How To Add Multiple Phone Camera On vMix | Get 4K Camera Quality
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Channel: Paul Techie💻
Views: 50,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Techie, live video production, live production software, ptzoptics, vmix call, how to import mobile camera into vmix, how to connect mobile to vmix, ndi plug in, multicam set up, newtek ndi apk, webcasting, video switcher, live streaming, live streaming software, import mobile to vmix, 2 cam set up, newtek ndi, video production, use phone camera on vmix, how to use phone camera on vmix, multiple camera, how to import phone camera on vmix, how to use phone camera in vmix
Id: ItXt2d7a63I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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