How to Browse the Internet Anonymously

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maltaphntm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh gods no! They suggest VPN + Tor! Specifically because they suggest that your data isn’t encrypted to the first hop, which it IS. Jesus Christ we’ll be buried in more VPN questions for ages again!

Edit: or maybe not, maybe I was premature. This is still gonna suck. They do recommend VPN + Tor but briefly backtrack it in relation to just Tails specifically.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Liquid_Hate_Train πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

2:36 and 2:37 are images right from boum :) but about 3:05 he makes the mistake of saying he pairs a VPN with Tor to make the jump, which will lead users to think that Tails and VPN. About 6:03 he says PIA actually recommends to not use a VPN from within Tails, and that neither test computers were using a VPN for "worst case" and "best case" anonymous browsing. I think he does a decent job saying Tails shouldn't use a VPN.

Seems that his use case for this use is specifically for private browsing as well, say trying to find a flight or buy something online without being tracked.

Edit: didn't mean to post

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/averyminya πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's open with the most important thing to take away from this video simply switching on incognito mode or private browsing is not enough to keep your data safe online also just because you aren't doing anything illegal doesn't mean that no one is after your personal information and that there's no benefit to staying private thing is guys these days pretty much everyone and their dog is out to get your browsing data and that's not tinfoil hat paranoid delusional stuff the main reason is that companies and other organizations like political parties want your eyeballs glued to their message and the data that they get from your behavior online helps by giving them an advantage when they serve up those juicy ads everywhere that you frequent the good news is that staying private online is actually less difficult than you might think and pretty much anyone can do it so let's go through some easy strategies starting with one of our favorites using a VPN like private Internet access for those of you new to VPN or virtual private networks they take in your data encrypt it then send it through their network of servers before forwarding it to the destination country of choice when the VPN sends your data out into the world towards the intended destination it decrypt the data and makes it look like the data originated from that exit point rather than your computer so whether you're torrenting or looking up content that might generate embarrassing ads in your browser the next time someone sits down at your computer we consider a VPN an essential part of staying safe online with that said while a VPN does secure your data in some ways making it so your ISP can't tell what you're doing and allowing you to circumvent most firewall blocks when your information leaves the VPN network it's all still there and can be used to track you so a VPN is just one of the tools in our belt now let's talk about the onion router or tor as some of you know it we've actually covered tor before but summary version goes a little something like this The Onion Router isn't a physical router like you'd think of plugging in in your home rather it's an internet networking protocol that's integrated into the Tor web browser and it's designed to anonymize the data relayed across it so it keeps your online activity anonymous by encasing your traffic in multiple layers of encryption then sending it through a number of nodes that peel back those layers one at a time this makes it difficult if not impossible for snoops to see your webmail search history and other online activity now tor is also imperfect and leaves us vulnerable until our traffic reaches its network that's why we're using our PI a VPN to mask that initial jump now thing is using a VPN can actually lead to issues if you are specifically being hunted by some government agency because your traffic will have a predictable exit point but for most people whose goal is to thwart more casual surveillance and advertisers this vulnerability isn't that important now incognito mode which by the way isn't useless plus a VPN and tor is pretty good and probably enough for most people but since we're going for the ultimate private set up we're going to take things a step further with our secret weapon the hey there it is super secure password the linux-based tails is the operating system equivalent of your weird uncle after too many drinks it's designed to forget everything it ever heard or saw the entire OS is built around the Tor protocol and runs all Internet traffic through the Tor network not just your browser traffic one of the other key benefits of tails is that the OS essentially runs off of your computer's RAM so once you turn off the system poof any data that was lingering on it is gone and there's nothing to your identity to the last browsing session another advantage of this solution is that you can take it with you and launch it on nearly any computer with a USB port so then now we are ready to browse the web anonymously almost the first thing you'll probably notice about the tor browser is how similar it looks to firefox and that's not by accident it's because it is Firefox just set up to use the Tor protocol and that's nice because it makes configuring all these little tweaks pretty familiar and straightforward so in no particular order regardless of our browser choice we want to make sure that JavaScript can't run we want to install the privacy badger extension to stop trackers and provide ad blocking and we want to set our default search engine to DuckDuckGo for what I hope would be fairly obvious reasons so then now we are fully ready to both browse the web and stick it to the man at the same time let's do a few tests here to see what that looks like so we've got two machines for our side-by-side test a completely vanilla one running Windows and using Google and then our tails Linux one with the tor browser now something to note is that we're not actually using a VPN on either of these machines because here we're trying to get a representation of the worst case scenario and here P ia actually doesn't recommend using their VPN from within tails although they do have a free proxy included with your account which they do say could be a good idea depending on what it is you're trying to achieve so let's go ahead and search for Expedia ok first hit is this one Expedia dot CA so immediately our location has been anonymized and also Expedia blocked us from even accessing their site that's cute did we know that was gonna happen expedia blocks tour let's try a different provider we can't tell if you're a human I'm human Xperia t3 it's like pretty sure I'm a bot hey taking it sweet time three freakin CAPTCHAs no we're good all right let's find a friggin flight here New York departing tomorrow okay let's do a quick search matter CH now we haven't actually been researching flights and hotels so there may not be much benefit in terms of pricing to anonymizing any of this but there's only one way to find out all right so we're looking at 699 dollars Canadian round trip and 347 pounds let's do a quick conversion there 556 I just saved a hundred and forty five dollars this is the same damn flight and it's over a hundred dollars cheaper includes taxes and fees including taxes and fees yep yep yep apples to apples you have ear to ear first Expedia hates Canadians now let's do another fun little test let's go to what is my IP comm that is in fact our IP and over here my public IP is some nonsense I've never seen or heard of before and I'm apparently based in Bessel bsch where the devil is that Switzerland now let's do another fun little test let's go on a popular shopping website like say now let's shop for let's say video cards maybe a rock phantom Radeon seven what's a site with really really obnoxious ads what's that one that based in Australia that's like super obnoxious tweaked out tweaked out thanks Luke alright and let's have a look at what kind of ads are lurking for us on the page ho ho what do we have here Vancouver to London Vancouver to New Delhi Vancouver to Lima and Vancouver to San Salvador shockingly they didn't manage to come up with any graphics cards ads which was sort of what I was going for here but I think we've made our point as for this well it looks like they're not getting any ad revenue from us which of course we feel pretty badly about as an ad-supported enterprise ourselves but at the very least we are not being tracked across the internet which is the only reason that we enabled the ad blocking on this particular one in the first place you can of course anonymize your browsing significantly without blocking ads altogether just saying so for fun we're gonna disable both privacy badger and you block origin and reload this page so there's our ads but as you can see they are completely irrelevant so we've got some scarlet audio interfaces in whatever language this is an ad for the stream deck excel that's an English at least an ad for Corsairs hydroxy Rees liquid cooling so there you go so that was a pretty compelling demonstration of the benefits of private browsing but it has some clear disadvantages as well now this machine on the right is actually faster than the one on the left but you guys might have noticed that browsing from within tales using the tor browser was slow as hell that's because the more hops you go through the more latency you're adding to the connection also some of the creature comforts that we've gotten used to on the modern web things like shopping carts that remember all the things that you added to them or websites that remember that you logged into them so you don't have to enter your password every time that stuff ain't gonna work over here also something to bear in mind guys is that no matter what you do it is going to be imperfect this was fairly basic guide and privacy browsing is a rabbit hole and a half furthermore even on a properly set up machine while you're browsing and searching and almost all of your internet usage might be basically invisible nothing is bulletproof because the weakest point in the entire chain exists between the keyboard and the chair you and I are human and we are nothing if not creatures have had it and if someone is trying to find you your habits are likely to end up being the thing that gives you away with all of that said though for the vast majority of use cases following either of the methods that we laid out here should obscure your data footprint enough to make it nearly useless for advertisers and other parties speaking of advertisers this video is brought to you by PI a private intern private Internet access supports a variety of VPN protocols and types of encryption and authentication allowing you to dial in the level of privacy that you need they've got apps for Windows Mac OS Android Linux and Google Chrome and you can connect up to five devices at once using a single account their apps include DNS leak protection and ipv6 leak protection as well as their internet kill switch feature which blocks all traffic if the VPN becomes disconnected unexpectedly so check it out today at LM GGG / p ia - - we're gonna have that links down below so thanks for watching guys if this video sucked you know what to do but if it was awesome hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the video description link below also down there is our merch store it has a cool shirts like this one join our community forum it looks like that or like that if you're in the tor browser well
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,548,386
Rating: 4.8846121 out of 5
Keywords: vpn, guide, private, browsing, ads, adblock, internet, tor, tails, pia, netflix, content, restriction, bypass, how to be anonymous surfing the internet
Id: YNp4OqdxHWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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