How to Annoy the Hell out of Debt Collectors

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alright this is Paul from where Texas EVP we're not talking about EVPs today we're talking about how to possibly get rid of some of those annoying debt collectors a lot of people nowadays are in debt and the economy's going to so one thing what one thing you can do is uh go to this website it's wwp phone - directory board / sounds dot HTML in anyway when you go there there's a list of error messages for all kinds of different phone companies like build yes way but basically you can either put your phone on what's it called a speaker to record the error message and or just make it make a useful basic recording software like pretty loops or acid - a loop the error message over and over on the on the voicemail but like if I wanted to play this one just give me an idea of how fun this can be but anyway you can just you know pretty much any message you need is on here that Verizon and after a while they get tired of calling some other things you can do are set up a Google Voice mailbox where only people you know can leave a message or people you don't know their messages get directed to a different voice mailbox but anyway they like to bother us so we managed to bother them thanks for watching
Channel: Weird Texas E.V.P.
Views: 49,233
Rating: 4.0843372 out of 5
Keywords: Soundboard, debt, collection calls, debt collectors, collection, annoying, funny, hack, hacker, trick, how, to, phone, error message, Collection Agency, credit, credit system, stop, prank, get back, revenge
Id: TECoy3OUqzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2012
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