How to build a brick oven / Outdoor Kitchen Build - Part 5

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Beautiful oven. Great job.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/the_drew 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
part five today everybody we're gonna be building the dome for our pizza oven [Music] to make your dome you're gonna need to cut a whole bunch of fire break in half i cut about 80 and a half and i know i'm going to need a lot more probably another 50 or so for the size of it than i'm using so that's pretty uh pretty annoying if you don't put these in the water before you motor them they will drain all the water out of the mortar and the water won't do what it's supposed to do if you're wondering why you have to wet these bricks just put these in the water and you can see all the sizzling and just listen to it you also need to prepare your forms for your arches now you're going to need two of them for now you're going to need an inner form and then you're going to need the outer form and i'll get into the details of what the difference is in a little bit but that's something you should do in advance also that way when you're building this thing you just keep going another thing you're going to have to make is the indispensable tool at least that's what they call it uh and basically it's just an arm that does a full 360 and you can raise it also and what you're going to do with this is you're going to be able to place your bricks in a in a circular pattern you're going to use it has a little stop over here and that way you know where the proper brick placement is and you just work your way around in circles and as you work higher the dome comes in more until you're at the top this is a must and the way i made it was i took out an old caster that i had i took the wheel out and i just took this piece of wood and i attach it to here once you find your middle i'm going to put some weights on here that way it doesn't move and it's in perfect alignment to make our dome do not skip this part of the video this is extremely important so as far as mortar goes you can't use regular mortar and you can't use fireplace mortar you need to use a refractory mortar that can handle the kind of temperatures that a pizza oven creates which is in excess of a thousand degrees so this is a refractory mortar that is good for chimneys and fireplaces but it also says that it's good for brick ovens i'll link it in the description below but this is what you should be using it is very similar in consistency to thin set that you would use for tiling and we're gonna start using it right now and you'll see what it looks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa we're building a pizza oven we need italian music yeah that's that's better much better [Music] now it's time to use the form that i was talking about for the inner dome so this is how it works i cut a a bunch of these pieces here to meet our soldiers on the ends here now the idea behind this is you want to have a smaller arch inside hold on you want to have a smaller arch on the inside because then you're going to have a bigger arch on the outside and the reason for the bigger arch is because you want to have a lip now the reason for that lip is you want to have this lip all the way around so the arch on the outside is a little bit bigger because that way when you make a door for this you can put it right up and press it right up against this here and you'll get a good seal to keep your heat in your oven when you want to do something other than making pizza i dry fit my interior arch these are not mounted just yet but they're going to be mounted in just a minute and i also put a couple of bricks here just to make sure that this thing doesn't move notice that i have a wet towel on top of these bricks since these bricks are now dry because this is a new day i threw a wet towel on here and it hopes that it'll absorb some water that way there'll be a stronger bond with my concrete [Music] you need to throw in some kind of like a spacer out of made out of the same fire brick because this stuff will crack if it's too if the the joint is too big [Applause] [Music] it's time to make the arch and to do that you saw this earlier we're going to be using this wooden framing make sure that when you set this up that you put spacers underneath because you're going to want to uh you're going to have to take this thing out once the arch is is dry this thing is going to be stuck in here so what you want to do is be able to pull these out um so make sure you leave yourself some room for that this at least up to now has been the most complicated part of this project so i had to cut another one of these pieces which is cut on an angle here but it also needed another angled cut here because it is going to meet our brick that is going to make our arch it looks pretty perfect off camera it took me a long time to figure it out i would recommend you download some kind of an angle finding app that's what i eventually did and it made it a little bit easier and once you find the angle you know it worked out pretty good so what we're going to do is we're going to install these on each side and then we're going to start laying our arch across now i also uh configured the arch to see where all these bricks sit and i'm going to be using i believe eight eight bricks again this arch is not going to be very visible so i really don't care too much about having a keystone or not because it's not going to be anything you're going to see when when this thing is all all complete [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] do we're getting to the point of this build where you can't just lay a brick on top of the other one because they're going to start to slide so it'll be helpful if you cut a whole bunch of strips of wood like this something thin that's a little bit flexible will help um and we're just going to lay these these little brackets in until it sets which i want to keep it here for like 45 minutes at least and then i can take them off and i can go on and do my next row on top of it [Music] we are getting to the more difficult stage of this build uh i think the hardest thing so far now has been closing this top piece up here because you're you're cutting out notches so you can fit the bricks in here and i did a few already i know i didn't didn't record it nice i apologize for that but i'm gonna try to show you how i do this piece here uh when i get there but once we close this up it's gonna get easier because then you can just keep going around and around until you close it up those of you are familiar with the channel i want to apologize for maybe not the usual amount of detail in this video it is just very very hard to do this and shoot a camera and give detail without the fear of messing this thing up the the concrete mix dries quickly it's a hard thing to do so i'm doing the best i can if you have questions about anything i'm doing that i didn't cover in here just send it in the comments and i'll get back to you and i'll help you the best i can i'm not sure if you noticed while i was building this and from the video footage that i showed you of this of this build um when i started a new row i always started in the middle of the back portion of the oven and the reason is that is the most visible and so you kind of want these uh these bricks to meet kind of in the center now what happens as you stack them side by side the center starts to move over so what you don't want is these to line up with the top or the bottom one so to avoid that once it starts getting close you're supposed to cut a brick now i made a mistake here and i wasn't paying attention but it's not the end of the world but what you want to do is you want to cut a short brick so you can kind of shift it all over and you still have that staggered look of brick here it's visually it's nicer and also structurally it's much stronger that's the whole point of that we're ready to do the outer arch and i just did a dry fit here just to make sure that the spaces aren't too big and it looks pretty good so we're going to go for it but remember as we're doing this we're going to be cutting out these four center pieces here we're only going to be putting half of a brick because we want to make sure that there is an opening for our flue to provide that continuous lip along the top edge here we're going to actually raise our form through a little more than three quarters of an inch these are a little bit more and we're going to need these anyway because that way when they're dry we can pull these out push down on it and this will come right [Music] out [Music] do you remember sitting in math class saying to yourself why am i learning this i'm never going to need this in the real world in fact i even raised my hand in class and said we don't need calculus what am i going to need calculus for we don't need trigonometry what do we need trigonometry for trigonometry i wish i paid attention this would be a lot easier if i did uh if you're good at it well you're going to make a prettier looking closure to your oven top than i did but i've been playing with this for about an hour trying to figure it out and this is the best i could come up with but again no one's really going to see it so [Music] that will do it for this one everybody there'll be more parts of this build if you have any questions about this particular part just leave them in the comments and i'll get back to you as soon as i can if you're new to the channel please check out my channel page there's a whole bunch of other videos there and if you like those please think about subscribing if you're not following me on instagram please check it out i usually post pictures and videos of the things that i'm working on before i post them on my youtube channel and like always i hope everybody's healthy and safe and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Artisan Made
Views: 1,432,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza Oven, Brick Oven, Bread oven, wood fired oven, wood fired pizza oven, Pompeii pizza oven, Tuscan pizza oven, Neapolitan pizza oven, diy pizza oven, how to build a pizza oven, how to build a bread oven, outdoor oven, firebrick pizza oven, brick pizza oven, pizza oven build, brick oven build, wood oven, Brick oven time lapse, pizza oven time lapse, pizza oven construction, brick oven construction, brick oven tutorial, pizza oven tutorial
Id: uXwHKBS7itk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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