How to be a Good Man β€” Captain America

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captain america god's righteous man the same amplifies everything that is inside so get away good becomes great this is why you could choose because a strong man who has known power all his life will lose respect for that power but a weak men knows the value of strength and knows compassion not a perfect soldier it's a little big but a good man in engage all defenses get this man [Music] avengers assemble [Music] the marvel cinematic universe and all the galaxies within it knew him as captain america the mortal soldier from earth who engaged in hand-to-hand combat with one of the most powerful beings in the universe the son of an eternal the mighty thousand-year-old thanos of titan captain america the superhero who for an indelible moment when the universe stood still in silence awaiting its fate he with an exorable will and without hesitation was prepared to go into battle alone against the entire army of thanos as a last and final defender of all life this video isn't about captain america it's about the man who inhabited this uncorrupted symbol of integrity it's about an orphan kid from brooklyn who accepted the challenge of living as a man out of his time whose strength was born from a single most defining trait his integrity it's about the man who wasn't revered because he was captain america but was venerated because he was steve rogers ready to follow captain america into the jaws of death hell no that little guy from brooklyn i was too and dumb not to run away from a fight i'm following him unlike almost every other superhero steve rogers wasn't born to the superior alien race on an odyssey of discovery he wasn't the product of a freak accident a mold by a singular traumatic event nor was he forced through a portal of experience which led to redefining the essence of his character there was no transition steve rogers didn't become he always was his unyielding spirit of integrity which infused him with his strength of worthiness is a power he wielded long before he was physically enhanced as a super soldier given a shield and introduced to the world as captain america captain america isn't a hero designed to be misunderstood to take multiple iterations to comprehend he was designed to connect with people as he was accessible and immediately recognizable for who he is what he stands for and what he fights against whilst for some this can initially lead to the misperception that he's unstimulating and lacks the excitement as some of his fellow avengers this is also the quiet intensity and magnetism of steve rogers is captain america he exists ceaselessly without qualification he's not inscrutable imploring to be figured out he's clear definitive you know where you stand with him and more importantly you know where he stands and what he stands for [Music] compromise where you can where you can't don't even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right even if the whole world is telling you to move it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree look them in the eye and say no you move he's not packaged as disassembled pieces demanding to be put together like his integrity he's whole complete and unequivocal that being said it would be an injustice to ignore that steve is a man of great depth which gives him the deep foundations to carry the weight of the responsibility as the leader of the avengers and the moral compass of the mcu it can be easy to overlook some unassuming yet remarkable insights steve rogers can teach us which trace their genesis to steve's integrity and the power this ignites so what is integrity integrity is a practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles the word integrity evolved from the latin adjective integer meaning whole or complete integrity is an iron shield forged in a fire fueled by truthfulness kindness and trustworthiness fortified an anvil hammered by justice honor and strength irrefutably steve rogers imbued every single one of these characteristics he was a man whose actions and principles all derive from a single elemental framework of unrelenting values captain america's superpower isn't his extraordinary physical abilities but undeniably his strength of character anyone can become physically strong and enhanced with the serum but only steve rogers can be captured in america even after the serum with his newfound physical dominance steve remained initially sidelined and continued to be perceived as a loser he was used as an entertainer shipped around the country as a mascot to raise money to fund the war rather than enlisted as a soldier it wasn't captain america's physical prowess that ultimately made the nation in the 1940s idealize and elevate him to the station as a hero it was his character when finally the nation had the opportunity to experience his courage and unstoppable pursuit of what's right it was when the nation for the first time witnessed the power of his integrity and integrity which fueled him to embark on a solo rescue mission saving bucky and the lives of 400 men whether as a small feeble kid bullied for his physical weakness or a super soldier considered the pinnacle of human potential and operating beyond peak physical performance both bodies whilst physically the antithesis of each ultimately housed the same true superpower power of integrity creating an indomitable spirit within steve rogers before and after the serum are both a kid from the inner city who don't like bullies and just want to do the right thing they both remain powered by the same perpetual engine of integrity the serum simply allows steve to replace his bodywork with something more durable built for collisions with bullies steve is the paragon of integrity and the power it infuses it's his integrity that instills in him an impenetrable self-confidence he carries throughout his life did you have something against running away you start running they'll never let you stop you stand up push back can't say no forever right it's his integrity that summons the avengers to serve him as the inevitable leader you know your teams you know your missions get the stones get them back be careful look out for each other this is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win whatever it takes it's his integrity that stations him as the last savior of mankind against thanos it's his integrity that makes him worthy to wield milnor the war's mighty hammer many consider steve traverses through a journey to become worthy of wielding thor's hammer that spans across the movies in the mcu's infinity saga from the first avenger to end game the captain america ultimately summons thor's hammer in the final battle against thanos [Music] in the avengers age of ultron steve is shown as almost imperceptibly raising thor's hammer leading many to believe that steve has the potential of being worthy but isn't worthy just yet however steve didn't become worthy he did it accrue worthiness he always was how is steve rogers not worthy is he not are we sure did he fail or did he stop steve didn't have to wait until end game to become worthy he was always worthy and capable of wielding thor's hammer in the age of ultron but he acted like he couldn't for forsaken seems to move it ever in a way where you're not quite sure did i see that did i not see that did he move it and not really not want to thor thor is also not sure yeah kept it there's that real moment of trepidation on the part of thor it was steve's integrity that made him worthy of raising thor's hammer and it was that same integrity which gave birth to his humility and consideration of others it was steel's respected thor's honor which induced him to disguise his power to wield milno a power which steve would have likely simultaneously only just discovered come on cap [Music] it's a very very interesting theory i have a simpler one you're all not worthy it's entirely conceivable that the sick small and feeble pre-serums tea from the 1940s could have wielded thor's hammer long before he became captain america such was the power his integrity summoned stick a needle in that kid's arm it's going to go right through come on look at that he's making me cry i am looking for qualities beyond the physical you win wars with guts get away get back [Music] he's still skinny peggy the woman that becomes a love of steve's life experienced the pull of steve's quiet magnetism which permeated him even before he was given the serum and involved into his her killian physique it's clear that peggy developed an attraction to steve's character the man he was inside his perspective on life and his profile and courage this was a woman who was incessantly encircled by stereotypically big strong and traditionally masculine men yet it was steve and the power of his integrity which she gravitated towards it was his heart and his spirit the kindness and the fight within these that was captivating steve had a good heart not deep down buried inside beneath his intentions waiting to be excavated but illuminated vividly to the world through his actions yes he often concealed his pain trauma and suffering but he always displayed his unbridled pursuit to do the right thing his focus wasn't on the greater good it wasn't being good his focus was on the individual [Music] thanos threatens half the universe one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him but it should [Music] we don't trade lives vision captain 70 years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people tell me why is this any different [Music] steve believed in the power of the individual and the value of the singular human life he trusted that as a sick small weak man in the 1940s he could make a difference in listening in the war that he had a duty which his circumstances didn't excuse him from look i know you don't think i can do this this isn't a back alley steve it's war i know it's a war why are you so keen to fight there's so many important jobs what do you already do collect scrap jobs in my little red wagon i'm not come on there are men laying down their lives i got no right to do any less than them that's what you don't understand this isn't about me steve rogers and his captain america were men of aggression desiring to kill or seek glory having endured bullies his whole life prior to becoming captain america he became a natural protector do you want to kill nazis i don't want to kill anyone i don't like bullies i don't care where they're from captain america doesn't wield a weapon but a shield a symbol of protection and defense he's a watchman a defender a protector of the little guy his integrity was woven into his shield and manifested in his faith in people one remarkable and often overlooked yet powerful consequence of steve's integrity is his fortress like unassailable self-confidence it may not be apparent at first glance but steve has a reassuring quiet confidence a real confidence grounded from within a confidence so natural and effortless it requires no announcement and exists almost unnoticed is that a problem i don't trust a guy without a dark side well let's just say you haven't seen it yet steve rogers's captain america doesn't have the same swagger or conventional charisma as iron man or thor but he has a quiet magnetism that languagely captivates you he was self-assured with an alluring order of assertiveness which commanded attention and respect you think all is forgiven i'm not looking for forgiveness and i'm way past asking permission earth just lost your best defender so we're here to fight [Music] and if you want to stand in our way we'll fight you too before the serum forged steve into a super soldier he had one dream and that was to serve his country as a soldier in world war ii and simply fight bullies he was repeatedly rejected by military recruiters across the state due to his distinctly weak physical stature yet he was unabated in his relentless pursuit to fighting a war to preserve freedom just think about how profoundly powerful that is that this sickly small man rejected by the very society he wished to protect continued to have an almost inemitable level of self-confidence that he was sufficient as he was that he had the mettle to fight the biggest baddest bullies of his time despite spending his life incessantly told he wasn't good enough this unshakable confidence and fight in his spirit was anchored by his integrity this wasn't foolishness or delusion this was authentic earnest confidence with steve's principles emanated through everything he did and felt whether as a scrawny weak kid from brooklyn his integrity infused confidence and spirit of strength meant he never hid in the shadows he never ran away from bullies or backed down from a fight no matter how much he may have seemed he can get hit and knocked down over and over again i could do this all day and unrelentingly strive to stand up [Music] you just don't know when to give up do you i'm gonna do this all day in his early life steve rogers may have been the physically weakest guy in the room but his integrity made him a force of nature to be reckoned with steve's confidence and his spirit are elemental characteristics which are inalienable because they are powered by an immutable integrity and why is integrity in the end so singularly powerful because when you think about it it's one of the last realms of existence which only you the possessor of this virtue has complete dominion and control over inaccessible and beyond the influence of man
Channel: Quietly Magnetic
Views: 7,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain america, steve rogers, chris evans, marvel, mcu, the power of integrity, integrity, confidence, introvert, civil war, endgame, infinity war, thors hammer, worthy, winter solider, falcon, captain america analysis, iron man, avengers, the avengers, marvel comics, marvel studios, disney, fan edit, man out of time, avengers assemble, tony stark, thanos, captain america tribute, lifts thors hammer, age of ultron, quietly magnetic, robert downey jr, marvel cinematic universe, bucky
Id: UVO82ybsbR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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