How to Braze

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm the senior instructor at the Johnstone Supply training center in Fresno today we're going to discuss a little bit about brazing and about the proper techniques contrary to Prior belief a lot of guys do it wrong there's only one real way to set up your torch and one proper brazing technique that's truly internationally acceptable there's a lot of ways that are uh close and work but today we're going to discuss the proper methods and hopefully give you a few tips okay first topic we want to cover is that we want to thermally protect our devices such as our TXV our our King valves on our condenser any of the brass components or any other components that we don't necessarily want to overheat that might have O-rings and we don't want to do any internal damage to them there's several methods out there there's thermal paste there's sprays I'm a little old school I like to use the bucket full of water with a wet rag and I'll wrap it around and cover my devices and we also want to talk about we won't be doing it for the purposes of this video but we will normally want to be purging nitrogen through here to keep our copper nice and clean on the inside the first step we want to do in setting up your torch set is we want to go and turn on the acetylene and I only recommend we give that thing about a quarter turn and we want to leave the wrench on for safety in case we have to shut it off in a hurry it's real quick so but for now we'll go ahead and turn that back on and we're going to go ahead and open our fuel which is the red hose on the torch tip we're going to go ahead and crank that open and then we are going to dial this in to exactly five and we're good there we're going to go ahead and open our oxygen tank and this one we can go ahead and open half or all the way uh I usually just go ahead and open it all the way just to be done with it and then we're going to do the same thing here and this is our green hose on our torch tip we're going to go ahead and open that one up and we're going to dial this one in to precisely 10. and it's important that we do this with the valves on the torch tip open so that we're getting true pressure first thing we want to do is we want to bring our acetylene on and we want to bring that on about a quarter turn at least many of you guys have had that experience where you don't open it far enough when we get that black sit that comes out and we don't want to do that it dirties up the torch tip and the homeowners don't appreciate it so we want to turn our acetylene on we want to go ahead and give that about a quarter turn we want to strike it and then at that point we're going to dial it in and the the visual that you want is you want to start to see it smoke or you want to just stop seeing the smoke right at that smoke point is our Optimum acetylene uh volume so then we're going to go ahead and bring in our oxygen and we're going to dial it back and we're going to dial it back till we get a neutral flame which is our Optimum temperature and our Optimum torch setup for brazing copper [Music] it is very important that we heat the cup we want to heat the Cup draw the sofas in we're not so worried about heating the pipe you can heat it a little bit but it's more important that we heat that cup and draw the sofas in this is a filler metal thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign and for those of you that are interested we do offer a very intensive very Hands-On brazing course here at the Johnstone Training Center where we offer Real World experience for your real world career [Music]
Channel: Johnstone Supply Orion Group Training Center
Views: 22,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q_h4M3VdshM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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