How to Answer a Debt Collection Lawsuit (2020 Update)

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- Have you been sued by one of your debt collectors? Have you recently received a summons and complaint related to a debt collection lawsuit? You're probably asking yourself, what do I do now? Well, in this video I'm going to provide you with instruction on how to draft an answer to a debt collection lawsuit in three easy steps. Now I know when you receive the complaint and the summons, the process server comes by your house, or the constable or the sheriff, depending on which jurisdiction you live in, you immediately become panicked. You don't know what to do, you don't know how this is going to play out, and you don't know the next step, as far as what you need to do. Well, in most jurisdictions you're required to file a written response to the allegations contained within the complaint and the summons. And in this video I'm going to provide you, in three easy steps, how to draft the answer, and I'm going to give you one specific thing that you should not do. So let's go ahead and jump into how to draft an answer to a debt collection lawsuit in three easy steps. So what you're looking at here on the screen is your run-of-the-mill generic complaint. This is the document that initiates the lawsuit that the debt collector has filed against you. You can see in this case that the plaintiff is Midland Funding LLC. They're one of the largest debt buyers in the United States and they file hundreds of thousands of lawsuits throughout the country. And so I thought we would use their complaint here as one of the templates. Now as you look at the complaint, and granted, this is a very bare-bones one that this law firm uses that only has four specific allegations in the paragraphs. You can see the four numbered paragraphs there. But I want to walk you through what's in the document because that will help you, as you draft your own response to this, as far as knowing who the different parties are and what the different parts of the complaint are. Now if we look in the upper-left-hand corner of the complaint, this is where you're going to find the information for the attorney that's representing the debt collector, the creditor, whoever the plaintiff is. These are the attorneys that they have hired to represent them. Now this becomes a point of confusion for a lot of people 'cause some people will believe that the attorneys are the ones who actually are claiming ownership of the debt and that they're the ones who're saying that they're entitled to payment. Typically that's not the case. So for instance, in this case, Midland Funding we can see is the plaintiff in the case. However they're represented by this law firm called Bursey & Associates. This is a law firm that does collection lawsuits and they represent creditors down in Tucson, Arizona. So the reason why this is important is because, one, now you know who is representing the plaintiff, and two, you also know who you need to provide copies of anything that you file to court, need to be sent to that lawyer's office. Down below that you'll see we have the title of the court or the name of the court where the action is being heard. So this particular case was in Maricopa County Justice Court in what we call our White Tank Justice Courts. This'll vary obviously with the names and what's required. Most jurisdictions don't require addresses like this. This is specific to Arizona's Justice Court system. Then in the caption itself we'll see we have the plaintiff here, Midland Funding LLC. They're labeled as the plaintiff. They're the ones who're alleging that they are owed money. They're claiming that they own the account, they're the ones that are suing you, and they're doing it through their attorneys, Bursey & Associates. Then below this you'll see you will have a defendant listed. I've obviously bored out the names on this one 'cause this is an actual complaint that was filed with the court, but this is where, if you're being sued, this is where you, and maybe your spouse's name, would be listed as the defendants in the action. Over on the right side of the caption we have the case number, which is, in this case it's handwritten in by the clerk. But you'll need to include this case number on your answer when you draft it so that the clerk of the court knows which case to assign it to. And then we see the title of the document. In this case it's a complaint. Your document will be called an answer, so you would write answer here. So the first thing you need to do is just get the caption right. This is step one, of getting the caption right. Anything that you use in this lawsuit, as far as documentation going forward, you need to make sure you have this caption. You need to have your name in the upper-left-hand corner. So when you start to draft your answer, you're going to have something that looks like this. And by the way, I can tell you this, in most jurisdictions, they don't care if it's on this numbered pleading paper. Most jurisdictions aren't even going to care if you're handwriting it or typing it out. If you have a computer, if you use the Microsoft Word, they actually have a legal pleading template in there. So you could use that. You can put something like this together pretty easily. But in the upper-left-hand corner, when you're drafting the answer, it's your name, your address, your phone number. If your jurisdiction requires it, you're going to have to provide your email. You have to put your information there, essentially stating you're the party who's drafting this and so that the law firm that's representing the plaintiff, they know where to send things back your way when they have documentation. So it's important to give a good address because most courts operate through the mail once the initial service of the complaint and summons has taken place. Then you need to create which court it is, have the parties. Make sure you include the case number. And instead of complaint, you're going to write answer, because that's what it's going to be called. And in some jurisdictions the complaint is called the petition. You can still call what you're filing an answer or a response, but in most jurisdictions it's called an answer. The next thing you need to do, step two, is that you need to respond to the specific allegations in the complaint. So this is a very simple complaint. It only has four numbered paragraphs. And so if I'm responding to this, I'm going to look at each of these numbered paragraphs and I'm going to look at the allegations that are contained within them. Then I'm going to state whether I admit or deny the allegations in the complaint. And if there's part of the, let's say like with paragraph number four here, it states, "Defendants are in default "under the terms of the Debt. "The present amount owed under the terms of the Debt "after all set-offs is $4,984." Unless you know specifically how they calculated that amount or they've provided you with evidence on how they calculated that amount, you can honestly deny that that's the specific dollar amount owed because it hasn't been proven and you don't know. You could even provide a third answer, which is that you lack sufficient information at this point, and so right now you're going to deny it. So again, the best three answers are admit, deny, or I don't know. You're saying I lack sufficient information at this point, so I'm going to deny it. If any part of the paragraph that you're responding to is not accurate, you can deny it. Now it's important to realize when you're filing documents with a court, you need to be accurate. You need to be truthful in your responses to this. So if they're alleging that you had an American Express account and you did and they provide you with the specific account number and it matches the one that you had, you need to admit that. However, if there's something like this, where they're providing you with just a number that you're not sure how they came up with that balance, maybe it seems much higher than anything you can remember, you can state that you deny it or that you lack sufficient information right now. Now it's important that you go through each individual numbered paragraph and state whether you admit, deny, or you lack sufficient information to be able to respond at this point. After you've done that, that's all you really need to do. Then you need to sign it, and then you need to, third part, the third step, is you need to submit it to the court. Now you will file the original with the court. However, you're going to have to provide a copy to the law firm that's representing the debt collector, in this case Midland Funding. You need to mail them a copy. Most jurisdictions, the court is not going to mail that for you. I've seen clients who were representing themselves, where they filed their answer with the court but they never mail a copy to the attorney's office who's representing the debt collector, and then the wires get crossed and it gets a little bit confusing for the court and for the parties. So after you've drafted the answer, after you got the caption done correctly, after you've responded, stating you either admit, deny, or you lack sufficient information to be able to admit, so you deny, each of the numbered paragraphs, you sign it, date it, make two copies of it. Take the original to the court, file it with the clerk of the court. They're probably going to charge you a filing fee, so you want to call ahead and see exactly how much that is. And then you want to mail a copy, of the timestamped copy that the clerk has given you, to the opposing counsel, to the attorneys representing the debt collector, and then keep a copy for your records. So those are really the three steps that you need to do: Draft a caption, respond to the allegations, and then file a copy with the court. The answer is probably the simplest document that you're going to deal with if you're representing yourself in a debt collection lawsuit. Now I promised you I would tell you the number one thing you should not do in filing an answer with the court. Here it is. I see this one happen all the time. Instead of just responding to the direct allegations in the numbered paragraphs of the complaint, I see many people will come in and try to explain their situation or explain why they fell behind on the underlying debt. They may come in and say they had a loss of a job or a medical issue, or they may say that I've been trying to settle this for years with this particular creditor and they won't accept my settlement. You don't need to put any of that in there right now. Frankly the court doesn't care about any of that right now. What the court is wanting to know is do we have an actual dispute between the parties? The plaintiff has put forth allegations. They want to know, defendant, do you admit or do you deny those allegations that are contained within that complaint? All that information may be relevant down the road, but right now it could actually harm your case because essentially if you go in and you're admitting to something that maybe you didn't mean to admit to because you don't have the full information, as far as what the underlying account is, it could actually damage your case down the road. So just really stick to admitting, denying, or if you don't know, it's fine to say you don't know at this stage. You can deal with that later. But don't go into any kind of backstory. It's not relevant, not needed at this point, and it could actually harm your case. So I hope you found that helpful, on how to draft an answer to a debt collection lawsuit. If you want to get some more information and tips, subscribe to this YouTube channel. I have over 100 videos on how to deal with these types of cases, particularly cases dealing with jump debt buyers like Midland Funding, Portfolio Recovery. There's a lot of videos here. Subscribe and you'll get those right as they come out. I appreciate you watching today.
Channel: Consumer Warrior
Views: 134,590
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Keywords: debt, midland funding llc, midland funding, portfolio recovery, calvary spv, How to draft an answer to a debt collection lawsuit, lawsuit, debt collection, debt collection lawsuit, john skiba, debt collection lawsuit arizona, debt collection lawsuit process, how to answer debt collection lawsuit
Id: DjtM3h_jz24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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