How to Attend a Job Interview - Project Management

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[Music] hello i'm jennifer whitt director of well hope you joined us in our last session for how to run a job interview but this week we want to focus on this whiteboard session if you are the interviewee so today what I want to share with you are five tips for winning your job interview so number one when you enter a job interview it's important to take your passion and your energy or your frequency to the interviewer and not come in with the weight on your shoulder we all have a lot of things going on in our lives especially with some of the economic turbulence maybe some other projects we're dealing with soar other things but it's important not to breathe or show the weight of the world on your shoulders so and also when you're being interviewed answer again with energy and excitement about that job or what you've done in the past and not answer in monotone and a monotone frequency or worse yet put your interviewer to sleep number two bring samples samples of your work specificity drives credibility and showing your relevance to that job your past experience may be some of the tools or techniques that you know or have learned and also again bringing your portfolios of maybe some plans that you've completed in the past or templates or even showing an online demo a lot of times I bring my iPad and I can show things on to my interviewee of some of the things I've done online also you can also bring poor things of your portfolio for instance if you're responsible for training and you develop some of your training it may be important for the interviewer to see the quality of your work also if you've written in any publications you may bring some of the articles that you've written for the trade journal for instance PM network or published by PMI also you can bring samples of templates and say like a project notebook and actually show people some of the information you've done share some of your writings or some maybe things that you've spoken on but show them a portfolio have some artists friends and I love when they bring their portfolios they show some maybe sketches or some drawings or some of the graphical work so I love to take from their ideas and you can also leave behind what you showed them it's nice to maybe include a nice folder something colorful that matches may be your own personal branding so that you can say and I've also included copies for you to look through when I leave and that gives a great lead behind something after the interview they can go back and look at in more detail while you're gone so it's important to bring your portfolio again show your relevance so you show your experience and things that you can bring to the table also to show mobilization and socialization that's very important today most teams are including mobile being mobile so being able to communicate with your team's effectively who may be remote or mobile or maybe even your out between projects so showing that you have some kind of mobility whether it's an iPhone a blackberry or any kind of mobile device or even iPads or any other technology next is dress there is something to be said for dressing for success so for men and women knowing the environment that you're going into it's important to ask your interviewer or maybe if you're working with the recruiting or staffing firm maybe ask them what the environment is like so you'll know how to dress appropriately even if you are interviewing for something intra-company within your company it's important maybe business units are different and if you're more client-facing or something customer facing it may be more important for you to dress one way than if you're working maybe with technical resources and also if you're made if you're meeting with the executive team it's important to dress so that you are a dress for the role also participate it's important to ask your interviewer questions and show interest again one of the assumptions we make coming in is that you've prepared prior to the interview so you know about the company you know about the job you know about the role some of the team members again we believe in googling and finding out and so coming in that conversation with questions that you have about them remember you are interviewing them as well as they are interviewing you you may discover through your questions it may be an environment it may be a project it may be a project manager or manager that you don't want to work for be genuine really know your strings and know what you're passionate about I know for myself there are some things that I really don't enjoy anymore maybe I've done them enough in my past and I've been there done that and I've enjoyed and have more passion for other things so it's important for you to know exactly what the expectations are for you in that role and know is that really my strength is this something I'm well equipped to do is this something I even want to do anymore because it out of fairness to yourself and a fairness to the interviewer or the company it's important not to engage in or agree to a role that maybe you're not excited about I want to throw in three bonuses so three bonuses for an interview and being an interviewer I've actually had some of these things that that have been thrown in the interview by the interviewee and I just want to bring these up electronic devices be sure to go into the interview with your devices turned off I've actually had an interview interviewee take a call during interview so it doesn't make a very good impression it makes it look like you have something more important than your interviewer number two your time be mindful of the time if the if the interview is 20 minutes or 30 minutes also act is a good project manager and manage that time and at the end of the 20 minutes or 30 minutes when your interview is up let the interviewer know even if it goes past the time check-in and be mindful of their time as well as yours three next steps following up on the next steps really leaving knowing what is the next steps when will you hear from them what when will they get back with you are they looking to fill this soon or media or in the future so those are five of the tips that I feel like will have you when your interview if you need any tips tools or techniques to help you stand out in your job interview and win that job then feel free to join us at
Channel: Project Management Videos
Views: 373,072
Rating: 4.8090692 out of 5
Keywords: Project Management, Project Manager, job interview, job interviewing, job, interview, interviewing, interview tips, interviewing tips, job interview tips, job interviewing tips, career
Id: At-qKTRx74M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2012
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