How to adjust treeMOTION evo with John Trenchard

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[Music] so we're going to start off with a whole range of Terfel burger products I'm going to start straightaway with the three motion harness and there's some of you may be familiar with the three motion harness before it's really just to explain a bit a bit about it what it can do and how it helps this as an arborist through our job on it on a day-to-day basis it's a very very popular particularly in Europe very popular climbing harness but I've also had people come to me trainees come to me with the harnesses how I don't like my tree motion harness it pinches me here it hurts me there so there's some things we need to understand about the harness to make it work for us the biggest thing over the tree motion compared to some of its competitors is first of all it's adjustable and we need to understand those adjustments and how they affect us because looking around here we're all different shapes and sizes and we like different preferences and this harness is great because you can change it to fit yourself so the three motion has changed in the last few years it's moved on to the Evo is the latest production and one of the biggest area that there's been developed is the different bridge options that you can have across the front this fits for different preferences for different people how they how they like it some people like a fixed line I train a company in the UK who the employers don't like the fact that they lots may become undone or their people can fiddle with them so they like a fixed bridge so if you prefer a fixed bridge you can have a fixed rope bridge inside this also comes with a web in a webinar so if you don't like the rope if you prefer to have a webbing in you can have a web in option you can add different rings in the number of rings to your harness one or two rings whichever your your preference goes so this one has got two rings run on two different systems it's not stronger because it's got two ropes in it just gives you different options within the way the bridge works for you so we have this and then we have the knotted version with this adding that in the back there now the advantage of the knotted version is that because it's got lots we can adjust the length of the bridge to suit our different size some people with big long arms would like all the reach they can get might leave my short arms I need a bridge that's a bit shorter so I can reach my knot so it's adjustable if you want to change from one type to another there's a simple little attachment that goes in the front here that you can unscrew take out and pop back in again ludos provided some some demonstration components then there if you'd like to see those different bits and pieces there we go so it's a simple allen key you've got a captive nut in there so we can unscrew it take it out and then you can interchange between the different options depending what you like now when you go to purchase one of these harnesses perhaps is a good idea to try the different options because you may find that the bridge lengths you prefer is already made with that system so it's ready to go if you need to have be able to adjust it then you can buy this one and it's more personalized you can add things in as you go because it can be unscrewed because it can be taken out we can add different attachment points within the harness when I show you of my hut my personal climbing harness later on you'll see that I've added a different option in here rather than a ring to climb from so there are different ways of attaching to the harness itself so many different bridge options which as a climber gives me that different different tools to use within the tree depending on how I would how I want to use it so let's start with some of the adjustments so I'm gonna pop this harnessed on this is brand new out of the box and I've never put the harness on before you may need to adjust your wire Ludo will see that's okay all good [Applause] so the buckles again these are new buckles designed they're bit more positive when you click them in some of the older design you may find on all dirt or emotions is you needed to be really sure that you went click click and made short both attachments are in there this buckle is designed in such a way that if one side comes in contact with a branch a piece of wood piece of clothing that it isn't going to release and drop you out of the tree so you'll no need to worry about that but if you've only clipped one in then there's a potential that it could unclip so all harnesses make sure that they're clipped in nice and tight and then just to prevent further any connection with your climbing buckle just hold you in the harness there's this webbing bridge you can slide over the top so that's a new feature on there so I've got my harness on the first thing about a tree motion harness that's different to all the others the others sit here tree motion sits on your pelvis so sort of push it down onto the bony structure and then you can adjust the weight for comfort you probably find when you sat in it for a bit you might want to tighten it up a little bit again the new buckles allow you to do this a lot easier the older ones once they were set they used to be tight too tight in there but you can pull this in once you've sat into your harness to get it nice and comfortable for where you prefer to have it sews out onto your hips nice and comfortable the next is your leg loops so this one is already clipped in so I'll step down in they clip over exactly the same and then you need to adjust these up for freedom of movement you don't want them too tight we want a little bit of movement in there and for me again this is personal preference when I can get my hand in there comfortably I find that that's ok so it simply is a case of pulling the excess through until you get that snugness in there that you require same with the second-leg gonna pop this off because it's going to get in the way same in the second leg you can see this is brand new usually what you find from the box so from here we just need to pull that in to make sure that it's nice and snug and again you've got the leg loop exactly how you would like it again just get my hand in there for me that's good there's some excess tail here we can we can tie this up we can fold it up we can clip it out of the way I'll show you how I deal with out on my harness which is over there once I've got this one set up but for now I'm just going to leave it loose because I may need to adjust here and here so my waist is the right length my legs are the right length the next thing I need to do is to work out where within my harness I want my bridge attachments as to how much weight it holds and it's often easier to do this maybe if you come with me a little bit it's often easier to do this sat in the harness so we're going to clip into the system and then you want to sit down into the harness when you're first getting into the harness to see how it feels so the harness is designed as a sit harness it supports your legs and it supports your back how it supports you again is personal preference but ideally we want to be in a comfortable sit position without having to hold myself up right now if I relax a little bit in this harness that's that's where it naturally wants to sit me so I'm too far I'd be forever reaching so to adjust that on the tree motion we have this adjustment here comes down to your legs down to your front attachment points so I can pull this in I can make a little adjustment here one thing I've learned is whatever you do to this side do exactly the same on this side and use this tape to measure it to take a reference to see that each of the same and it's it's very much a little bit and often sit down in and immediately for me that feels much better fo relax now I'm still here as before I was back there I've now come forward a little bit to where I need to be comfortable so this it's okay it's a little bit more I could go with so I could bring this in touch more and I know from from having these harnesses for a few years that for me when that adjustment point there touches that attachment point for me that's good so I just need to make sure that's the same every time I get into the harness for full treat for basic tree-climbing moving around the canopy and the test is just sitting the harness and just relax yeah get the legs supporting just under your thighs so you should just be able to sit down and relax in the harness and you shouldn't take too much effort to hold yourself still if you go completely floppy you're going to go upside down but it just a normal sitting position that is perfect for your harness attachment so once we've got that basic set up the legs are the right size the waist is the right size and this attachment point here is the right size we can lose some of these straps we can tuck them out the way we can use the velcro to hide them out of the way and they will then remain in position and from then on during your climbing day the only thing that may change is your adjustment point here now sometimes as a climber if we're dismantling a tree we may find we are stood on spikes on a pole we just have a vertical pole that we're dismantling and these two gear loops here they're designed primarily for the action because historically this harness was developed as a belt to hold you hold your back up and on here the early harnesses they didn't have any of these you just had a belt to hold you up there so historically that's where these come from but the development of the tree motion by attaching these lower attachment points as well on a pole especially a small pole if you attach to these areas here you feel more supported because you've been used in the tree to being held here and here as soon as you put yourself just on there you suddenly feel vulnerable because there's nothing supporting you here you're just on a belt on your site your feet anything cause it uncomfortable but if you change your attachment points to their and then the only thing you need to do to make that really comfortable on a pole is to shorten these writing bring those in bring those in to bring the leg loops up and what you find is as you're stood on the pole there you're supported again with a familiar feeling of your legs and your back so it's a case of adjusting between how your work position in the tree fits your harness so because they're quite easy to adjust you can pull some slack into there and you can keep adjusting those loops back to where you want them to for your tree climbing you can short them in if you're on a pole it's all personal preference so once you've got those in it's just a case of a little memory to see where everything is set within your harness these take a little bit of getting used to if you used to an old tree motion you've got to get your fingernails engaged to clip out of them they are harder to get out because the other ones come undone not to pop that off I knew that would happen trying to get dressed with wise so we set the basics up but there's a couple of really in four important areas here folks that we need to remember on the back of the harness we have adjustable elastic straps they are there to help keep the harness pretty much whilst you're climbing pretty much in the right place for you it's important that they stay on and that you adjust them for the right place for you because if you were to take a fall in this harness and you didn't have your leg straps on and your leg loops are too low if you were to drop into the harness your leg loops will shoot straight up and catch you in the groin and it's extremely uncomfortable if your leg loops are in the right place when you take a fall in the harness it may be a bit uncomfortable it won't be as bad because you haven't got the movement and the impact you understand what I mean of it hitting you in the groin areas you sit down into a harness so it's very very important that these don't become loose now when they come from the factory they already ever not tied in yeah stop a knot in there but because they're elastic this is quite common you can see how this one has come on so once you've got them adjusted to your size you can perhaps put a slightly different stopper knot in them to stop them coming out because once they set they don't need to be reset for anybody else okay the harness itself has a different attachment points so we're hanging a chainsaw piece of working equipment off of our harness okay that can be attached to this ring here but this is green so on here this is PPE so this would be used if you're working out of a platform or working out of a cherry picker a mute we call them this could secure you in as an anchor point if you've got a chainsaw on there your chainsaw needs to have a tear-out lanyard a lanyard that will release should the piece of wood be taken during the job so sometimes when we're cutting we get our cuts in the wrong place and the bit of the saw is taken with the wood as it falls so you need a mechanism within your system to release that chainsaw so that it's not hanging off your harness so being careful if you're attaching to here because this is obviously attached to a PPE recommendation and if you don't want to chainsaw with a solid lanyard on there so again in the turf ability of a product range they make a tall strapless elasticated and it's got a chair out that would be accelerating the load but if it's really really going and not going to stop it will fail and release the load yes you'll need a new chainsaw but a new change there's a lot better than a new back okay these are also tall attachment points okay these are attached in there so you can find where to attach your equipment whilst you're working the red is to identify that they're not PPE so don't go clipping the land yard into those and thinking it will keep you in the tree should you take a slip and a fall it won't they have a tolerance head on and again they will break or pull away if a load is applied to them we also have a point on the back of the harness where we can put a first-aid kit yeah a lot of people don't climb with the first-aid kit but the most one of the most dangerous tools we can use as a tree climber is a handsaw we're cutting away and usually we're cutting away close to our hand so we don't drop the piece of wood and I personally have had more nasty cuts for the hands where my foot may have slipped something may have happened but any other piece of equipment we've used within the trees so a first-aid kit is really important something that you can carry with you in the UK we stipulate that our climbers must have a large wound dressing in there as a minimum elastoplastic deep Innes and not only use of efforts all caches you so you want something that you can break open and put onto a wound to look after yourself so you can come down and make yourself safe so there's attachment points in here you can personalise and put your your first-aid kit into so it wants to be some all in such a way that you can take it off don't strap it in so tightly that you can't reach it because there's no point carrying it you know if you can't get it out in an accident you need to have it nearby and then you'll notice all these other little holes and devices in here they are for you to personalise your harness so your your harness will come with some elastic it will come with little bits of plastic and you can work out where you'd like to attach stuff to your harness as you're going around as where you put your tools in your work position there are also other little holes and attachments over webbing straps in here these are again so that you can personalize where you can pop things so this is a brand new harness or you know just showing you the basics of how we can set that up
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Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Teufelberger, treecare, treeMOTION evo, treecare harness, treemotion, together in motion, treeclimbing, arborist harness, arborist, Baumpflege, Baumpflegegurt, tree climber, tree climbing
Id: nWNfDmZ7asM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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