How to Add Freon To Your Refrigerator 134a

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don't get intimidated recharging a fridge with freon it's really easy some of the videos out there are made by professionals and they usually skip steps so it sounds intimidating in this video i'm going to explain to you i'm going to dumb it down to make it really easy so even an average joe can do it this will have step-by-step instructions really really really easy video you're going to need three things a piercing valve which costs about six dollars i'm going to put a link at the bottom of the video refrigerant you could buy this one from your local shop or i'm going to put a link at the bottom of the video description can be delivered to your house and then you're going to need this special hose this is the most important part of the installation if you get any other hose this video is not going to be necessarily valid because it's specifically designed around this particular hose and these dials that we have over here before we start why do you have to refill your fridge usually when it doesn't cool off very very well or it makes some strange noises if it's low in refrigerant you're going to hear strange noises from the compressor the refrigerant carries a little bit of oil through it therefore it lubricates the compressor if you're running out of refrigerant the compressor is going to run dry and it could cause problems before you go ahead you have to identify what's where i'm not going to use fancy terminology maybe i'm going to throw a couple here and there just so everybody understands the flow of the coolant from the refrigerator this is called a liquid line is going through this condenser it's going into the evaporator which is the back of the fridge which is inside the fridge and then it comes out this way through the suction line so the the compressor has to push refrigerant this way cool up the fridge and then come back down here if you don't have enough what's going to happen this pressure line the suction line is going to have negative pressure so this compressor will be starved of freon and therefore will not be able to cool off properly that's why you have to have the proper level of coolant inside for the refrigerator to work properly there's going to be links at the bottom of the video for the piercing valve for the uh valve and for the freon that you have to use this fridge using a 134 a refrigerant but you want to check your fridge just to make sure it's not using a different refrigerant usually you can find that inside the fridge on the sticker that is inside the fridge the surfacing sticker how do you know which one is suction line which one is the liquid line liquid line usually is hot suction line is colder before you start any work on the refrigerator unplug it from the power line okay this is a piercing valve how do you use a piercing valve let me explain the principle before you get any further so you could take it apart [Music] and the pipe goes in here there is a special tape over here which will allow you to seal the pipe it's called a piecing valve because if you turn the valve it will show a little needle over here so there's like a little needle that comes out which is going to pierce the pipe before you start using it you have to unwind this one that way so you don't have this pointy thing in here before installation it also comes with two special adapters for each type of a pipe so you have to use the one that is designed for your pipe accordingly this piercing valve needs to be installed on the suction line so the suction line remember when i told you that there is a liquid line and there is a suction line this is the suction line you have to install on a suction line before you choose the location for it you have to be very very careful here's why the suction lines have different sizes and that's why they give you these adapters you have to find the one that is specifically designed for this particular line so if you see one of these adapters is too big for the line this one is too big for the line while this one is perfect this particular adapter on my left hand it's better than the right one because that's the type of a pipe that i have so it fits perfectly on it how do you choose the location of this valve it's very very important first of all you'll have to have access to it because you'll have to fill it up from these piece so it will have to be facing you so you have easy access to it which is very very important also where you're going to put it because you're going to pierce you will not be able to turn it on the pipe so make sure that you're installing the location where you don't have to move it because you cannot move this one once you're done in this case because it's very complicated to go around there and around the fan and here at the bottom it will be sticking out too much because i won't be able to put the cap on the back of the fridge the best location for me is going to be over here so this is where i'm going to install it it's going to be right over here in this particular position so that way i could still get to it and refill it and then i still have access with the allen range to all the bolts and opening and closing the valve before we start we got to clean the pipe with a little bit of a sandpaper so i'm going to take a piece of sandpaper and i'm going to clean this pipe really really well that way the piercing valve is going to have a very very good access to it insert this uh adapter that is specifically for your pipe into the bottom part of the valve now let's use what we have learned and install our piercing valve so i'm going to put the piece over here i'm not going to crank it up yet i'm just going to bolt it together so i could get a rough position of where it needs to go and don't be afraid to do this this is not hard okay so we chose the position right now this is gonna be a good position for being able to get to the uh valve it's not gonna be in the way so we could still open and close the actual back of the fridge and then we still have good access with the allen wrench not only to tighten this one on the pipe but also to access the the valve itself remember if you forgot the valve has to be completely open before you put this one in because you don't want to pierce the pipe before the valve is in the position right now we're going to tighten up the three bolts here on the outside to tighten the the piercing valve to the pipe itself and that's going to be its final position okay we're using the allen wrench to tighten the valve on the pipe you want to make sure you get it nice and snug okay so the valve is in do not open and pierce the pipe yet we're going to install the hose real quick and get a nice tight connection over here also we're going to unscrew the other end all the way out there's a piercing needle over there you don't want to pierce the can yet so we're going to install the can at the other end and there it is the the can is installed at the end and this one is completely open so it's completely out this is the most critical point you have to be sure that once you pierce the valve now you'll not be able to move this um piercing valve over here so right now what i'm do and i'm piercing that pipe right now so that is piercing right now the pipe and also we'll close the valve so right now this valve is getting closed in the same time was making a hole in the actual pipe itself there it is so right now it's at the end of the valve and there is a hole in the pipe you cannot move the piercing valve at this point right now we're ready to get a reading on this dial over here as you can see there's a green zone so this is a suction zone and then there is a blue zone which is a pressure zone where we want to be is we don't want to have any suction on this line if you're low on freon once we plug in the fridge to the um wall you will see that this line is going to start to go into the green if we're low on freon if we're low on freon it's not good because this the compressor is running starved and a stop compressor will not run properly um where we want to be we want to be around between 1 and 3 psi so we want to be just barely in the the blue line okay i'm going to plug in the fridge right now and see what's gonna happen we're gonna wait for the fridge to go through its process and it's gonna start in a second and this should change the system is in equilibrium right now the fridge is not running so right now we will not get a proper reading what you have to do is after you plug that in you have to wait for the fridge to turn on that way it's going to suck out of the suction line all the freon and try to push it through the liquid line because of that what's going to happen is that you are going to get the proper reading so right now i plugged in the fridge and i'm waiting for it to turn on the valve over here is still closed don't panic it takes a couple of minutes for the fridge after it's plugged in to go through its bases before it actually starts the compressor okay it took about two or three minutes for the fridge to turn on i just heard the compressor turning on right now what we're gonna do is we are going to open this valve and it's going to create a suction into this hose the next step is to open the piercing valve so we're going to take our allen wrench and we're going to unscrew it so it's going to go counterclockwise and this is going to open up the valve should go about two turns so that's three quarters of a turn and we're going to watch this dial because right now we should go into negative pressure now here's the negative pressure that i get this uh this fridge is missing very little freon so it's not missing too much but it's still going to negative pressure where we have to go is that zero it's right where the blue starts and then 10 is right over there so we want to go about one to two psi pressure the pressure is over here at this point we're gonna pierce our bottle so we're going to screw this one all the way in we're going to open it up and give it a little bit of a juice back into the system and i closed it there was just a little bit more you're going to do this in in waves because you don't want to over charge it you definitely don't want to overcharge it you have to let the compressor go and drag it back into the system and then we're gonna do again a quick burst still needs a little bit more it's very very hard to take it out so therefore you don't want to overdo it it's better to take longer and do it in small steps than overdoing it there it is almost a zero this is the part it's going to take the longest you don't want to dump the entire can in there that's for sure where we want to stop is around two psi so that's gonna be around here in line with uh uh like after zero so right now zero and ten is over there so we have to be two lines over you could already see the refrigerant is working because there's frosting forming on the pipe itself we still get to give it a little bit more because right now we are just about one psi over so i'm gonna give it a little bit more to put it into the two psi and that's exactly what i wanted to be right at 2 psi now obviously i could give it a little bit more but then you put in too much stress on the system there's no reason i could refill it later on now where you go from here make sure that the valve is closed and this hose stays on the cam because the cans and spears and it will just leak all that free on out so make sure your valve is closed then you take your allen wrench and you're going to close the the piercing valve so the piercing valve has to be closed right now before you remove the hose so i'm gonna close the piercing valve give it a nice nudge okay so a nice nudge so the valve is closed over there right now and now we are ready to take this hose out and save the skin for the next time when you need it if you remove it from here it will leak all the coolant out so don't remove it from the top put the cap back on your piercing valve and you should have a fridge that is much cooler and much easier to use from now on i hope these instructions teach you a lot um it's not that hard i've learned it from youtube videos but i put it into a video which was step by step you could scroll and skip backwards and forward but this is the easiest way that you can refill a fridge with freon don't forget all the things that you need for the installation we're gonna be at the bottom of the video three items uh piercing valve can freon and then you're going to need a hose make sure you get these because they fit and they connect properly to each other thanks for watching let me know what you think at the bottom of the video
Channel: Vegas RoManiac REVIEWS
Views: 1,177,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenda, Walmart, Amazon, Ebay, Harbor Freight Tools, Harbor Freight, Ancheer, Electric Bicycle, Oriley, Autozone, FREAON, FREON, REFRIGERATOR REPAIR, HOW TO REFILL
Id: jd8KZNnhTEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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