How to apply for SDS in Canada || Step-by-Step Complete Process Detailed

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so i bet you're wondering how to apply to the student direct scheme that is the sds scheme to go to canada for your education now if you are going to be applying for the visa normally it generally takes about two to three months for the process to compete but if you apply to sds and if you're eligible to apply to sds by the way and it's a narrow eligibility criteria not a lot of people get through the eligibility but we're going to talk about that right now and if you are eligible i highly recommend you file your application under the sds scheme the reason is basically because they get your application process within 20 calendar days which of course is pretty great given that there's a lot of delay otherwise two or three months and 20 calendar days it's basically less than one month which is essentially why the sds scheme is so popular and that's what we're going to be talking about exactly how to do it step by step i'm going to be showing you on my computer itself as of now now before we go over the eligibility and how to go ahead with the application i want you to understand we do hundreds of applications every single year and having someone by your side with experience can count a lot so just in case you would be interested in having us on your site you can take a look at go to the services section the visa application help scroll down to canada and you'll see everything end to end is covered literally until you get your visa stamped every single point there's really nothing that we've left uncovered over here so you can take a look at that and in case your visa gets rejected we offer you the whole service again free of charge we're really proud of the sops that we build over here and that's i believe one big reason that our rejection rate is extremely extremely low and hence we believe we can help you in case you are interested now even if you're going to be doing the process by yourself i understand that there's a lot of parts that you may not actually be able to go through right and not everyone is interested in working with someone else some people want to pursue it themselves for those of you guys i'm bringing you this video i'm telling you exactly how to go ahead with the process of course we're not going to take typical scenarios that okay this person had so many backlogs or their ielts score is lower etcetera etcetera whatever it is right those scenarios we cover one-on-one but for those of you guys who qualify and you want to do it by yourself here's the process first let's go over the eligibility what are the things you need to qualify for sds now you should be a legal resident of one of the following countries as shown on your screen right now please note that india is one of these countries so if you're an indian watching this you qualify however there are a lot of countries that have been left out students who are watching from bangladesh nepal right you guys are not qualifying for this most countries in africa also will not qualify for bsta stream so please remember that you must fulfill this requirement if you do not you probably want to end this video right here number two you need a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution of course the dli list is available on the website of the cic and again you know you can basically go ahead take a look at that but your reputable institution should give you a letter of acceptance that yes uncontestedly we give you this offer there's really no conditions attached you are eligible to come okay then of course your gic should be there you should pay the gic amount and you should have the receipt your proof of payment of the first year's tuition should be there and there's a variety of ways to prove that i'm not gonna go deep into it but these are the four ways in general and you can see there's various kinds of recipes and proof of payments that are shown over here and even you know a bank account you can transfer money to that basically will be used to pay your tuition there's a lot of ways basically we're not going to go into the depth of that as of now because that's out of scope of this video for the most right of course you need an ielts academic score and believe me there is a requirement that your score should be six points or higher on each of the language skills sections so please make sure that you have that then you need a proof of upfront medical examination most of you guys you will need a medical examination and for that you will need an upfront proof remember there's a way that these things are done for basically people who are going to canada there are specific doctors available and you have to get basically a certificate from one of these doctors only okay and this needs to be done in advance and not later on which can be the case if you're not applying for the se stream by the way but for sds you have to have it in advance then there's the proof of police certificate now it may not be required for every single case but like i said if required you need to have it in advance and finally recent transcripts if you've finished schooling or if you're finished you know high school you finished undergraduate degree whatever you're finished you need to have the transcript for that in advance before applying okay and it is very important that you do in case you do not then again you do not qualify for the sds these are the eligibility requirements that i just quoted guys so make sure that you have all of these boxes checked now we're gonna go on to the canada website right over here you can see i am logged in and i am trying to apply to come to canada right here you're gonna see me apply and i'm gonna select most of the options that of course you know you're going for a study visa so i don't have to explain a lot of these right but at the same point of time you know what would you like to do in canada i'd like to study you know how are you planning to stay in canada i am i'm planning to stay there temporarily but more than six months i'm assuming that your course is more than six months okay select the code that matches your passport let's say that it is india for this for this for the references of this video what is your current residential presence again very important over here it has to be one of the eligible countries for the sds claim okay very important thing over here all right do you have a family member i would say no date of birth let's just select a random date right over here let's say that it is 1997 april and 7th and let's move on to the next part and you can see really over here you know it's a simple form for the most part but there are complicated things that happen and people do get rejected even though it's pretty simplistic it looks simplistic it's it's really not okay are you lawful permanent residents of the us i'm gonna say no all right let's move on then it's gonna ask you have you been accepted into a dli like i said so you're gonna say yes and hopefully you already qualify for this now have you lived or visited any one of the designated uh countries i'm gonna say no to this one actually let's move on and it's gonna ask you have you taken a medical exam like i said performed by an ircc authorized panel physician like i said there's designated people who will be doing this right within the last 12 months you have to select yes over here otherwise you're not eligible for the sds stream right let's move on do you have a gic you have to select yes did you pay the first situation full you have to select yes and hopefully you've already done it and of course you know you can go with the def test that's basically test of french but in your case most of the people watching this you're going for the sesquil so i'm going to select als okay and let's move on okay for the next questions asking were all your results for listening reading writing like i said they have to be over six and this is important question why is the portal asking for this because trying to identify do you qualify for sds or not i'm gonna say yes my scores are higher in that case what happens next is it's gonna ask you some you know marital status questions now these are of course not really very very relevant but you can select almost anything that you want over here depending on of course your exact scenario okay let's move on and uh it's taking a little bit of time let's just let it load and let's see where it goes okay great my results are that i am actually eligible for the sds stream which is great because that is what we are talking about in this video i'm so lucky to have that over here let's continue all right and continuing it's gonna get me to the sds questionnaire now okay now this is going to be a little bit more specific do you have a valid work permit or a study permit i'm going to say no i do not have one of these of course i would like to apply for these right and i'm going to move forward okay are you an exchange student no i'm not is work an essential part of your studies in most cases it should be a yes depends on your exact loa what you're doing remember very important question over here people do get this wrong are your spouse common law partner or child certain skilled worker or i'm gonna say no i'm not okay are you a commonwealth recipient again for these things you can again take a look at which country you're from etc etc and whether you know you are basically you know qualifying for a commonwealth scholarship etc etc and do you have one already right if not you can maybe apply but again like i said this is for me i'm gonna say no okay so we're not looking at those specific cases right now so let's just move on with the general answers are you accompanying a family member that has status in canada or has been recently approved to come to canada i'm going to say no i'm coming alone for the most part and let's move forward next question is have you committed been arrested or been charged with any criminal offense i'm going to say no like i said we're looking at general cases only over here all right do you want to submit application for family member i'm going to say no let's move on okay let's see over here saying are you giving access to someone else i'm going to say no no one is handling this application but me right in in the past 10 years have you given your fingerprints and photo or biometrics for an application to come to canada i'm going to say no i have not done that remember all of this even though it's no you're still illegal eligible for the sds these are there are fees associated with the application will you be paying i'm going to say yes i will be paying my application fee and moving on to the next one are you able to make a digital copy of your documents now this question is actually a requirement you have to select yes for sds because again for the most part if you're not able to do this they're not able to give you a paper based application for sds it has to be all online only okay so i'm going to select yes moving forward it's going to ask how will you be paying etc i'm going to say yes i'm okay with these cards i can pay using one of these cards that's fine right and uh thanks it should take it should basically take me to the page where i have to you know review everything all right so i'm going to say this looks fine to me let's move on all right and now it's basically telling me okay this is what you have to do this is how you submit your application dot detail again you guys can actually read this i recommend that you do if you're doing this for the first time we have already read this hundreds of times so i'm gonna click continue okay moving forward it's taking a little bit of time again but here we are final page essentially this is everything that you have to submit and there's actually extra things that you submit on this form by the way because this is not your general application form this is the sds form so there are additional things like your recent transcript your proof of gic otherwise they would not ask you for some of these actually you know but these are now required from you because you said that you have them hence you have to provide them right evidence of work requirement and study remember i selected yes so there has to be evidence for that proof of tuition payment first year equation at least you should have paid and you should show it over here proof of else language test results and all all four sections should be above six so very important that you understand these guys again there's additional sections of course but there are some of those same sections as well that you would generally find like client information this is where your sop goes very very impacting very important part of your application and then finally you know you fill in this application use some i'm not going to cover all of this of course this is out of scope but we can actually do this for you in case you would be interested you can actually take a look at the visa application where we cover every single thing every single one of these forms and everything all that is taken care of by our team and we are able to track your status anyway so that's basically how you go forward with the sds application if that is something you would be interested in i highly recommend make sure that you're eligible apply because it is generally the best way to get the study permit and i hope that you get true and i wish you all the very best if you're interested in more videos like this make sure to subscribe to the channel and follow me on instagram where you can actually connect with me anytime you want or get regular updates about the videos that are coming on to this channel thank you so much for watching i hope to see you in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Yash Mittra - YMGrad
Views: 17,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apply, SDS, Canada, Step, Complete, Process, months, calendar, days, Applying for SDS, Student, Student Direct Stream, study visa, Applying for Student Direct Stream, video, 2-3 months, 20 calendar days, process the study visa, Complete Process, Step by Step, SDS in Canada, apply for SDS in Canada, complex, Canadian students, Canadian, Canadian International Students, Easiest way to apply, canada study permit, canada student visa, study in canada
Id: U9qpl_SnPDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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