How to Add IP Cameras to Your Hikvision / HiWatch NVR

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hi in our series of videos that we are covering for hikvision nd ours that have a single and line connection on them and we want more add on multiple and IP cameras there's a few steps to it okay so let's just talk about quickly why we would do this why we're talking about this is well it's much cheaper to buy a hikvision and the artist has seen the land connection okay and the big disadvantage of it is it's difficult and are not as obvious anyway on how to add on multiple cameras so what we have in front of us here for instance is the s7 600 series of NVRs as a single input on it it's probably about a total cost of the ordinary 8 port and VRS and it can support up to an AF and ID cameras so what we want to do here is in the first series video we'll cover the topic of how we come along and change the IP addresses in the cameras and on this thing we're going to go through how we can add those cameras onto our NVR actually come along and view them on the screen here simultaneously so the terms of the setup that I have in front of me here I have our NBR I have a connection coming off of the switch which has to locally powered IP cameras which are and being and the output is being displayed on to the screen so what I'm going to do here is I'm actually going to use a LAN connection here coming off the switch and plug it directly in the LAN port on the back of our equation in the hour so now I have the two cameras via the switch connected on here so what I got to do here is the very first thing is just going to go into the menu here and I'm just going to go to our password here we're set up on our NVR I'm going into maintenance mode and what I'm going to main things here I'm just going to go to systems information I've got to go to network and I'm gonna see that the local IP address has been allocated - and they are is one 92168 dot one dot at point six four and the problem that we covered in the other video in our series here was and the fact that all of their IP cameras from hikvision came up exactly the same IP address and we can't have that conflict so we needed to go log game individually change that only have a video and have to do that so we were and they are and now we have two cameras that are on to do it so we're going to do is you want to go back out here go into our menu team with the cameras and what we want to do here is IP cameras there's none showing even though there should be and thought we'll just have to connect in the man here and we're going to hit refresh it's going to come along and say I'm looking at than the network here and I'm trying to see is or any cameras we can see there and what we do here is we see we have two cameras here okay so I just want to say let's add this camera on so you're gonna add the first one on so the text it on the network it says there's a camera if I come back out of here all the way we'll see there's a camera in the background where we haven't got one before so we just go back in again and we are the second one on here it's coming alone and we'll see the IP address for that is that one - where the one above was stuff and - for whatever like that I'm not exactly sure what we had it set for so then if we just come back out of here back now we'll see that we actually have a total of two IP cameras here so click this one up and out this is the main one either or just go back into our multi screen one so we'll say a 6-1 win here analysis basically so it's just a handy thing once you see a student incredibly simple but before you know how to do it tricky and the reason we figured it out is we start there for faking hours okay so that's a name another very informative video we hope from experts in CC TV free TV ie
Channel: tvtradedave
Views: 294,802
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Keywords: ip camera, ptz, network, lan, setup, configure, hi watch, hikvision, ip, camera, k series, nvr, How to Add IP Cameras to Your Hikvision HiWatch NVR
Id: 4DilzrUxH-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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