HOW TO BECOME A COFFEE ROASTER? - Getting Started: Everything You Need To Know

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no baby be who say what good cup of joe good cup of joe first of all welcome thank you for tuning in to rob Perry here at cedar wrote of coffee you're probably here because you want to learn how to become a coffee roaster now this is gonna be geared more towards the person who doesn't have a whole lot of experience with it you probably don't have a roaster yet this information will be super valuable for you and it'll save you a bunch of time this is kind of for hobbyist and if you want to start your business with it someday it's kind of all the basics of it this covers the bedrock if that makes any sense I probably does it but anyway let's just roll into it so you've had this idea of roasting coffee and you're like okay well like where do I start well one always start with educating yourself that way you don't go out there and buy a bunch of stupid stuff and waste a bunch of money first of all there's a few books one if you're getting into coffee roasting I would highly recommend big coffee roasters companion by scott reil great dude he has a YouTube channel blog all this other stuff there's also this book world atlas of coffee by is James Hoffman he's also has a YouTube channel very successful I think his company's called Royal Mile or something like that so I would definitely check him out as well now I'll link all this stuff at the bottom too so the books the blogs the websites the social media is the whatever else we get into for social media they have a Facebook group called the coffee roasters forum great for beginner coffee roasters there's a ton of experience dudes in there just giving all the info you need you can search in a little box if you're looking for a specific roaster specific being specific origin and all that stuff and it's there it's somewhere in there just got a script through and find it there's some really good YouTube channels that have some really good coffers on there the real Chris Baca that's a great channel what I like about the real Chris Baca is basically like he's running a small coffee roastery and the cafe goes through all his like process literally from the very beginning to getting the store set up to where is that now with the whole Kovach crisis and being shut down and yeah definitely check him out super cool dude you'll learn a lot from me Mill City Coffee Roasters has a YouTube channel where it's like it's probably 20 or something videos where they good whole course of roasting coffee yeah Jericho Mill City Coffee Roasters that YouTube series is a bomb you will learn a lot watch it like three or four or five six times in a row and you'll basically have a very very good understanding of what coffee roasting basically is with that said I would say watch it once or twice all the way through Maya roaster roast a hundred batches and then watch it once or twice all the way through again and then move on to Scott ray oh it's free like how the heck is that free the amount of detail they put in to those videos and it's not just like some short videos it's like 40 minute to an hour long videos go check that out so now you're all educated you got your books you got YouTube you done just binge towers and hours of YouTube you don't went to the social medias befriended all these people follow them and all that you know what I like to say about the education portion of anything is educate yourself enough to know that you're making a good decision on what you're about to purchase but don't get so focused on the education that you prolong the act of actually experiencing and doing because that's where you're gonna learn second just buy a coffee roaster there's cheap ones online I bought this little called e roaster it's like I think maybe a hundred ninety-nine bucks it was like right at 200 I all fitted a little motor on there so I didn't have to hand crank it put some different thermocouples on there because this one's in Celsius and I'm American and you know we don't do that see ya get a little two hundred dollar coffee roaster you could roast it in a cast-iron skillet they got a Beemer they got a hot top I'll link all those below too if you want to get a mill city to kilogram one kilogram there's all kind of Roasters to kind of look at the only way to really get good at roasting this is just roast I mean you can read about it all day long but until that little flame lights up and you start turning some beans that's when you're gonna learn document every roast you do if you don't have the money for artisan and computer setup and all that you may not have a computer with it I did a notebook for a long time a small coffee roaster will literally just allow you to cut your teeth get the basic knowledge of coffee roasting well this little roaster here be consistent as a Loring or pro bad or something like that you know a little wind comes by and blows that flame like it's all over the place you're still getting the effect and you're still getting the basic knowledge of like what it's like whenever you hear that first crack what you got to do with your gas all right so you're educated you have a little roaster Beamer called a something cheap now you need to find some green beans so where do you buy your green coffee I get that question a lot I'm in the beginning I think I ordered off of Amazon I mean there's green coffee on Amazon I don't know if it's the best green coffee in fact it wasn't the best green coffee but personally I would recommend sweet Maria's sweet Maria's is a resource hub do let me tell y'all something if you're new to coffee roasting just literally right now go to sweet Maria's they have a ton of information on that site they actually sell little Roasters and stuff for home Roasters they sell literally I think some of the best coffee that you get quality wise the coffee is so clean you don't have too many flaws or defects in their coffee it's pretty good if you're getting into coffee roasting and you want to find some green coffee sweet Maria's I think you get it in a pound two pound five pound and maybe up to 20 pounds once you get bigger and maybe you start a little business or there's also cafe imports there's coffee shrub which is the wholesaler portion of sweet Maria's there's royal there's genuine origin and a bunch of other importers now the cool part is on Facebook and probably some other platforms too you can actually reach out to you know farmers there's farmers on Instagram and Facebook that actually once you kind of get yourself out there will start reaching out to you or you could reach out to them there's a great coffee farmer down in Honduras and his name is Ashley and I mean he's always posting like what are they doing like they're planting you know trees they're planting like the shade trees they're bag and coffee they're bringing coffee to the market is super cool to see his process you can buy from people like Ashley straight direct from his farm I think the last time he quoted me was like five dollars a pound and I think that includes shipping and everything sitting it's really not that bad there's a bunch of direct farmers out there that are on Facebook that are on Instagram that you can find and basically orders straight from them if you want prices is gonna range so don't forget directbuy there's always that option definitely check that out so you got your coffee you got a roaster you got educated next thing to do is just the experiment and learn face barn threw some beans spot different brewing devices get you a little error press and they got the French press get you a chem X they got the milita's they got the v60 is like try to get a good little range of products that way you can test your coffee that you're roasting on different products basically what that's want to do is eventually if you do go into business or something like that it's going to be able to help you understand what your customers are roasting with make sure you got a good grinder when you're grinding home they got cheap grinders they got the Commodore which is some crazy expensive one I don't have the money for that one yet you got your industrial grinders which you can go and buy it's up to you how serious do you want to take it it's also good to dive deeper into like the theory behind what's going on because at that point you may have 50 to 100 roasts under your belt and you're like okay I kind of get the idea of it now like Maillard process the phases the yellows when it's turning and all that you need to just dive deeper into go to Scott Rios blog he gets over my head real quick you can sign up for courses I should have mentioned this in the beginning actually this is the key is the SCA so go to the SCA the Specialty Coffee Association and they have a ton of information there it's literally like the rules they got you're cupping rules they got like water specs like what it what type of water you should be brewing with I mean there's all kind of things on there they also have some memberships where you can sign up become a SCA member I think there's like a private membership and then also a business membership depending on if you're a hobbyist or your business so the SCA they also provide courses Mill City Roasters offers some courses there's a bunch of coffee roasting courses out there you can take but then there's also some other no courses met you may want to take as well maybe like a cupping class or something I know a lot of local wrestlers will have like a little cupping kind of example that they'll do so hit your local roaster up see if they'll let you kind of come by and maybe cup with them so you educated yourself you bought a roaster you got some green coffee you burn through like 50 to 100 batches of it you dope deep into the science of it you're thinking you know what you're doing and this point you're like hmm mama hobbyist or do I want to go to the business round if you go to the business route these were the few things I would suggest check out your local cottage food laws in your state they're different in like every state in Louisiana I'm not covered I know in California I think they are in a bunch of other states I think they are but for some reason Louisiana you can so make sure you check that before you just you know start going and doing if you don't fall under the cottage food law you can see if there's a commercial kitchen around that'll let you also roast in their kitchen possibly there are some incubators I know some of the colleges have incubators and there's some other little organizations that have incubators that'll basically let you go and like baked goods they're roast coffee or whatever you need to do start your little business check out the food labeling laws know where you got to put stuff on the bag like the ounces the grams all that where it needs to be the font size go to the FDA figure out your labeling figure out your packaging Louisiana I know you got to have everything license under each product talk to your health department and just literally try to wade through the weeds of that good luck and really with that being said I think that's about it I really feel if you hit up the copywriters form on Facebook you read through Scott Rao's blog you watch some James Hoffman and Chris bakas videos the real Chris Bukka I think you can be well on your way to becoming a successful coffee roaster again a lot of this stuff I'm gonna link down below I'm gonna link the social media pages I've talked about the people that I've talked about I'm gonna link the green coffee buying locations below I'm going to link some Roasters below like the only one I've really had is the quality roaster in my bdellium Mamba deli rest was 2 kilogram from China next video I'm gonna do a little video on roasting on the coffee roaster super easy and you really don't need a whole lot to roast on it's like Coleman stove some type of heat source and 200 grams green coffee week after that we're gonna do one on cupping finally that's actually coming I'm doing that one probably I'll shoot this weekend or during the week super stoked if you'll have any questions hit me up in the comments I'm literally always down there I answer every question there's something too hard I'll make it up if it's something I can research I'll research it for you and if it's something that's stupid or you know me nor hostile I'll uh I'll reply back with the same amount of enthusiasm I am no expert I don't even claim to be an expert I'm nowhere near what Scott Rio or James Hoffman or the real Chris Baca or any of those people are they're way beyond me Jib Morocco all them way beyond me you need to go get your dollars from them I'm just showing you different avenues to go down to actually get it and funneling you to the sources to actually have it I've done my job anyway like I said like come to scrap look ya'll peace out and fun back I was uh I was on Scott Baio's Instagram here a while back and probably bout a year ago and I was asking him some questions you know and he got a little feisty with me and I was like so I've heard a few things back you know just being old on the defense and he dammed me and I was like that young Scott Scott's damn and me you know basically he said everything straight and super cool dude and I was like man whatever beef we just had you one be back not the damn house now y'all need something holler at me something come in love y'all make sure that's correct [Music] come on [Music]
Channel: Rob Pirie - Cedar Ota Coffee
Views: 117,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a coffee roaster, what you need to know to start coffee roasting, how to roast coffee, coffee roasting for beginners, coffee roasting basics, coffee roasting eucation, what is needed to roast coffee, how to get into coffee roasting, what coffee roaster should I start with, roasting coffee, coffee roasting, specialty coffee roasting, coffee, home coffee roasting, coffee roasting business, coffee roasting at home, coffee roasters, coffee roaster, roast coffee, kaldi
Id: zH00wZW0Ess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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