How To Be Successful In Anything You Do! | Will Smith | Top 10 Rules

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I've never seen myself as particularly talented where I excel is I'm willing to die in the process of acquiring skill working on on your body is the beginning of everything you know your mind starts to work better you're the better husband a better father a better friend and life is just better I didn't forget but I didn't pay the IRS in my mind I mean I wasn't like trying to avoid paying taxes I was just like oh damn they need a money need motivation watch the top 10 with the leave nation what's that believe nation it seven my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something and I want you to find it embrace it and use it to make a difference so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chew in today's lessons from a man who went from being the son of a school board administrator and refrigerator repairman to becoming one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood he's Will Smith and here's my take on his top ten rules a success vol 5 also if you want to know what Will Smith and other entrepreneurs have to say about building unstoppable confidence check out my 2:54 of confidence series where every day for the next 254 days I will send you a short 30 second to five minute video for free to help build your confidence check out the link in the description below I was excited about taking a shot the fact that it was so strange you know as an artist it was it was a fun to get out on that on that limb and hoping it doesn't break under your feet okay let's kick it up with rule number one maintain positivity he was always challenged for that right like all yourself you're different the positivity was always challenged yeah I always wanted you to justify being positive right absolutely yeah now that was a that was a difficult time coming up cuz it's like I'm from I'm from Philly right so during that time in Philly it was Joe Frazier and rocky so this fight was common yeah Chuck D used to he called it pug City he's like pug City is like he's like Chuck was like you can't go to Philly without getting in a fight so it's like I grew up in that so for me too it was always difficult for people you know to say I was soft and I was you know my music was cotton candy you know that's all I always wanted to fight to try to to to prove myself but the be fighting yourself to maintain positivity as the hardest fight you ever gonna have right and it's like that struggle to just stay my course to you know be the person in the world that I wanted to be no matter what people said and it was a I started to call it offensive positivity right like you know I wasn't gonna be on defense with my positivity I was gonna be on offense with it rule number two seize your opportunities me and Jeff had come out with smash hit parents just don't understand we made a bunch of money we want a Grammy album with triple platinum I have motorcycles and cars are called the Gucci store in Atlanta and I was like I bring my friends and I'm smiling but that's stupid we released our next album and it was like a flop it was a tragedy and went like double plastic I had spent of most of my money like all of I spent all my money and I didn't forget but I didn't pay the IRS in my mind I mean I wasn't like trying to avoid paying taxes I was just like oh damn they need a money the IRS took off with all that stuff so I was like rope broke bro being famous and broke is a sheet combination because you're still famous and people recognize you but they recognize you while you sit next to them on the bus and the stuff they ask you to sign on a bus you know like oh can you sign my baby that's a sharpie I probably shouldn't write on the baby with that are you too big to sign my baby well no I mean you know I signed it so I was like playing around and my girlfriend was like dude we're not doing this like you're not just gonna be laying around this house all day you gonna go do something I was like what what I'm supposed to do go where people is is doing it where people doing it go to the Arsenio Hall Show just go stand around at the Arsenio Hall Show yes that's stupid so I went to the Arsenio Hall Show and I met a dude named Benny Medina Benny Medina is the real-life Fresh Prince of bel-air except he actually went from watts to Beverly Hills same basic concept way shorter distance I meet Benny and he pitches me the idea for this show and I'm like I'm not an actor am i cool and he said hey you know I want you to meet Quincy Jones Quincy Jones's producer with me so by myself like Quincy's and his actors and artists and celebrities and politicians like everybody's at $20 it's like The Wiz without the costumes so Benny walks me in and introduced me to Quincy Lehane q what's up and say hey man you know saw your music videos I love I love what you're doing I love what you're doing tell me rap name again they call me the Fresh Prince all right good that's what we gonna call the show and he handed me a screenplay for a failed Morris Day pilot like I don't have the time so I need you to do this I need you go ahead take a few minutes take ten minutes study the script and I'm gonna clear all this stuff out the living room and we don't have everybody sit down in the living room we're gonna do an audition he had movers that could reset his furniture I was like this dude is real so close I touch the brake come on come on come on I was ain't you hold up man hold up I'm not ready to do no audition and he said oh all right well what you need tell me what you need just set the meeting for a week and I could do it he said yeah yeah you know Brandon Tartikoff the head of NBC is out there I'll get him a schedule for next week and then you know what's gonna happen something's gonna come up and then he's wanting to reschedule oh yeah yeah so so three weeks from now can we can do it three weeks from now so yeah yeah yeah three weeks now be good or you could take ten minutes right now and you can change your life forever I was like get there yes give me ten minutes I said yes and I let it rip and I got to the end and everybody's clapping crazy looks at brandon tartikoff the head of NBC did you like it and Brenda said yeah yeah I like because he says no did you like it can you say yeah I like it he's a good you're his lawyer Romney up something right now rule number three work on your body I used to be able to eat whatever I want and then in six weeks I could get in any shape I wanted to get into but that's not the case anymore we're we're around the twelve or fourteen week mandatory training to do anything but but I love it I enjoy I enjoy the discipline of it for me working on on your body is the beginning of everything you know your mind starts to work better you're the better husband a better father a better friend and life is just better when you you know care for your body at the highest level rule number four be obsessed I told the famouser value kind of backed into acting Fresh Prince of bel-air yeah and the next thing you know you start making these movies and I forget that bad boys actually came before Independence Day right yeah yeah Dennis day just was like one of the biggest of all time like what was that transition like for you yeah you know actor and like the biggest actor in the game no it was um that was like the first real goal like that in terms of setting goals I was like I want to be the biggest movie star in the world right and every up until that point everything was like it was fun and it was happening and we were creating in Jeff's mom's basement and it was successful but that was like when I moved into acting that was the first time I started applying skill to my my talents right and you know I always look I look at skill and talent separately like Pete you're born with talent you know it's like there's certain things that you just do naturally you were gifted with a talent and you have it but skill is acquired through discipline and you know I've never seen myself as particularly talented where I excel is I'm willing to die in the process of acquiring skill like is you know when I put my obsessive mind on a sign the treads actly it's not working yes that ridiculous is sickening working sickening work ethic exactly it's like you know so for me to be a movie star was the first thing that I ever really wanted like that and set my he was like I was like I was like you know because I went out when I looked I always felt like there weren't a lot of people I saw do things that I felt like I couldn't do right when I when I look at people and I see things I don't I don't feel like I can't whether or not I will is something different but I don't ever feel like I can rule number five have a strong why anytime I put something in the world I am always connecting to an idea I'm always asked why am I making this what why I'm putting this out in the world why so with with concussion dr. Bennet Omalu was deeply connected to tell the truth and he said that truth doesn't have a side and that's what he kept saying I thought that was such a powerful that the idea that there you know whose side are you on you're Republican or Democrat I'm trying to tell the truth truth the truth doesn't have a side rule number six deal with rejection rejection is everywhere you know we all deal with the me worst of all the worst of all you know I think the idea of rejection is relative I mean if you you take a you know a kid in a small town and somebody posts something negative about them and all that their friends laugh you know that's the worst rejection a human being can experience it's not you know for that kid it's not any less than for my kid to read on a comment page you know it's it's emotionally it's it's the same my kids grew up in this world so they're much more acclimated to the difficulties of this world but it doesn't make it emotionally more difficult or more painful than for any other child who has to deal with it rule number seven be authentic you're like the prince but now you're the king of Instagram I know I was like how come you've embraced social media in this way like because for the longest you know you have this mystique behind you well in you know when I when I started the the the only way to be a movie star was through distance and mystery and mystique right that was the the the way is that you know yeah you could see me on July 4 in the movie theater right so that was the way keeping that distance was how you maintained our star power and in the last five years that shifted much more to a friendship model like people support artists that they feel like they know thoroughly that they're friends right so that the social media the the daily interaction is much more like a family friendship kind of interaction that is an audience demand for for you know their loyalty but is there such thing as revealing too much not in this world too much data that's personal you know like it's it's what can you handle you know I think one of the major one of the beautiful parts of social media that I think is a beautiful evolutionary thing is that social media demands authenticity right so social media pushes you more and more into having to reveal what's true because if you don't you know TMZ is going to you know so it's you know it's a beautiful thing I'm and I'm actually enjoying the push right nobody's happy who doesn't get to beat himself right so the the the eyes and ears of the world are starting to demand more and more authenticity where you gotta say was true for you and live or die by what that is so I'm enjoying the the social demand for authenticity I'm coming into a space how have you maintained you authenticity because I mean you come from Philly it's going to everything like your journeys being crazy like how have you maintained that um you know it's really interesting is it's like the idea I I haven't maintained my authenticity per se I've maintained my character right I've maintained my beliefs character in two senses I've maintained my character of Will Smith and I've maintained my personal character of what I believe in so but in terms of authenticity the character Will Smith signs every autograph and it's always happy and wants to see the fans and is always in a good mood and that's actually not often authentic right I actually I do want to slap somebody you know every once in a while so in terms of authenticity I have successfully maintained positivity and now I'm working more to maintain authenticity I'm granting myself the freedom to not give up when I don't give a Yeah right and now I'm working into a space of much more authenticity rule number eight face your fears something that probably a lot of people don't know about me I don't put the ocean the ocean is like the ultimate woman beautiful and she will nourish you but she will tear you to shreds also the ocean is my worst fear I don't know what it is or where it came from but there's something about not being able to breathe I've tried snorkeling before and I was hyperventilating my 50th birthday is this year I just wasn't gonna go into the back nine of my life without having attacked my fear of the ocean so we're about to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef you know I've never scuba divin scoubidou scuba I've never been scuba divers before so we're taking a boat ride out and we go through a storm probably 25 years old in my mind I would be here one day so I'm ready I'm ready this is stupid I'm not going is it okay to punch sharks in the face back up with your shark ass back up with your shark ass shucks ass back up yeah I got it the question isn't can you handle the situation the question is can you handle your mind can you manage the thoughts and the emotions that are trying to poison your progress forget managing the situation manage your mind [Music] training your mind to sit calmly in the eye of the storm rule number nine inspire others to succeed you know growing up my mother and father and grandmother demanded no less of me than to represent the family every time I stepped out in a way that was helpful to others the city gave him his start he's worked hard in the city has worked hard for him knowing that this man is no West Philly opens eyes for that they opens their lens when you're in Philadelphia you see a lot of things in the youth in the neighborhood that not always positive and I think seeing that will motivate you all in his own because you're always gonna want something better for yourself you don't have enough role models out here you got too many kids being led astray thinking the wrong things is what's good they grow up too fast you need people that's puttin that out there like you don't have to do this you don't have to do that it's so much easier being yourself when you are young kid and you're walking to school you see images like this it makes you aspire to wanna be that person right what he's done in his life vibrate I'll go overseas but touch you they touch people yeah well but this right here will affect people the main thing you did you take the main detail yeah you get wills ears right this man was an icon is looking at GLA so my kids everyday will see this image and know that you can be whatever you want to be this is a man who grew up and filled up they went to over top high school up the street was a part of this world that he now is looking at us and telling my children you can be whatever you want to do it's just so powerful if you're a kid here growing up now and you see this every day it can give you a real understanding that this guy is me you know he lived here he grew up here he had the same chances as me the same possibilities as me the same everything and he's being painted on a wall because he's done something incredible with his life and rule number 10 the last one before a very special bonus clip is ask awesome questions we're about to make history we're doing an IG live to the International Space Station oh yeah and see now that's the paint looks I'm doing it like that everybody can do an interview to the International Space Station and how shoes it in terms of like the the simple basics right so you on earth people have to poop you're like it's important to poop on earth right so when you're up there I see your microphone floating I need to understand what you do with that like how do you manage that well are you sure you want to talk about this this problem because it is pretty challenging I like to say you can have a good day in the bathroom and you can have a really bad day in the bathroom and you really you hope for the good days the bad days can be challenging on earth we talked about the the you know the mile-high club there's anyone you know attempted for research purposes has anyone attempted you know the process procreating the human species in space all right well similar to the last question I'll just say are you sure we want to talk about this I'm just you know I'm a man of the people drew I'm a man of the people and it's important to me to ask the questions that the people want to ask this to I'll just say as far as I know I have no knowledge of those tests being done but I can imagine that that would present some unique opportunities now I've got a really special bonus clip from Will Smith on how to not chase awards that I think you're really gonna enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing questions had to move from just watching another video to actually taking action in your business and in your life so with these questions write down the answer in your notebook at home talk about them with a friend or leave them in the comments below here we go question number one what current fear do you need to face question number two who can you inspire to succeed and question number three what is your strong why thank you guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is much loved I'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clip first Grammy ever given to two rappers and we boycotted right that year so they the the Grammys weren't televising the rat portion and we felt like you know we had done enough that deserved to be in the televised and they they really they they everybody was still scared of rap music at the time and thought it was a fad and all that stuff so we received our Grammy in in absentia I've never used that word before I like that in absentia you still happy that you received that Grammy that award was like bittersweet you know I've never really been awards minded right so I like it everybody you prefer to win and leave that for right I have no I actually don't know you know Jeff has me on a job like he's like where is your Grammy I was like dude I have no idea I've not and I'm just not awards minded I'm much more that box office locks office yeah always yeah open it weekend open a weekend yeah I'm much more it's like total go see total like I like winning at the box office I like numbers I like sales and awards are cool but it's like I never uh never really never really got into the excitement of winning and a war it's like what you know with you know I've been nominated for Academy Awards twice and it's like it's it's nothing it's like believing that feeling with the film stuff that's never yes like I like box office assassination altruistic world domination honey Empire right I'm I understand why I'm here I think because I am so open I wanted to think I see it's a bloody brief life all of you have the potential for enormous success if you want to know what Gary Vee DJ Khalid Oprah and others know about empire building that most people miss check out the link in the description for a free bonus video
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 132,154
Rating: 4.9118056 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, will smith, will smith advice, will smith motivation, will smith interview, will smith speech, will smith success, will smith top 10, best moments of will smith, hollywood actor, best actor, will smith acting, advice for actors, success advice, motivation for success, millionaire actor, words of wisdom, will smith motivational speech, rejection is everywhere deal with it, deal with rejection, work on your body
Id: 1pBgE12LzJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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