i'll go ahead and sign in and there and i'll see you in the inside it's my account and this is where you find everything all your info at how to get paid your billing this is pretty much like your settings if you could say and then yeah you can like scroll around more on your own time but before we do go and customize our design i suggest you to upload a product because it will make things easier designing around it than not having a product yes so you see here i already have a product that i already have made so you just want to do that and then the thing is with a free plan you can only upload one image so that's why i have like all these different images just so they have like an idea of what my product looks like all different angles because you're only allowed to one photo and that one photo has to sell like your product right and then this is your product name you type whatever description and you can put in categories categories like if you're just selling um both like jewelry or clothes or sunglasses bathing suits whatever it is you can put it in your categories i don't have any categories yet but let's just say the jewelry is one and sunglasses i guess you could say press save and done and then you can choose which category it goes with and obviously this is a jewelry so there we go and then status it is hidden because i am not launched yet and then your price and then you can also do um options i've already done this but then there should be like a little tower you can put options as in like color sizing um other options that i can't think of right now and then their price differences shipping wise you're just gonna have to work that one out on your own because everybody's product is different it's going to weigh different within your packaging included as well just want to click save and now we go back to our account and then hit the customize design and actually start designing your website before we do that um you want to pick a theme whichever one um suits you and like your if you have your vision of what your site won't look like you just want to scroll through each individual theme here and see which one works best for your like site or your products so i am liking luna so i'm just going to stick with that theme and you do just want to like save it just in case something happens like computer rushing or whatever anything can happen so you want to click this tool icon and then this is where the magic happens where you can customize it to your heart's desire like you can hit your header image i'm gonna upload my logo as my header image or you can have a repeating background image if you choose to also make a slideshow if you have products that you want to showcase on your home page to your new customers hit the plus sign this is what it'll look like if it'll yeah and then you can also change the background color to whatever it matches with your brand colors and whether it be red pink black whatever it is you can mess around with all these options that you have available to you and then primary text is probably this one up here so we're just gonna make it white i guess if you scroll down a little bit more this is where you can find uh more features you can obviously edit like your text fonts announcement text which is that little header at the top of your website let's just say free shipping over 50 plus let's just say that's what you want to put and at the bottom you can also include your social media website so i have my instagram url already copied and then you just want to hit save to make sure everything is safe and then i think you scroll the bottom there it is you click on it take you to another page now straight straight to your shop instagram and this is what my instagram looks like and then you can head over to this little page icon right here and this is where you include anything to who you are like about me about you uh explain your shipping your return policy anything in that nature that you would want your customers to know let's add a about me page talking about and then this is what it'll show up the two arrows right here this is where you design your website within the html and definitely not recommended for beginners so i'm just gonna leave that alone click save once more and then this is pretty much how you can create your own website and bickertail does already have a contact page already inside your theme so you don't have to worry about making a theme page i mean a contact page and there is your contact page okay so let's just go back to our home page and then you want to click on the dashboard and the dashboard is very important because it will show you all the stats that you'll need to know about your website and your products it'll show you important stats on how many visitors you're getting to your website monthly or daily or whatnot it'll show you stats on how many views that people have viewed your products and it will show you if you should we um we stock that particular product or not like deter determining how many views it gets because it only has like five views on that product and the other product gets like 100 views that's tell you something so the dashboard is very important to look at let's go to orders this is where you see all your orders that people has made all your shipped and unshipped orders let's skip over products because we talked about that rating let's go to discounts and this is really crucial to have discounts because who doesn't like to save money and if you want to create a discount hit the plus assign discount code could be outcome 20 and just write a little description this is what your customers will see when checking out let's just say 20 percent off order when a customer orders anything uh percentage discount 20 on their thai order or specific category or specific product and starting out or you can also select a certain date let's just click for the 21st at six o'clock am and expiring when it's been used on time click save and voila here is your new discount code it'll show you how many people has used your discount code all right so i guess that wraps up this video for today i really hope you enjoyed me showing how to create a online store online a website for free nonetheless like cha-ching i still hear money my bank account which is a great as always so if you enjoyed this video or helped you at all please give a big ol thumbs up it didn't help you still give us a big ol thumbs up because it will help my channel a whole lot and my small business a luxe babe launch date is still tbd i will let you guys know more on my instagram at alex babe so definitely follow me on there for any updates or notification and it is a jewelry line if you're new here if you haven't heard it is a high quality gold field and gold plated over sterling silver or like stainless steel like none of that like copper alloy crap no this is good quality floor and fobo price and if you want to save a little bit more money you want to sign up for my email list which is linked down in the description and box you will receive a 25 off discount code the day we launch no questions asked so you want to save money on some bling bling go ahead and click the link below and i'll see you guys next one bye guys
Channel: JustMarie
Views: 6,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a free website, how to create a free online store, how to create a free website using bigcartel, big cartel website tutorial, how to use big cartel, build a website with big cartel, build a free website with big cartel, big cartel website, create free online website, free ecommerce website, big cartel, create free website, create free website big cartel, how to setup bigcartel store, bigcartel tutorial, how to build your own online store with bigcartel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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