How to apply Danish Oil to any wood!

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[Music] [Music] all right so in this video i'm going to show you how i go about applying danish oil to wood now if you look at this video i actually used the same product back in high school to apply to this coffee table i made in my junior year of high school and i still have that today in my living room now over the years i've probably refinished it twice is about it and it it gets a lot of abuse and use out in the front room there but there's a lot of advantages to using danish oil one is that it's easy to apply it also comes in different colors so you can actually stain the wood while you're applying your finish to it this finish also soaks into the wood to give it a durable finish and then you can also use something else like varnish or polyurethane over the top of it to give it a gloss finish or to give it a typical type of finish that you see like in most cabinets or restaurants things like that i just like the danish oil finish i like the smooth finish that it gives it lets the wood show through and it really brings out the grain in the wood so one of the other advantages is the application of this there are many ways that you can apply this one of the ways that you can apply it is by using a rag and you can see here my son is actually applying that to the cabinet that we're making the bookcase that we're making now here i have some of the adjustable shelves that i'm gonna go ahead and put this on i'm going to use a little different method i'm going to use a paint brush which is another way that you can put it on there so when you use this you want a paintbrush and i got a container to pour it in and to pull it from with the paintbrush to make a little easier rubber gloves to be on my painting hand and i have a tack cloth here and i have just a cloth here that i'm going to use to wipe off the danish oil now prep work you know you finish the wood and you sand it down now if you run your hand across the wood and you see little bits of white or the sanding residue then you definitely want to wipe down the wood that just makes the finish go on a little bit smoother here and a little easier and with less garbage in the finish so i'm just giving a quick just a quick wipe here and put this back down now danish oil does need to be uh shaking quite a bit so you want to make sure that if you purchase that you don't know how long it's been sitting on the shelf so you definitely want to shake it up i actually shook this up a little bit before we started filming so i know it's uh it's pretty shaken up and i'll pour some into here that should be enough now the key thing about using oil is that you want to keep the surface wet you want to apply the finish and keep the surface wet and don't let it dry out if you let it dry out what happens is the wood is going to soak in the oil number one and if the surface dries out then it forms that protective layer then when you apply any more oil after that it's not going to soak in the whole idea is to soak it in as far as possible so you want to as far as possible into the wood so you want to make sure that you go ahead and soak it and keep it wet for a little while so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to apply a liberal coat of this and the nice thing is you don't really have to worry about how you apply it you don't have to paint with the grain or anything like that you can just get it on there and just try to get it on as quickly as possible and you just want to give it a nice soaking now you don't want puddles on it you don't want it to pull up like like here where this drip is coming where i'm bringing the brush across you don't want to puddle up like that you want it to be wet but you want to be a good solid coat now normally this might be a little thicker coat than you would probably apply if you were applying a varnish or a polyurethane but you want to keep it wet and like i said the depending on the wood some wood soaks in really fast now this is mainly plywood with the uh with the taping material on the end here that but this actually would the tape that we use is actually uh maple wood tape they do have some that are not actual wood it's sort of a plastic and of course this one wouldn't work so well with but because we have a wooden edge it works pretty good now again all i'm doing is just spreading it out so it's nice and even making sure everything stays wet now you can look at it through with the light and find any dry spots and then sort of hit them again before you flip it on over and i'm going to flip this on over and i'm going to go ahead and oil up the other side now the advantage of using an oil like danish oil here is that you don't have to worry about dust so much because because the the actual finish soaks into the wood you don't have a finished coat on top of the wood that can collect dust now you notice when i when i use a circular motion to spread it all around here after i do that i do come back and i go with the grain of the wood and just give it a nice even stroke across there so that i have a nice even finish on it so i'm gonna let that flow out here and it takes a very little time to get these done and we actually have four of them here but i'm just going to show you on this one here how i apply it now one thing that does happen all the time is that you will get some extra along the edges here make sure you just wipe that off so that you don't get a big old drip mark so we are going to wipe this off what we're going to do first i'm going to flip this back over to my original side and you can see well maybe you can't see but right here i got some drips that happened on the other side that have dripped over and fallen along this edge here and so that's what i mean you just want to make sure along the edges you want to be somewhat careful now again i'm just going back over here and let me keep this wet so you want to keep it pretty wet for about 15 minutes and then after that time what we're going to do is we're going to wipe it down so that dries off and then you put it aside now if you do this correctly you're only going to need one coat or actually you know it's a couple coats that you've put on but you only need one application that will actually work for this but you can if you do want to put another coat on if you see some spots that just weren't quite um you know finished to the way that you like like there's a nice not a nice even sheen going across there you can sand it down with some like 600 500 to 600 wet and dry sandpaper is what i use sand it down wipe it off and then put another final coat on that'll use hardly any oil at all because nothing will be soaking in now the advantage of a plywood and these shelves here is that it doesn't soak the wood in it doesn't soak the oil in as much as some other woods like if you use oak or something like that oak soaks the wood in quite a bit and then once you go and you wipe it all down at the end you want to come out about every 15 or 20 minutes and wipe it down again just to make sure that anything that seeps back up from the wood you wipe it down and get it smooth otherwise you're going to have little drips or little um puddles would be the word actually along here of the finish in the end so we'll uh we'll go ahead and continue working on this for 15-20 minutes and we'll be back in a flash all right so it's been about 15 minutes i've been flipping the board over and um looking at it making sure that um any place they can see the light reflecting is drying out i would just spread the spread the oil across here now this pretty much all i've been doing is just going across here like this i've added very little oil since um you know i put down the first batch the first batch of oil and it stayed relatively wet now i'm you know it's um probably high 60s in this room right now you have a heater right over here going but um you know it's not really overly hot now if you were in hot weather you definitely would have to add more uh oil during that time so now we've let this oil soak in for 15-20 minutes and um what we're going to do is we're going to wipe it off and it's really just that simple you take take your rag and you just wipe it across the surface here and you want something that doesn't you know produce a lot of lint if it has a little bit you know it's going to be messy but you want something a lint-free cloth or i don't know if you can use those blue shop towels you might be able to i've never tried them i've always used a rag for this but you want to wipe off all of the excess oil and go along the edges here now i have used this oil without gloves it's a good idea to have gloves on i've never had any reaction to the oil without the gloves on let me flip this on over and you can see that when you when you look at it you can see that you wipe it all off and you get this nice little sheen across there nice flat sheen where there's no highlight marks it almost looks completely dry now again like i said depending on the wood type and i'm expecting that this wood will have very little residual oil seeping out through the pores uh porous wood uh soaks in the oil and it has the oil dries it starts oozing out of the the wood so when you come back you'll look and you'll see that there's a flat sheen across the wood here and when you look at with the light you can see these little reflective spots these um they almost look wet and all you do is just take the rag and again oops same rag don't do that but again just same rag you just wipe it across here now the other thing too is that you need to know about watko oil or a lot of the oils is that they are combustible so you don't want to take this rag all wound up or all wadded up and throw it in the corner because it could catch fire it could just combust so you always want to make sure that you lay them out open like this if you got them someplace or put them in some water when you're done with them but because i'm gonna be using this some more uh we're just gonna leave that right there now when i come back to this side that i've already wiped down i can see that over by this darker area here there's some spots here that look wet again there's some oil that has actually oozed out a little bit but a majority of this board just looks perfect so again i will just take this and wipe this down now you want to let it dry for about a day or two this bookcase because it's a bookcase we're not going to put any books on this until we let it dry for about 72 hours maybe a week you know i'd go a little extra just make sure that when the weight of the book that's sitting on here no oil comes back up it's completely dry and um you know it doesn't doesn't get into the books or stick to the book but um right now it's a nice um satin finish on it it's a it's a sort of a flat i guess as i guess you could say flat finish on it but it really makes the wood look good so that's pretty much all there is to applying uh waco danish oil and a lot of other oils and again like i said this one is a natural oil or maybe i didn't say it but i am now this one's a natural oils because i like to to see the wood that i'm working with it does give it a golden color so any oil that you put on is going to give it a little bit of a golden color it's not going to be perfectly clear but i like the way that it makes the wood look if i wanted to i could get some walnut stain oil or you know they have to have all different colors some redwood i don't think red would have red reddish color maybe a mahogany um danish raw and you apply it but the only oil i've ever used is always been the natural and this will actually be the wood that i will be using for my cabinets too because it makes it easy later on down the road i can sand a little bit buff it out a little bit and apply some oil and it looks like brand new so it's really easy to repair further down the road so if you like a nice simple finish you don't have a spray booth you don't have all the equipment that you need for that type of stuff danny schoel is definitely the way to go thanks for watching please do like and subscribe the channel it really helps out any comments please leave below if you have a different way of applying it i'd love to hear it i know that through the years i've heard of many many different ways of applying oil this is what has always worked for me and the way that i use so uh anything you want to add leave it below i love reading you guys comments and i always answer all of them as much as i can again thanks for watching
Channel: Mad Nerd Workshop
Views: 25,472
Rating: 4.905983 out of 5
Keywords: Cabinet, Base, drawer, Cabinet Making, build, building, Storage, Home repair, Bits, Bench, DeWalt, woodworking, shop, workshop, cabinets, Tip, Shop Notes, Master, Furniture, wood, edge, dust, plywood, cutting, panel, PORTER-CABLE, Incra WONDERFENCE37, testing, Rockler, Titebond glue, clamps, Bookcase, danish oil, finishing, review
Id: j5kAdcEJtCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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