How To Add Mods in NBA 2k24 PC | NBA 2K24 Tutorial | How To Mod A Steam Game

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[Music] welcome in everyone this King and shua I'm here to show you guys how to apply mods and bring along any type of other ideas you may have to NBA 2K 24 and update you guys on 2K 24 in general so let's go ahead and open up 2K 24 while this opens up I want to show you guys where to download the mods as well so let's go ahead and uh I'll show you something in a little bit um I found this good website shata or whatever you can go ahead and in the comments correct me but um generally here you'll have to turn off the ads because the ads um Checker is stopping you from scrolling down or using a website so go ahead and disable your ads and go all the way down to any face you want to use so we're just using the Cyber faces for now within this tutorial you can use the quarts you can use the faces you can use different arm lengths uh in general I'll just be using the cyber face so let's use the Anthony Davis cyberace and let's download this generally wherever you want to download it you can give a option or a automatic download be careful of the ads you could be clicking on but click on the download now click on the mega and let's download here usually with mega there's a threshold to download certain sizes of files so uh this one's pretty small so it's not going to give you that that warning saying you're downloading something too big let's go ahead and put this with our NBA 2K 24 so let's find that uh the video before this was about the file score and where your 2K is so go ahead and watch that it will be linked to this video and I'll make another folder this will be called uh let's call the um changes right let's go this well let's go this exports uh just understanding your whole system in general is a good idea let's do this download so this is generally where I'll download any type of mods I'll be doing save right here and let's open that once we go ahead and open this let's go to our steam open up put in my exports and my downloads unzip it once you unzip it you have all this you have some links to the Creator all that cool stuff but we generally want the dots iff and the pngs so I was talking about that in the previous video usually the if are the files of the cyber faces from what I'm understanding it could be used for the courts but I think the pgs are for that mainly let's go ahead and go into okay we got a little bit of uh signing in so let me fast forward through [Music] [Applause] this and when I open the game had an issue with going online and that's because I wasn't signed in from what I'm understanding so I was looking up how to refund it and the requirements uh let me come back over here see yeah on the Forum generally the issue about me um getting online was because I wasn't signed in and there's a few other cases as well but we'll see if we can actually sign in cuz if we can sign in we can mod we can do whatever we want let's go ahead and get past this it seems like I have a update that is required I'm covering though with my uh sexy body so let's go ahead and get this update hopefully I can be online that's one of the main cases why I couldn't get online because I need some kind of update all right looks like we're online right looks like I'm good I mean I seem to be online cool yeah so I was going to say too it was part of my script that I may not play this game at all because I wasn't able to get online but looks like they fixed that that was the issue with 2K 23 from when I purchased it on PC I couldn't get online at all but looks like they fixing the 2K 24 so all right so let's get back to the main cause of the video is to update or just to install mods so the mods I'll be doing is a cyberface go to create roster NBA we're going to be doing Anthony Davis user created let's do the official official 2K sports go all the way to the Lakers once you're at the Lakers pick Anthony Davis in example Ed a player just recognize the change look at how Anthony Davis looks or whoever you're creating or recreating through a cyber face and we can even have the game open so let's go back let's open up 2K all right go to my exports and take all these so generally I would have another another folder here come back and you want to put these in mods right so take all of these files the PNG the take each and every once let me do this correctly it take all the pngs sl. if move them over here and now what the code is doing what is already programmed to do is recognize any change within the mods folder that's how it's recognizing that you are modding something and it will take that change inside the modding folder so let's go back to Anthony Davis it probably the change already and you guys see the change he looks more natural wherever how you perceive it he looks different the mod is added in the mod is taking effect because the 2K is understanding the changes within the mod folder it'll take the necessary changes that you would place inside the mod folder so that's generally how you would apply mods you would download from the link down in the description pick a cyberface pick a quartz pick whatever you want to change and put them inside the mouse folder and the rest of the code will take all the necessary actions to make the changes inside the game when the game is open or when it's Clos so that's generally it if I'm able to play online cool fantastic but at the end of the day we will need 150 likes on this video if we don't see 150 likes I w't be continuing any videos or even playing it on and off stream or on and off the video making of NBA 2K 24 but if you guys want to get some wins if you guys want to enjoy the game you guys want to actually have a lot of fun within cyb the gamer scale go ahead and join the Discord and we will definitely ball out and do whatever we want and make all the greens and make any type of player we want or even make our own mods and add them into the game and share across the Discord that is available down in the description so appreciate you guys being here definitely let me know on any questions you may have in this video and once we get 150 likes minimum we'll definitely make another video and do more NBA 2K 24 modding but in general I got bigger ideas for cyb cyber connect so I appreciate you guys coming through I appreciate you guys here uh being here and we'll definitely um Kick It In Discord if you choose to join it so take care peace out and I see you guys later
Channel: KingYenshua
Views: 11,644
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Keywords: Yenshua King Alkebu-lan, Spirituality, youtube, gaming, sports, trend, trending, Pro Basketball Player, youtube live, comedy, ankle insurance, The Wind Took yo' Knees, saucin n' flossin, vlogs, how to win, lifestyle, King, Yenny, KingYenny, Alkebu-lan, Greatness, Multi Caption, Multi Langauge, NBA 2K24 Tutorial, How To Add Mods in NBA 2k24 PC, How To Add Mods in NBA 2k24 PC | NBA 2K24 Tutorial, How To Mod A Steam Game, How To Add Mods in NBA 2k24 PC | NBA 2K24 Tutorial | How To Mod A Steam Game
Id: TLmVuHzfduk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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