How to Become an SEO Writer and Get Paid: Build Your Own SEO Copywriting Career

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today many talented people are turning to the Internet to make money many of these people are thinking about writing and there is a terrific opportunity right now for those who have a passion for writing and are thinking about writing online to make money it's called SEO writing in today's video I'll give you an overview of how to become an SEO writer and get paid a lot of people still think that SEO writing means cheap poor low-quality or even bad treatment this is not true yes there are a few bad SEO writing clients just like for any industry but I've been running my own SEO content writing agency full-time since 2011 we've had the honor of working with some amazing SEO writing clients what many don't see is the opportunity that exists in SEO writing once you learn the skill the sky is the limit on who you can serve this is a real money-making skillset in today's video I'm going to teach you SEO writing techniques that you can apply to any client in any industry ready let's get started [Music] first what is a co-writing if you're completely new to this SEO stands for search engine optimized SEO writing is the process of writing putting together a piece of content that can be easily indexed and ranked in Google and found by a real human searching Google so for example a keyword that an SEO writer could get might look like how to find a labradoodle groomer in Austin Texas this is what is known as a longtail here volatile carrots are great because the search intent is usually pretty specific aka the person searching might be ready to buy and there's lower competition for longtail keyword so the carrot we just mentioned is a lot better than dog groomer you're more specific with your audience and there's less competition so an SEO writer getting this keyword from a client could turn this into a blog topic the ultimate guide on how to find your Labradoodle groomer in Austin Texas you can even add a numbered list in there to create a great headline and then they would write and create an amazing fun awesome blog post for Labradoodle owners they could feature a list of local groomers and maybe the client is one of those groomer so you could position the client in that list I see how content for this piece should be fun heartwarming engaging it should pull in dog owners and share interesting valuable tips for Labradoodle pet owners the SEO writer should be researching a Labradoodle owner they should know their interest and speak to that in the article and the entire piece must be optimized for the focus here that's just one example of SEO writing there are hundreds upon thousands of keywords blog topics that an SEO writer could create content for for a client so how is SEO writing different from all the other types of writing ad copy email coffee etc now in this video we're talking about good SEO writing good SEO writing is valuable helpful creative fun and bad SEO writing is none of those things and the sad truth is you'll find a lot of bad SEO writing out there and the good really sticks out which means there's even more of an opportunity because not all SEO writers aren't doing it right so here's how SEO writing differs from all the other types of writing number one SEO writing is usually created around one focus keyword that keyword becomes the topic and that SEO piece that article that blonde the web page needs to go in-depth around that topic so the focus keyword is pretty much your topic as an SEO writer getting keywords from a client doing a build a relevant content you need to create content that's naturally optimized around that focus keyword and then incorporates natural synonymous keywords you can easily get these anonymous hearers by dropping the focus keyword in Google's scrolling down and looking at the searches related to these phrases can be used to work as your sub headers which are also known as your h2s your h3 s your sub headers are like some topics that guide the reader down along content piece now it's okay to go you could get away with writing any old keyword stuffed content on the topic today not so much Google's algorithm favors quality expertise authoritative miss when it comes to content so an SEO writer must do research right with expertise on that topic and it needs to address the keyword from a thorough comprehensive level so if you're still scratching your head and you're like Joanna what do you mean by content focused around a keyword that then becomes a topic scroll with me through some google results and I'll show you what this looks like in action okay so you're at my computer with me I'm going to research this term how to become a constant marketing writer one of the best things you can do as an SEO content writer is to look at what's in google for the keyword you're writing and how can you do content that's actually better this is called a featured snippet whatever is ranking in the featured snippet is a great model and what we always want to ask is how can we create content that's better than what's in Google so this right away you can look at the date that's outdated so there's room to possibly create something that's more relevant that is several years old so we can create something that's potentially a lot more relevant but this is a good standard of something that's ranking in the top of Google for this keyword eight steps to make money as a content marketing writer so here are all the steps learn about content marketing what's interesting is all of these things link out to more contents that's actually pretty unique you don't normally see that in Google and sometimes I wonder why did this manage to rank in the top of Google when it's not the page that has all the content but Google looks at this as thorough comprehensive even if she structured it that each topic opens up in a new tab whereas I would probably put all the content on one page but still she created a ton of in-depth content and if he were to count up the content in all of these pieces you know this might be a 10,000 word guide easily so that's something at Google that's at the top for that topic another one is actually from yours truly content hacker com this is the piece I wrote it's a little bit more recent these stats are current right so we're looking at current statistics and this entire piece is about thirty-five hunter herbs so there's this is a really adept guy we start with a case study we have sub headers these are your h2s right here we've in-depth sub headers and then up here we have a table of contents that actually does not open a new tab it shoots you down to the place the article where I'm talking about that so we have five steps to become this type of writer a case study why content marketing strategy matters five types of content writers who hires these writers seven types of content you need to know and are these the writers of the future so this is good great SEO content and it's proven because it's in the top of Google right if Google thinks it's great if your readers love it but that is what great SEO content is it must be engaging like you can even see we used emojis this is not essay style this is broken up it's engaging copy images matter so you want a lot of images in a long-form blog like this gonna include images so this is a really good example of something that's ranking in the top of Google that is comprehensive let's look at something else ranking in the top of Google this is from Digital Marketing Institute com become a serious content marketer seven serious skills to conquer contouring is one of the most in-demand skills of the year a great way to open that blog statistics again however that one's not super relevant 2015 so you know if I saw this at Google that would give me the idea oh I could create something that's more relevant so you want to look for opportunities when you're scrolling these pieces these are good sub headers those are h2s so we have a list of seven here odd numbers often do better in headlines it's a psychological trigger for some reason we like odd numbers so that's a good example of content that yeah while it is a little I don't dated those seven skills are probably pretty timeless so a few takeaways from the content pieces we looked at number one keyword usage must be natural Google actually reads stock words now so if you're here it looks like dog grooming Austin Texas you don't actually have to use that grammatically incorrect here you can add a word like dog grooming in Austin Texas that my - the phrase that is perfectly acceptable in a sentence you can do that with keywords and Google will still read the keyword recognize the content piece and rank it as long as the rest of your content is factual topical in depth well researched all that good stuff the second takeaway is that most of the content at the top of Google for the keyword is pretty thorough and thorough usually means long-form a thousand words or more and that's why I'm always preaching long-form content even on my blog my average minimum is 2,000 words per blog since Google favors content that is in-depth on that topic well you really can't write in-depth content and stop with just 500 herbs the reader is probably going to have more questions on that topic so to truly be in depth you have to go long-form to answer all of those questions and make it a truly comprehensive piece that can earn a top three ranking in Google the second main point you need to know about SEO writing if you're looking to break into this learn it as a skill set is that on top of being optimized for a keyword it is engaging it's formatted well it's broken up with headers sub headers so the content is readable and it's never stuffy or essay style that's one of the biggest turn offs in online content fluff repetitive copy essay style writing your ear is going to be lost you basically have to unlearn essay writing if you want to learn good SEO writing take a look with me at some of the content that Shawn Mauro and his team have written John Mauro on smartphone or comm he is arguably one of the best bloggers in the world he has actually created some of the most read blogs ever online so he's a great model when it comes to engaging SEO writing and his blogs often rank in the top of Google for their keyword so as we're scrolling through these blog topics you can tell right away these are old style guides and that positioning if you write from that angle that often does really well in google for SEO high ranking results so look at this a list of 800 power words and the engagement was amazing he had almost 300 comments here's an ultimate guide on how to write a blog post in 2020 let's actually click on it and look at it so what's important to SEO writing is breaking up your content in fact look what they did they put a cliffhanger here this is not a period that's not what we learned in AP English in our college English classes but that is engaging to an online reader here's the thing what's the thing right I'm interested there are many tutorials that can teach you how to write a blog post they can educate you on the mechanics of blogging what's it in what not to do where you through them and you can learn how to craft a perfectly serviceable blog post that's an interesting word heck you might even write something that wins you an adoring fan or two but if you dream bigger if you want to know how to write a blog post that cuts through the noise and when Z legions of fans you need something better than a run-of-the-mill tutorial you need an ultimate guide in this post this ultimate step-by-step guide and then it goes on so it's not stuffy it's engaging and that's the thing about it see I'm writing you don't want to create something that's repetitive you know you don't want to create something from a surface level really dig deep use thesaurus thesaurus calm I always use it to come up with awesome words like you know adoring serviceable legions of fans those are interesting words and those are great triggers to keep a reader's brain moving as they're going through your content and then the rest of this piece it's a long guide you can tell from this this bar here the scroll bar right there's a ton of content and look how formatted it is so this is a sub header and then they also have additional headers so under a sub header there's tertiary headers these are these are your H threes they're still called sub headers but they're a different type they're below in the hierarchy of h2 h3 is below each - there's no paragraph that's long everything is broken up and that's a proven tactic method the keeps readers reading so you can safely say that none of John Rose content over at smart bloggers is essay style so that's a quick summary of what a co writing looks like and how to do it I teach an SEO writing course that goes a lot more in-depth on this topic where you can get access to me and my help you can check out that course at SEO writing course com you mean more hands-on guidance on this topic we have over 300 graduates in this course it's definitely worth considering okay so now that you have a general idea of how to go about SEO writing how do you get paid and get clients one of the easiest ways to get started it's just to create your own freelance profile you don't need a website you don't need a brand you can literally sign up and get started applying for gigs work immediately you can go to this is a marketplace where you can sign up as a writer and apply for gigs there are literally thousands of SEO writing gigs now this is going to be cheaper work but if you have no experience this is a great place to start you can also look up SEO writing jobs on and quest or com zip recruiters simply hired freelance or calm and even lengthen and my agency Express writers often hires SEO writers the caveat is that we do need experience and we look for that in our candidates but you can check to see if we're hiring by emailing me at HR and Express riders calm remember that the baseline pay rate is determined by the market in these places it's also based on your experience level the average of a marketplace like upper can be four cents a word but you can earn this with more experience way back in 2011 I started writing articles on up work at $5 each I don't recommend that even if you're inexperienced that's just way too cheap but it was excellent training grounds for me last but not least the second last way here that you can earn money as an SEO writer is to consider building your own brand as a freelancer solopreneur or even create your own team the best part of doing this is that you can build long-term trust and positioning in the industry concept marketing itself is worth over 400 billion dollars so this is definitely a viable market and the number one most often outsource activity in that industry is you guessed it content writing so there's a lot of room for more creators if you build a brand you can also niche down and do just what you love and turn away the rest some of my students have done this too massive success for example Monique over at proof mango comm all she does is proofread courses for a living she's actually used my SEO writing course to learn how to create SEO content she publishes SEO blogs which bring in her ideal traffic on autopilot so the best thing about the skill of SEO writing is that you can actually use it to build your own brand on top of offering it as a skill to your clients and then if you want to go deeper think about learning content strategy and the inner workings of content marketing if you're kind of nerdy you like data you might really enjoy that skill set - and kondo strategy consulting goes for a lot of money you could get paid double what an SEO writer could get paid Mary Anna over at Mariana Norton comm has used my pocket strategy and marketing course to go deeper and not just create content but consult her clients on the strategy behind it I teach that in my content strategy marketing course if you're looking to go deeper and add that skill set finally remember practice makes perfect this isn't a skill that you learn and get great at overnight it took me I would say at least five years of repetitive practice writing writing writing to get really good at SEO writing but ranks in the top of Google never stop writing learn all you can and this is definitely an achievable skill set in a growing market I hope that today's video helped don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more videos from yours truly I am an author entrepreneur constant marketer so I have a lot of different areas that I love to teach and share real practical knowledge on like on this video if you learn anything and let me know in the comments if you're doing SEO writing if you're about to go do it and let's inspire each other to rise higher and higher let's get paid doing what we love thank you for watching and I'll see you around
Channel: Julia McCoy
Views: 11,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become an seo writer, search engine optimization, seo, seo content, seo for beginners, seo content writing, copywriting, on page seo, content writing, how to rank in google, earn money online, work from home, seo writing, freelance seo writing, what is seo, how to write seo content, seo ranking, how to write seo friendly article, content writing tips, seo training, seo writing for beginners, seo content marketing, seo content writing tips, writing seo content
Id: KxEmiAgXpgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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