how to add your own character into wonder studio

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hey what's going on y'all Jay from JS films in this video I'm gonna be showing you how you can import your own fbx 3D model character into Wonder studio now this right here uh works right now I got it to work but honestly I'm not sure if this is going to change eventually so if it doesn't work for you that means either a they changed it or it just didn't work because she didn't follow the instructions properly so first things first what I'm going to do is go to iclone and get a character as you all know I always try to connect iclone and character creator into my pipeline because I use this for animation quite a bit and they do have a lot of characters that you can use right so I'm trying to open up more doors and I know there are a lot of people who are wondering how to do this with that and another reason why I'm using iclone first is what I'm going to do is take this video and send it to iclone people to illusion people so they can see how it works and maybe they can make it compatible you know I clone and wonder studio so so that being said I'm in iclone right now this works with iPhone 7 as well doesn't have to be eight I have a character that I'm just going to grab here I'm gonna do the dummy so we're gonna start simple here we are in character I'm just gonna use the dummy that I always use in here which is the motion dummy so we'll do the mail one for now because the female already got to work so I'll just double click this and I'm gonna scroll up I'm gonna delete that motion because one of the requirements is that you need a character that's in a t pose so this is a t-post character right now which is good I'm just gonna export this out export fbx and blender is okay current frame is okay I'm not going to change anything here this is gonna be in t-post so I will just say export and I'm going to create a new folder here Wonder Tut and then I'll just name this mail save okay so once that's done I'm gonna go to blender I'm using 3.3.1 all right so if you want to follow along I suggest downloading the same version that I have to just kind of troubleshoot a little bit better I'm gonna go to import fbx and I'll go to the folder there Wonder Tut Mel fbx right here and I'm just gonna face this way now the first thing we need to do here is unfortunately delete the bones because we need to make it compatible with the Wonder Studio skeleton system so with that being said to help me out with that actually took a screenshot of their sample blend file so this is what we need to copy right just like this now if you've been retargeting a lot or using animation a lot in unreal you're gonna notice this right here left up link right Uplink okay that's miximo now you can rig and name and make everything look like this manually if you want but I am super lazy so I'm gonna be rigging the character with miximo because this is the same exact skeleton system as miximo alright so I'll minimize this I'll just put it on my second screen here on the right so I will delete this all right so we don't have any more bones for our character here and wait he's in a t-post that's good I'm gonna delete the tongue the light I'm going to delete the CC body because I don't need that I just want the actual dummy mail additionally I'm going to go back to iclone because I will need to export some textures out of here by default it exports a couple of textures but I'm gonna need a diffuse so I'll just export it from scratch so I'm going to select my character here go to the material and go to the motion dummy mail and I'm gonna take this right here what I'll do is I'll go right click this texture file and I can't see so give me a second save texture I'm gonna go to wonder cut and we're just going to name this diffuse for now save this as a PNG is okay and I'm going to grab the normal bump save texture desktop one or Tut and I'm just going to say normal for this all right so perfect I'm going to minimize um so I'll minimize iclone we don't need that for now and what we'll do next is just export this fbx out so I'm going to click on it file export fbx again I'm going to put it in that same folder now let's just say mesh I'm not going to bait any animation or any bones at all any Armature so I'll remove this I'm going to change this to face and I'll name this mail to Maximo so I kind of know what's going on and as far as the I'm going to scroll up for the path mode I'll just go copy and then export fbx next we'll go to miximo now and we will upload a character so I will drag and drop our mail to Maximo character right now this is processing and to be honest with you I prefer rigging with accurig but the problem is again the skeleton system and the hierarchy are different so this is the fastest way to rig a custom character right now so I'm going to do the chin do wrist I'm gonna do the elbows knees and then nuts right here so click next that's going to do its thing and I'm going to take a sip of my coffee all right so here is our character I'm going to click next next is fine okay so once our character is in there they have a t-pose in here as I'm just going to apply to our character I'll download this with skin is okay download all right and that's going to give me a new file which I now will just rename off camera real quick mail t-post Dot fbx and you're gonna see where I'm going to put that here in a second I'm not doing anything suspicious okay so here is the mail t-post that I just did mail tpos fbx and we'll go back to blender this new blender is fine I'm going to delete the useless Cube and camera I don't know why it's still there go to desktop we have the Wonder Tut and we're going to open up the male t-post okay so now we have the mail T pose I'm going to delete the light and now I'm going to pull up the hierarchy that we need to copy all right again I'm going to have this on my other screen but this is what we need to change we need to change the collection name this right here and right here so what I did was just kind of just put it side by side so if I expose the amateur here you're going to see that beside you're going to see that except the miximo rig it's pretty darn similar it's one to one all right so I'm gonna put this on my right side so I can copy that now again you can name these bones manually but I don't know why you would want to all right so first thing like I said we have to change this to character so I just hit F2 to change the name there and then for the amateur I'm looking at this right now I just need to add an underscore all caps body and then all the way down again and then all the way down I'm just going to hold shift click so it's going to open up all of the um hierarchy here scroll all the way down all the way down let's see where's the other one all right it's right here again I have to change this to body amateur body so we changed three things to character added body here and then added body here now whenever you're rigging with miximo depending on your character sometimes Maximo does not rig everything so expose the hierarchy like I did here and just make sure that you have all the fingers sometimes it doesn't rig fingers and you're gonna get a lot of errors all right so one of the trial I had was miximo was only rigging three fingers so I was getting a lot of error when I was trying to import it so just make sure that you have everything rigged okay right so we have Armature body right here which is good so I'll go ahead and remove this so the next thing we have to do is actually remove the prefix on the miximo rig body so you can see right here miximo rig hips we don't need that we need to remove the miximo rig semicolon I think that's what it's called so we're only left with hips spine spine one two whatever all right so to do that I'm going to click on my skeleton right here I'm going to go to edit mode and I'm going to select everything just pressing a just make sure you have everything selected and then go to edit and then we'll go to batch rename or control F2 we're going to find miximo rig Colin just like just like what you see right here makes them a rig and we're going to replace that to nothing so we pretty much want to replace it with blank and then in the objects I'm going to change this to bones and you're going to see that we are going to edit 65 bones so press OK and now that's gonna be all good to go so I'll file save as and I'm just gonna title this J okay so J blend all right so we got that taken care of now so that's good what I'm going to do next is I'm going to change the name of this mesh okay so I'm going to again press f2 and I'm just going to say male Z okay type that mail Z right there so I just renamed this mesh right here additionally I'm now going to rename this also as mail Z okay now let's talk about materials right so I'm going to go to object mode right now if I click this I'm going to go check out the materials for this mesh so I'll click right here and now you see we have male Z now again per the documentation we need to add matte underscore mat in this name so I'm going to go here double click and I'm going to add underscore matte so if you have multiple materials on your character you need to change that here all right so we got the males material the same exact name as r mesh right here males okay very freaking important trust me it took me a minute so there's a males the mesh and males material okay perfect so so so I'll save this and next we'll go to shading and I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger so you gotta see better sorry I'm not a blunder user at all I just know enough to get by and here's our character here so we have a diffuse or color and we have a normal map all right so you can see down here we have two right now what we're gonna have to do here is delete these and import the ones that I exported out of iclone so I'm gonna go right here and delete and I'm gonna go right here and delete next I will pull up that folder where we just had the texture saved from iclone I'll pull it up right here and I'll make this bigger now another requirement okay we are going to have to change our diffuse and normal naming convention so for that I'm going to pull up the documentation from Wonder Studio right here actually oh right here and as you can see here we have to follow this naming convention so for a diffuse map I need to add a underscore text diff and then for a normal map I need to do an underscore text underscore Norm all right so let's keep that in mind so for the diffuse we have to name this Nails underscore text underscore diff for the normal s underscore text Norm okay dot PNG and we'll double check that so we're having to name these because we have to help one Studio to know that these textures belong to this mesh which we named males alright so what we'll do next is obviously open that image mails tax diffuse right there and we have the mail tax Norm okay so we're pretty much back to square one so once that's all taken care of let's just do some cleanup I'm gonna go back to my layout and I'm going to select everything and I'm going to press N I just want to make sure that everything is zeroed out and as you can see it's not so what I'll do is I'll Ctrl a I'm just going to say rotation I'm going to zero out the rotation the scale and the location all right so that's control a zero out location rotation and scale all right now I can save this and now we can go to wonder Studio okay so here we are in Wonder studio and as you can see there were a lot of trial and errors in this one but I'm hoping with this video you would skip out a lot of this um and as you all know you're only allowed to have you know character uploads of things 15 they gave me five extra but additionally if you go to my assets big thanks to Christian you can actually delete these so you can upload more characters so I'm going to be doing that here after this video so to upload a new character I'm just gonna go here upload a new character I'll name this males create and again you can export an fbx but my suggestion is go ahead and import that entire blend file in there instead so I'm gonna go right here and now we're going to grab that texture males text diff all right so let's drag and drop that and let's drag and drop this upload and then fingers crossed validate yes yes score your character is ready to use yes that's what I want to know so it's ready to use we successfully uploaded a custom character in here exciting stuff so let's go ahead and try it out let's go create a new project live action is okay by the way there's live action Advanced too for all people out there you want to check that out go to continue now and I have this video of this amazing skateboarder so let's do that drag and drop it here I'm gonna say next I'm going to scan the frame actor here now usually I find uh try to find like a good frame we can see you know majority of his limbs I don't know if that makes sense or does it matter I don't know but for me good practice make sure that uh Wonder Studio can see the entire thing and then I'll select this actor right here and if I go to my characters scroll all the way down we have male Z okay click next I'm just going to leave everything by default start processing and this is going to take about 52 minutes but I did the female version of this earlier already before the making this video and this is what it looked like that's awesome now obviously I'm gonna be making more videos on how to do this with other characters and again one of the reasons why I made it for illusion icon first is I'm going to send this video to them maybe they can kind of make something easy for us that we can just export straight out of accurig because again I would rather use accurate Luke then miximo on this man so with that being said that's all I got for you all right now I hope you all learned something new today and I'll see y'all in the next one peace out
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 19,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to add your own character into wonder studio, how to import fbx in wonder studio, how to add custom character in wonder studio, import fbx wonder studio, iclone to wonder studio tutorial, import character wonder studio, wonder studio excess files detected, wonder studio importing failed, import custom 3d character in wonder studio, wonder studio custom character, how to import your own character to wonder studio, wonder dynamics wonder studio tutorial, jsfilmz
Id: ZC8Ct8i42eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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