How to AUTOTUNE BETTER *with stock plugins - [Logic Pro X]

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what's up guys this is valentino with bigger creations and today we're talking about auto-tune and how to do it right [Music] like i said today we're talking about tune and how to do it right and you're gonna see that these little things make a huge difference when it comes to making sure that your auto tune is on point if you missed it i released my latest single go stream it on spotify it really helps out the algorithm so stream the whole song let me know in the comments if you like it i'm going to put a link to it in the description the album is coming very very soon so if you want to stay up to date with any kind of releases or new information then check me out on instagram bigger creations and that way you don't miss anything autotune is something that could be very very unique to taste and the style of the music but there is a right way of doing it so that you get the most control out of your autotune and i'm going to show you what this trick is it's super super simple so first i'm going to show you um this is one of the songs that's going to be on my album it's called where you at i have a breakdown of how i made this song on a previous youtube video so i'll put a link to it up here if you're interested in watching it i don't really use auto-tune unless i want a specific effect on my own voice and my own tracks but i do use it for people who like rappers and things like that who are featuring on my track who like to use auto-tune on their voice and so i figured i'd show you guys how to make it a little bit better especially if you're delivering stems over to someone who you're collaborating with you want to make sure that it's just one less thing that that person has to worry about and makes you look really polished and good as an artist so so here's a little snippet of what we're working with here living day by day feel like i know it my mind keeps going places but i don't know it i'm standing in the same place [Music] [Music] basically i'm going to use this part right here just this second verse as an example so i have a separate track here this is just a basic take of the vocals that i recorded just to remember what i had written not the final vocals but a perfect example to show you how much of a difference doing this one thing to your auto tune can make so this is the track with no pitch correction living day by day feel like i know it my mind keeps going places but i'm know it i'm standing in the same place here nowhere so not a perfect take but you get the idea so here's what happens if i just slap on some pitch correction so i know that this track is d minor and i've put the response speed all the way to the fastest setting because that's going to give you the most auto-tuned like t-pain vibe um let's listen to what it sounds like with that just thrown on there living day by day feel like i'm nowhere my mind keeps going places but i know it i'm standing in the same place here nowhere tell me can you see me are you out there just need your guide and show me your soul that is close to me cause i can't so it's not bad right i mean you get this really like electronic vibe but it will sound so much better doing this one thing so i'm going to show you this is the track where i've actually done that i'm going to turn on the pitch correction and listen to it now even day by day feel like i'm know it my mind keeps going places but i know it i'm standing in the same place you don't know it tell me can you see me are you out there just need your guide and show me your soul it is close to me cause i keep fighting all that i'm fighting and it's just me so it sounds way clearer you still have the auto-tune vibe and obviously like you know i went a little bit slower on the response time just to give it a little bit more of a natural feel so what did i do different what did i do to make the auto-tune sound better like this well it's pretty simple you just got to put in the work you go into the track and you actually flick flex pitch actually go into your track and correct your vocals so do whatever you would want to do if you were trying to correct your vocals without auto-tune just do the pitch correction maybe get rid of some of the vibrato in the voice so in this case i've done 22 vibrato so without the pitch correction it sounds like what i would put on my track right living day by day feel like i know it my mind keeps going places but i know it but then if i slap some auto-tune on it i'm standing in the same place you don't know it tell me can you see me are you out there just sounds way better than this other version if i play this version to you you're gonna notice the difference living day by day feel like i know it my mind keeps going places but i'm know it this one is blatantly obvious that you're doing pitch correction and obviously it's all the way to the fast setting if i go down a little bit i'm standing in the same place yeah nowhere tell me can you see me are you out there just so when you add flex pitch to your track and actually fine-tune your pitch do some pitch correction it lets you do two things one it makes it so that there's less of this like robotic sound and these artifacts that the auto-tune is trying to take care of and what it also does is it allows you to kind of ease off of the response time so it doesn't have to be super super 100 fast at zero milliseconds you can do it a little slower so that your vocal sounds a little bit more polished and more sure and confident so if you do that one thing if you just do your flex pitch and you know your fine tune pitch correction to your vocal before you slap auto tune to it it makes all the difference on getting a quality and professional sounding recording one last thing i just kind of wanted to touch on since we're talking about pitch correction something to keep in mind that a lot of people don't notice is here is that there's a normal and then there's a low and basically if you're doing these high pitched notes and you're kind of on the higher tone of your voice if you mess with normal and low it will actually do different things to your auto tune and somehow it just kind of picks that vocal range in that tone range and really works well with that so if you have a deeper vocal or maybe a male vocal that is you know like your typical wrapper vocal you might want to experiment turning it to low because it will actually respond to your voice a little bit better because it's designed to be looking at that tone and that range in your voice um for me most of the time for my vocals they're obviously female vocals they're a lot more melodic and high pitch so typically i'm going with the normal but if you're going for something that's very punchy and like in your lower register you'll probably want to try hitting low and see how that sounds again this is more of a taste thing so most of your autotune plugins will have something like this the more advanced the autotune plug-in is the more ranges it will have here so it might have like a soprano an alto a tenor and a bass um and a super low so uh mess with that because that can make a huge difference but um that's basically it guys just flex pitch your vocals first before you slap auto-tune and you will get a big difference on how your vocals sound that's it for today guys just a quick video hopefully this was a value to you if you learned something new then hit that like button let me know how you feel about it in the comments and make sure you subscribe and you have notifications so that you don't miss future videos as always if you ever have any questions or want to see more content check me out on instagram and just as a reminder check me out on spotify my latest single just released and my album is coming out very very soon so make sure to stream that for me help his sister out uh with that being said thank you so much for watching this video i love you guys and uh keep making beats [Music]
Channel: Valentina Bilancieri
Views: 111,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r&b, music producer, female producer, vocals, Logic Pro x, home studio, studio behind the scenes, studio bts, vocals production, beat making, beatmaking, Valentina, bilancieri, Valentina bilancieri, keep making beats, keep makin beats, mixing, mastering, music production, audio production, hip hop, trap, latina, reggaeton, spanglish music
Id: KBekZw6P5sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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