HOW TO BECOME A DATA ANALYST 2020 [ 5 Tips That Can Help! ] | Leann DuBois

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel for those of you are new here welcome my name is leanne and for those of you who aren't new welcome back guys so today's video is gonna be a little different guys i'm gonna be talking about how um to become a data analyst i'm gonna be giving my perspective on my experience and how i went through becoming a full-time data analyst um i got a lot of questions on my video a day in a life of a data analyst video when i was pregnant i did get a lot of questions and people asking like how i became a data analyst and what i do and what kind of schooling i did how did i apply for a job and such things like that so i'm gonna give you a little bit of information remember this is just my experience on what i went through your experience might be different but i'm just gonna give you some ideas or tips that you could um use if you want to get into this field it's a very lucrative fee right now there's a lot of jobs being opened up in this field um you could make a lot of money being in any kind of i.t field i feel like i.t is where the money is at so any kind of computer related technology field member technology changing every day everything gain more technique that's not even our techno techno i can't even say technical i try and make up words yeah everything getting more you know tech savvy today everybody more into being a part of the tech world so if you want to hear more of what i got to say about being a data analyst please continue to watch let me just start by reiterating what i said before i have my nose here so if you see me looking down i'm looking at my nose because i want to write down everything so i don't miss nothing and telling you guys so i got about five points that i want to touch on um so like i said there's a lot of jobs open enough to become a data analyst so i've been a data analyst full-time for about four years now previously i was a research assistant for like three years um working under a director who did like um data analysis and stuff like that so i learned a lot from working under research folks when i was first getting into my career so the first thing you really need to do is decide the type of analytics that you want to do so different analysts have different requirements so you need to um really decide which kind of analyst you want to be they're research analysts financial analysts business analysts analysts who work in um healthcare coding and stuff like that so you first need to decide what kind of analysis feel that you actually want to work in so when i was an undergraduate i fell in love with programming so i know i wanted to do something with this analytics where i have to program so you need to find your niche and once you find your niche you just need to develop the skill sets that you need in order to become good at it so in my case learning sql sql structured query language was a big deal for me in order for me to um keep moving forward or stepping forward in my career i had to learn sql and i do encourage everybody to learn sql at least as like for a basic programming language have a knowledge of sql because a lot of people use sql so i enjoy learning sql and i decided to develop my skill set in sql the second thing that i want you guys to know is even though you don't have like the specific skill that employer may be looking for it's okay because when i started my job where i'm at now we use sas so i didn't know anything about sas but i knew sql so you could use sql inside of sas interchangeably um so you could write sas and then still use sequel with practicals and stuff inside of it so i have a basic idea of sequels so even if i didn't know stars i could have used sequel inside of sas i hope you guys understand what i'm saying so yeah so even if you don't know like you will learn because in a way you can go on a job and be like know everything at once because each employer have their way of doing things so when i went there i had to develop their way of doing things i understand how they did things um where to store the data how they manipulate their data how they put the data all those kind of codes and stuff like that so don't be worried that you know like a whole lot of programming or whatever as long as you have a basic idea and you know like you are developing your skill set it's okay i also use my sql i also did a lot of um training in my undergrad years using my people and i really like doing database um development and stuffing my sql so my sequel and sql skills were transferable into my career where i'm at now so the third tip i want to share with you guys is to develop your visualization skills meaning practice using tableau obi sas va via et cetera and i've practiced doing visualizations like in those softwares i think power bi is free to download um tableau you don't have to have a license but there are um excel well a lot of people don't some people probably still use excel but that's kind of old school but a lot of people are using tableau now so if you could like somehow get tableau to be able to use it and um develop your visualization skills that way that'd be great i'm gonna say that this is where i struggle sometimes i was so used to using excel to do spreadsheets and then do the charts with the line graphs and stuff and then when i learned i learned tableau like four years ago it was a learning curve it's basically like excel on steroids not so i'll explain it but i love tableau i love creating visualizations in it and as you guys might know already like using visualizations this is where you're gonna tell the story of the data that you're trying to represent or present to your um end user the fourth tip i want to share with you guys is to try and see if you could get into like an internship if you're liking just coming up and you're in school undergrad or even grad school try and sleep you could um get an internship so you could gain some experience because i remember when i was in school i didn't have i was doing computer science in my undergrad but i didn't have any work experience so in school like that's the thing i don't get like once you graduate and stuff it's like you still don't have experience to like a lot of people still don't give you a chance so like you have to start somewhere so see if you could get internship that'd be good and what i did when i was in undergraduate i actually internship in the analytics department of my college so i was around data all the time i used to do work study there as well and i also did my internship there as well so i was always around data and an alice the analyst there in that office so i had a very very good idea on how to you know start pulling data i remember we used told for data analytics i don't know if you guys know about toad but that's what they used back then and um to pull data and stuff but now we use like i said i use sas now and sql developer and also um eg and the first guy i use that as well my fifth tip would be apply for the job let me tell you i used to apply to jobs like crazy well congratulations you got yourself a job right on huh like 600 jobs i apply into even though i feel like i don't qualify you never know like you never know you could probably get a car i can go there and outshine them and you know you never know just apply for the job you don't have to build every single skill as long as you are confident in the skills that you have and you wouldn't be able to build on it and you know what you want i say go for it apply for the job my experience coming from the us virgin islands i actually graduated underground after i graduated undergrad i didn't find a job in my feed that i wanted because i knew it was limited either government or private done in the va i applied for a lot of government just but i didn't get any nobody was calling me um the university didn't rehire me because i want contract with my work studies so they didn't hire me in any position it's full-time or anything so i have to look for a job and um i end up having to go work in a jewelry manufacturing company that's where i find my first job after graduating school with a computer science degree i want to work in a jury manufacturing company is a bad thing because that's why i meet my husband you know like not saying not saying what bad thing is just that well it's like track to go meet him you know like you know in order for us to get here where we at now so yeah i met him there and then eventually that company closed on it was i was there for like a year and i have feel so suffocated like i have for you so defeated like i just graduated my math with my undergrad in computer science and the people that i were graduating with they were finding jobs in the field and i was like what and i used to work so hard and it's like i can't find a job but define a job i have to be like wow like wow i was feeling like stuck and i knew i wanted to do my master's as well so that job clothes on i'm basically what blessing in this guy is like it was all a blessing i found my husband the job closed we got paid severance and everything um we basically just me and my husband took the money that we got put it together and we moved up here to florida that was back in 2013 we've been here for like six years now and i don't regret moving at all and i found a job first in my field that's why i was the research assistant for about three well two and a half years i would say still i had a title of data analyst but i was doing like analyst work after i stayed for about two years i stayed there working and i did my master's in the meantime and then i graduated with my masters in 2016. i started to apply for jobs around the area eventually i got a job offering me and i have finished in december but i wanted to walk in june and i started my job may of 2016 and i've been there for about four years now so apply for the job i thought i could tell i applied for the job and just keep developing your skills i'm gonna leave some resources down below some free resources i should see in case you guys want to go and practice practice practice if you guys have any questions for me please feel free to leave them down below i'll be answering them thank you for joining me here please subscribe if you have not already done so click the like button if this video helped you out so i can know to make more content like this i really it [Music] oh my god that was done that like my power just tripped wow see my come to ghana and leave any tips that you have also below in the comments for others to see let's just share information back and forth that'd be cool and um yeah you guys take care and i'll see you in another one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Leann DuBois
Views: 14,663
Rating: 4.9753695 out of 5
Keywords: how to become a data analyst 2020, tips on becoming a data analyst, data analyst, leann dubois, data analyst career, computer science, become a data analyst in 2020, how to become a data analyst, data analytics, 5 tips on becoming a data analyst, tips for becoming a data analyst
Id: ESPfhwtIjaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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