How to Bake the Best Chocoflan Every Time: Super Easy

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I wanna share with you guys how to make a super easy and delicious chocolate and in case you don't know my chocolate flan is is basically a chocolate cake layered with some flan so in case you guys wanna learn how I make them just stay tuned and I'll show you how are you guys over this recipe you're going to need one cup of Toyota twelve ounces of evaporated milk 14 ounces of concentrated milk 4 eggs 3 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract in about 1 tablespoon of butter you're also going to need a chocolate cake mix and of course all of its ingredients so you can make it and as well you guys you're going to need one of these abundant on cake pans and another longer one that's gonna be big enough for you to put the inside of it with water so these are my ingredients do you guys know let's get started already guys so before we get started you want to make sure that you set your oven to 425 degrees so now that we have the oven set up we are going to start by adding our eggs and then your concentrated milk [Music] just make sure you get all of it [Music] and then your evaporated milk can you three teaspoons of vanilla and now we're just gonna mix everything together until our eggs are well mix so once you see that your eggs are no longer yellow that's how we're gonna know that your everything's mixed so once I read this mix this is what it should look like so now we're gonna get started by buttering our pan over here with the butter so just make sure that it's all buttered up because we wanted to make sure that once we flip it it comes up easy and it doesn't get stuck make sure you do that through the whole pan [Music] so once you have that buttered we are going to add our half a cup of the cajeta so just make sure that you poured it evenly make sure you move it around so it's even okay so that's why you should look like so after you put your go ahead that we are going to add our flan and make sure that you do it slowly you guys and evenly okay so that's what it looks like now now we're just going to added we're gonna put it on top of our other pan so just place it inside of our big pan so now we're just going to put water on our glass pan and just make sure that it's halfway covering the bun and I'm Penn and this is how much water it has you guys this is my pan it's a little shorter so I have to fill it up all the way but just make sure that this pan is covered halfway okay so now we're just going to put it in the oven for 20 minutes [Music] we'll just leave it in there for 20 minutes and then meanwhile we can start making our cake I'm not making it [Music] it's been 20 minutes we're going to take it out alright so now we're going to lower down the temperature to 350 degrees okay so then we can start putting our cake mix on top of the flan and you have to be careful do it slowly so don't just pour it so just make sure that yours pretty tight evenly and slow [Music] so just make sure you spread it evenly all right okay so now we are going to cover it we're gonna cover with foil and then remember your oven is at 350 degrees we're gonna put it in there for about 55 minutes make sure it's covered [Music] like that I'm gonna stick it back in just be careful cuz your waters huh okay so for fifty of five minutes it's gonna be in there I already have so it's then 55 minutes so now we're gonna take it out and we're gonna poke it and see if it's fully cook remember be careful cause it's hot [Music] are you so you just want to grab something like a toothpick or something I don't know about too thick so I'm gonna use a strong but um just poke it and as you can see this cook so now I'm just gonna take it out of the water or the water bath and then we're gonna let it cook hold down for a Bogg an hour to two hours so we're just gonna let it cool down and then it will be able to do the fun part already so it's been already about an hour and a half and our cake it's ready to be flipped now this is a moment that you know you wanna pray and go to and eat those and do it everything and you know to make sure that your plan comes out how it's supposed to be so what I don't like I don't have a round you know flat plate I like to get my cutting board and just put on foil and then I'm just gonna put it lay back okay top of the cake just make sure it's centered and then this is a moment of truth okay so I'm just gonna flip it over and just tap it a little bit okay are you guys ready for this okay let's get going do it slowly okay [Music] ready is dirty and there you have it this is impossible yes possible cake super easy and as you can see perfect so now you guys um this is optional okay I say that you guys need a whole cup cup of a hip hop because you guys want to add more right here this is where you you know drizzle it on top of it that's optional if you guys want to just leave it as it is it's gonna be already sweet you know so that's going to be optional up to you and also you guys can also add walnuts and whatever you want to add on top of it okay so this is just how to make super easy and delicious choco flat so for easy you guys okay so yeah it's ready to be cut and ready to be enjoyed all right so everybody is so anxious to get a piece so let's start cutting it do a little hot so please do that see that see the perfection wait to fall [Music] it's perfect seriously it's delicious the plan the chocolate caramel everything is the perfect combination is delicious and come on super easy so lonely time stopped you from making this delicious cake okay make your mom your grandma your boyfriend your husband your kiss everybody proud now you happy you guys it's super easy and delicious chuckles lon I hope you guys give it a try and if you do please don't forget to snap me your um your pictures your an Instagram or Facebook you know I'm always open and I'm always makes me so happy when I know that you guys are recreating my recipes thank you so much for watching you guys and please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up and just comment down below your thoughts and also if you get to my channel please don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you guys can you part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video bye
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Views: 797,804
Rating: 4.8587847 out of 5
Keywords: cooking with me, lets cook, making desserts, baking desserts, baking, cooking mexican food, mexican dishes, mexican desserts, how to make chocoflan, easy chocoflan, easy desserts, easy baking, how to make, pastel imposible, chocoflan, flan, pastel de chocolate, cocina, mexicana, tutorial de cocina, rico, delicioso, caramelo, chocolate cake, cooking videos, how to make cake, flan cake, latin dishes, caramel, delicious food, cook with me, cooking, buzzfeed, impossible cake
Id: Awrh-beSozQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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