How to become a better manager at work - 3 simple tips to grow into a great leader

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you want to become a better manager of work I'll give you my three simple tips to grow into a great leader in order to have more productive and loyal employees stay tuned for the best leadership advice subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video I was a managing director at a large corporation for a number of years as well as CEO of my own startup company I ended up leading about 350 employees worldwide and I made my mistakes during that time over the years I have learned what really matters as a manager and how leadership actually works as a manager today it isn't enough just to simply focus on results and the financial bottom line today you need also to have good human skills to be successful I found it very helpful how simon Sinek I like this guy puts it in his video what business can learn from the military in business we think everything is rational we think everything is calculated and the stuff that's gooey we call those soft skills right their human skills there's nothing soft about them there's hard skills and there's human skills I believe he's on spot job satisfaction and productivity of a manager as well as of the employees that's directly tied to the human skills of this manager several studies have shown that focusing on both human skills and hard facts that yells better financial results for a company so what can you do how can you become a better manager at work there are lots of tips out there and a lot of them are helpful and important for example learn to delegate don't be a micro manager and then and create a positive work environment let me give you my three best tips to become a better manager they are simple but that doesn't mean that they are easy to implement but I promise if you work on them you immediately will see positive results let's dive into the three tips first lead more manage less what I know many CEOs who work around the clock and still they still feel they don't really do their job many are trapped trapped in the rat race of day-to-day operations they work a lot on management tasks but they don't take enough time for leadership in my view there are several reasons why managers think they don't have time for leadership the biggest challenge can be summarized in one sentence leadership is important but rarely urgent developing a business strategy talking to an employee discussing the vision statement thinking about customer benefits or improving processes all these are leadership tasks and they are important but they are aunt urgent and that's the problem they don't they don't have a deadline now if you develop the strategy today or tomorrow will not be a big difference if you have this one-on-one meeting with your direct report today or only later next week this doesn't change the bottom profit line does it in contrast management tasks are usually urgent they they have a deadline but are they always important not really the solution since leadership is usually important but not urgent we postpone it therefore let's outwit ourselves set fixed deadlines for leadership tasks in your planning and put them into your calendar and your to-do list this automatically makes your leadership task urgent and helps you to lead more and manage less second tip talk about your expectations you want your employees to act and behave in accordance to your interest and to your expectations they just should make the right decisions if you are not there and if they can't ask you right how can they know what you expect from them you need to tell them but be honest are you talking about your expectations what exactly are your expectations I experience that very few employees really know exactly what is expected of them and the reason is usually their boss hasn't communicated it clearly do you think your employees know about your expectations I doubt I give you a small tip write down on a piece of paper what you expect exactly from your employees just start with with your values for example do you expect your employees to be on time write it down write down punctuality you won't loyal employees okay write it down you expect them to reach goals write down you want them to focus on customer satisfaction look write it down now you may say all of that is important of course I mean that self-evident isn't it but it's not that simple you have to set priorities and you have to communicate them it's not just enough to tell your employees what is important and how to behave you need to tell them your priorities otherwise how should they know what to put first therefore set priorities for your expectations and values ask yourself what is more important to you for example is being on time more important than quality has customer satisfaction a higher priority than achieving a sales target now perhaps you say well that depends oh really it depends - so make it clear on what does it depend when should your employee focus more on quality instead of being on time if you don't tell it to your employees how should they know how should they act and behave in your best interest if they don't know your expectations my third tip listen actively you want to understand really understand what your employee things there for you listen you paraphrase and you reflect back what is that it's important that you withhold any judgement and end and advice when you listen you want to understand and you want to learn your employees perception and about their standpoint I know some managers have problems with listening they think if they hear something they don't agree with they must respond right away but that's not true always remember when listening actively you want to understand but to understand doesn't automatically mean that you agree have you noticed that most humans have two ears but only one mouth we are created like this to listen more and talk less my bonus tip for you focus on constructive feedback it's so important if you want to be a good manager and a great leader therefore click here for my video on how to give feedback to employees thanks for watching and I see you in the next video
Channel: Bernd Geropp
Views: 1,497
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to become a better manager, how to become a better manager at work, how to become a better manager and leader, how to be a better manager, tips for better management, how to be a better leader, best leadership tips, leadership skills, new manager tips
Id: CcCCuhhTNXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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