How To BEAT 99% Of Meme Coin Traders [BONKBOT SETUP GUIDE]

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have you ever wondered why when you sell a mem coin position expecting good profits your balance stays kind of the same or when you're taking a small loss you check your balance and half your wallet is drained so for example let's say you're selling out of this position and you're and you bought here and it's not working out and the price dips a bit and you put in two soul but you're wondering why your wallet is just so showing 0.3 Soul left where did it all go well I'm going to show you what happens in this video and I'm going to show you how you can avoid that but also what the pros do and they probably don't want you to know about this but this makes all of the difference the clue is in the Wicks here the spikes you see in the price so the first thing you need to do is get on a 1 second chart especially for these fast moving meme coins a one minute chart or a 5 minute chart is just not fast enough to see the price movement so let me show you by the way if you've been enjoying this content please don't forget to click the like button I really appreciate the support for the channel now this is a 1 second chart so each candle here is literally 1 second let me show you something here that's crazy so here the price at the bottom here I'm just going to mark it off the price here at 705 was 144 2 seconds later it was 210 that's literally 2 seconds later so if you are buying here thinking you bought a 144 no way in hell your transaction would have gone through instantly like that you would have ended up buying here at 208 without even knowing now if you're on a zoom chart like one of these that I've shown you before you're not realizing you're actually buying the top of the wick there so then if the price actually went up a little bit or if the price was doing nothing and just going sideways and you're like well it's been 1 minute so literally after a minute or 2 minutes you sell at um after 2 minutes and on the candle again you think you bought at 140 so you're selling for 140 but you're not you've actually taken a massive loss there and to show you exactly the loss you've taken let me do price range here the drop there is 30% so if you put three soul in you'd be left with pretty much two Soul so that's a one Soul loss in 2 minutes where you think you've just bought for two Soul uh for three Soul sorry and sold for three soul and if we scroll forward in this chart and this is just a a typical move of a meme coin in the early stages you can see second by second massive fluctuations in the price and some of these fluctuations are 30 40% of just waiting a few seconds so have a look at this one this one where you think you might be buying for 85 if you miss your entry and your transaction doesn't go through and then you try and put your transaction through again before you know it you bought for 200 and this is what the pros probably don't want you to know and if you can get around this issue and I'll show you exactly how to do that you can be the one buying at 80 or 90 or 100K here and actually selling in a few seconds if you wanted to for 2x this is literally a flip in theory this is a flip and that happens in just a few seconds so in the space of just like a minute or so you could be making a very very good flip now note that if there's no transactions between these periods then price kind of just moves sideways and then you don't always see candles so obviously there's some gaps in here as well but generally in a fast mov moving collection there are transactions literally all of the time as you can see by the volume chart below so the way to get around this is to use a bot and for salana there are several different Bots people use one of the most common and well-known ones is bubot so I'm going to show you exactly how to set that up now the bunk bot I'll link down below and you can find this on telegram obviously you need a telegram account I mean to be honest trading meme coins you have to have a telegram account anyway so make sure you have that already downloaded for example on your desktop or your phone Etc but basically bbot here when you go through the settings you just type in for/ settings um I'm assuming you've already put some uh money in your BNB wallet but the settings here you need to adjust and the way I do it I set up my buttons i Custom set them up so when I'm buying a position I usually only buy in small amounts in a fast moving Market even if I want to invest more I'd rather space it over a few different transactions cuz that way I don't end up overpaying so I've got my left button set up at one and right button at two you can click on these and you can actually adjust these to anything you want for example 0.1 0.2 it depends on your budget if you've got a smaller budget I recommend set setting this up 0.1 on the left 2 on the right and as soon as you want to purchase you just click this button and the transaction should go through very very quickly and that way you can get a better price now when you're selling I set it up so that the right button is 100% And the left is 25% cuz when I'm selling especially profits I want to do it slowly and when I have a position left and I want to sell it all very quickly like I want to cut my losses I want to make sure I can just click a button and then 100% just get sold also I set up my slippage a little bit higher because I want to make sure my transaction goes through on these types of meme coins because price is moving so fast you can't get your guaranteed price like if you only want to pay 85 you're not going to get that price but if you allow slippage so you're allow to overpay uh several per like 5 7% 10% or so then you can still get your transaction to go through otherwise it's always going to fail if you have your slippage too tight so you need to have some slippage with the fast moving collections because every second by second they're literally moving 10% % or more anyway so I usually set it at something like 3% roughly buy and sell and a maximum price impact of seven if I don't set the M Max price impact of seven what that means is if the slippage is likely going to be higher then I get an alert from Bonk bot when I'm trying to buy and the alert will say hey um your transaction can't go through yet are you happy with a Max price impact of 6.9% and then I have to click another button and then buy or sell the only problem with that by the time I'm messing around clicking buttons the moment has passed in terms of buying or selling at an optimal price finally here I set this as turbo you can set this as secure which is a slower transaction if you want the fastest one you need to set it as turbo and transaction priority I've made a custom one where I set it as 0.1 so but you can actually change this you can change this to um the a different settings which are usually medium high or very high but I keep it as custom which is an even higher amount basically and that's how I set up my bot so that when I'm ready to buy and sell for example let's say I want to buy and sell in this collection all I do is I copy and paste the address into Bonk bot and you can see right now it's ready for me to buy and I literally just have to click buy one Soul buy two Soul or buy EXO and then once I bought it if I want to sell is literally just sell 100% sell 25% and all of the other settings are set to fast and I've got the slippage set up so that when I click on buy one Soul Within literally 2 3 4 seconds it should go through and that's what I want to see so when you're actually trading what do you do once you've got all of this set up you need to be on a 1 second chart and then what you want to do so let's see what the price is real time so let's scroll all the way to the right so what I want to do let's say I'm in the position I want and I want to sell and I want to sell towards the highs I would wait and wait for price to kind of settle around the highs and maybe go sideways like this as you can see here when you're seeing massive selling and dumping I wait because you don't want to sell into a dump because red candles followed by red candles you're going to get a much lower price nearly always within a second or two when somebody's dumping there's always somebody buying as well so wait for the price to pump before you sell so you see we saw this L pump here I would sell here around here I wouldn't sell when I think the price is dumping the same way I won't buy until I see a little bit of a dump and then I buy and this all sounds a bit pantic a bit like Overkill but literally I'm saving myself 10 20 30% every single transaction by doing these small things so how much do you think that will add up to over a period of a week or a month of buying and selling meme coins if you're interested in much more detailed tutorials the first link in the description below is my comprehensive mcoin Mastery Program there'll be a price increase soon so if you'd like to invest then please use the coupon code below for an early bird discount otherwise I'll see you again soon thanks for listening
Channel: Sajad
Views: 42,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meme coin trading, shitcoing trading, memecoin trading, how to trade meme coins, meme coin strategy
Id: er9KCNUOkzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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