How to add Screenshot in Extent Report for Failed Test Cases in Selenium

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otherwise welcome to selenium training back today I'm going to cover one very important topic that is like in the report itself how can you generate and how can you attach automatically especially here extend report how can you attach a screenshot ok if any test case is getting failed then how can you attach it a screenshot so I can give you some example like if you can see in this this this is the extend report so these two test cases got failed and if you see that ok this is the error that maybe some exception or no such element or maybe some assertions or gatok field and it it is automatically attaching the screenshot and you can publish this report to anyone via jenkins or you know through maven you can generate this report and you can share with anyone right so automatically it will generate the report for pass and failure test cases but for failure test cases it will add this particular screenshot ok so how to do that in the extend report itself quickly ok so let me create first a maven project and let me create a project so I'll create a new maven project so that we can see how exactly we can well write the extend code report it so simple let's see my group ID I'll give extend report or say I'll say screen shorter ok and this is the group ID and this is the artifact ID click on finish and you will see that in the left print section this is the project maven project got created I'm not going to cover maven guys because I have already covered maven so please refer other videos for maven and how to generate the extend report and everything tutorial is only and only for how to attach the screenshot okay for the finger test cases so okay so I'll open my palm toward XML file and then I'll add the dependencies for let's see for selenium test change II and extend reporter okay so first of all I will remove this J unit dependency I don't need this and so I have already in some different project I have this selenium verify dependency and test change II dependency so first I'll add these two deputies over here okay and for extent report guys we have to add this is the Ripper yeah this is the extender for dependency we have to add okay so I think the latest version you can check I think it's two point forty two point something is there I'm using two point forty one point two that doesn't matter and you just need to save it so I press ctrl s it will generate the artifacts for selenium test gingy and exchange report and you will see that all the jar files respective jar file added over here fine and quickly in SRC test Java and create a test class let's see my class name is so we will do one thing that we will cover this free CRM comm we will write one or two to three test cases and deliberately we will fill those test cases the boob and it fails automatically it will generate the screenshot and it will publish the report with a screenshot so let's see my test case name is free my class name is free CRM test okay so this is the application that I will tell you what exactly the application it is so in the previous session in the page object model also we are using the same application that free CRM test and quickly what I will do first I'll write my nice simple at the rate before method I rotation so that I can add all my prerequisite is that webdriver launching and everything so let's see this is my setup method in this setup method add red before method is available in testing G so let me import this and I'll initialize my web driver at the class level so that I can access throughout man okay throughout my class and I'll make it public let's see okay and this web driver is also available in selenium so just import okay and then in the setup method we will launch our browser and Google Chrome in URL and everything so that code I we are already having so without wasting time and get that code from here from the base class we have this code that okay and we'll go to this like this okay so this is the chrome driver dot exe file location is over here and I am launching the driver Chrome and then I'm launching my URL so for you are at all so I will get this and all these prerequisite is raised I'll be taking okay and fine and what I'll do the page load time outer I will give around let's see 20 seconds and implicitly wait I will give let's see 10 seconds okay and the URL and provide my URL free CRM dot-com so I'll show you that where exactly the free CRM calm so this is free CRM dot-com site this is the URL and we are using the same web application for our automation other automation purpose also right we move this input it is not useful okay so this is a quick setup method I have written it will launch the URL and launch the application and everything right and what I'll do I'll write my at the rate aftermath also so an afterafter method let's see my method name is public void teardown method okay and then this my third I'll write simple try without quit so once my test cases are done with the browser right now I'll simple write one test case at the rate test a notation simple let's see my test case name is public void and let's see my test case name is free CRM title test right so at the rate test a notation we have to import it from test in G and and simple I'm first I'm taking in some string variable string title is equal to driver dot get title and then I'll assert a third dot assert equals okay so a sub dot assert equals not from j-unit I have to take it from test in G okay nice so I'm not going to cover this what is assert in all those things we have already covered everything in the previous session so let's please have a look in test in G and here what we have to do I sort a cert equals it's saying that what exactly are or what exactly want to assert so I want to assert that is my actual value this title should be what is the title the title should be this free CRM for any business ok so I will get a title quickly from the page source and if you see this is a title okay at the moment I come on the home page ok on this particular login page not home page login page I want to see the title is correct or not so I am expecting this particular title quickly one simple test case I have written and if you run this program quickly let's run it currently I'm not generating any extent so okay fine it is running and is it yeah it is launching the browser app and page is getting loaded and it gets the title and then my test case is fast right okay fine and then print this title also so that we will see on the console okay now what we have to do guys this is a thing that I have written now what we have to do to generate the extend report I'll do one thing that I'll add one more annotation over here now see it carefully add the rate before test annotation okay so before all the test cases what I will do I will create a method public let's see void and let's see my method name is set extent okay in this particular method I will provide all the parameters for extend report that how to generate the extend report and everything okay so what I'll do at the global level again I will do one thing I have to define two parameters okay so what are these two parameters I will tell you these two parameters are guys we have to do just a minute I'll tell you what are different these two parameters I mean two variables we have to define not parameters exactly I have already just a minute here is my test class here yeah okay not here sorry here so these are the two different variables first I'll define immediately after my you know we're practice along with my webdriver initialization import this add the read before test okay guys and then what we have to do by using this at the rate before test a notation what we have to do base by using this extend this is the extent is a variable of exchange report class okay this report class excellent report class is coming from exchange reports that dependency that we have already added okay which are which is a jar provided by these ways okay so this is the class and we have created one simple variable the reference of this particular class and what I'm doing here is equal to I'm going to initialize this extent reports over here like this okay simple if last name subject name is equal to new class name like this and here what we have to do guys we have to provide that where exactly you want to generate your report so I know that my report will be generated inside the test output folder generally like this okay so I will create at the runtime one test output folder okay and then generate the report so I have one command that is system dot get property okay so and the key will be this I'll tell you what is the purpose of the user dot di here is the key user dot dir means what is a user directory what is a directory it means what is your project directory so it will this is my project and what exact what exactly a directory it means in which folder okay this particular project is available so this project is available if you see right click and go to properties if you see this project is available over here in this particular location user naveen document workspace extender pod screenshot okay so no need to hard code this value if you write like this system dot get property user dot da year if you pass this key automatically you will get this particular location okay sorry now what we have to do we have to append it with and okay append with what we have to write this append with test output folder so I'll create my test output folder over here and what what will be your extent report file name let's see my file name is let's see extent report dot HTML okay extend report dot HTML file name that I have to give and I want I have to pass one more parameter that should be true it means in extent report constructor and passing these two parameter that what exactly your file path where exactly you want to generate the file I want to generate the file in this particular location and the second variable that you have to pass the boolean replace existing it means if any previous extend dot HTML file is there please replace it with new so we have to pass - if you pass false it will not replace okay so always make sure you are passing to these two parameter path and boolean value through after that so this is the extent I have defined and then with this extent we have to define all the parameter so with this we have extent dot we have methods like this like ad system info okay so what exactly ad System Info means like I want to I want to pass some parameters like this place I'll show you see this is my extent report these parameter that what is your username operating system giving what is a Java version hostname environment if you want to pass all these parameters you can define parameters like this over here okay parameter and parameter value system info so let's see my first system info is hostname so what is your hostname okay like who is running okay on which host it is running so let's see my host name is I'll say I'll write like this Levine Mac in your case whatever the machine name if you want to give you can give okay some other system info we will add like like what exactly the user name okay if you see see that user name also we can pass so what is a user name let's see my user name is Naveen automation lapse this is my user name okay and other sorry okay other information we can pass that apart from user name what exactly your environment so let's say this is my environment right this is my environment and your environment is let's see automation testing whatever the any name you can give that seam or maybe environment is not automation testing my environment is I am running on cue environment so this is my environment name okay if any other parameter like so environment we have added hostname we have added username we have added if you want to provide any Java version or OS the or name also you can provide okay so I am not using OS and Java version if you want to add you can add these three parameters also so these three parameters guys I have added over here so this is the add the radar enter it before test a notation I have written okay and then I'll write at the rate after test once all the test cases got executed what exactly you want to do so I'll write one at the rate after test a notation also and then see my method name is public void and let's see my method name is end report I want to end the report okay and at the rate after test I'll add this annotation imported and what exactly I want to do so once the report is generated with all these parameters and everything is done what do you want I want to flush it I want to just extend dot flush flush means simple flush it just close the connection with extant report okay and so and close it extend dot close okay so once all the test cases are done flush the exchange report and simple close the connection with the extend report okay and release this extent reference so these two things I have done fine okay good now what we have to do this we have to add now I have to take a screenshot so for a screenshot what I will do I will create another method let's see I will create my method named public void and my method name is let's see didn't get a screenshot method because I have to take a screenshot right so how exactly extend report will get to know okay we'll get to know that okay there is a screenshot for a screenshot we have to take the screenshot right so simple and get screenshot method I'll write it over here okay so get a screenshot method it will do what I do I do get a screenshot method is having two parameters one parameter is this driver another parameter that we have to pass what exactly okay your screen short name you want to provide so let's see my screen short name and to write like this this screen short name one string parameter I'll call this method okay and this is my web driver okay like this so two parameters that what is a web driver and get a screen short name I will and provide over here and now in this method guys what we have to do simple get a screen short method how to take screenshot in selenium that logic we have to write but in a different way first of all I want to generate my screen short date wise see didn't I'll show you that I want to generate my screenshot like this okay this is a screenshot and date wise I want to generate I'll tell you how exactly it will be generated okay so that every day twice okay it should be generated so let's see first I will write I'll create one variable that string let's see did date name we see guys it's very simple code okay so I'll share the code with you base so you can use it later simple I'll use one simple date format in Java simple date format is a class in Java so simple date format means like in which format you want to generator okay we want to generate a date so I want to generate the rate that first it which it should show the year yyy okay and then month then date number of ours okay minutes and seconds so this is an information that we have to provide and then the dot format method is there just a minute simple date format just imported okay dot yeah format method is there dot format what exactly you have to pass in do it dot format method you have to pass the object of date class okay you have to pass the object of date class like this and this date class is available in Java inutile Java dot util package so don't worry that okay what exactly have written so this is a simple date format I want to generate the date format like this on this particular date so new date will give you the current date and from this current date please provide the format like this simple I have written 'race like this okay so now the date I have generated now what I have to do after the date what he have what we had to do symbol screenshot in the logic me have to write so how to take the screenshot guys that logic I have already written so this is the screenshot that take screenshot class and everything so what I'll do I'll simple be this code from here how to take the screenshot guys I have already covered in the selenium session so I'm not wasting my time that how to take the screenshot in everything okay and simple ad through his declaration okay now I want that this particular method should return whatever the final destiny final destination means where exactly the location the on which location that screenshot got generated so I'll write one return statement also over there okay simple I will write in that this method should return this destination okay and then instead of white I'll make it string because this is the destination is a string okay like this okay so destination will be what destination will be where exactly you want to generate the so automatically it will create one folder failed test screen short folder and it will generate the screenshot with the screen short name that you are providing and append with the date name date name is with the latest date with that we are taking number of arts and milliseconds so every time the the screenshot name will be unique okay and simple written the destination where exactly the screenshot got generated let the screenshot were generated in C Drive or D Drive anywhere so I will pick that particular screenshot and attach it over here now the main logic starts that how will you attach okay so how will you attach the screenshot in the extend report so this code it's simple to take the screenshot this code it's simple to define all the extend report parameters this is our add great after attach that flush it and close it once the report is generated now what exactly it will do it will set up everything it will launch your URL and everything it will execute a test cases and then it will come over here inside the add the rate after method so inside this add the rate after method guys this is the logic the most important logic we have to write it over here okay now in add after method what I want I want to pick only those test cases which are getting failed right so how will you take it so first of all we have to use one listener one testing we listener we have to use and the listener name is I test a result okay this is the listener I have to use I test result and I'll create the reference over here and pass this ID test result now what is the purpose of this what I want I want to write one condition if CI test result what exactly it will do it is coming from test in G so whatever let's say you have hundred test cases or one test cases whatever the results are coming either one hundred four hundred test cases fifty getting past fifty getting failed whatever the count pass/fail or skipped it will store in this particular I test result object okay now from this particular result object what I want I want to capture only those cases which are failure right because the for failure test cases only I have to generate the report I mean I have to attach the screenshot only for failure disguises I have to generate the report for all the cases but I have to attach the screenshot only and only for failure test cases so how to do that I'll put one condition if this result okay guys if result dot it will give you one method result dot get status method okay if result dot get status okay is equal to equal to all right if result dot get status is equal to equal to we have one parameter over here dot failure if it is equal to failure then it will return true it will run to integer value and get status also will take two so for failure in I T test result in test ng failure test cases are defined by two okay like this so if get status is equal to equal to 2 then what I have to do this what I have to do simple if you see that we have created one more parameter one more reference that extend test reference for like longer longer reference I have created log where is a reference of extra test ok so insert a logger what I will do simple right some some other name so that you will understand properly and write like this extent test ok so with this extend test what I want if s case stated is failure then what I want dot extend test dot we have a method log what is your log status okay so what will write one class is their log status okay dot fail okay dot fail and what exactly the details you want to provide I want to provide some details like something like some parameter some string L right let's see test say for example write like this test case failed is okay and then I'll append with with what exactly the test case name so result dot get name is there okay so it will print it will add in this particular log what exactly your test case got failed which test case the result dot get name will give you the method name which got filled okay okay so with the extend test we have at this particular information okay and for other errors also or exceptions also if any errors and exceptions are there I want to print see you guys so it will it will print like this this information is coming that this particular test is got failed it is coming because of this line now if you want to print the error that what is the error or any exception all these informations are coming that element founder assertion error okay we have to add one more information that information is like this guy's maybe this code will be very new to you but once you practice no need to remember the code we just need to copy paste okay so simple they won't ask you a type of interview that give me the exact same text but you should know how to do that like for all the failure test cases what I have to do test case field is and I will write we have one method that if you want to brint all the error and exception so we know that the superclass of error and exception is dot get throw able okay so get through able method we have to use so it will give you whatever error an exception it will print over here fine now the third task is to get take the screenshot I mean we have already taken the screenshot but attach the screenshot so how to do that so what I do first I will define the one parameter that what is where exactly your a screenshot path let's see my screen short path it's like this it's create short path is equal to okay so how will you get this screen short path that we have already created this method to get a screenshot method is there so I'll make it static so that we can call it by its last name okay so get a screenshot is the class I mean method name which will return where exactly it will take the screenshot and it will put on a specific location okay so it will put in a specific location that is a destination location and it will return that location so I'll simply I will call this method get a screenshot method I'll call so how to what exactly we have to do ways what is my last name this is a static method free CRM test dot okay this is my driver and fine and what is your screenshot name my screenshot name that I have to provide that okay guys now we have to see very carefully this is a driver and I'll have to provide my screen short name some name I want to give okay so let's see result dot get name same the method name and provide the screen short name okay fine so this is also we have written now I have just it is showing add throws declaration so just add the deck okay exception over there for accepting handling and one last thing once we have the screen short path is available ok guys what we have to do with this extend test I have to attach extend test ok guys so this is the method to attach that dot log ok same and what we have to do log status dot field same thing for failure test cases log status dot fail and what exactly the details you want to provide so I want to provide my details are ok I want to provide my details and see guys very carefully here to see that is might it is that extend test dot add a screenshot capture method is their base ok add a screenshot capture method is there okay and this is the screenshot path I will provide it over here ok the screen short path unprovided over here simple so this particular line it will do the magic it will do this is for to add ok screenshot in extend report okay this is for name to add name in extend the put and this is for to add adder an exception boot because we are using throw able in extend report and this is the name you are getting ok get a screenshot method we are calling the screenshot path we will get it and we will pass inside this method at the screen cast is the method they might ask you a type of interview what is a method name ok add screencast is the method now what we have to do so this is the if condition that we have written for failure test cases but sometime what happens out okay there are some failure test cases as well as there are some skipped test cases okay so to handle we will handle skip test case also simple I will write one else if the result dot get status okay is equal to equal to whatever the I T test result dot skip ok guys you have to use toward skip so dot for skip the number is three okay so for failure number is two for pass number is one so if it is this like okay what we have to do we have to add the entry for same for the skipped test cases also dot ok guys what we have to do simple dot log log status dot ok log status dot skip and what exactly are details you want to pass I want to pass some information like this that which test case got a script test case skipped is and I'll write like this result dot cat name okay this will not get M it will give you the exact method name okay got a skipped and we will print like this test case the skip is like this it will be like these things okay so we will generate the report like this okay so first so this is for failure test cases now after this else if condition one small thing guys we have to do that we have to end the test first so how to end the test so this is the yeah and the test means simple extent whatever the extent object dot and test okay and test okay and we have to pass this extend test whatever the extend test the reference we have to pass please end the test with this reference and that's it and we have to quit the browser and after that we will quit the browser like this simple so this is and right see you guys before even me alls I mean for me also I don't remember these code and everything okay Spacely what extent record is it it is like not recommended at okay every time you have to remember the code and everything but you should know how to do that at a time of interview nobody will ask you but this is only one time activity you just need to copy paste after that okay so simple this is for ending test okay we are ending the test okay ending test end simple I'll write some note and to create HTML report okay so first it will end and then it will prepare to the HTML report and it will add on these information for failure and a strip test cases and for failure test cases it will add all these three information one by one this is the case name test case name error or exception and then screenshot like this and that's it okay so let's see I have written this particular one test case and executed although this is the past one for past one there is no screenshot nothing it will not add anything because for past test cases I don't want to do that okay if you want you can write one more elsif condition' if you want to add for pass test which is also okay so let's run in this and let's see it is generating the extent report or not so if you see the current folder structure here that there are no you know our test output folder is there so it will generate a test output folder in which it will generate this HTML file and all the screenshot will be generated over here okay so let's run it okay so it is let's see yes it is launching the browser simple it will take the title until verified close the browser and yes no failure test case got passed and now I will refresh my project simple right-click and refresh it you will see the test output folder got created right and if you open this you will see that one extend report dot HTML file got created this is a finally we had we have given okay extend report dot HTML file and what I will do and simple right click on it and go to properties copy this location and open it in some browser ok paste it in this address and then enter you will see that ok one test case I think it's showing only zero let me check some parameter is missing and let me check it quickly just a minute what it is so one thing if you run this program let's run it again let me run it again and we will see what is a problem because a lot of configurations are required so maybe we missed some configuration so let's see it's launching the browser fine and yeah okay so test case got passed we will refresh our project and extend report dot HTML we will copy this path and we will paste it over here we'll see it's say generating the report the template but it's not giving any result that in the test count and everything so one thing we have missed two guys one more thing we have to add after your at the rate test a notation in means inside your data rate test a notation what you have to write you have to write like this extent test is equal to we have to initialize it over here okay with extent dot start test what is your test name let's see this is my test case name ok start test ok fine so extend test is equal to extend dot start test so let's see if you have ten test cases every time you have to write this line ok immediately after your test case starting now if you run this program let's run it and we will see find it is launching the browser okay and getting a tighter and closed now we will refresh a report so now it is adding this free CRM title test it is coming but it is not showing the result it is passed or failed unknown so we have to add this condition for passed also ways okay so if it is failure fine if it is for a skip do this if it is as if result dot get status equal to equal to I T result dot tight it is a dot success okay the first success for success if you see the number for success it will written one if the Gator state is equal to one success is equal to one it means your test case is past simple I will write this line then extend test log it with instead of a skip and write what dot pass and test case passed is simple dot technique so we have added one condition for success skip and failure okay now I will run my program and let's see okay so it is launching the browser and everything and fine now I'd refresh my extend report noxee free CRM tends to got past but as I told you that for past we are just adding this information only test case pass and simple get name and add it this is your test case past is this free CRM title disk this string will be added over here and this is your test case name at this particular time stamp in the straightedges pass but for failure test it is what we have written this is the logic for failure test cases and all these information first name then put what is the error okay an exception and then we have to add the screenshot now I will deliberately I'll fail this test case okay guys let's see I'm making it I'm expecting one two three and this is the title we are getting actual title without one two three so obviously this case will be failed and let's see it is running or not it is attaching the screenshot or not okay so fine it is launching it and okay it is done and refresh my project and you will see that the screenshots we have written we have given the path that for all the screenshot pieced create this directory and add the screenshot so a screenshot is getting created over here see free title test free CRM title test at this particular time dot PNG got created so if you open this see this is the screenshot it has taken fine now we will see that in the extent report also it is coming or not so I will refresh my extend report now you can see that see this is a screencast we have added rice ok ok ok we have to add the screenshot actually not the cost cost means you can add the video also see this is another feature that you can add the video so the failure video also you can add okay so what I'll do I'll add along with cast I'll add the screenshot see I think I've added cost okay so what I'll do I'll add see the video also these guys they have introduced a screencast means the complete failure video will be created and this is for screen shot no no no not like this screen shot is the method add just a minute add screen capture not a short face I had a screen capture is another yes and didn't put the screenshot over here and forecast I think it is saying that we're exactly or if you have created any video or something through some utility like just like get a screen short ends and through some utility you have created the video or any cast okie video casting then you can add the cast also so currently we don't have any video video or something that we want to provide off in your desk as well go to comment this line okay so this is forecast screen cast on maybe for video so okay and this is for screen shot now I'll run this program and let's see it is adding the screen shot or not okay so it is fine it is running and it will get failed fine and then we will see and refresh it see okay it is attaching the screen shot although it's just the screen shot because of the page was a still doting and immediately it got captured okay so let's do let's write some more other test cases some one more test case you will write at the test public void let's see this is a site I want to check this image is there or not okay so I'll inspect and this is the image okay image class is this okay IMG responsive so I'll simple check free CRM logo free CRM logo test ok and public simple I'll write one condition over here the driver dot find element by dot X path and okay this is IMG tag and this is IMG class okay simple at the rate class is equal to this if it is displayed is displayed it means it will return true or false so I will restore in some way value let's see boolean B is equal to this and an assert faster dot a certain true okay SR dot also true and what I will do I'll deliberately I'll fail it let's see the this image is not available okay freeze erm image is not available and deliberately face that I will pass some wrong class name one one one so obviously it is not displayed so it will be failed assertion will be failed it means test case will be failed it means it will come over here and it will take the screenshot and then it will put it over there okay so let's run it so two test cases are there and both the test cases will be failed so let's run it and see the first test case is running okay guys so please practice it's very very simple ways maybe this code is very new to you guys but it's very simple then the second test is also running it will check the CRM logo if it is not there then it will be failed so it's gonna wait for 10 seconds because we have given them digitally weight of 10 seconds and fine and let's see first of all and refresh my project you will see that screenshots not generated so these two from from the previous execution these two from the last execution you can see that a screenshot was generated okay and we will see in the extent report it is attaching or not so I'll refresh see it is attaching okay so free CRM test and test case field is this first test case failed assertion error that expected this title but we are getting some different title okay because deliberately I have written one two three over here and the second test case also got failed this is a test case field is free CRM logo test is also getting field unable to locate 11 we that rocket is not available and this is attachment you can see the attachment right simple so this is how we add the screenshot and number of let's you have 100 test cases all the hundred test case will be listed over here with the proper name and proper error and description and exceptions and with the screenshot isn't it amazing right I really like this report now we can generate all these parameters and you can add the screenshot with the failure - case and if any pass test cases it will say pass over here as simple as that nowadays so this is the thing that you can see C it is not entering one entry over here why because again we haven't see we missed this thing so every after every people initially after every test case you have to add this line that extent dot start test this is this this is my test case logo test so that the entry will be added over there okay over there and here also okay now let's run it again one more time okay so it's launching the browser for stress keys will be executed fine again launching the browser for logo test it will take fine and after 10 seconds it will be failed because implicitly rate of 10 seconds I have given fine and let's see the report and refresh my report now see both the test cases got failed and the free CRM title test got filled and I if I click on this second test case please see our M logo test also got filled with this screenshot and this is the C this is the perfect report we are getting now this is savate failed because of assertion error if I click on it it got failed because of element was not available not found element exception no such element exception and with the screen chapter right and here to both the desk cases got filled with all these parameter information and you can publish this report to a Jenkins so you can run it okay you can publish this report to all the team members and they will see how many test cases you got pass/fail and everything that the proper is screenshotted with the proper description okay so there is please practice with this thing and it's a very simple code and I'll upload this Gordon to my great repository you can access this code from there okay so that's all for this and before this if you really want to know that okay what is extent report and everything please see all these videos if you want to integrate with Jenkins and with git repositories these two videos I have already uploaded in last two days so please have a look and then you can generate the external record with a screenshot also okay so that's all for this thing thanks for watching guys and if you really like this video please share with others your with your friends with your colleagues and you can use the same thing in your project also and please subscribe to the channel okay the lot of new videos are coming in future like Forrest APA is another web services automation on so py and some amazing things I'll teach you H don't worry and please subscribe so that you will be notified was the new feature I mean the new video will be uploaded ok on my channel so thank you so much and thanks for watching
Channel: Naveen AutomationLabs
Views: 67,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selenium, WebDriver, Extent Report, Screenshot in Extent Report, How to add Screenshot in Extent Report in Selenium, extentreports screenshot example, attached screenshot not displayed for extent reports, add screenshot in extent report Java, how to attach screenshot in testng report, Extent Reports - Screenshots of Failed Test Cases in Extent Reports, Capture Screenshot in Extent Reports, How to take screenshot of failed test cases in Selenium Webdriver
Id: D4FkhMrO9fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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