How to ANIMATE in Roblox Studio (EASY)

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what's up guys in today's tutorial I'm going to be explaining everything that you need to know about animating inside of Roblox Studio animation inside Roblox studi is incredibly popular right now and Incredibly important in making any sort of game inside of Roblox so let's go ahead and get to work on animating or at least explaining how it works so first off we're going to want to go up here to the Avatar tab now the Avatar tab on the top is home to everything animation this will hold all your tools that you'll need for animating all your settings all sorts of stuff that's great for animating is going to be found in the Avatar tab right up here now the first step to animating is we need a character to animate itself and that is where the rig Builder comes in you'll find the rig Builder sort of in the middle of your screen on the very top right here and it should be called rig Builder now the rig Builder is exactly what it name is it builds Rigs and a rig typically refers to the skeletal structure and animation system of a 3D model which is often used for characters and if you click on the rig Builder this little window should pop up it's going to say generate rig and here's where you're going to put in all the different settings that we want for our rig now the rig type R15 or R6 these are two different types of rigs the first one R15 it stands for a rig with 15 body parts which means it has more joints than R six R six is the same thing but with only six body parts so R six will have a torso a left arm a right arm a left leg and a right leg and a head whereas R15 will even go into lower leg upper leg foot and so on so I'm personally going to be choosing R15 I think this will allow for smoother animations however you can choose R six if you would like to after that you have the body shape which will be masculine or feminine and then all of these different rigs I'm personally going to leave it on masculine and choose the block Avatar which is most common for animating but feel free to choose whichever one you'd like to after that it should spawn a rig inside of your game right here and you can feel free to drag it wherever you wish to I'm just going to leave it right here on the spawn location cuz I think that works pretty well that's about all you need to know about the rig Builder itself and how to build rigs you can build as many rigs as you would like to however it's time to get animating the thing that you've been waiting for we're going to be using the animation editor it should be two blocks over to the right of the rig Builder and all the way on the right of all these buttons right here so let's click on the animation editor right up here when you open this up you should see a new window pop up on your screen it doesn't really matter where it is however if it's on the bottom that is most preferable you'll see a lot of different buttons and you don't want to press any just yet cuz we're going to be explaining those a little later on and as you can see right here it's telling us to select a rig to animate or create a new rig by selecting the rig Builder but we already did that so all we need to do is just hover over our rig that we wish to animate and then click on rig and when we do that it's going to ask us to name our animation I'm personally going to name this animation tutorial because that is what I'm using this animation for however if you're making something like a punch or a kick or maybe even a jump you can just name it to any of those names now once we're done with naming our animation we simply click on Create and you're going to see a whole range of things that just happened first off what you need to know is this blue line right here or this draggable slider is what we call the scrubber you can think of it sort of like a toilet scrubber or even sometimes a toothbrush if you would like to and the timeline is this rectangle right here that has all these little lines inside of it and it holds the scrubber itself the timeline refers to a graphical representation of key frames and their Associated animation properties over a period of time so as I mentioned this is a draggable slider so as you drag the scrubber along the timeline it'll provide a visual preview of the animation frames at different points in time but we don't actually have any of those yet and the whole point of the scrubber is this will allow you to see how your animation progresses and make adjustments as needed let's go over the interface on the left now first you'll see the animation name on The Very left right here it should be named after whatever you named your animation whether that be Punch Kick whatever mine is animation tutorial so it's going to be right here after that the dot dot dot or the three dots right here will be for everything that we need to do for when we're finished animating this will hold everything like saving our animation publishing our animation and setting the animation priority which we'll get into a little bit later so this first button right here will move the scrubber to the very first frame and we can test this by clicking on here and you can see the scrubber will move all the way to the very first frame this next button right here will move the scrubber to the previous key frame or the previous frame where there is a animation frame this button right here this is a play button and it's going to play your animation in rever reverse or backwards this next play button will play the animation normally or just going forwards this button will move to the next key frame instead of the previous one and this button right here will move to the very last frame but we don't actually have that frame created just yet last but not least this button right here it's called the looping button when you press this it will toggle whether or not your animation will Loop which means that it will repeat itself after that we have the scrubber time or position inside the timeline and that is this box right here the scrubber time changes where the scrubber will be at a certain time and there's something you need to know about this a lot of people get this mixed up they think that the seconds are on the left and the milliseconds are on the right and that is simply not true how this works is that we have the seconds on the left and the amount of frames over on the right you can test this by putting maybe 1 second over here actually we'll just put it at zero one more time because going want and go past the timeline length Bolen and then I'm going to give a certain amount of frames let's go 17 frames in and you can see it's going to be frame 17 that's at which is very cool after that we have the timeline length this will determine how long our timeline is once again it has the amount of frames on the right and then the seconds on the left so if I were to put this at 2 seconds you can see that the timeline will elongate to allow for many more frames inside of our timeline here after that this little name right here will display the name of the rig that you're animating this ik button this is for ik controls or inverse kinematics which I have a video that you can watch up in the top right of the screen here and that will explain how inverse kinematics works now over here we have this plus button and when you click on this plus button you're going to see all these different things called animation tracks now you can add one at a time if you would like to to or you can press add all body and when we add all body it's going to add in every single track for each and every single body part or limb that we have and if you would like to you can open these up by clicking on the little arrow to the left of the name and you can change the position and the rotation very precisely with all these different axes right here however I'm going to be showing you how we can do that normally so let's close off of this Arrow right here and I'm just going to be on the very first frame so now we get to actually mess around with our rig and you can select a body part of your rig right here or a limb by simply just hovering over your part and clicking on it I'm just going to grab this guy's right shoulder and you should see this little rotation tool if you don't see it and it's more of a arrow like this you can simply press R and that will change the tool that you are using if you try and go up here and press on the move or scale or rotate tools all that stuff it's going to kick you out of the animation editor all you need to do is just click back here to continue using it however it's best to just get used to the keyword R and that will change the tool that you are using I'm personally going to be using the rotate tool however the move tool is great if you would like to use that a cool tip is that if you go up here in the Avatar Tab and turn off the check marks for both rotate and move this will allow for much smoother rotation and even movement inside of your animation editor so here's where you get to go out and just move certain pieces of your rig here and this will change the way the rig is positioned which is pretty cool I'm just going to move his arm something like this for the moment and let's move it may just a little outwards maybe something like this now we get to move our scrubber a few frames ahead and we can do the same thing with the other arm I'm just going to do this and maybe move it out a little bit so now we have our guy in a powerful stance and if we move our scrubber back to the first frame you can see that our arm is actually moving with all the different frames and we can play the animation by clicking on this little play button and that will play our animation which is very very cool you can feel free to do this with the legs and the arms and whatever way you'd like to do this you can even rotate the Torso around and even move the whole guy himself but that's a little bit of a funky animation so I'm just going to leave him right here in the middle and I forgot to mention but those little diamonds see in the timeline those are called key frames there are specific points in time where you define the position and rotation of your rig and these little white lines in the timeline those are called time units that you just use to move the scrubber to a precise time or frame in the timeline another tip that I have for you let's say you're making a looping animation so let me click on this Loop button what you want to do is you want to rightclick on your first animation key frame and then click on copy selected this will copy your first key frames then over here you want to paste your key frames at the end of your animation and what this is going to do is going to set the starting point directly to the end point and that is perfect because when our animation Loops it's going to go to the first frame where it will start up again let me show you so when we click play while it's looping and the last key frame is the same as the first key frame it's going to give us a very smooth Loop like this however let's say I were to delete this last key frame you can see it's going to be very choppy and not very great because it's going to this key frame and then immediately restarting so that's about it to animation you can add as many key frames as you would like to and all it is is really rotating and positioning things of course there are lots of different things you can do than just moving a character around however I'm going to be covering that in a more advanced animation tutorial a little later down the road let's go in how we can actually save and publish our animation so now we have our animation complete so the first thing we want to do is just go over to these three dots over here as we mentioned earlier and here's where we get to set the animation priority I talked about this a little bit earlier but the animation priority has all these different priorities that are set Action Four is going to be the top priority for the animation to play at whereas core is going to be the very least animation priority all of these have a different priority and a different thing that they're used for after that we can simply click on publish to Roblox so what publish to Roblox does when we click on this is it's going to ask us for a title for our animation I'm just going to put this at animation tutorial just the same name as my animation and it's going to ask us for a description so we can put this as something simple like subscribe to Rusty silly band which you should do if you haven't already help support the channel and it's completely free so make sure you do do that if you would like to and then here's where we get to choose the Creator so now the Creator is the person that is actually creating the animation if you are making the game let's say you created the game itself you'd set the Creator as me and this would work perfectly but if you're in team create where you're playing with a friend or you're making a game with a friend then you want to make sure that the player who owns the game publishes the animation with them as the Creator so in this case it would be your friend now last but not least if you are creating the game inside of a group you want to make sure that the Creator is set to the group let's just put one of my groups right here like silly devs and want to make sure that the creator of this animation is the group that I'm making the game inside of if you don't follow these few things then animation probably won't be seen by other players unfortunately so just make sure the Creator is set correctly and that is all that we have to do after that make sure we click on sub submit and once that's done loading it's going to spit out your animation ID you can click on this little box right here to copy the ID and you can even find your animation ID on the toolbox or on the web by clicking on this link that they provide for you after that you're going to click on close and we can close off the animation editor so that is how you can actually publish your animation if you'd like to go back and make changes to your animation you sure can by opening up the animation editor and just reselect in your rig unless you haven't really done anything since then and you can make any changes to your animation however from there you will need to republish your animation and just follow that process once again however if you would like to script your animation where you play your animation in game I'm going to show you how to do that if you don't know already then I'd recommend learning how because very simple and will help you a lot let's just go and click on our rig inside of the workspace click on the plus icon to the right of that and then add in a script let's get rid of this first line right here you can delete that and we're going to start off with something that we call a variable so I'm going to say local animation now the animation is the name itself for our variable and the local is a keyword that we use to define a local variable and so local animation will be equal to instance. new parentheses quotation marks animation just like this and this is going to create a brand new animation instance for us to use inside of our game after that we say animation. animation ID will be equal to quotation marks RBX asset ID colon SL SL and then we paste our animation ID from earlier so it appears that I forgot to copy my ID that is no problem whatsoever all we have to do is just click on home right here go over to the tool box right here and then we simply click on these four boxes right here and this will open up our inventory of everything that we have made or used before from our inventory so from then we just want to click on the my models button right here it should be a drop down menu where you just click on my animations and then you can rightclick on your animation that you just made and click on copy asset ID and now we can paste our animation ID just like this now unfortunately you can't use my animation ID it has to be one that you have created or that your group or friend has created and from then we can simply say local now here's where we need to create something that we call the animation track the animation track is what we use to play or load the animation on an animator which is inside of a humanoid so we say local animation track will be equal to script. parent do humanoid this will get the humanoid of the rig itself right here we'll say script. parent. humanoid do animator now the animator is what is responsible for loading the animations and we're going to say colon load animation with parentheses and we're going to put our animation variable inside of here so what this is going to do is going to load our animation that we created right up here and it's going to store inside of this variable right here so now in order to actually play the animation we simply say animation track colon play with parenthesis so what this is going to do is it's going to play our animation on our rig and we can test this by clicking on this little drop- down menu beneath our play button and then clicking on run joining the game you can see our animation is playing on our rig if you guys made it this far in the tutorial thank you so much for watching I know I already made a few tutorials on animation in the past but all those are either outdated by now or I just didn't cover everything that I would like to cover if you're looking forward to the advanced tutorial leave a comment down below and I'll try and get back to you anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video or learned from it make sure you like subscribe and even comment down below if you'd like to thank you have a great day [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Rustysillyband
Views: 10,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox studio, roblox studio tutorial, roblox studio animating, how to, how to roblox studio, how to roblox, roblox how to, roblox studio how to, how to animate in roblox studio, how to make animations in roblox studio, how to animate, roblox studio animating tutorial, rustysillyband, animation, animate, how to make animations, how to animate in roblox studio (EASY), how to animate in roblox studio for beginners, how to animate in roblox, how to animate with moon animator
Id: lB80xeKGbwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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