How to apply Cisco Smart License for FTD through FMC

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hi my name is Amanda I am a technical marketing engineer working for cisco security business unit in this video I am going to show you how to register the firepower management center to SMC to the Space Coast smart lighting server and then add license to cyber threat defense here I have a freshly installed FMC fire power management center similar to that one which I haven't registered yet - does this course smart like working server before you register to the SMC make sure that it the FMC has a internet connection and it is able to reach either directly or through proxy let's go to Cisco calm smart licensing server in order to generate token for registration go to the inventory so you get an option to generate a new token click on new token give a description here for note since I've got a register for FM said what is this keep it for and give a description for FMC just get up one and then X square therefore this token is equal to say two days and also make sure you enable export control license and export control this is very much required to enable advanced inscription or anything via were about three days I'm going to click on create token which is going to create a token for forum which is going to be valid for two days I'm going to use this token to register a country as copy the token go to the five four - it's entered under system license and leave the smart language click on register and then copy paste the token that you have generated from Cisco Smart Lipo since I would click apply if the FFC has a proper internet it is going to it will be able to succeed registered to them of course smart language manager now that you can see that it's actually registered with this is go smart like you think it is cisco smart software manager and also i have we have two devices on the second city this firepower to level 30 and five 43140 these two boxes consumes each one basic lightning which is a perpetual now let's see how to add light installed Maggert ready 1 + m4 v BN before adding other license like Margaret rate let's go to the Cisco's smart software manager and check how much license we have for malware threat and you are so I'm going to click licensing and type in for 2130 it could list all the lines that are forum entity so here I have four five or twenty or thirty tender sense malware protection I'm going to click this and see how much lines I have so here I have 50 licenses and then 7000 use on factors I have 53 licenses what I'm gonna do is try to use the malgor and come back and see if the license is increased yet similarly let's check for five power 21:40 so in this case I'm going to check for five power rule 40 split license similarly we have four 20 or 40 we have 60 quantity license and then for for organ use let's try to add the device license to the device and then check health effects that this Christmas smart software manager licensing so here I'm gonna apply Mulder for both two units similarly on the threat I'm going to add both the image credited suffering to both levels and then similarly for you are Italy and then I'm going to add effects libel that is for any connect once you select the some of the devices to the appropriate licenses click up fine so once you click up like and see on the summary page on the malgal five hundred thirty and forty has been added similarly for red light of your lives and any connect effects and once you had this make sure that you click the sync synchronization with the Cisco's mark soccer manager so that the FMC and the license and telemental on the Cisco smart management smart software management will be synced up so this indicates that it is synced up with the Cisco smart software manager it's gone shake we will do a left refresh after the refresh go to the lightest lightest page then shake for 21:40 and there we check for 2 million for tea with 500 dozens thread license and wrote a check for the same so you could see that the number of uses that increase to one previously it was for Candela check for lipstick 4134 malar and it was 7 in use now it is increased to eight resolve you and add libels to the fiber manifest and register the FMC to the smart labelling smart software manager and add license to 500 defense look see you soon in the next video
Channel: Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Threat Defense
Views: 21,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco Smart License, FMC, Firepower Management Center, Firepower Threat Defense
Id: y_5OOd6o42I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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