How To Box An Aggressive Fighter [Must Watch!]

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what's going on guys your boy coach Anthony and none other than fast Eddie Chambers and today we're going to give you tips on how to box an aggressive fighter and of course I'm gonna have a bonus tip so you're gonna need to watch the video all the way to the end and every single tip in this video is extremely important and some of them tie in one or two tips are in a tip so make sure that you watch every single tip don't try to just skim through the video because you're going to miss something very important let's go okay so the first tip I'm gonna give you is going to be kind of like a common sense tip but it's very important is you need good defense okay because if you don't have good defense eventually when those punches start coming at you and they start swarming at you with those aggressive punches you're gonna get hit so guys see that you have to be ready to react because an aggressive guy is eventually going to get close to you and when he gets close to you you need to be able to defend so the first tip when you're boxing an aggressive guy is make sure you have good defense okay another important tip that's going to bounce off the last tip which is have good defenses you need to stay relaxed okay because if you start to get real fidgety and panicky when a guy's being aggressive and you're and you're just what's gonna end up happening is you're just gonna either you're gonna tie yourself out you're gonna get hit with shots That You Don't See coming because you're not relaxed when you're in a relaxed State you see the punches coming you're able to counter and react the way you're supposed to it's like anything right like if you if you start getting you know over overwhelmed with anything whether it's a task of the day in your own regular life right all of a sudden it's a lot harder than if you just took a step back relaxed analyzed the situation so tip number two is stay relaxed okay now this one right here is gonna seem a little bit crazy right because when you're boxing an aggressive guy you know you might hear this and say well hold on does that make me the aggressor but the fact is is you want to be first okay so you want to be first with your jab you wanna the jab is a really good one to be first with right so if I'm being aggressive Eddie starts banging starts popping his jab you see what I'm saying I'm stepping to you Papa Jack bang see the jab can be used as an offensive a defensive move a measuring stick you know the job has many different purposes right so the first thing right there is be first with your jab right bang okay snap that thing bang so I'm a real jab dirty bang okay boom he said he got a hell of a job now from there you can be first with your faints right so now he's jabbing whoa you say I thought he's gonna jab me see he feigning me right jabbing it bang bang so now now he's getting me to pay attention to what he's doing which now makes the aggressive guy not be so aggressive because he's starting to second guess because he don't know what's going to happen maybe off that's Jabs in those faints he puts together I don't know a one two five two put it together Jack hi Jag ah Let It Go of course you gotta Escape about it there right so that was just a quick little scenario but be first the whole key is use your combinations use your faints use your jab be first use your feet also to get in and out of range that's a hell of a tip right there make sure you use it okay the next tip is gonna be bouncing off for that tip is now we're going to keep them turning now a lot of you guys might say what does that mean I've heard guys say that before what's keep him turning basically keeps him turning is you don't want to stand in front for too long so let's just say Eddie's fainting and working his job now he's going to work it in that circular motion where bang bang I triple that thing on my head bang bang bang okay do it again go ahead bang bang okay so that's how it looks on the minutes but if I'm boxing if I'm being aggressive and he's working that jab around me bang bang bang bang bang bang There You Go he's popping that jab he's circling me he's not standing in front of me for too long if he stands directly in front of me and I'm the aggressive guy now he's given me opportunities to eventually slide something through the defense or whatnot so keeping a god turning simply means just not standing in front for too long either going in a circular motion to the left going a circular motion to the right now what you don't want to do is run frantically okay you just want to make sure you're not standing in front for too long so what you do is you just step around your guide but as you're establishing good punches is a very good way to keep a guy turning keep them off balance and it really frustrates an aggressive fighter okay so now we're gonna basically go into the next tip which is going to be use the footwork when needed it's really bouncing off the last tip but I just want to talk a little deeper into the situation right so Eddie is simply you know he's keeping me turning now bang bang right good triple that thing right bang bang There You Go jab bang jab right bang but let's just say I'm starting to catch his rhythm his timing and I cut him off and I aggressively try to cut them off Eddie's going to use the footwork when needed okay now look he stopped he was ready to shoot again so basically what I'm saying is there's going to be times that you're gonna have to get the hell up out of there when you're boxing an aggressive guy I mean a perfect person to see who did this fantastically was Floyd Mayweather Floyd Mayweather would you know fight in the pocket at times use upper body movement at times but then there there was times where you would literally see him circle out and get out of there and and do these things and it's very important that you know when to use the footwork the problem is guys who overuse the footwork and eventually Tire themselves out and they're never set the punch and that's what you don't want to do so there's a fine balance of using footwork when needed and overusing your footwork so you don't want to retreat you don't want to run because it's not that you're in fear you're just being smart Okay so that's the next tip use the footwork when needed okay so now let's move into the next tip so we've already been talking about turning our opponent using the footwork when needed well what happens when the guy finally gets right here you know what I'm saying on top of him pause right we're gonna sit there okay yeah we're not gonna react all right we're gonna move on quick today on that all right but what do you do now well there's something called Captain counter and now this ties into the first tip where I said you need to have good defense so when you're catching the best thing to do against an aggressive guy is the counter in between his punches right so maybe I'm here and I'm here and now because of the hook bang okay so now I'm being aggressive I'm forgetting that he's punching back see the problem with aggressive Fighters a lot of times is they forget that the guy that they're fighting is punching back and and if you've seen a lot of guys who are overly aggressive that's typically how they get knocked out trying to be way too aggressive so this is going to tie into the next tip which is going to be punch hard when you catch encounter okay don't catch counter and slap your punches so I'm here here damn thing all right so put it together nice bang okay so now or maybe I come here up a cup bang I put something on it Bang all right but listen the point is make them respect your power because when they're in there and they're punching and they're forgetting that you punch back when you hit them off them catches in them counters and you rip a hard shot that could be the shot to knock them out all right so catch counter and make sure your authoritative with it punch hard okay so basically another very important tip when fighting an aggressive guy is be willing to fight on the inside with them okay because it's like anything in life if I can use this as like if we were in school the aggressive guys like the bully in school and if you don't stand up to the bully they just keep bullying you and bullying you right at some point you have to say yo I'm not I don't care I'm like I'm willing to fight so once I get on the inside with Eddie and Eddie presses back and shows me now he's willing to work also now we're gonna find out a few things and if you have those other skills that I've talked about earlier like good defense catching and countering fighting on the inside you're not gonna Panic okay and then to tie into another thing you can do when you're on the inside which I'm not really going to sit here and explain how to fight on the inside I have a whole course on it is Eddie can simply step in and smother so now Eddie's here now what am I going to do okay there's a few places where you're safe in boxing okay the two places in my opinion that you're safe from boxing all the way on the outside okay or all the way on the inside these are the two get even closer than that get even closer these are the two safest places because Eddie can stop my offense on the inside by pressing his weight on me and he can also prevent getting hit by being completely on the outside world when you're fighting an aggressive guy those are the two places you're gonna try to be right you're going to either try to be completely out of range where they can't get those aggressive shots off or you're going to be completely in range and just using your physicality to stop that and while you're in there you need to give them a reason to respect you so you're gonna have to catch encounter you're going to have to have good defense in there where when he's punching he's getting discouraged you're gonna have to smother a little bit you're gonna have to tie him up a little bit you're gonna have to let them know that you're willing to fight okay so be willing to go on the inside with the aggressive guy okay so the next tip is gonna be now this is gonna sound crazy right because I just told you to go on the inside I just told you to catch and counter but see what I'm trying to explain to you guys is different things that you can use you're going to need several tools when you're fighting different styles of boxing you're going to need all the tools I've been saying this from the beginning you need all the tools you just need to know which tools to pull out of one situation so I just said be willing to fight on the inside right that doesn't mean I'm telling you to fight on the inside with the aggressive guy because maybe that's a poor choice okay so if he gets you to the ropes the next tip is stay off the ropes okay now we're not using a boxing ring right now I'm wearing a boxing gym but we're you know set up here but let's just say there's some ropes right here right and Eddie is on the ropes now he can use different techniques to get off the ropes you know what I mean as soon as his back foot touches the ropes that could be his indication to just circle out okay that's an old school uh traditional thing right you know as soon as you feel that back foot on the ropes you know to get you left the right another one could be you know maybe he catches one and then he drops and he gets the hell out of there okay we talk about that in the defensive principles one-on-one and different stuff we're not going to get into that right now or maybe the catch encounter that we talked about earlier hack bang oh there you go that's one go ahead bang bang and then of course get the hell up out of there bang bang and then he's out of there you know this different things he could do to get off the ropes right maybe I'm getting in close and he just steps in smothers and ties me up boom and now he walks me to the center he's off the ropes okay there's different things he could do we're not going to get into all the specifics but these are the things that you can do but the thing you don't want to do is lay on the ropes with an aggressive guy somebody who's aggressive by Nature because that's when they're gonna thrive and now you're giving them what they want you know what I'm saying imagine laying on the ropes of Mike Tyson just imagine that like would you want to lay on the ropes of Mike Tyson not a place you want to be okay and everybody who's ever beaten Mike Tyson they knew not to go there and what did they do they established their job they kept them turning they tied them up when needed they did the things necessary to prevent the aggressive guy from being successful so laying on the ropes big no no don't do it okay and since you got stuck around to the end we're gonna give you the secret bonus tip and that is drum Road let's go let's go let's go in back your opponent up you be the aggressor okay so if I'm trying to be the aggressor now all of a sudden Eddie's coming at me and I'm the one having a backup a lot of the times the aggressor doesn't know how to go backwards they only know how to go forwards okay they want to go in a straight line they want to go right to you and now all of a sudden you're forcing them to fight in a manner that they're not used to so you're testing them you're testing their boxing IQ so to speak and usually it's limited and that's why they're usually so aggressive because they don't have no other option so they just decide to go now that doesn't go for every aggressive fighter but it's in a lot a lot of cases that's why they're so aggressive and a lot of times just personality traits if you can go ahead and back them up you can have some success with them as well so again this is just another tip another strategy that you may have to implement if other strategies aren't working okay so that's the one thing you want to understand about the bonus tip that I'm giving you right now I'm not Stampede aggressor I'm just saying if you find a moment in the fight where you might want to test that test it because you never know they might go backwards and you might find out something say oh he can't fight going backwards and now it's time to go get them all right so there you go that's your bonus tip and there you have it guys those are tips on how to box an aggressive fighter if you guys want more tips make sure you go to the description links below I got the ebook on there I got the newsletter on there I put out weekly tips in the newsletter is something you definitely want to be subscribed to and if you want more in-depth help from me or from any of my courses check out coachanthony you already know boxing life and if you want to learn how to box a fighter who moves a lot hit that video right there hit that video right there it's a really good video and I'll see you in that video
Channel: Coach Anthony
Views: 91,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, boxing, mma, floydmayweather, canelo, egg, boxing tutorials, coaching, how to win a fight, mma on point, how to beat a pressure fighter boxing, how to beat a pressure fighter, pressure fighter, boxing techniques combinations, boxing techniques for beginners, pressure fighters boxing, how to fight a pressure fighter, boxing techniques mike tyson, boxing techniques for short fighters, boxing techniques at home, how to fight an aggressive fighter, coach anthony boxing
Id: Gcs-wuz9Bg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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