How to bake a sublime Ginger Biscuit | Paul Hollywood's Easy Bakes

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[Music] right today on easy bakes i'm going to show you something actually which is very close to my heart my mother does a ginger biscuit which i can't argue it tastes amazing this one's slightly different actually very simple to do all we've got is ginger we've got bicarb we've got plain flour we've got sugar we've got golden syrup and butter and that's it now set your oven to 170 fan on 190 non-fan all you need is a bowl and a mixer and a couple of trays to put your biscuits on so it's pretty straightforward now to start with flour in a bowl straight in then we've got some sugar straight in some butter don't you melt the butter you don't have to i'm just going to rub this in slightly to start it off and this will help it's only a bit of crumbing and this is where the kids can get involved you know and start getting in and get baking anything to get them involved basically before you add the real liquid which is the golden syrup just get your hands in there and break it down a little bit and it just helps does starts starts it all off before you actually use the hand mixer so again just break this down this is the fun bit this is the hardest bit that shows how easy it is now again you see it slowly start to go more yellow and that's because of the sugar and the butter going into a white flower i'm staring down at my cat at the moment who's watching me very carefully you can have a biscuit later yeah so again crumb this down nice and small get rid of those big lumps just makes your job a little bit easier when you turn the mixer on it's quite therapeutic actually there we are i think i'm happy with most of that now i'm going to add the golden syrup so well that goes in there if you want to go make yourself a cup of tea such a beautiful color i'm going to add two teaspoons of the ginger and what is just this is just ginger powder basically this is the thing that's going to give you the kick so i like ginger i love fresh ginger one of the things you can actually do is add other types of ginger so you can have the the soap ginger you know the stuff in the syrup a little bit of that to it also adds another element of ginger to it but i think it's just beautiful and ginger is really good for your gut as well and i've got half a teaspoon of bicarb going in there there's your rhizomation going in there straight away okay now you need to use your mixer if you've got a mix you can do it by hand just takes a little bit longer that's all so again put your mixer straight in it will turn to a sort of dough paste pretty quickly my my whole philosophy on baking is get your hands in there as much as you possibly can and i'm tempted to get my hands in there there you go there you go all you're doing is crushing it together it's all mixed in together already it's just been blended in so now all you're doing is beginning to bring the form the thing into one big dough ball and just by pushing that butter together it pushes everything else together the flour the sugars and they all start blending in really well together now this thing will spread in the oven when you bake it it's quite normal for a biscuit to do that what's different between a biscuit and a cookie the difference between a biscuit and a cookie now for all you american friends of mine who are watching basically it's very similar in in the uk we call a cookie a soft biscuit that means it's normally got a lot of butter in there butter gives you softness sugar gives you a snap and a biscuit the beauty with biscuits generally in the uk all things are biscuits but obviously we call cookies soft and biscuits tend to be um more crispy than not so that's the main difference is the language more than anything else so now you've got a little dough ball together now i'm going to do is divide it up put it onto my trays [Music] make little balls so we're looking for about 30 grams um roughly an ounce per ball i would say that these were pretty much walnut size now i'm not measuring i'm sort of just using my my eye to be able to produce them it's a bit like clay it feels like clay the more you manipulate it the warm your hands are this is where warm hands work the warm hands soften the butter and incorporate the whole thing together so you end up with a beautifully small ball it is it is walnut size it's not quite ping pong ball size it's a bit like a squash ball actually similar size to a squash ball but if you make them slightly bigger it's not necessarily a problem the only thing that will change is the bake in the oven because the bigger it'll be the slightly longer it'll take to be another 30 seconds or a minute if it's slightly bigger then only take about 10 12 30 minutes in an oven i'm spreading them out because they will spread out that's the idea of the biscuit they will end up beginning to flow and they sit and open up and just put a little bit of pressure on them to flatten them slightly but most of the work can be done in the actual oven itself space you repeat that so you get um about 18 i think that's two nines it's been a while since i've been in school so if it breaks up when you're rolling it all i'm doing is my hand to create the roll it sits in the middle of your hand and you've got a natural cut there place them down so on the baking tray itself i'm using bacon parchment do you want to use baking parchment not grease proof it's the best thing to use one two three four five six seven what's underneath it underneath i've just got a little bit of oil you can use butter or oil it just helps keep the paper flat so when you put these in the oven if you've got nothing underneath there what tends to happen is the heat can blow underneath certainly in a fan oven and just blow the paper up and you don't want anything to interfere with the bake itself so again put a little bit of oil a little bit of butter on there just keeps it nice and flat make sure they don't roll around too much just put a bit of pressure on them and they'll get baked now for around 12 minutes or so and they'll come out looking absolutely beautiful [Music] okay let's have a look at the yeah they're just over 12 minutes look at them so there we have them now you obviously can't eat them now they're too hot and actually very soft you need to leave them to cool gently on the tray takes about an hour get your cup of tea ready enjoy dunking i've been looking forward to this cup of tea dunk in your ginger biscuit a proper ginger biscuit dunked into a tea nothing better and that just shows you how easy it is to bake my ginger biscuits now there are plenty of other easy bake recipes on my youtube channel along with these beautiful ginger biscuits click subscribe click like enjoy all the recipes and get baking now leave me to enjoy my biscuit [Music] delicious
Channel: Paul Hollywood
Views: 164,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, Baking, Bake off, Bake-off, channel 4, cakes, bread, baking bread, Paul Hollywood eats japan, Paul Hollywood's City Bakes, cooking, food, ginger, ginger biscuits
Id: aR0hMtXpks4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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