Charlotte Cake Showdown | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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three home cooks are creating their own takes on  a classic charlotte cake to secure their spots   in the top five but Shawn doesn't have enough  batter left to create the base of his cake I   need to take some of my ladyfingers and use it  for my cake batter I don't have a choice in the   matter at the moment oh my goodness if I don't  have enough ladyfingers oh my gosh my cake is   gonna suck the next step is the mousse the most  difficult thing about making a charlotte's make   sure that mousse is perfectly light if your moves  is too runny your cake is gonna pop down prepare   the mousse they go to have to whip the egg whites  they're gonna have to whip their cream they're   gonna have to blend those ingredients together  at the gelatine I'm making a orange chocolate   mousse I want to show the judges that I can put  together different flavor combinations I'm gonna   make it white chocolate mousse I'm relying on  my flavors to get me through this pressure test I feel yes chef tell me about the flavors  here I'm doing a coconut ladyfinger with   a pistachio cake in the middle and I'm doing a  passion fruit mousse who's going home today I   think either Shawn or Jeremy are going home not  you not me chef well good luck Thank You chef   20 minutes yep 20 minutes left then they have  the big process of building the Charlotte   putting the ingredients together just big  enough making sure that the fingers align   the mold I feeling the pressure I'm feeling the  pressure I don't have that much time left and I   have to get all these ladyfingers cut perfectly  we have an awesome stone he's pretty tight my   lady fingers are sticking together I kind of  think that that might be a good thing one of   the big issues with making a Charlotte is  that you have to get your ladyfingers so   tight together that the mousse and the glaze  can't spill through the cracks but I'm worried   about the amount I have I don't think he has  enough in ice and fire soldiers didn't even ask   [Music] I got to put it into high gear and  get this cake finished really low on time   it's freaking me out right now now they  can work on their glaze I need to make it   look really really pretty I don't my place  tastes good but I know that too much glaze   can really affect the structural integrity  of my dish okay good the moment of truth you see that the glaze has run  through the ladyfingers I had   just one spoon too much there goes my presentation pick it up guys one minute one minute left  come on one minute everything on Sean that   looks great guys the Gerry tell me the flavors of  your Charlotte cake please it's orange chocolate   mint Charlotte garnished with candy cereal and  candied mint well beautiful well look the outer   row of the ladies fingers looks pretty decent any  worries about me removing this piece of ribbon No beautiful Jerry so what I want to see  is a nice clean cut that mousse just   sits there nicely has a little jiggle to  it but you can see the layers let's see [Music] it looks wonderful a decent layer of mousse  in between another layer of the cake looks   pretty good Thank You chef that's up the  game fellas now it's down to flavors yeah [Music] the Moose beautiful beautiful  soft fluffy the immediate hit that I   get is chocolate then that mint  starts to come around the piece   that I don't get is the orange I  think you needed a little bit more   orange just to punch through overall it's  a solid Charlotte cake Thank You Jeremy dr. Shawn tell me what it is it's a caramel  toffee pecan Charlotte uses a white chocolate   bavarian mousse and then a dark chocolate  glaze on top if Amy's stuck together in the   end I thought that that would actually help  out with structural integrity and you can   see because your ladies fingers are so wide it's  actually very difficult for me to cut a reasonable   size so I'm just gonna cut it here okay will this  hold [Music] look at that I think it's probably a   little bit too soft sloping downward a bit maybe  it's not enough gelatin so that's how it takes   taste pretty good this thing is so rich you got  two different chocolates you got the Carmel you   got the began I think it tastes better than it  looks but would that be enough to keep you in look at all the glaze coming through here I'm  surprised this almost looks like child's play   what happened I added way too much glaze and it  just seeped through tell me about the flavors so   I made a tropical Charlotte it's a passion fruit  mousse coconut ladyfingers right you worried with   what's gonna happen when I remove this ribbon  yes chef you are really worried I can see it [Music] moment of truth Matthew [Music] the moment of truth Matthew [Music] the Moose looks like a cloud there's a  lot riding on the flavor of this Charlotte   yes chef if it doesn't taste good Matthew I  don't think you have a hope I know that Jeff the flavor is amazing a pistachio  sponge is the perfect thickness   but I've seen you do better  I know I can do better stuff
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 4,473,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini, baking, charlotte cake, cooking show, dessert, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world, pressure test
Id: fJNbSYfD0s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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