How to analyse the planes of the head using 5 values

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welcome to the new demo. this is really quick exercise for building the plains of the head and we are going to do it in black and white in the five values I would like to do pre-mixing today and I recommend to do the same although I don't paint like this I prefer to always mix on the go as I as I just continue it gives me more freedom and I just like it this way but here since we are going to practice quick decisions, big decisions and also value design and distribution of values is better to premix. So I start to mix mid-tone value in the middle and since I have the glass palette with mid-tone color with medium value I can easily mix this. This is my midtone value. so starting from it I just want to make something lighter here it will be halftone in the light let's say something like this I don't want to be totally perfect like you know exactly 25 percent 25 25 it is not really necessary I just want to have some some steps and this will be the lightest value and you see I don't just use white from the tube of course I can but it is a really bad habit I believe. We need to (we must) have some lightest values at our disposal until the very end of any painting because if we need to go lighter and if we already use this wasted this opportunity it creates a problem.. okay so this will be the lightest halftone.. Now the dark... the shadow a shadow value and since it's just a black-and-white exercise of course I'm mixing the ivory black with a white because I don't care about transparency I don't care about paint application I don't care about all of that things at all I just want to do simple and quick practice do some routine for me to understand the form and the head better so and even for this value I don't want to use just ivory black from the tube for the same reason I want I always want some kind of last resort who knows when you paint maybe you will have beautiful shadows but you will need to add some occlusion shadow inside of it or darker accent and if you already used your darkest dark it will be very disappointing okay so I think this looks more or less like five values one more time this is transitional halftone, this is a shadow and this is the darkest part of the shadow so we have two values for the shadows and three values for the lights so when the shadow ends - this halftone appears okay I chose from this set of references I chose female reference sometimes males are easy to paint especially to do this exercise so if you want to practice it I recommend to start with male and do some females as well okay just a little bit of mineral spirits this with a shadow with a light shadow mixture... just quickly the placement of the head I squint and I try to to find just general design of the dark values so I think now in one value just to start this eye socket, pretty obvious the darks think like that and here I see that it is a dark shadow so it's quite easier - it's quite easy to place the paint here, some marks already cast shadow under the nose also obvious choice of the value so I work rather small so it's really small not so wide and big study now I'm just filling the shadows with with a lighter shadow value so I still have my darkest dark at my disposal okay so this is the beginning of it so I have the indication of of general bigger shapes now I take the darkest value because I see this in the hair I see some darkest darks so why not to to place this tone here same here pretty dark. the likeness is not the goal here so don't worry about it at all to what we need to maintain we need to maintain the centerline and the symmetry of the head construction so it should look like a human being. Doesn't matter if the painting is looking like her or not.. okay so here I see the change of the plane I see the core shadow so the shadow family of the forehead is there starting from this part I see the half tones in the light already because when I squint and I squint heavily I see that this is blending these dark shapes are blending into one into each other but from here I clearly see the light so next to the shadow value will be transitional halftone and despite I see that her forehead is spherical, fairly rounded, I want to simplify it I want to to describe it with the planes to make it even more precise I place this just make it slightly lighter the lighter shadow here and now I have lighter shadow, darker accents of the shadow and transitional halftone already okay the next will be this - the halftone in the light so I just place it and I see it's quite big area so from here the center line is there so starting from the center line we will have place of the forehead which are catching more of light so that it's like these planes are turned towards the light source so they receive more of the particles of the light if I may say so photons and these planes are reflecting the light so I use my lightest value here because this part of the head is lightest part of the head so now I change the plane like this the next plane, the side plane of the face here is already turning away from the light so I take again the lightest halftone not oh sorry not lightest - just light halftone here the number two if we start from the top and place it here. very obvious choice now that this will be the side of the face. Now I would like to.. Okay let's quickly indicate here some darks so now I want to to find what is going on here in the nose so this plane is a half done in the light and the side plane of the nose is also the same - number 2 - so I just try to think of the nose as of a wedge so I just have three planes here and one plane is bottom part, bottom plane of the nose. to make it simple if it is a wedge of sorts it has plane which catches more light so I take again this lightest value and now I have darker maybe transitional here yes transitional halftone here to indicate that plane of the nose I have lighter halftone and I have lightest halftone here and bottom plane is the shadow so I take my shadow mixture, shadow value and I place it here so when we have five values already premixed - we just pick from the from the far left without wasting our time so I squint again and I just want to to indicate quickly eye-socket and also just general general shape of it the general idea of eye-socket - it's enough.. so let's talk what is going on here: we have the shadows - this plane is in the shadow so I just place again the shadow mixture and I'm trying to understand the changes of the plane here how this core shadow is traveling on the surface of the head so I have this plane - this here I have that plane and I have the muzzle of the mouth and so now the lips also very simple just to indicate that this part of the lip is in the shadow and this bottom part of the muzzle of the mouth is also in the shadow so from here we can just rebuild the chin area so far we just blend it all together and I squint and I see that the actual core shadow will be here very soft edge but still this plane from here down it's in the shadows this part also shadows this is shadows all the rest will be half tones so again from this shadow area I take my middle transitional half tone so you see it's very obvious what to put next to the shadow next to the shadow goes transitional value with color it is not so easy it's not so obvious sometimes because the local color can be different but with black and white - it is getting much much easier.. So we're just following this idea and since this cast shadow is dark value we see it clearly we also see that the muzzle of the mouth is in the light family of the values even even this distant distant plane of the muzzle of the mouth is just transitional halftone so we it is not the shadow and the same is for bottom lip so we use just transitional half tone which looks pretty dark actually here but all we know is that it is not the shadow anymore but simplify these lips both will be just in the darks and the muzzle of the month when I squint I see that starting from that.. so these two big planes, two combinations of planes so we have couple of planes here and a couple of planes there they're our lightest lights they're lightest planes, down below the light are getting weaker because the light sources is close to the forehead so the light is is getting weaker and it means that the lightest lights here in this area will be already something like that not the our lightest light but just a half tone in the light so for now I just just feel it like that and from the shadow - one more time the transitional tone and transitional value and here - the third(value) just next to it... this one.. I'm running out of this mixture already.. so let's talk about this two areas, cheekbone areas here since the light is falling from there - this part should be darker than that part so the lightest value on the distant cheek bone is just a half-tone in the light and I see it when I squint there are some some highlights in the lower eyelid and so on but I will paint this highlights even with just this value - the second one so again we have value of the shadow transitional value here and the next plane is with the lighter halftone and very obvious what is going on here here we just have the lightest plane - the lightest value here something like that I recommend to to set the timer on and to try to do the same exercise in a half an hour - it will be enough and try to make these decisions as quickly as possible with analysis mostly not just with that not only by looking at that but also by thinking about what actually we see there okay the center line and philtrum the ear: I squint and I see that the ear is not really bright so I take my darkest value of the light maybe slightly lighter and I place it here.. It is surrounded by dark shapes of the hair so I just place this values now everything is very relative so we want to see it in context something like that and the neck: the same - we start with transitional value here and we tried to maintain the soft edge of the core shadow of the neck because it is rounded, it is a cylinder so it means that the core shadow - this edge - will be really really soft but here we deal with when a cast shadow so we can just use just mix quickly second light something like that.. now we just use the halftone in the light but not the lightest one to place the lightest part of the neck so again shadow family and the light family and in between the shadow family and the light family we have transitional tone which is part of the light family of course Going back here, place even more and place here so now I have the plan of the values maybe not so strong contrast here just a little bit of light yeah so now I have this plan and now I know how to render everything inside so when ... let's say I continue or if I do larger study according to this I just can refer to my value scale and to mix the areas and the colors accordingly this simple exercise will help to quickly separate the (values of)planes and to indicate them just in five values as you can see five is quite enough and this is it so I recommend you to do at least two or three exercises like that to make it kind of a habit to build the form with the planes, with the values so I would like to erase here yes it's finished.. so very simple, very generic simplification and just the value design of the head
Channel: Arthur Gain
Views: 3,610
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Id: ewR_-7mX4CM
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Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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