HOW TO AVOID BURNOUT: healthy productivity.

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[Music] I'm finally having a break from it all it's just a week but it's a break nevertheless I'm currently in the midst of exam season and the last two weeks have been so stressful I've been facing exams back to back both practical and spoken exams and at the end of the day I was just so exhausted and it feels so nice to finally have a week to just breathe and reset and refocus before it gets back at it again because this is a marathon I don't think we should regard things as a Sprint it's always a marathon and you should train and work towards the point where you can do things without breaking down because life doesn't stop burn out is something that at least 50% of medical residents face throughout their career I'm a dental student so this is actually something that could be my future if it hasn't already happened before because burnout is not only a thing anymore that affects people who are working at Wall Street who are Financial professionals not even just people who already work even students have to face burnout before burnout there's just that extreme amount of Stress and Anxiety that comes with it and goes hand inand with it how can we prevent anxiety and potentially a burnout I think first of all it's really important to understand how the body works and I mean I am a dental student so I do have a little bit of a medical background I'm not a doctor but we did have a few things of physiology in preclinical and the Body Works the following way you have a sympathetic system and you have a parasympathetic system your sympathetic system is your stress response Central and your parasympathetic system is your calm down Center your sympathetic system is pretty much the one that boosts you up during stress F times that pumps out adrenaline cortisol gives you all of that energy to keep on going through stressful times your parasympathetic system is the one that calms you down at the end of the day or at the end of a stressful period now when you are in exam season and it's a really prolonged one like for me at the moment your sympathetic system is on an all-time high and you're constantly throwing out all these stress causing hormones that keep you going but ultimately they end up in fatigue exhaustion cynicism the feeling of not being good enough it's really important that you understand how your body works to actually work and prevent anxiety and exhaustion and all these things because you can only fix a problem if you understand the root cause of [Music] it [Music] [Music] m [Music] so since it's my first full day of having a lot of free time I decided it's finally time to clean up the house and do a deep clean I don't have anything to do today so this is much needed my house is a mess I have a very strong craving to rearrange my couch a little bit and I feel like that's one of the first things that I'm going to do and then I'm just going to deep clean the entire house and do some laundry a clean surrounding means a clean head [Music] space logically speaking we all know okay your parasympathetic system should now be working too how do you achieve that that is really difficult because your mind cannot control control the mind this is actually a quote from Andrew uberman it is brilliant the Mind cannot control the mind you can do all of these great things you can control your life as much as you want you can learn all these breathing techniques ultimately life might just get in the way and things don't work out as planned and that's fine and you kind of have to accept that now there is a little trick on how to activate your parasympathetic system and calm down your heart rate and it's called physiological sighing it's pretty much a breathing exercise where you take two two short inhales and one long exhale this breathing exercise activates your parasympathetic system and it calms down your heart rate you might have to do it a couple of times but whenever you feel really stressed you can actually do it to calm yourself down but there are also passive things that you can do and incorporate into your everyday life like getting in enough sleep eating healthy having good nutrition exercise socializing talking to friends meditation journaling sunlight exposure now it's really important that you do not only do these things during breaks as of I'm having this day and I'm going to do all of these things but on all the other days when I'm hustling I'm not going to do it that is toxic hustle culture and we are better than that we're not doing that we're not participating in a toxic productivity culture and mindset we want to take care of ourselves you have to incorporate all these things of self-care into your everyday life even when you're working when you're studying you have to take breaks and you shouldn't neglect exercise you shouldn't neglect proper nutrition you shouldn't neglect social iing with your friends just because you're studying just because you're in finals time I know it's really hard school's really important you are working on your future you're shaping your future through this you don't want to mess up but you cannot pour from an empty cup you have to constantly work on yourself and you have to constantly fill up your cup again recharge the [Music] batteries try it no no try it first try [Music] it [Music] fore speech for speech [Music] I'm going to go to the gym in like 5 minutes I'm going to have a pre-workout and then I'm going to train [Music] so [Music] I went to the gym and I'm feeling so much better I missed training like crazy and I'm taking a new more athletic approach to working out with more plyometric movements and it's been so great I feel so so good and my legs are going to be sore tomorrow but I like [Music] [Music] it I think mindset also plays a really important role in preventing anxiety and stress and ultimately burnout as I already mentioned earlier hustle culture and the productivity culture nowadays is really really toxic everybody wants to work 24/7 everybody wants to be super productive you have all of these 400 a.m. 5 a.m. 6 a.m. morning routines and everybody's just preaching about how you cannot lose focus how working and studying is such an important thing and yes it is but it is not the most important thing in life life does not stop life is much more than just working you never know when's the last time you're going to see a person a friend a family member you never know when's the last time you can go to your favorite coffee shop before it closes there's so many factors outside of school and work that you shouldn't neglect so yeah school and work aren't everything in life it is important and you do have to invest time and energy but don't neglect other things in your life and don't act like you only have school and work have hobbies if you don't have any at the moment that's not a big deal sometimes I feel like I don't have any hobbies to find a new hobby create a new hobby meet up with friends go out at night maybe have a drink cook yourself a dinner that actually takes you like 2 hours to prepare you do have the time you do have the [Music] time [Music] I had the slowest start into the day and now I'm about to start my selfcare routine I'm going to shave I'm going to do a little bit of skin care maybe a face mask and then I'm having a hair appointment at 2: p.m. I'm going to take Bailey with me I'm going to get my roots done just a little refresh and yeah just a pampering day for myself but it's so sunny and weather so nice it just makes getting up so much easier and I've really been enjoying my time in my days with a weather being like this oh I can't throw with my left hand for the life of me I suck at that [Music] another thing that's really important is removing stressors from your life now that can be a harsh light in your room but that can also be people people that stress you out and don't do you good remove them from your life because anxiety always has many different problems and roots and sometimes people are one of those and if somebody's not serving your mental health sounds kind of harsh but cut them out don't keep them in your life now you don't have to cut out people permanently from your life but maybe just reduce the time that you spend with them or say I'm not going to see you for a month because right now I'm really busy and I'm really stressed and you're just adding up to that so once I'm doing better at school and at work and that stress has gone down we can hang out again I am on my way to the hand addresser I've actually already arrived to bed I'm taking Bailey for a [Music] [Music] walk [Music] [Music] last but not least something that I find really important is trying to grow outside of school and of work growing Within school and work is easy like it's so obvious to do that we try to achieve great things at school and at work every single time we get up every morning a lot of the time we're raised to constantly Excel and top ourselves even we do not only want to be the best in our grade we want to be better than ourselves yesterday and the year before that and we constantly want to become better growing in school and at work is a no-brainer we already do that and when we come home we often forget that we have a life outside of school and outside of work and we don't invest any energy into that and into ourselves outside of our academic or professional [Music] career had such a great day yesterday I got my hair done and then I spend the night at a friend's place her name is kamit and she's super nice she's French and she has the most aesthetic Parisian inspired home home like it's so cute we ordered pizza we were talking today I'm going to get just slightly back into the game of studying I'm going to check back in with first things that I have to tackle for the upcoming exams and I think I'm also going to do my time management for next week practical week so that I know when I'm going to order my patients in so today I mean it's going to be relaxed and I love that I'm also going to the gym I think healthy balance slightly getting back into [Music] productivity sometimes it's s just to be a little wrong with no s of consequence why you looking so judgy car I got you treats too the day breaks in the darkest places right before the dawn [Music] so when you come home from all of these factors and things that you have to do like work and school try to grow outside of that work on your hobbies work on yourselves read a book that's one of the easiest things to do Journal talk to people podcasts or also grade YouTube videos to educate yourself and you do not always have to educate yourself with some high intellectual stuff you do not have to listen to the uberman podcast you do not have to listen to The Diary of a CEO those are great podcasts and you can learn so much from them but you don't have to listen to them you can also grow by learning how to draw or learning how to play the piano I am going to make myself a matcha matcha alls me to be precise because I didn't have any caffeine this morning I can totally feel it blowing like a hurricane R me and [Music] you no blue [Music] R take away my strength When Love standing holding hand right here I'm [Music] say I'm not going to lie all these influencers are lying they're bullshitting you they're posting their 5:00 a.m. morning routines and how they study all day there's one thing that I can tell you something that's trending at the moment is being a hybrid athlete such a big trend on Instagram these people be doing the most intense workouts they're going on runs they're doing Crossfit workouts at like 5:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. and then they're posting about how they're studying for like 4 hours 8 hours after that I don't know if you've ever done a crossfit workout but those are hard they are challenging you are not able to study after that for at least 3 to 4 hours you need to eat you need to sleep you're not productive after that listen this is a little tiny bit messy did not structure this at all this is not good oh I'm going to get down and do some work I think I'm going to do some editing and this so studying ending this on like a very productive [Music] note those influencers they probably feel the same way they just don't show it online cuz it's not aesthetic and it's not part of their brand ultimately if you would actually do this because you see all your favorite influencers do it and you're like okay you know what I'm going to push myself I'm going to do it too you will end up feeling burned out and that is not something that we want we don't want to feel burned out we want to feel good we want to [Music] live hours later but I did my makeup got dressed for the gym and I'm doing some work picking up pictures to be precise that I took with Tom Tom is an amazing videographer and photographer her and a year back we did a shooting for Nike and because that campaign it's been a while since it ran we decided you know what it's time to post some of the pictures and I'm going through them it's 900 and I'm currently at [Music] 680 [Music] [Music] [Music] fashion [Music] [Applause] you know I heard you made 200 [Music] million I guess it's true I heard it from a childood friend you you bought a big home and move back to the island with kids and a wife and a dog but you come really [Music] far you had a bow of fill with all your Trea and cars when we were 17 and now you got the mo and I drive by a house every day feels I'm back from the gym I'm currently making myself dinner it's quite late and I'm also going to hang out my laundry cuz I kind of forgot about that not going to lie kind of forgot about it but I'm going to do a nail to use my time [Music] effectively if you feel like everything's a little too much at the moment I want you guys to take a step back and detach yourself a little bit from all that stress try to see it from a different perspective and remove yourself from toxic situations not completely you don't have to completely drop out of school or quit your job but really sit down for like an hour or two and analyze how you're spending your time and where you could actually cut down from stressing over work because you're not actually working you're just stressing yourself out and do something that would prevent you from feeling that way if your mind is getting too much go outside go on a walk go on a run work out or meet up with your friends if your body's just feeling exhausted read a book and go to sleep I'm not professional I'm not licensed to give you advice this is just my personal recommendation and things that really have helped me I feel like I've always felt the most stress and the most anxiety in my life when my self-care routine was at a low and I really had to learn the hard way that I shouldn't neglected that's why at the moment when I'm feeling tired I'm sleeping even though I have to study I'm going to sleep in I don't care I'm going to do my workout because other people that I know they haven't been in the gym for like 3 months because they're so stressed and they want to study all day it doesn't work that way anyway ways if you're not feeling it if you cannot focus go outside take a break take a breather and ultimately enjoy life because life is great and it's about to be spring so as you can already tell the sun is out and we're going to have an amazing spring and summertime ahead of us and seasonal depression is also about to leave our bodies because don't underestimate that factor sunlight exposure is really important too get yourself out there if you see sunlight get out there get in some sunlight exposure and enjoy life as I said you cannot pour from an empty cup so make sure that your cup is always full I look funny and slightly hideous but I mixed in some zinc oxide with my face cream to base my [Music] skin [Music]
Channel: Anna Neubert
Views: 144,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, daily vlog, vlog, anna neubert, anna, morning routine, 6am morning routine, 5am morning routine, productive morning routine, be more productive, how to be more productive, college routine, dental school, anna neubert routine, med student, med school, med school morning routine, burnout, how to avoid burnout
Id: dRO5nhLqUkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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