How to add mod vents to your (GTAG COPY)

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hey guys so I'm going to teach you guys how to make like mod vents to your girl attack copy not fan game so yeah let's get into it all right so let's say you want it to be like City and since City doesn't have a concourse we will use this part so go to the plus 30 object Cube and then you'll get like something like this right and then you kind of want to just make it not too flat but pretty flat look like I need oh make about right there maybe a little bit once you have it like that you can go to the middle and just resize it up to your liking and put it kind of to the wall once you have it like this we want the texture so go to your like Opera GX and then once you get to here search mod vent text and then once you find one you like just right click and then like you want to open it up actually I I don't want that so like just click it and then hold shift windows and S so you can take a screenshot of it once you do that you should see it right here click it then click this and click enter once you have that you want to right click here import new asset and then pictures and then the screenshot you just did import it in and right click here right click um here create material and then you want to drag name it mod vent drag in this to here so now if we drag that here we have the mod vent here as you can see um once you have it like that I'm going to resize it a little bit more down so like right there and then go all the way down so you would see here name this mod Vents and then um once you have that oh wait actually don't do that you want to go to here create empty name this mod fence and you want to drag this oops you want to drag this here and this event and once you have that you want to right click on this uh 3D object and Cube so now that we had the cube actually go to here and do it just to make it better right then you can here once you have that you want to turn it like this and then same thing you want to kind of make it flattish so about like right there and then go like that now we're not going to do like the green kind of ones CU I don't want to really do that you kind of want to put it like to the side then do control D again so you get two and then for this one you want to do right click light not light you want to do 3D object Legacy text mesh name this one open right and then you can resize it down to make it so you don't see if there walls just do that one if you want you can change it like the colors we just keep it kind of white and if you want you can like make this dark White or not anyways and then you want to copy the text and then drag it over this one and then name this close Dr into here now what we want do for that name this one close button and this open Button like that now I need my other b banana Buton wa no I don't then you want to add banana OS menu button pretty sure it's this one yeah so name so do this pressed this one would be shiny black and this will be Eder button now what we want to do for disable we want to disable City so find wherever city is at you can just search it and then Dragon City like that so now if we search this and search City and then turn it on oh you got be KD then on so now if we click on test press it disables city as you can see now we want this one to um reopen City up so find wherever City's at here all right make this PR and now let's say if you want it to be green and red so you want to right click uh like go to materials right click create material and name this one green then change it to like green then you can drag it here click it control D and this one red where need red and then change this to Red so then you can drag red onto this so now it will look something like that and now if we click this it will enable City but now we want to make it so you can like walk around so what we're going to do real quick is turn off City so we can work on it and see what we have to do just go like that and then you want to do is go to here right click 3D object Cube so you get like a cube and then what we're going to do is we're going to make it flat and if we go to I think material there should be something that looks kind of good let me find it real quick guess not so um you just find like one at Material or anything I'm going to do this one and then you can kind of just go like that but what I like to do is make it kind of like this right or what you can do is make it kind of like that and then we can make it like right there and do control D and get another one then we can just turn it we can just like make this go all around City so you can like find people what I want to do is turn City on so I I just did that so I could like work on that but what you want to do is since it a disable City see that's why I did it you want to put it wherever yeah you might make a little fall but that's fine and put it down here and then let's say we want to make it like kind of up here so we can make like a button so what we do is right click 30 object Cube where's my Cube at so over here you want to make it like over here resize it down so it's going small we'll just have it like a button and make this like green there and then right click 30d object Legacy text mesage then we'll just name this open City then we can resize it down that make this one this make it like or something once you get like that click on this and add the banana OS press shiny enter and then just drag City here if you and then once you do that you would want to do is like maybe like copy this real quick just remove the script you don't want it a button you just kind of want to make this kind of staircase so you can like kind of get out so you don't want really anyone to see it just like right there so now you could jump out probably if not you always can like use no clip and stuff now that you have like all that we're going to make it so how only moderators can see it which is actually pretty easy just like you just all you have to do is turn it off right let's make a little button so for this I'm going to sacrifice Black Rose so search black BR if you want other people can see it the button but now make a new Cube drag this so like mod vent cosmetic and drag this to Black row or whatever cosmetic you're going to do like that and then we're just going to drag it out put on Green where you can do like rainbow or any cosmetic you want and then we're going to size it down like this I'm going to do actually gray or stone yeah that make it skinny do control D and then we'll resize it down a little fat little chubby chubby button it like that and then add green to it then add banana menu button press enter and you can do the same thing with uh forest and then we want what we want to enable is going to be mod V and now we're just going to drag this whoops button right then you can just drag it like over here actually I'll just resize this this I'm going to be probably we just drag it of out that then boom we just put it like this might actually have to resize it a little bit y that should be good you can just like this this to be perfect but once you get it like that you can just shut it off and then what we want to do is give yourself like whatever cosmetic is so I'm pretty sure I'm this guy I don't really want to show where I live inventory Black Rose sorry about my dog and then click play so now that we don't see it but now if we click badges we have The Black Rows then we have this button if we click this all right and then click Buton again I just turned on City and then if we click test press it does this open it'll go like this and if we click this button it shows us City that's how you do it guys I hope you guys enjoyed and see you
Channel: Killgoat727
Views: 237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ach4d2z6WKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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