How to build a DIRTY VIDEO mixer (PART 01)

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I think this where I first heard about it. Good find.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bukkake_waterballoon 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys so today we are going to build a dirty video mixer once you turn the potentiometer then you get some distortion on your clip and you can mix two videos together so now I have two DVDs playing so what you see is that it adds a lot of glitch and it's very easy to use because it's a passive - so there's no power in it you just pass your video through it and it goes out to play in a TV or any screen I can make it super clear or super distorted this dirty video mixer features to toggle switches which allows you to turn on or off video and put on each side it has a nut with a potentiometer of 1k that mixes both input unless you decide to put one off then it was simply a distortion to the input selected you see it's very easy to appear it and build this design was originally created by a Dutch artist named car club you built a bunch of other machines as well and you can see its creation on its website Calculon that nl a few people have attempted to tweak it's dirty video mixer design and give it more features but what's nice about car clubs design is that it's so simple and it's very easy to get cool results instantly I'm using this eco soldering station and it's the fx-888 D and so far I really love it because it eats up in seconds and it's easy to set your own temperature so I'm just gonna show you how fast it goes so I said it to you I think 660 so you see it's heating up super quick and in seconds your solar enarans going to be ready and be very careful when you use a soldering iron because you never want to touch any of the metal part and you want to leave it in the older when you're not using so the grip itself is like always going to remain cold and you want to get a fine tip like this to work on small pieces when working with sacred bending and circuit building I'm using that T 18 G 16 shape 1.6 d by arco basically it's like a small tip but it's flat at the at the end and the flat part really allows you to put a little bit of solder on and it's easy to solder small parts with it this part here you have to wet it so just make sure it's like like damn but not like soaking wet because you're gonna use it to clean your tip and make it happen a little bit of water this part you don't put water it's like a little bit of foil it comes all that comes with it yeah soldering iron and I'm not sponsored by them I'm just like really loving it so far so it's cool I'm just going to show you how it works you can have three video connectors I'm going to show you what it looks like okay so basically it looks like that those ones are usually usually four PCB boards so you usually put it on the board so there's no part to screw it or like to put the nut on so there are not like the best one for what I'm doing I ordered the other models too but I couldn't get it on time so I'm just going to practice with these one if you are ever going to buy stuff just to practice soldering I would suggest you buy it from eBay or like other cheap shops it takes a long time to arrive like about tetanic almost three months but at least you pay just a fraction of the price this is another dirty mixer so you have your two switches and you have the knob in the middle which is a potentiometer of 1k and we're going to build the same thing today and what makes the difference is that this is a very nice aluminum I'm an enclosure and you can get project enclosure cases from eBay as well and on Amazon but again eBay is way cheaper so you want to get a nice case I got it looks like a million times better than it is recycling old medical container from your husband so I would suggest that either you find nice cases that are durable if you intend to resell it or you get some really cool shapes so I just got use Nets gun from a cube a accelerate on eBay but basically you can just put your design in anything like as long as you can pierce it and it's not going to break the new good and like it doesn't look super good inside so it's nicer if you have a bigger box so you can really tape it or glue it or like you some zip ties to make it all King inside so it's not going to move anywhere and I just wanted to show you those nuts that I were I was talking about so basically these are like the best model you can get for these types of project because you can safely secure it in place with those nuts so it's not going to move compared to these ones where you're supposed to like put it on the board and like there's no nuts and you there's no tread to so you can't screw it I'm 35 dogged I just want to make sure that I cover everything we're going to need three sockets like this for the first model we're going to need to toggle switches and toggle switches are those key things so it's like on one side and if you go on the other side that it could power something else but if you don't put anything on the other side than it does on up these are super inexpensive and I recommend you get a bunch because if you get into circuit bending you're going to use like ten fifteen twenty per project so we're going to have video one then we're going to have a video to an hour out which is video tree alright then we're going to want to add a ground to it and on each of these guys there's like little curvy thing that will be our ground and the other one will be our line to get to the other components so we're going to add a ground first and then we're going to need a potentiometer and that's what's going to add the glitch to our your system so I have here a bunch of different intensity linear potentiometer this one is a faith k4 this one everyone seems to be using a 1k but and it's always written on top of it what it is so it's easy to know like which intensity your linear potentiometer is and you'll see that there's three legs to the appendage potentiometers and we're going to use those three legs for this the second one will be or out put our butt here and that's three legs then we need to toggle switches okay so don't worry if there are six legs we're only going to use three of them so we're gonna need to like that and like any type of T's will work because they don't have any resistance to it so you can just pick whichever you want and there are some high quality ones on eBay only found the cheap ones but they work really well so I also really really love to work with a flux pen and flux pen are like super amazing because they make your soldering so much nicer and smooth so if you can get some flux you're doing a pen or like in those little cases then you will have like such an easier job and you'll really be happy after then you'll need some cables you can also recycle cable if you don't have these type of wires so yeah cables like that you can open it to say get some wire cutters like that this one is from again a coup I think they cut like in butter it's really really good quite cheap and apparently someone told me that inside of these there's like a bunch of different colors and you can get all of these side it's like whatever it's going to be a toggle switch another toggle switch and the Appletree legs video one will go in this leg but it will also go in this leg put those two wires on one and then your the ground the other one and the other one ear feet you will go here and also here it's pretty much the opposite and then this guy goes here and this guy goes here I hope it make sense Oh obviously you're going to need some solder that's not gonna go well without that so I got this 0.8 millimeter diameter solder with flux in it so remember when I was telling you that having a flux pan oh it's really helping well this one already has some flux in it so it makes it like double easier to just they make nice joints and depending on the project you're doing you kind of want to know like how long will the wire unique because it depends on the case so for this one I place like this much of wires in between so I could have a little bit of play for wherever I was going to put it for those of you are like like strongly judging me right now because they take that this is cannabis this is just CBD there's no THC in it and my husband is like super injured and this is prescribed by doctors and the case I took this one because they come in another bottle inside so it was like perfectly clean and empty so that's why I reused it so no judging okay so this guy has a curvy part in a straight part and we're going to be putting our ground on the curvy top part here so this one here and this is going to be for our other cable I'm not going to be using my fancy enclosure for now I guess I'm just going to create the design to show you how to do it so I'm not going to actually put it in the enclosure so I'm just going to gauge if ever I need to put it in a box so we're going to use I'd like to use black for the ground so I don't know in movies I guess black I keep thinking I'm building bombs I feel like so I'm just going to make two like that and try to make them relatively the same land we're going to need to strip the ends I'm using this wire cutter and since it's like it's super tiny when you china have to just use the water wire cutter part here kind of gently press on the end and once it's press you can remove it so that way it gives you this and then what you want to do is I kind of twist it so I'm going to do the same thing for like every end of my cable this is about the size I used last time for the other construction so we're going to put it where it's very flat you need to have a lot of air flow going through because it's not good for your help to reach this solder so when there's fume just don't breathe in and put a fan if you have a fan I have a huge pasture door next to me so it's all open what I like to do is that I like to add so the flux directly on the components first and you have to kind of press it so that the flux will go in the end of the pen and then what I'm doing that I'm just going to put it back in this so doing just going to apply some of the flux directly on there and the tree component and I'll do all the pieces at the same time so that it will already be pre flux for later so for this one we're only going to use one side I'm just going to keep the side that I flocked up [Music] doesn't really show that much the flux but you see that as long as there are some on every on every little little string there then it's going to be very smooth cool now that this is done I'm going to put a little bit of my solder on my soldering iron and I'll pre coat it like that I don't know if I need to tell you that but like don't touch the joints it won't be fun okay and then you need to clean it so to clean it you can just use the damp section and then put it in the metal little sponge thing you know you can put it back in the holder okay so now we're going to occur ground these two guys are going to be soldered together and then they're gonna be soldered on top here so I'm going to add some solder once more and oh I guess I should yeah I should twist them ideas I'm definitely not a professional so yeah I guess we could twist those two together so it will be easier to solder them to the middle whenever you can make them stronger to say do it [Music] so you kind of want to like warm the part first and then put your thing and the last one show you what we've done so far we hooked up the ground here ready impressive good job guys so now we have those two switches and this 1k for the colors I guess I'm gonna do one color per side so that it's easier to see what we're doing so short one that will go so it's there and the longer one that will hook up to here and then there's also one that will go from this middle to this sorry so yeah you want to have three cables per side so what we're doing now is just one this one and here same thing we're going to user or a cutter part cut the end and you can leave your soldering I won't open hey there's as long as it's in its older it's fine just always keep an eye on it if you have animals and kids or if you clumsy and whenever you're done with everything just like make sure you close everything slightly pressing with the wire cutter and don't press too much obviously cuz I don't want to cut the wire I just want to cut the little see the corniche part that's around it and you don't remove too much like not more than one centimeter okay then I'm going to just turn my strings I died at the end make it nice air [Music] all my strings we have to that start from the same location so I'm going to twist them together as well and then I'm going to freak out them so the longer part will go here so I'm going to code it and I said I like a little piece of solder from the other day so I'm just going to use this one first but since whoops but since it's small I don't want to catch it with my hands okay and I'm going to wrap it I'm gonna do this guy first here I think I'm gonna put it on the side it will be easier to solder it yeah this seems okay you don't want to put too much solder on it then this guy goes here for this part you can put it inside and I'm just going to fold it I'll show you yeah something like that you can't even curve it more so that you can put it inside the hole and then if you can twist it just like twist it gently so then now it's it has already a better connection I'm going to put the next one already the second one will go in this middle one here okay just twist it like that they're already stronger than they were so I'm going to start with those guys I'm just going to warm it up you try to fill the hole with the solder if you don't want to put too much but you don't want to put enough that the hole is not covered by the solder it will still work but just makes it more stable if you covered so easier when you can just soak it to something I don't know if you can see but the hole is all covered and it's gonna go anywhere now we've done this guy and this one so we have to hook this guy to the left side of the batter just warm it up a little bit we need to add a wire that goes there there and to the other side of the path so I'm going to pick another color about the same size I did with the other side okay so I'm just twisting the end of my wires make sure every strand is like not loose and all nice going to do this one first so what I do is like I think it works fine when you start here and then if you have some extra solder on your tip you can just go and brush over the wires that you already put solar on so I feel like it works nice when we do that so I learned all of that on YouTube I also read a bunch of books there's this cool dude I think his name is like read is easier I think his book is called circuit bending make your own alien instruments and it was so fun to read those two guys and then I'm gonna solder this one together so I intend to circuit Bend a bunch of stuff during summer because I have vacation since I'm a teacher so I got a bunch of old video processors and title makers and I'm going to bend them and see what type of video effects we can make with that this guy he's supposed to go from the second one to the one on the right [Music] all right just Gary it's gonna go ear good we've done this and this one and this one so we only have one left to do it's the middle one that brings our potentiometer to the video output so for this one I guess I'm going to take it more flashy color and we're gonna coat it like it's just a pretty coat you're done ice cold careful not to touch the other side and I'll start by doing this side it's done now this guy goes to the mill [Music] so here we go you have it that's what it should look like without the box this is what your joints it should really look like take not too much solder and it's pretty clean power my TV and you're gonna need like video cable like that you can get them for four three sometimes going to put it in my video input from my TV and oh just a tip if you're ever going to use a combo like that I would say don't cuz like usually the cassette combo kind of suck the other side of our television for the output will go in the middle where the green cable goes so I'm just going to poke it in like that like usually it's cuter in the box and like all nice but I'm just testing to see if it works all right just give me a sec I'm going to get my okay so I have my two DVD player here and those are the cables from the outputs of both DVD players whatever is playing and one of them will play here Oh already you see it was night at the Roxbury best movie ever the other one should appear here I'm going to I'm just going to add a cover for my potentiometer cuz it's hard to turn to the doors oh yeah I have some nice caps like that you can you can find like a bunch of different ones I think it's like six millimeters so they just pick whichever work to turn it no no that's what it's supposed to do just switch from one to the other source and add some good edges [Music] so yeah it's very easy I'm just turning it and whenever I turn it gave us more effects here and it mixes both clips together so now you see that guy from night at the Roxbury Wilfer all mix it with the like animation guy from another movie that way you can layer stuff together into that more glitch so that's how you build a first model and in the next episode I'm going to show you how to build the one for the nest gun now if you want to use your own enclosure the only thing you have to do is basically make some all-suite drill and some drill bits and if you want to secure everything I suggest you put some glue on every joint so you make sure that everything is covered by a hot glue so it won't move at all thank you very much for watching the first part of this serie the next part I'm going to show you how to make your own dirty video mixer inside the nest gun and I will use this other template with push buttons to see your run have a nice one [Music]
Views: 24,749
Rating: 4.9851441 out of 5
Keywords: dirty video mixer, video, build, diy, soldering, karl klomp, mixer, circuit, bending, dent, duilbing, tbc, effect, vhs, dvd, tv, crt
Id: iSRWvQf3u2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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