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what's going on guys it's hannah here today and right now i have a hitting tips video for you guys for mlb the show 21. now for most of the season i have been sitting at number one in the season but within these past couple days wins and rookie have overtaken me and i'm sitting at third right now but we have been number one like i said for most of the season we've been dominating our opponents for the most part i believe i'm on a 26 game winning streak and i've gained about 200 points in a row without dropping any in that span now i have a lot of people that come into my twitch chat and they ask a ton of questions like hey you're a really good hitter you're a good pitcher how do you remain consistent at the plate and how are you able to win so many games in a row without taking a loss so i decided to make a video for you guys i made one last year and i figured you know i'm doing really well this year why not make one so the first thing that i want to go over is the settings i know there's a lot of new players this year with the game going cross-platform with it being on xbox and who knows you might be a new playstation guy picking up the game for the first time so what i do is obviously my hitting difficulties on legend because that's what i play at i'm gonna use strike zone as my hitting view and or you can use strike zone high i think those are the two best hitting cameras in the game and they're the two most used as well so if you don't like strike zone try giving strike zone height ago and maybe that'll be the one for you and play view offense that's just you know personal preference i keep it on dynamic i know some people use high as well but the main thing here is for hitting interface you want to use zone hitting i know zone might be a little intimidating at first for some new players but you definitely want to use zone because it's going to reward you the most over i think it's what's it called here directional i forgot the name of it for a second so you definitely want to use zone and now all of this here your in or your plate coverage indicator center inner and outer all that is going to be personal preference but input type you definitely want to use buttons i know some people ask me if i use analog for that i just use buttons i think that's what everybody uses here but you definitely want to find the pci that you're comfortable with now there's going to be for one person say they might just like circles only some people like mike using outer and center with their inner off for me i've played only the show for a while and in the old games i always used wedge before we had the new pci changes last year and last year i used circles or diamonds only but this year with the pitch is just having a lot of break the pci seems a little bit smaller this year so i i've been rocking with wedge on with along with circles and i just felt like i've been hitting better with it because the circles are so small this year same with diamonds i just felt like at the at the beginning of the year here that i couldn't square anything up so having that pci look just a little bit bigger has helped me with some pci placement but what i've been rocking with is circles for pci center wedge for the inner pci color i've used black and i have it at 80 transparency and i know black might be an interesting choice here to use for a pci color i know a lot of people use yellow they use i think it's cayenne or white but the reason why i switched to black is because at the beginning of the year when i first started playing on legend i noticed that i was staring at my pci a lot and you guys might notice that too but you got to trust your pci placement and i don't want something that's really bright and standing out to me when i'm trying to track a pitch that's raking a lot so when i put it to black i notice that i don't stare at the pci as much and i'm looking at that picture's release point which i'm going to talk about in a little bit here and if you notice that say if you're rocking with yellow or white and you're staring at the pci try giving mine a go try using black at 80 you can still see it but it's something that you're not gonna stare at too much now your best friend here i get becoming a better hitter in the game is utilizing custom practice to your advantage so i'm gonna hop in here what i usually do is i hit against the beast and i'm gonna hit as the ground breakers you can choose any stadium you want i usually just warm up in a custom stadium my own here it doesn't really matter too much but um once we get into custom practice here i'm going to show you what i usually do to warm up so we're here in custom practice and what i usually do is i warm up against pedro martinez there's a bunch of different rosters out there that you can download but what i usually do i'm just comfortable warming up against pedro he has a sinker he has a slider it's not even a bad idea to warm up against somebody that has a sinker and a cutter because that's what you're going to see a lot in online play so if you want to warm up against mike hampton here that's not even a bad option because mike handsome he's thrown a lot in the game very good pitcher doesn't throw the hardest but he's gonna dot a lot so he could be a good choice for you but i always warm up against pedro martinez because it's just someone that i'm comfortable it's just something that i'm used to he has that sanker he has a slider a fastball curve change up pretty decent pitch mix it's just something that's been working for me that's the reason why i've been starting with him i usually do the team practice so i go through the lineup as if i'm going through a game and i kind of treat it as if i'm in a ranked seasons game so you know i'm being patient i'm trying to hit good pitches and i'm not just kind of hacking away but if you guys want to work on something say if you're struggling say righty righty you're struggling with sinkers inside you can tailor custom practice to your advantage there so you can put all inside pitches here or all inside zones excuse me and say you want to bat with let's put uh let's do ernie banks because ernie banks could be a card that a lot of you might have in your lineup that you might struggle a little bit righty righty so i'm going to put the sinker on here i'm going to practice with ernie banks and all pedro is going to throw me here is sinkers inside so if you want to work on something that say you're maybe struggling with that's something that you can put on there and you can work on it and when you hop into a ranked game you might be hitting a little bit better against it but the reason why i don't like doing this too much personally is because if i pick a sinker right if i only want to focus on one pitch when i'm in batting practice i know what pitch is coming before he even throws it and that's not going to help me in ranked seasons because i'm obviously not going to know what pitch my opponent is throwing so this is why i usually just do team practice here i do offense i start off with jackie robinson and i go through the lineup and i treat it as if i'm playing a ranked seasons game so i'm what i'm doing here is i usually start with my pci i'm gonna take that first pitch there i don't know if you guys can see it too much i kind of pull down and in just slightly here with jackie so just that slight movement it creates that little bit of tension so that i can hit these in between pitches that aren't quite exactly on the black but okay we're not we're just gonna ignore that swing but i kind of pull down and in with righties and loan away with lefties it's just something that i'm comfortable with and it allows me to hit those in between pitches just a little bit better so that i'm not just being stagnant with the pci and then trying to react because when i do that i'm gonna completely miss pitches that are in that in between part of the zone and when you create that tension you're gonna be able to hit those tough ones that aren't quite lay on the black but they're not quite exactly down the middle either so what i'm doing here is i'm just taking pitches i'm looking at the pitcher's release point that's another question that a lot of people have for me is where am i looking to pick up the ball and just like real life baseball man you're just looking for that pictures release point you're trying to read the ball out of the hand the more you practice the easier that's going to become for you guys so when i'm looking at pedro here he's coming right now like you got to get that timing down once you get that down it makes it so much easier to time up a pitch now obviously you're not going to hit everything that's thrown at you so the next thing i want to pick into is you want to get in a good hitter's count so i know last year and it's very tempting even when you're on these lower difficulties to just sit there and want to hit every single pitch that's thrown at you and it's just not possible this year but the way that pitches move the way that just enjoy i don't i don't even really know how to explain it it's just a lot harder to hit this year so especially with pinpoint pitching people are gonna be you know throwing pitches on the corner they're gonna be dotting your life away and sometimes you just have to tip your cap and say hey that was a good pitch let's go attack the next one so early on when i'm doing the first inning i'm taking pitches i want to see what my pitchers are throwing what pitches they're throwing and what counts trying to pick up on a tendency are they throwing me a lot of fastballs first pitch because if they are i'm going to try to jump on one later in the game are they throwing you sinkers inside a lot they're throwing cutters away a lot say are they throwing one sinkers a lot they're throwing one cutters a lot you gotta pick up and try to keep that mental met keep that mental track say you lead off the game and you swing out or you take a 0-1 cutter loan away for a strike right then that third batter comes up you're in an 0-1 count he throws you another cutter alone away so i'm seeing that okay that's two times this ending that he's thrown that same pitch in that same location so i'm gonna try to look for that that next inning and see if i can pick up on it it's just little things like that where a lot of it's just a mental game and trying to outsmart your opponent and just pick on pick up on some stuff that they're doing as well so it's not a lot of it's just not allowed some people are just going to say you know see ball hitball but it's a little bit more than that you got to try to play the mental game try to pick up on those little tendencies and i promise you it's going to help you out in ranked seasons now another thing that i wanted to talk about here is a lot of people tell me you know i can't catch up to the fastball but i'm way too early on sliders or curveballs or change ups my main tip for you guys for anybody to be good at emily the show you got to be able to hit the fast stuff you got to hit the heat and react to the junk you just it just it's going to be one of those things because if you can't hit the fastball your opponent's going to punish you with the heat all game because if you can't catch up to it they're not going to throw you anything off speed so your number one priority is you have to be able to hit the heat you have to hit the fastballs you have to hit the sinkers you just have to practice them i promise you get into custom practice and then once custom practice starts to get a little bit easier if you hop into ranked and you notice you know say you're late on fastballs and sinkers still even after doing custom practice you can go into sliders turn up the fastball velocity turn up the off speed velocity you know pitchers are going to come in a little bit faster and once you get that down when you hop into ranked seasons it's going to feel so much slower to you you'll be able to hit the ball so much better because you practice on something that's faster than what you're going to see i promise you it's going to pay off this year i haven't turned the sliders up because i've been early in ranked seasons the way it is so i don't want to make my swing even quicker so i haven't been doing that i've just been hopping into a custom practice on a normal difficulty here not touching the sliders any of that stuff but if i know to say later in the year and i'm struggling catching up to sinkers and fastballs or if i'm just in a slump i'm gonna screw with those sliders a little bit bump up that velocity so that when i hop into ranked i'm ready to go and i get that timing back but the last tip that i have for you guys honestly is just be patient i know it's so tempting to go out there and like i said swing first pitch every time but be patient work the count get into good hitters counts like 2030 see what they're throwing you and then when they get when they throw you a mistake you gotta capitalize on it and i promise you like i've said five times this video custom practice is your best friend if you're trying to get better at the game or if you're new to the game getting just like anything in life man whether it's m will be the show another video game or just anything in life in general the more that you practice something the better that you're going to become and that translates over here to a movie this show as well so if you guys have any other questions make sure you drop a sub down here below make sure you drop a follow over on my twitch i will link that below as well where i think we're at 2.3 follower 2.3 k followers on twitch right now so we've been going off like crazy i'll link my other socials down below but i hope you guys enjoyed the video i tried to do my best here at a hidden tips video for you guys i know as one of the best players in the world people are going to be looking for tips so hope you guys enjoyed drop a sub and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: UHeynaBoutIt
Views: 52,922
Rating: 4.9212327 out of 5
Keywords: MLB The Show, MLB The Show 21, mlb the show 21 gameplay, mlb the show 21 hitting tips, mlb the show 21 diamond dynasty
Id: 0W47Aay0C9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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