How To Be A Cuber | Cubeorithms

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so you want to be a cuber but you don't know where to start let me be the first to say welcome to the cubing community how to be a cube er step one get a Rubik's Cube but you can't call it a Rubik's Cube anymore call it a 3x3 and don't actually buy a Rubik's Cube from the store buy one of these on the internet you have a cube now but don't know how to solve it step 2 learn beginners method there are about a hundred thousand tutorials on the beginners method but it's gonna end up looking something like this BAM you've mastered the 3x3 and secured the title of genius among your friends look how cool I am you say only to quickly realize you take 15 minutes to solve the 3x3 you're not even close to mastery step 3 thanks to practice you cut your x down to about one minute I think it's time you got an upgrade no not your 3x3 it's time I told you the legend of sea fog now there are nearly 50,000 tutorials for sea fop but it's probably gonna end up looking something like this now we're getting somewhere with all of these YouTube tutorials you've probably found some cubing channels there are a bunch of cubing channels and it's proper etiquette to subscribe to the ones you like I'll just give you a second to take some notes we've covered a lot and I don't want you to fall behind as you practice 3x3 it may become time to expand your collection be sure to always do research before buying a new puzzle watching unboxings and reviews is an excellent way to get information on new products research could involve learning the secrets to getting puzzles on the cheap for example using the code red vs. blue at speed cube shop will get you 10% off your whole order ok shameless sponsorship plug check with a growing collection and a shrinking personal best it might be worth looking into any WCA competitions coming up in your area competitions will help you make new friends and challenge you to improve even more just maybe avoid drinking Red Bull other things to keep in mind get used to people telling you they peel off the stickers they think they're funny but they're actually aliens be cautious around young children they can be obnoxious and try to mimic your turning speed damaging your puzzle be cautious around full-grown adults they can be obnoxious and try to mimic your turning speed damaging your puzzle I'd say you're well on your way to calling yourself a cuber congratulations now take your new skills and impress the world with your super genius abilities adios amigos [Music]
Channel: Cubeorithms
Views: 2,103,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cubeorithms, Story, story time, stupid train, how to, how to be a cuber, tutorial, rubiks cube, how to solve the rubiks cube, review, unboxing, cubing community
Id: q2sXhinr3kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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