How To Build A Brand in 2022 | Complete Guide

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hey everyone welcome back to our how to build a million dollar brand youtube series today's episode we're going to go over how to build the brand itself or the logos or the labels all of those kind of things for our product we haven't quite landed on a product yet i've still been doing a lot of research um just to make sure that we pick the right product to to do this series there's been a lot of pros and cons that i've kind of been tossing up um with our dishwashing paste product obviously it's low aov which is really really tough to get facebook to work but on the other hand i'm only doing this series for you guys so i really do think that it could be a really fun product to brand you can customize it really understand the features and benefits of the product and market accordingly so in terms of an example product to kind of teach you everything that i know it's pretty good and i think we can get some sales for it as well might not be highly profitable but the high volume of sales will really allow us to kind of show you everything that that we need to do from the marketing standpoint as well so um we'll get into that in a second uh just please make sure that you like and subscribe uh before we get into this you know we're only doing this for you so show us some love last week we posted our first podcast episode so um as promised i'm trying to get experts in to try to teach you certain domains we had sms marketing jason um joined last week so hopefully you enjoyed that i think we've gotta improve it a little bit but let us know in the comment section if you liked that that style of video because we've got some really cool guests lined up as well so always open to feedback um so we can help you guys out more we've obviously got weeks um you know launching a brand does take a little while it took a while to get our samples from our suppliers so we're going to have breaks in between these episodes um we're doing it completely live for you to try to give you the most real approach and obviously i can only film once a week so you know we are going to have a couple of of breaks in between so let us know what you want to see in those breaks um you know we might do a couple of reaction videos as well review some websites and and do some podcasts so over the past couple of weeks i've been chatting with some suppliers about this dishwashing paste uh product idea it's pretty cool i've got a competitor here as well i've been looking into the certain ingredients that we can use to make it better a lot of comments as i expected you know in south america and stuff like that were saying that this is the most common product going around that is you know possibly a good thing if the product is effective i did a bit more research and a lot of people are very fanatic about dishwashing paste and they're kind of shocked that you know probably western societies haven't picked it up because it just lasts forever that's not necessarily a good thing to build a brand around because there's less repeat purchase rates so there's a ton of pros and and cons about this product i'm actually thinking that we'll actually launch more of an all-purpose cleaner paste so i've been chatting to another supplier about that i'll probably show all of my conversations with these suppliers just so you understand you know the back and forth um we've got some basic guidelines that we're going to work with today so basically what dye lines are are the box packaging or the label packaging in the right dimensions so we can plunk a label on it do a bit of designing um and and you know basically stick it on the product itself so i've got it probably enough today to kind of to walk you through that i'm also going to bring in our creative director from the audi just to get his advice how would um how he would brand and design a cleaning paste or dish washing paste so that you know you can hear from the experts once again i'm also going to show you the briefing processes that we use briefing is really important because you need to be very clear if you're going to use consultants and it's also kind of important for yourself to understand the guidelines that you're putting into to either develop the the packaging or even you know the website we just really need to understand how to put a brief together i've got a minimum viable brand document we'll chuck that in our facebook group but i'll also walk you through it today i did it for the dishwashing paste pretty similar to the all-purpose paste um so yeah we'll jump into that in a second as well i think something i would like to reiterate again around this brand and product is that it's kind of experimental and what i mean by that is usually when you're researching a product or a trend to go after you really want to make sure that there is definitive kind of proof that the channel that you plan to launch your product in is scaling such trend what i mean by that is i went on to ad spy and i couldn't find the competitors running these products on facebook that is the channel that i'm gonna work i didn't really find much data on google either so what i mean by that is it's kind of more risk in the sense that we're kind of going down uncharted territory um and we're gonna try to make something work we saw that they were scaling on organic social which is a good thing um organic social obviously zero dollar customer acquisition costs aside from the people that you know need to create your content for organic socials so that's why you typically see brands like mermaid straws and all of these other kind of brands on tick tock scaling such low aov products on organic socials i still like our product because it's going to allow me to teach you organic socials as well as well as paid so we're probably going to keep keep pushing on with that but with your product make sure you pick something like hi aov that is scaling on facebook make sure it's legal that you can sell it and then you know build a brand around that it's a bit lower execution risk so we've got the paste here um we've tested it out as well it is a little bit harder this this this one um we've got the dish cleaning gloves as well which we're going to use as a bit of an upsell we know these are scaling we can build a really cool like uh funnel that you know this is the post purchase upsell or a bundle so we've tested the competitor we've tested hours um and i've actually got another competitors coming soon i've also got that all-purpose paste couple of competitors and also our own one coming on i've spent about 50 bucks so far um on on products all of the suppliers have agreed to just cause charge for shipping um so which is which is quite cheap so and all of the competitors were kind of on amazon and other sites for like four or five dollars so yeah really haven't gone too far over our budget if you just picked kind of one product you could have kept that that down but i'm exploring two different formulas um so we can get an actual product that really really works and satisfies a large audience all righty so what is a brand a brand is put simply the way that a customer base feels about your product it's more emotional it's not just a logo or a color palette what those logos and color palettes do is help reinforce that emotion so consistency is really important across those kind of you know even to your fonts and basically what you're trying to do is evoke an emotion in a customer your customers will feel strongly about your brand pretty much from everything that you do so even the messaging that you portray on your social media needs to be consistent with your brand values you need to define those brand values those brand values also just need to align with the customers values if done properly branding will serve as basically a moat around your business you'll have a strong loyal customer base they'll share your product they'll back you in they it will lower customer acquisition cost it really is one of the most powerful things in business branding actually dates back to the 1500s with cattle merchants they used to brand their cattle it even goes back to paper merchants where they used to basically watermark their paper i think one of the main mistakes that i see at the moment is too much branding or not enough branding what i mean by that is there's a lot of drop shippers out there that will drop ship their product do no branding and be shocked when their customer acquisition cost rises too high and their product becomes unprofitable then there's the other other people that use a really expensive creative agency and they invest heaps of money up from they basically don't have enough money for digital advertising and they can't actually scale the product because they haven't focused on you know website optimization creating enough direct response marketing and then they just never scale the product so there needs to be some kind of balance between yeah branding and direct response i personally lean more probably on the side of the direct response uh being like a new startup i didn't have much capital to get started so i really needed to focus on revenue and scaling the brands but i probably regret that a little bit i think i under-appreciated how important branding was once the woody community was built our brand got really built through a really strong level of customer service um and a really fun creative culture like patterns and and just a really soft product so we really you know let the product do the the branding for us and then you know we really didn't reinforce that as much as we could have we're doing much better job now we're really in reinforcing community and um focusing on consistency throughout the the process the design process i think one of my favorite brands is probably nike it's always has been ever since i was a young kid i probably didn't realize the impact that branding was having on me being so young um you know i always was always kind of fit and i absolutely loved wearing nike shoes wearing nike hoodies um and just training like a nike athlete everyone knows that they're saying just do it as well as they know the the nike logo swoosh that logo cost 35 to develop apparently back in the day and it's it's become such a symbol it they don't even need to write nike on the product and you still understand the logo um and you understand that it's a nike product that's really where you want to get to you basically want to be so prevalent in the industry um and use such consistency across platforms that when they see something remotely similar to you it might be a color or something like that they think of your brand one of the best examples of color branding is probably coca-cola that red really kind of stands out on anything that it's placed on it also appeals to a customer's appetite as well red makes you hungry you've seen so many fast food restaurants that are all based their base color is red so it's kind of those subliminal things that you might not pick up on that branding experts understand they understand consumer behavior so well and they shape the brand around that behavior even cokes glass bottles are extremely iconic and when you see them you think coke straight away i'm pretty sure they've got design patents and a lot of protection over those bottles to really protect their brand branding can even go into an auditory sense so when an iphone goes off and you get a message um everyone instantly knows that you have an iphone apple's branding is incredible when they first launched their headphones everyone just had black headphones they made theirs white so that when people were walking down the street people would look at them and understand that they had an apple device playing under the headphones branding can go so far as you know smell and taste kfc's secret herbs and spices is the cornerstone of his brand another really cool brand is lamborghini and how their scissor doors open up that movement is really iconic to lamborghini and it feels luxurious and really unique all of those examples have helped those brands protect themselves in a competitive industry it really makes sure that the customer keeps picking them and it makes them feel that other products are either inferior or don't align with their values as it can get quite complicated that's why these brands pay agencies millions of dollars a year to really shape that narrative all of those elements that i just mentioned have really allowed those brands to stay protected in the consumer's minds they align with the consumers values and stop competitors just coming in and competing in a more commoditized product base like cola drinks we don't need to go into that much research to launch a minimum viable brand it's just getting a product to market and seeing if it has product market fit there are some things we need to consider though we do need to get a logo we do need to create a color palette which is quite easy we need to think of kind of some aphorisms or some slogans that we can use around our product to simply communicate our values we might also look at some content territories as well what this is is showing how the product is going to be displayed um in stuff like social media posts or videography to make sure that we have consistency through that those getting these things organized early is a really good idea because we can then put them in a brief and provide them to designers so we can get consistency so before we get joel our creative director on the phone i'm going to walk you through an example mvb that i put together for this dishwashing paste let's jump into it alrighty so here's our um basic mvp document that we've used a little bit honestly it's still feeling a little bit disjointed um from what we're trying to achieve hopefully joel can help bring us up bring it all together and do some do some actual research for us as well so basically we've got a brand pyramid here which is great to to read through um this is kind of what makes up a brand so we've got our target audience here benefits more rational kind of approach of educating about your brand the values you need to share that common and emotional ground between your brand and your audience we've got aphorisms which is kind of really basically a truth that defines you that can be conveyed very very simply and and succinctly then we've got the vision as well which is really really important brands actually one one thing that we've probably overlooked is how brands actually help attract really good people to your business as well so this vision and purpose that we could kind of have as a brand really will help you attract awesome people to your business and then we've got the personality the traits of brand exhibits in service getting your message across this is your brand playing it's natural game so we've called out brand dish pace just for the example um we've got you know target audiences outlined here um potential audiences i would say our main audience you know going you know college students restaurant owners caterers they're all kind of you know probably out there a little bit really our main audience is is this parent audience in my opinion that's a great audience to market with facebook because younger kids you know they're not really going to buy this product off facebook we want that older demographic the mums the grandmas those kind of things and the the dads as well so rational benefits as well um i'm big on rational benefits i think that they're often overlooked and people kind of when they're talking about their products they basically use lots of hyperbole and really try to convey they use really creative writing which dilutes the rational benefits of the product tell the customer what they're going to get and why their life will be better from getting it so you know this is really important and there are a lot of rational benefits for um a product a cleaning product um especially a different cleaning product where maybe the other solution is inferior so like applying a sponge cuts grease better cost efficient longer use timing can last a year apparently these dish pastes um versus you know i was talking to a mum the other day and she was saying that when our kids do the dishes they get the dish dish detergent and they just pour the whole thing out and pretty much empty the whole thing out so kind of impossible with a product like this multiple fragrances that's um not it's a benefit yes and we can convey it but it's not a unique benefit um our aloe vera that's still to be decided based when we choose our formula eco-friendly ingredients now this is something that i really want to include in the the brand i don't know if it's going to be possible within our kind of budget that i'm trying to stick to for for this series um but you know it'll be a huge a huge win for us if we can get really eco-friendly ingredients um because then we can you know market it accordingly and customers really value that so we can break down the features uh we can also talk about the values that our brand will have cleanliness attention to detail quality pragmatic um that makes a lot of sense um we've got the aphorisms which i was kind of talking about before uh this is basically just trying to summarize things a little bit a couple of taglines that we could also use get a handle on your dishes clean clear done clean more save more i think that one's a good one so then we've got yeah basically our vision as well we're trying to save people money which is really important um and to be the the leading dish pace brand all over the globe i think probably something that we've missed there is talking about how um we want to create like a really good solution that is really uh health orientated as well like we need to ensure that there's no germs on the dishes and really make sure that um you know it's safe to to reuse those dishes after it's been cleaned as well because um obviously there's a health aspect of of cleaning dishes so um we've got you know we can break down our personas as well like our customer bases that we'll be going after again i think that this is the most important one there's parent um we've got breaking things down the other problem and then that the solution as well so you can see that this was repeating itself a little bit but there is some overlaps um and and it's really important to get clear on this because if you're going to provide a copywriter or a designer um it's really good so we can kind of talk about the the polarities um of products as well so if you've got a sleep product you've got you know awake and a sleep you've got on off um and you can kind of look at it that way and that helps really it really does help creatives kind of picture the benefits as well and how to convey those benefits in more of a kind of creative or visual sense as well so we've got dirty clean wasting saving stressed relaxing out of control in control very interesting point out of control in control is a great example of an emotional feeling that we could convey through our branding which is somewhat less um you know literal it's it's more of an emotional sense so um we've got some really cool uh articles and stuff that we can look at here so this is just more product research trying to become experts in the subject remember you're gonna have to write a copy for the website you're gonna have to do all of this stuff so become an expert in that keep all your links here i'll chuck all of this stuff in our facebook group um we've got our content territories now so this um is a competitor in australia they're doing some really cool things they're not going to be a direct competitor by any means um they're doing more laundry um stuff and and hand hand soaps um but they really nailed their content territories in my opinion their branding's on point the color palette consistency this is just straight from their instagram feed um they're called dirt so if we were to achieve more of an environmental angle and we can get those ingredients this is kind of where i'd be going similar to this kind of fresh vibrant feeling um really taking a boring kind of brand that's really chemically and conveying in more of a fresh vibrant cleaning way that's one angle we can go or we can go harder down the other way like the pink stuff has the pink stuff has gone really like uh this is a very effective product um at cleaning stains um so we could yeah we can pick pick either one is going to be very aesthetic so it could even be left on kind of the kitchen room counter as as he left um i think it's aesop i don't know how to pronounce it but that people are very proud to have their bottles on their on their um sinks all day so rather than putting it away whereas you know the pink stuff you'd be stubborn in in the cupboard as well so you know we've got to decide whether we go down this angle if we can't get the environmental thing and our product is just so effective at cleaning stains maybe we'll go more on the aggressive kind of cleaning angle so we've got some brands in the space as well some competitive research we've got some wording that we can kind of use um and then i've also added these sections in here as well pr collabs um and just the core business priorities as well so i hope you find this document um valuable we're going to jump on a call with uh joel now our creative director at woody he's going to tell us how he would probably do this better um kind of we're going to shape the brand as a whole we're going to decide what branding we're gonna go for and then we're gonna go ahead and design the logos and whatnot after that hey mate thanks for so much for jumping on on your weekends um welcome to the show thank you um so for all of our viewers joel is our creative director at the uri he is an absolute wizard at branding um you worked at it was creative director at two times you um no senior designers sort of led the design team across the business so we didn't really have a creative director there at the time and what were some of your other past experiences tell our listeners um so i have a lot of experience working in sort of direct consumer retail brands they're range from single brands uh through to multi-brand businesses as well as multi-sales channel businesses as well so you might have franchises you might have wholesale channels you might have direct consumer channels as well so beautiful awesome well today is going to be a challenge for you most definitely so we've got a pretty kind of commoditized product pretty basic um it really needs a strong brand to lift it up and and actually make it work so this is believe it or not the product it's going to be either a dish washing paste or an all-purpose cleaning paste so trying to understand you know what our positioning would be we've got kind of the formulas who are both um and we're just kind of feeling at the the market making sure that you know we picked the right product um for digital marketing as well so maybe we'll just jump into um you know some of some of the the steps in creating a brand um maybe if you could give us a brief outline on um you know what branding research looks like um so branding research really is it's not dissimilar to your normal product research really it's just we're looking for different things so i consider a standard landscape research and i'm looking at the competitors taking a minute to really understand you know what they're doing and why they're doing it so what do they value what does the brand stand for what are they saying who are they talking to how are they communicating it really is something that is important because it defines the brand personality and also defines the way the consumer responds to what they're doing you know go out look at their socials see what they're posting how they're writing what people are saying about them as well like check the consumer response go out and buy their product and actually be a customer experience the brand so you can make um so that you can make a decision about why they're successful or have an understanding about why they're successful and what you can do to set yourself apart from your your competitors i think it's really important to to be unique i think that was the one of the main things that we realized i realized with this product is um it was only until i tested it could i understand you know why they were doing the branding as as they were um the the social things is really interesting as well can you kind of talk a little bit about what you'd be looking at when you're looking at their socials for brand research it's about trying to understand their personalities so everyone has their own unique personality and branding is about really celebrating that it's it's about wearing your heart on your sleeve and saying this is what i'm about well this is what my product solution is we wholeheartedly believe in it so give it a go so the research really is is it's about understanding the landscape and where you fit into that landscape and then how you can celebrate your own uniqueness for sure so um without cleaning paste what's something that we could do maybe unique um to the competitors do you think there's so many uh different cleaning solutions out there and you walk through the old supermarket and you know you have cleaning paste a which is something that is light and bright it's it really grabs your attention you might have cleaning paste b which is a bit more subtle it might be environmental focused so it attracts you for a different value set so really when you're looking at sort of branding research in the context of the product we really need to create a list of things that make that product unique that make that product powerful and connect with the motivations or the wants and needs of the customer they're going to purchase it makes a lot of sense i think one of the unique things that we can really do with this product is something that the pink stuff has done really well um they actually used color to um to find their brands um do you think that that would be a good idea with this product yeah definitely anything that you can do to separate yourself from other people um in a positive way is definitely going to become part of your brand the pink stuff being pink it really is the foundation of their brand [Music] in a way it does lock themselves into doing things a certain way but at the same time once you gain uh success and once you start to scale you will find that that is the one thing that people notice and that separates yourself apart from everybody else out there one thing that i'm tossing up between is you know whether to make our product really aesthetically pleasing you know something that you would leave on your leave in your kitchen sink for your customers for your friends and family to see or whether to go more down the typical cleaning angle that you're seeing in the supermarket what do you what do you think about about that i think that's really interesting actually um you know you consider the customer experience you know being such an important part of the product and and also your brand is definitely a connection there but having a cleaning product that actually becomes part of your kitchen um that you're happy to leave out that you're happy to look at like that's something that i don't really see out there at the moment typically cleaning products live under the sink um not just for access control but because we don't like to look at them we bring them out when we need them you know yeah for sure i just remembered when uh covered first hit that was the pandemic and i went to the supermarkets and there was all the all the antibacterial cleaning products were com the shells were completely stripped there was not one in there and then i was walking down the aisle and at the end of the aisle there was really kind of i don't know if it's the right word like artisan beautifully designed kind of uh soaps and stuff like that that was still a hundred percent you know or 99.99 antibacterial but because they were so well branded people were obviously going to the bright green like highlighted uh detergents which is kind of it was a very interesting um moment in branding and how people feel about um the cleaning products as a whole yeah that really really talks to the to the you know the assumptions or the perceptions that people make about different branding choices as well so like you said you know the bright colors are associated with with cleaners because they've been used it's so competitive that you need to stand out you need to attract people whereas the subtle colors are more associated with the environmental it doesn't mean that you know the choices you make have a significant impact on your product um and and what the judgments that people make about your product as well would you have any advice for you know people that are setting up their business for the first time ever you know they might not have the design the eye for design um do you have any kind of advice when when setting up a brand or a new product um yeah so the first thing i'll say is is just slow down a little bit um and really think about your goals and your values because branding is about really it is critical to communicating what you're about what your product does the solution to the problem um the type of people you attract so really take a minute to look inwards maybe grab a piece of paper and just write down you know these are my values these are my beliefs um these are the people that i want to talk to you know what are the people that you're trying to talk to what are their values what are what are their pain points how can your product solution help them and what do you want to say like really at the start of the branding journey you need to understand where you want to go with this before you start building your brand because it needs to communicate everything that you stand for without saying a word it's really important that you know what you want to say before you start but also consider that as as you start this journey there's going to be noise there's always going to be noise there's there's going to be the noise within it says am i right am i doing this right am i doing this wrong and it's going to be other people that make perceptions of what you're doing and they're going to make their own judgments and all that just gets in the way just focus on the basic things and focus on doing them well if you do them well and if you do them consistently you will have the most control over your customer journey and your brand will grow once once you master the basics you can then you know move on to more advanced strategies but until then all you need is the basics that's that's great advice we've i think the slowdown thing is a very very good one we've got to finalize our mvb we're doing an mvb document for the brand we're going to finalize exactly what we're going after because we've got two opposing thoughts and also opposing products right now but let's finalize that let's get really clear on what we want and then we'll go into you know the color palette stage the logo and you know start writing the copy as well because that tone of voice is going to be really important as well so what are some of the key elements of of a brand personality um so you you your brand toolkit can consist of a lot of different things the the basic stuff that i would really focus on is having a nice logo consider a position description or a position statement that works with your logo some people call it a slogan it's a little bit different but essentially it it's the same thing having a strong color palette having a clear personality having a clear tone of voice so that you know how you want to communicate your brand your product your benefits so without any brand research i'm gonna need your help i'm gonna need you to kind of describe a potential brand for let's say an all-purpose cleaning paste you know try to describe the brand for us so before we really look at the brand so if we go back um two steps here and say you know what is the benefit of the product what are the unique things that we can celebrate does it clean really well is it non-toxic it's super efficient the ingredients are super efficient the paste application can really improve the cleaning experience so it's a more it's also more of a um a more uh economical solution as well to cleaning and a lot it's really easy to get into those kind of gaps and stuff like that in the kitchen bathroom um and so forth okay so let's look at stage one of creating a brand let's say let's come up with a name so so typically when we're sort of thinking about business names you know we can use auto generators and things like that which work really well but you what we want to achieve with our brand name is to really encapsulate the benefit of the product in one or two words so in the context of our cleaning product here the the benefit might be it's easy so we could simply call it something like easy clean or clean easy or or simple clean or grab a thesaurus just go on google find different different words that encapsulate the value of that product and try and tie them together so that when people see the brand name they can immediately understand the benefit of the product so for using an example that is you know really familiar um that woody what is the woody we ask ourselves that question all the time and it's an oversized hoodie so the brand name itself really tells the customer what it is when they see the word audi they know exactly what they're buying one thought i just had is you know perhaps we could make it about the process as well i know some names you know really describe the actual process of it so for example we could call it something like one two three clean um where you apply it and then you allow it to sit and then you kind of let it clean off or something like that yeah and that's a great thought you know maybe maybe the power of the product really is the experience of cleaning it's so much easier um and you know you can then add some depth to that um using a position description description statement as think like maya meyer being the major department store in australia their position description is uh my store you know they value local they value the community they adopt a customer persona so that really tells you what their product is and their product is that you know that shopping experience at a community level makes a lot of sense so we've got our name i'm gonna go to a name generator and a thesaurus get some synonyms and um pump out a name that really talks about the ease and the efficiency of the clean um then we've got to do the position description as well um what about color palettes is that the next stage um i would yeah i would consider your color palette consider um you know go back to your research see what everyone else is doing you know consider the uh everybody has a predetermined association um of colors especially you know typically red is stopped or greenish go at a traffic light um so find the colors that talk to the benefit of the product if if it is something that is easy you know um if it is something that is fun might consider brighter colors if it's something that is uh a bit more of up market if you're going for a luxury sort of uh product you would look at you know your more subdued cars so consider the the predetermined associations that we all have with color um and also the market you know eastern versus western have different associations for different colors as well pick three core colors that you use throughout all of your assets and then maybe two or three supplementary colors that you use sparingly and um and start to experiment you know so we might go down more like the earthy tones um if we can get an environmental formula or we could maybe go more something punchy and vibrant if it's more uh around that cleaning efficiency yeah for sure sure definitely if you're going environmental we want to use as much earthy tones as possible you know because it is if it's environmental it's a low impact so we wouldn't pick jarring colors or contrasting colors because the implication is that you know we associate those things with with high impact so we've got our color palette our name um we've also got our position statement uh what's what are we missing our logo yeah so that's when you start to inject those colors into it into a logo you know go out and if you you don't have to have the best logo it's important but you can change it go out and and find somebody that can help you with that the logo really does encapsulate your brand for sure but it doesn't have to be you know your brain doesn't have to be complex it can be really simple as long as it talks to the value that you're providing to people that's great advice i think i'm going to design the logo just to save a few few dollars so anything could happen but one thing you know i um one thing that i always like to say to people is until you have product market fit um and you know if this is your first ever business you know try to learn as many of the skills as possible at least then you can kind of appreciate it but that being said logos are not expensive to make this you know you can buy like a a pre-built logo from fiverr or anything like that for about ten dollars nowadays so i'm going to show people both both ways today i'm also going to go on upwork hire a designer and try to give them a brief yeah for sure um like look at apple's logo you know one of the biggest companies in the world is so simple and and the power of that logo really is that it is reflective of their product solution you know the apple ecosystem is all about simplicity um and the logo reflects that it's changed that the graphic treatment has changed a little bit over time but it will the actual shape of the apple will never change so what are what are brand guidelines so brand guidelines are essentially um essentially a compass um they're not really designed for you as a business owner they're designed for people that are helping you so you know we've gone through this branding journey we've thought about competitors and where we fit in the market we've thought about you know what we stand for and how we want to talk to people who we're talking to them and all this information sits in our in our minds and you know when you work with external parties or third parties it's a conversation that you have all the time so a guideline is essentially a document that forms your compass so that other people have an in-depth knowledge of what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it so that they can help you consistently provide you know that same brand experience across the board it a guideline can be simple it can be just how to use your logo we can define just your color palette but it can also be complex it can have things like you know your customer personas in there or your brand values and the themes that you celebrate when you talk to people it can have image guidelines you know how do you take photos through how do you post things how do you talk so really what that document is it's there to help you communicate your brand and your values what you stand for how and how to be a representative of your business that's a great summary i think what we'll do is we'll get a brand guideline and we'll we'll chuck it in the description of our youtube channel so people can see it i don't know if i'll be able to put one together um to the extent that it'll do it justice but i do know it's one thing that you know at the hoodie coming blankets i wish we put in place very early when we kind of understood that we had product market fit and it was scaling or doing some solid revenue i think getting that brand guideline was really would have been really important and we're a little bit slow for mark so how does someone create a brand guideline do they need to engage a professional like yourself so brand guideline can be as as professional as you want it to be it can be the best design document in the world or it can be a word document that you just put together similar to an mvb it's a document that you want to keep up to date so that you can best communicate you know who you are and what you're trying to achieve so that document is going to change it's going to grow as your brand grows and you know with every customer experience your brand will change you know with every positive or negative review you the perception of what you're doing will change so this brand guideline really is reflective of your brand right now in terms of size and scale it really depends on the size and scale of your business that's amazing man um thank you so much for your amazing help through the hoodie calming blankets all of our brands you know they are really shaping up nicely now and i'm sure your guidance will will go very far trying to pull this logo and and and this brand out so hopefully we can get a get a couple of sales for everybody and and um yeah we'll keep you in the loop thanks mate thanks alrighty so joel has probably cleared things up for me a little bit let's commit we've we've got to we've got to commit we've got to understand exactly the product that we're going after the formula we can get um and start building a brand because this in between the indecisiveness that i have right now about the product is going to cause us issues and it's going to not make our brand values very clear so i've decided we're going to go with the all-purpose paste so we're really opening up our market there and we unfortunately can't get really 100 organic natural ingredient formula um because we are sourcing from china if i had more time i would most definitely be um getting maybe a local manufacturer really formulating my something myself um you know ecoworks now co i think did that really well um but you know we don't have that time and i really want to get you know a product to market for you so next steps let's do some name research let's write the copy for that product let's write let's let's design the logo um let's let's get into it so i'm going to jump back on my computer i'm going to come to my mvb doc and we're just going to come into name options [Applause] so basically joel um i really like joel's idea about trying to capture the uh [Laughter] sorry sherlock is um sherlock is moving the led lights underneath let's see if we can get some camera angle what you doing mate so we've got some name we need to create some name options so you know one two three clean that came out of that meeting so we've got simple clean we've got clean fast and he also said to go to a thesaurus i can never spell thesaurus right and we're just going to come into here and we're going to write in something like easy and now we've got all of these synonyms that we can help shape our name um so effortless obvious clean i like that oh god i cannot type today obvious clean you really want to create like a a bunch of names because what we're going to do next is we're going to check name of availability what that means is we need to make sure that we've got a domain name free we need the dot-com domain name preferably we also need to check that there's no trademarks or no other slogans that are going to use our name because that's going to get us in legal trouble so in this brainstorming phase get a bunch of names unless you're really obsessed with the name you can probably search that then and just see if it's all clear but i like to get a whole bunch in the brainstorming process so here's a bunch of name options now we're going to incorporate a color into it so i'm thinking we do something like yellow um i think let's let's let's look into um colors and their psychology first so i think that's really important so we can actually look at you know what colors we're where we're going to work with you know joel really talked about this so we've got red excitement strength love energy it's also can evoke things like hunger we've got orange confidence success bravery we've got yellow creative happiness warmth cheer green is what we touched on earthy kind of nature healing freshness blue is you know things like social media icons that's about trust peace loyalty um that's why they all are mostly blue could you imagine a facebook logo red how terrifying that would be um we've got pink compassion sincerity sophistication sweet purple is more around the luxury brands cadbury chocolate in australia is a great example of that brown is rugged trustworthy simple black is dramatic more security i agree with that white is clean simplicity innocence and honest so we can use pastel colors in these um to kind of make it a little bit more not not bland but a little bit more approachable bigger brands what they're trying to do now is they're actually going away from those pastel colors they're really trying to make a statement so um you know i think it was red riester recently just really made their red even more red um and a lot of other brands are following suit as well so but i think considering we're marketing on social media we do want something a little bit more pastel because it's just a little bit more approachable and it um works really well on on social media feeds the other thing if you do remember our first episode is you know i do want to align maybe with a charity um if this brand works which hopefully it does you know i'd love to um put a social element to this this brand so possibly we need to align our color to that this color will of course need to align to the formula i'm i understand that the formula of the product that we're working with can be any color so i'm not too worried about limitations there obviously can't be like a competitor but we can do something like um yeah i'm thinking you know we just recently had are you okay day here in australia that's yellow it's a really strong color for like warmth um and and happiness so you know i'm not if the brand works you know we could approach someone like are you okay and work with them um i probably won't do it just yet we can just donate the money to charity i don't want to waste anyone's time if the brand doesn't work so but we can um definitely just come forward think that i think yellow is a really good color for this brand i think it's going to be going to be fun it's fresh um it's gonna pop on social media feeds like tik tok as well which is really important so let's go with yellow charlie's idea was that lemon is associated with freshness and cleanness so that's a hundred percent uh a good point so um we probably need to discuss that a little bit more as around the fragrance some brands some formulas out there whether it's food or cleaning products or seasoning or anything like that they basically build their brand around an ingredient this is starting to to shape shape up here so we can actually go to color palette generators we can come into this one and we can just simply use the space button to generate lots of different colors so looking at this i've got a great example photo i love when people do that let's bring that to our mvp that's pretty cool as well this color palette is called hard lemons which seems fitting i think this is the closest one um what we can actually do is we can come to something like pinterest again these are all just tools that you guys can use to you know get creative and get some ideas now we can pretty much go um now we've got to sign off on our name for our product now we've kind of got our colors i think we can just do a quick google search for all of these names um and you know it'll be pretty apparent if they're taken names are in the early stages uh i don't i don't think you should spend too much time coming up with a name it's your brand is going to be shaped around your name pretty much as long as it's not limiting um so that you know you can make build a brand around it later or you need to consider also with names if there's an seo play to it so calming blankets we call it calming blankets because one i wanted to become kind of synonymous synonymous with the product itself so band-aid or esky or jacuzzi you call the product that even if it's a different brand so i tried to do that i also tried to get the seo really strong and get people searching that phrase so that is something to consider you could call it you know if you get that domain and it might help but that becomes very limiting when you want to start introducing more products so these are the kind of things that you need to think with the name i think we really want to maybe just refer to the paste as well so we could call it something like lemon paste that's really intriguing because it's kind of like the paste itself is lemon um and it would kind of just be really easy to understand what the product is before even trying imagine seeing it on tick tock it's like lemon paste and you instantly know how it's going to be to apply the product and how it will feel after so let's have a look if that's taken i can lemon scrub will be good um lemon scrub so i've checked the trademarks um there seems to be a scrub daddy lemon fresh which is a big brand um for like cookware and stuff like that so you can come down to the class info for the um trademarks again i'm not a lawyer seek legal advice before you commit to this kind of stuff but this is all like utensils we're actually selling um a cleaning product which i assume would be under a different class so i think we're all good there i'll spend a little bit more time on the trademark side of things make sure that we're as covered as we can be um again you can get a proper lawyer to to look over it but i think um i think i'm enjoying lemon scrub i think it's really apparent what it is how it how it how it works now we've got to get our domain name um so we need to search this we can just come into godaddy godaddy is honestly i struggle with it sometimes it's a little bit glitchy other domain providers is namecheap as well and we can just come into here so we can just search and you can see that it's a premium domain now that's good and bad at the same time so it is still available meaning you're probably not infringing on a brand name but at the same time we're not going to spend 1300 on a domain when we don't know that we don't have product market fit so um it's good that once we do the brand does work we can buy that domain we can invest in it and we can protect it the common tactic that people will use to make this domain cheaper is they'll just add a verb or something before the brand name so you could try try or lemon scrub even just get bit more descriptive lemon scrub cleaner um to kind of the problem is with that is you don't want your brand name you don't want your domain name coming too long because it kind of looks a little bit scammy so um we will try to get a little bit creative here let's just i think let's do just to try awesome i think that is okay try lemon scrub cool so we can just buy that domain name now just to make sure that it is covered so i'm just going to add this to the car next step is we need to do some competitive research okay joel you know in our chat talked about this a lot how he said you know you need to compile kind of an archive of what the competitors are doing where they're positioning things up um it goes deeper than just the colors you need to understand their copywriting as well and key information that they've got on their packaging is really really important so a few ways we can do this we've already done a bit of competitive research so we can just go to those competitors the other thing that we can do is just go to pinterest pinterest is awesome so i'm going to smash this out i'm going to grab all of their competitors labels i'm just going to put it all into this doc dock and that should really help us with our next step of going to canva and designing something and packaging design on pinterest is awesome there's just so many cool things whenever you need something you can see dirt our competitor there um well not really our competitor in this this business um you can just simply click on any of this that's closest to what we want oh i don't actually mind this interesting minimal design [Applause] frank bod is always pretty cool nice and minimal xeroco is also a really cool brand i think they're out of australia as well i think stuff probably um isn't as nicely designed as um well it's it's talking to a different demographic i think we want our design to be just a little bit cleaner um a little less busy let's grab this again really kind of supermarket design designed for mass market we're gonna make ours a little bit more minimal for social media so i'm going to grab the labels as well the only other thing that we could do that we probably haven't got good examples of is maybe we could get some logo examples from pinterest to really help guide our decision making i'm not going to do that now because i'm going to kind of let our upwork designer do do their own and i'm also going to show you a trick that i use to make sure that the logo in with our own design in canva really make sure that it fits the label um so it's a simple kind of workflow process to ensure that the logo fits the the label when using canva so i'm not going to get any more logo designs i think there is some couple of logos here um that i do actually like as well like this neat one's really cool i don't know if that brand's actually at market but they've done really well with that packaging so the next step is we really need to complete the copywriting that we need on this label now i'm not going to bore you with the compliance stuff like all of the the warnings but we do need kind of our main tag lines to put on the front of the label because otherwise what am i going to put on the label in canva so we've got lemon scrub has the title it's a multi-purpose cleaner it's a cleaning paste we can probably flesh that out a bit right like let's try to describe it a multi-purpose cleaner is vague lots of things are multi-purpose cleaners so let's call it thick and effective cleaning scrub that beats any let's do a bit of a line beats any grub if you use a creative agency they're going to really put this together in a much more professional way they can have all logo comparisons of the top 10 brands they will use you know some really creative copywriting as well it's not necessary when you first get started just get something that describes the product um and you know people are happy to buy it and then you can improve the branding from there so so perfect for the bathroom kitchen laundry or anywhere that has tough stains simply apply lemon scrubs zesty formula [Applause] scrub with a toothbrush or what else would they scrub with maybe a sponge and watch the stains wipe away so we're really trying to add a lot of descriptive language different synonyms for certain things like stains uh stains and you know grub um dirt kind of trying to add all of those in so i think i've just repeated stains twice so let's get a synonym for stains [Applause] this is probably where you would go to the competitor's reviews so you can go to the competitor's reviews and say okay they have a negative review that says this didn't work on my either stain or um this didn't get the the muck or something like that and try to copy the language that the customer bases are using is really kind of important so you know we've got smudge here let's do that a little bit let's go to amazon and we'll go to the pink stuff and we can go to the negative reviews that they've had greece um they talked about greece yeah a lot of see a lot of people are using the word greece i think that is a winning keyword that we can use i think i think that's a pretty good tagline perfect for the bathroom kitchen laundry or anywhere that has tough stains simply apply lemon scrubs zesty formula scrub with a toothbrush or sponge and watch the grease wipe away so that's kind of like in between instructions and also kind of the tagline that probably is the directions for use i think that is a really important thing to have on this cleaning label and you should think about it too is it's going to increase conversion rate if it's very clear where the product can be used um on the labels so because think about it if when we take product imagery on this we can put the packaging as that product image so if we clear up the the use case for the product um it's also going to be good so now i can get this from the supplier i can also do tests myself for my product to make sure that that it's good i think that's enough copy for me to show you how to put something together in canva even if you haven't got your color palette yet we can still go to it's just really really cool again not paid by canva i just think it's really really powerful for entrepreneurs that don't have big budgets so we're going to come into here and we're going to go label and as you can see we've got some really really nice designs here they do feel very homemade which isn't necessarily a bad thing but we do want something a little bit more commercial so if you're launching something that isn't a cleaning product that there isn't supermarket brands out there home home brand is is kind of okay even if you're trying to do something really wholesome as well um doing a home brand lobe logo is okay but we're competing against some big brands and you know people take their cleaning seriously they want something professional because you know there's there's a lot of other things that need to go into it um and they don't just want to buy cleaning products from from any old business so what i really want is just like a really kind of minimal logo i'm actually gonna i'm gonna try this one first and there's not much information on this logo so that's not good because we've got all these directions for use and stuff like that but let's just see if i can put something together so we've got our brand name lemon scrub now this is why i said don't design your logo first in canva because we basically can just turn this into our logo this lemon scrub here that's how we can guarantee that it's going to fit the design and composition of our label already so i actually kind of like that for a logo i probably would would fix the spacing a little bit so we can come up here and go line spacing just so it's a little bit more digestible um we can try capitals capitalize it all but i don't think it's going to look too good i actually don't mind that not too bad it really in your face it's going to be perfect for tick-tock so we can come up here let's see if we can get the composition right for these um for our information as well i'm going to come back here grab my multi-purpose cleaner now there's a lot of we probably could have found looking thinking about it now like there's so many examples in canva that kind of look like this design um and definitely this is probably more the design that we're looking at right now that really minimal easy to read that's got a bit more going on see those illustrations would need to get them drawn or find them in um find them royalty-free so let's see what we can make out of this cool so it's just become very very busy um and this is what i mentioned before that there just wasn't much going on with that logo and the simplicity was why i liked it but we might not be able to do it with all the information that we need i might just try simplifying it radio i think look it's not great but it is starting to take shape i like the minimal design rather than me spend a lot of time on this i'm actually just going to and i'm running out of time today i'm going to show you how to use up work because let's be honest they're going to beat us anyway i'm going to save this in here again if you have no budget learn how to do the labels yourself get them printed out on something like this to print if you you know if you really need to make a homemade product alternatively you're going to have your guidelines from your supplier you're going to send them the label they can format it and put it on your product if you have a bit more budget so all right over to upwork let's get a professional designer to help us upwork is where you can find um pretty much anyone to to help you with your business there's other platforms out there you've got fiverr um jobs jobs philippines and whatnot i like upwork because uh it's just it's basically what i just use for everything it's very easy to find uh people with good reviews it's a little bit more expensive than fiverr i think they vet their um people a little bit better i think with any whenever you're hiring people with uh overseas and freelancers it is really just about learning as always you know you're going to get absolute stars for an incredible price and then you're going to get really bad people at a fraction of the price because the amount that you learn about the person before you hire them is nothing compared to hiring a regular employee people can very easily convey information in a in a profile to kind of really push their their competency um compared to some other people that just might not be good communicators at writing like a profile whereas they're you know amazing employees like they just want to work really hard and whatnot so it is really hit and miss this is why i actually recommend when you're on upwork to trial you know three or four people at once um that way you can really tell straight away who who who is a winner so i'm just going to sign in so i'm in my upwork profile now you've got to sign up yourself now we can just come into post a job and we're looking for short time uh short-term or part-time work not designated long-term work we're just looking for a designer we need to write an enticing job post um don't keep this too basic you really want to sell the position freelancers are just like um anyone else they want to be sold on the vision they want to understand more about you before committing this is how you're going to find a players you can't just say okay this is you know a international freelancer and they're not going to care who they work for that's just not true you need to put some time and effort into this so we're going to do exciting packaging label design i'm just keyword stuffing a little bit there it's coming up with the correct job category i'm just going to go next packaging design label and packaging design packaging that should be okay a small job less than one month we really do want an expert in in graphic design i would say ali right we can do it not ready to set an hourly rate in case you don't know now we need to sell the the vision it's very much like i remember in the first episode we told us our the supplier that like we know what we're doing we've got a big brand um we're excited to work with you blah blah blah to really um make sure that we get the a players as i said so i'm going to describe the job [Applause] [Applause] probably go into more detail here but basically all i've said is we run one of australia's biggest e-commerce groups we're looking for a new cleaning pro we are launching a new cleaning product which needs a label and logo design so you know we need to specify that we do need both the label and the logo um we'll provide you with branding guidelines copy examples designs we like we need a logo and label delivered within seven days we currently don't have typography picked so just trying to get a little bit of information and and and kind of explain that we know what we're doing we're basically going to post the job now and it should come to a screen where we can now actually invite freelancers this is where things get interesting so i actually like really like these tabs down here um where it kind of gives you the top percentile that these people are in i've had good track record looking at that the problem is there's so many different ways to kind of explain what they do so something like this you know what's the difference between say for example label and package design and package design you know top five percent one percent it probably is no difference anyway we can go into and start inviting these people now they all should have portfolios they are designers if they do not have a portfolio do not invite them to the job you just can't know what they're what they're doing we probably actually can come into here we can set filters okay so i think for a designer um you do not need native or bilingual english what i mean what that means is you know they're fluent in upwork probably doesn't mean fluent to be completely honest there's a lot of people in upwork that they can speak okay english but they get diagnosed they they get um described as fluent and that's simply because they've said that they're fluent and then there's lots of reviews that where people haven't said that otherwise so therefore they can kind of keep that fluent um description so if you do want someone that's really um important with the communication go to native and bilingual i think i'm okay with fluent and i only want to pay 10 to 30 us dollars for this job i think we can definitely get a designer in that range we can go down here now let's start opening up these profiles increase it to 10 000 earned meaning they've been around for a while 90 job right success rate is just really important this earned amount is probably less important than the job success rate um there's no reason why you can't go to a thousand dollars um i just want to make sure that they have had some clients so i can see that they have got a couple of good reviews so now we can invite a person we can say we can tweak this messaging a little bit i probably recommend that you do just so that they understand what you're looking for send about as many invitations as you can from up work take your time here make sure you get the right people now when you hire someone you can have the choice to allow manual tracking or automatic tracking sometimes the tracker can affect the freelancer's uh computer so a lot of them will try to push out of that honestly i really don't like allowing a freelancer to do manual tracking i like to be able to track them working on the projects you can then go in make sure that they're working for you you don't have much budget so you need to be watching every single dollar spent really kind of start chatting to them about the project scope ask them how many um iterations they can offer all of those kind of things provide them the brief they should be able to do up something a little bit more professional than your your canva design i'm gonna go away do this in my own time so next week we can compare my label versus theirs i can guarantee you it's going to be better but then we can send that off to the supplier or get it done on say like vistaprint or something like that stick it to the product and we can then shoot our content and actually start building a website which is pretty exciting so i hope you enjoyed today's episode i think it was a good introduction to branding obviously it's a complete art form in itself but you know what we're trying to do is get a product to market so hope it i hope it helped um make sure you like and subscribe and i'll i'll see you next week cool
Channel: Davie Fogarty
Views: 229,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a brand, branding strategy, davie fogarty, how to build a million dollar brand, how to design a logo, how to select a colour palette, davie, fogarty, david fogarty, oodie, the oodie
Id: w8aRSLYbu0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 32sec (4592 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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