How to Ask a Girl Out in the 1940's - First Date Tips

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how do you choose a date whose company would you enjoy well one thing you can consider is looks woody thought of Janus and how good-looking she was he'd really have to rate to date somebody like her except well it's too bad Janice always act so superior and bored she'd make a fella feel awkward and inferior what about Anne she knows how to have a good time and how to make the fellow with her relax have fun too yes that's what a boy likes he wants to know he's appreciated and would be fun on a date how do you ask for a date what about this how about a deep I am hmm well suppose he did it this way I am what's he doing Saturday night well I guess I'm busy oh yeah and they get to giving him the brush-off for me well is there another way and this is woody well I have a ticket for the high teen carnival Saturday and well would you like to go hi yes woody I had to talk to my first about it but I think I can go that would be fun yeah well shall I pick you up a bomb eight o'clock that's fine woody eight o'clock Saturday I think it'll be all right but I'll let you know for sure bye [Applause] [Music] hi Ann hi Judy so do you do one why aren't you vu Krista little sister I'm getting ready for my date tonight with woody oh he's nice a date huh oh you do I think the important thing about a days to have a good time so you don't need to spend a lot of money to do that you just enjoy whatever you're doing whether it's movie of parties or anything and you need your boyfriend enough money sir I'll ask you again my you'll be out late so not particularly late mom and dad not have an agreement about what time to come in look um leave me I didn't get my stockings from the bathroom yes there were you excited the night of your first date I sure was so was I I took my date seriously a date was a major event why the night of my first day my date had a flat tire and he was an hour late and he didn't even bother to call me well when he finally came I had to run upstairs and do my face in my hair all over again oh it was so much fat and the moral of that story is that I should be on time tonight right you bet hi woody hey bud hey yeah the flowers Ann won't expect flowers will she huh oh I hardly think so I'm thinking these to Mary because it's a special occasion but I don't have to I rent it to Ricky affair that's the general idea flowers for a farm or a very special party to wise you don't need to say I'll have to run me to see you later [Music] and now goodnight the end of a perfect evening but how do you say good night perhaps what a.m. or it could go this way well along just like that after all a girl likes to know you've had a good time so let's try saying goodnight again one more way well it's getting late yes I'd ask you in for a bite to eat if it works all night let's plan to get home in time for standard response the next time say that sounds good I'll call you next week will you well thanks so much I have no surprise oh did I goodnight we'll be right in that's all
Channel: glamourdaze
Views: 134,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage fashion, vintage makeup, vintage hairstyle, how to ask a girl out, dating girls, first date, first date tips, dating rules, how to date, dating tips for girls, first date ideas, what to do on a first date, what to talk about on a first date, how to say goodnight, dating in high school, 1940s, 1949, 1940s fashion, 1940s dress
Id: koLvXQBfOnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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