How to become a Fashion Historian

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hello everybody at arts emergency my name is amber art and I am a fashion historian now this means that I spend the majority of my time researching history researching the place of clothing in our past there in terms of roots of getting into this as a means of work there are a few different ways you can approach it you can study history and specialize in clothing and textiles or there are a few specific fashion history degrees that you can do around the country as well you can also work in various industries film costumes stage costume styling things like this all of this benefit from an understanding and a knowledge of the place of clothing in our past and I just wanted to say I know a few of you are having your education interrupted at the moment due to lockdown but please don't let it worry you too much I began my career by doing an English literature degree so completely different completely different to what I've ended up doing I went back to university to later date and did a master's degree in fashion history and culture so please even though it's very very important what you're doing now please don't think that it's somehow gonna impact you know the rest of your life or it's going to negatively impact your future careers you have got your whole lives ahead of you and there is so much more time for you to be doing what you want to do to discover what you want to do and to really become incredibly successful so please do hang on in there stay at home and stay well thanks very much bye-bye
Channel: Arts Emergency
Views: 3,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 41sec (101 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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