How To Become PRISON BOSS In VIRTUAL REALITY (Prison Boss VR Funny Gameplay)

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so here we are in the nighttime the prison guards are coming but we are finally able to craft the secret item is it gonna help us we're gonna find out okay join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video hey guys sound welcome back to the first ever prison in a prison boss VR we are here in the new boss mode that's right today in the virtual reality whoa Hey look at that what are you doing fairy Bobby are you want to go to the nighttime we'll do that any moment but first guys today we will become the ultimate boss in the brand new mode of this game so we are gonna jump into the nighttime and I want all of you guys to leave a like to the video right here right now and check this out so in the boss mode we start with a different item in a different prison and with a different duration so Patrick our good salesman is gonna come around and he wants items but it's a little bit different and I'll show you guys what is going on guys we gotta watch out for the prison guards okay yes I know the prison guards are coming so in the nighttime we can of course craft items I have just crafted this little rope which we will sell to Patrick so let's go back to the daytime and then all we got to do is wait for Patrick to arrive there he is you are looking beautiful as always my friend now it's a little bit different we have two complete jobs and instead of well you'll find out okay well look at this every material and every tool and even every bit of furniture for our prison is locked that is super weird so let's go ahead and figure out how to unlock more stuff okay so let's go ahead and complete a job for that we need to make more rope now this is really cool because at the end of this prison adventure we will be the ultimate prison boss so we made another rope just like last night the only difference is I've got some more money so let's go ahead and what hold on again I go back to the day time and complete that job let's go ahead and complete the job if they see me rollin okay we get a gift all right what kind of gift this better care for us you earn seven skill cards this is something that we have never used before so instead of completing a job and getting like more materials and stuff from it we can now use the skill cards kind of currency to unlock various items so let's go ahead and unlock the paper and also the tobacco because then oh I have an achievement unlocked brand new product now we should be able to make new stuff so this is what makes the boss mode so special we can craft into infinity and unlock every skill card meaning that we will be the biggest most awesome prism boss of all time so the last few times that we escaped out of the prison I thought we were a pretty cool guy you know crafting all this stuff and finding new ways to escape the prison well this time guys it's gonna be completely different it is gonna be more crazy than ever before but in order to achieve massive craziness we first have to achieve some nice sales okay so we gotta go ahead and turn in another rope and come on get in there buddy Oh guys tonight is gonna be a very very good night I am already super excited and I get this beautiful little cabinet thingy so right now we have one skill card I want to unlock the bottles and maybe also the apples but as you can see I need a lot more skill cards so tonight we are gonna make enough money to buy a bunch of rope and then we should be able to achieve or unlock a bunch of jobs wait a minute where are the prison guards yes I mean we've had some really short nights and it takes some time for the prison guards to arrive of course but I haven't seen a single one yet so now we are crafting as these guys I don't like this stuff I think it is gross okay but hey my fellow prisoners and maybe even the prison guards they like it so I guess they can use it right I'm just a middleman okay I'm just a craftsman all I want is some of their juicy Prison money oh oh oh here we go there is the first prison guard guys we gotta watch out for that guy although since this is the first prison kind of the easiest prison it's pretty easy to watch them come okay so let's go ahead and hide this carefully in my drawer because the prison guard he's right over there yeah he knows that I'm up to something okay day five already and they're silly prison guard he's gone hey Patrick you missed your buddy the prison guard now let's go ahead and complete another mighty job or what POW there we go do we get the same job oh it's a different job so let's go ahead and sell all of this stuff because that is not for a job requirement oh and it's cheap now so this is gonna be the biggest trade so far or yes you know what I'm just gonna shovel that right into my drawer so next night we should be able to have enough money to actually complete two jobs at once which is gonna be completely crazy because after all the jobs are the real gain suitcase so here we go we're gonna make a nice little laugh let's call this a production thingy okay so I'm just gonna put that right on here so they're gonna work hey there Jeffery how you doing buddy oh you guys know what Jeffrey got locked up for huh whoo he did some horrible stuff he went to the supermarket and he tried all the samples without buying anything Jeffery is the kind of person you don't want to meet okay if you run into him in the street oh boy he's gonna steal eyes samples and then probably your soul there we go easy PC back to the daytime Oh guys I am super excited to meet with Patrick fighting buddy let's check this out okay so I forgot to make the rub oh my oh my oh my I am so stupid well we're just gonna pretend like that didn't happen okay guys just just just give me a moment okay I'm just gonna close these drawers I'm just gonna tell Patrick to a get out of here and I'm gonna jump correctly into the nighttime oh I feel so stupid don't worry guys nothing happened okay nothing happened we didn't see that we're gonna see that any comments about that okay gosh prisoner James in the house right oh how can I be so cool too cool for school and then I forget something like this huh all right here it comes the second robe this is enough for two jobs which is gonna be awesome so we just kind of carefully put this onto here because we still have to complete all these jobs to become the ultimate prison boss and well to get out of this stupid prison right oh boy here comes the first guy trying to ruin my evening oh no no mr. Asser guy that's not gonna happen because after all I am the fastest prisoner last time when they locked me up in the first prison I was a noob I was the green guy well not anymore I'm not I am a prison of boss or at least we will be soon right also guys in the next video we will try to use Barbie and after that we will try some hex in the prison so definitely be sure to subscribe if you haven't already but for now we are testing out the new boss mode check that out that is more money than we have seen in the entire videos so far and it's only gonna get better boom we get a new present so we know what's inside oh nine skill cards so I still have one rope in there and then I got these guys as well let's go ahead and complete this job oh and now we need six of them I got only one remaining here we go for another big-boy trade and very nice indeed but now we got well ten of them right not seven it's ten of the skill cards so let's see what we can unlock with that I'm thinking we can unlock the bottle or the Apple or the metal but let's go for the bottle and the Apple and there is no time to waste there is only time to craft away like a boss so this is gonna be the biggest night so far we're gonna have to craft a lot of stuff meaning that for the first time in this prison the prison guards are gonna be very very close to us although I do wonder what is downstairs cos there's some really freaky looking prisons over there and when we can use our hex we will check them out okay but that is for later now it is time to become a prison boss so I got a lot of paper to add tear up this time I can't actually tear up the paper I don't know if you guys saw those last few videos yeah it didn't work out so well for me okay just got to put some of this stuff on there no problemo that's not even okay well there is a prison guard but that's okay he won't see me do this anyway right actually change the plan change the plan put this stuff away put it away fast put it away faster than I can think okay where is he he's getting closer he is getting much closer actually but let's see if he stops over there or if he keeps on going no I think he's chilling all right we can't keep on crafting although I gotta keep my eyes peeled it gotta make sure that he doesn't catch me doing this I'm looking at his flashlight okay he's coming he's coming let's put it away oh yes I saw you officer Johnson yeah you think you're faster well you gotta be a whole lot faster to be prisoner James insert dramatic music turn tune tune and if it isn't mr. nosy huh this guy followed me through all four of the prisons and now he is a bag yeah I don't think so mr. nosy you will not catch me okay although he is pretty fast so I gotta watch out oh my he's waiting no way what happened to mr. nosy huh he used to be so nosey ish oh no no that's not mine that's not mine oh my goodness mr. nosy just caught me that's not good at all you got caught what did he steal from me okay we still get this stuff we still get this stuff all he took was I don't even know just one paper right who okay that was a pretty spooky but it's okay guys it's totally fine let's see if we can't go ahead and unlock another job so we are gonna put in the stuff do I have enough for two oh I think so guys this is gonna be beautiful anyway we're gonna go ahead and complete this job and we're gonna get more skill cards we get another 9 of them all but guys this time we need a lot more stuff oh I have enough this is amazing I have exactly enough to complete another job I can't believe it here we go another one and here we have the first new ingredient that we can use to craft some drinks and apple pie and all the good stuff but first we need to complete some more stuff okay and since this thing is so expensive I'm actually gonna go ahead and sell it so I can buy some more paper Oh No are you won one money short just kidding guys I got it figured out here we go we got the perfect amount of stuff for the perfect night of crafting mmm get out Patrick that's right back to the night time back to the night time back to the night time hi yes it's another beautiful night another beautiful opportunity to create beaut for items I do wonder if this is gonna be enough to complete two jobs that would be absolutely amazing Oh Oh yep this is what I mean Oh No oh my goodness does he see this don't look no what skill cards oh are you kidding me is the Rope still here they took all the rope well guys I would say that this was the biggest fail of my entire life Patrick I don't even need to see you honey ah all right fine I'll fist bump you buddy I cannot believe this okay welcome to how not to become a prison boss don't leave your skill card Saudi prison kids that is a bad idea all right we're gonna go ahead and crack it's day 10 it's Friday it's summer so I'm gonna look at it from the bright side okay we can still go ahead and complete a job right over here and we will get an awesome bunch of stuff a whopping ten of these nasty boys and we are gonna go ahead and complete this job look at that we get a bottle guys this is gonna be super awesome I've made enough money so that we can make an alcoholic beverage believe it or not guys check this out I have made enough money so that we can now craft some alcoholic beverages so this is gonna be a really cool night let's check it out except that I don't have a fountain meaning that I don't have water meaning that I can't even make this stuff what am i doing crafting some more for the next job no problemo got quite a full drawer I mean those bottles are gonna be awesome okay we're gonna need those for some kind of advanced job just not quite yet okay and that's how you do it close it up at back to a better occasion guard is too slow yo we got a new achievement prison veteran I can't believe I spent a whopping 100 days in the prison I don't even know what it looks outside anymore but this time I do have everything that we need there we go let's go ahead and complete this looks like a juicy job right now I don't get to go for this one there we go very nice whoa whoa more bottles this is perfect apples are super cheap today meaning that I can get a whopping three of them oh this is gonna be so awesome cuz we're gonna use our skill cards to unlock the app what is it called the tab all right well where is it all right I still get it buy it and it costs a whopping thirty bucks well so much for that plan I guess but hey at least we got it thank you very much we're gonna place that book right over here so tonight we can finally craft the big-money stuff okay so here we are in the nighttime the prison guards are coming but we are finally able to craft the secret item is it gonna help us we're gonna find out okay so we got one two three apples meaning that we can make one apple juice and one alcoholic beverage but that second one actually has to ferment overnight so we can only sell the apple juice so we're gonna put two apples in the first bottle and then one Apple in the second bottle I'm gonna close the tap real quick doing a waste on your water okay think of the planet guys but now we're gonna shake it shake your chicken chicken real good yeah there we go aha that is the apple juice now for the alcoholic beverage you can see right this thing is completed but this guy it's still kind of moving and stuff so we're gonna put these guys away there we go and then going back to the daytime now we have the true moneymaker okay this is expensive stuff gasps Patrick believe it or not he is addicted to epizootic a48 bucker oh nice quickly skipped over one night we've made a lot of these things and look at this the alcohol has fermented so we can go ahead and sell that for an outrageous fifty five bucks oh my oh my that's paper everywhere what is happening well the paper has come to life guys this is gonna be my end in the prison oh he's coming he's coming faster oh I know it he is waiting he is waiting it's so good she guys closed closed please close oh my oh my said anything else oh my whoa whoa whoa that was really close okay it was close to closing but not quite close to closing close enough yet and two ropes why and now it's back to the daytime oh and it's mr. nosy huh he is too late now for the real question do we have enough for two jobs I mean this is more stuff than I think I've ever seen in any prison so let's go in and dump it in dumping dumping dumping we got a whopping 14 of these boys so that's one job and that is the second one haha we get more skill carts and we need that because we gotta crash some different stuff right at all if this stuff come from huh holy moly so in the next video we are going to use our final skill cards and we are going to make apple juice for one epic job but for now guys want to thank y'all so much for watching and I'll see you guys on the next birthday so five [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 743,896
Rating: 4.8855076 out of 5
Keywords: prison boss vr, prison boss vive gameplay, prison boss gameplay, prison boss vr gameplay, prison boss htc vive, prison boss vr htc vive, prison boss vr oculus, vr prison break, prison break vr, virtual reality prison simulator, prison simulator vr, prison boss game, family friendly, htc vive, vr, virtual reality, projectjamesify
Id: pSvOjU8ZU5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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