How to add an electrical outlet ANYWHERE (2023)

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if you guys need an electrical outlet but as you can see there's no electrical outlet here stay tuned to this video and i'll show you how easy it is to install one [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of doing it yourself in today's video i'm going to show you guys how to install a outlet when there's no outlet as you can see if you wanted to add an outlet um people run into this problem a lot sometimes you know you need to plug some something in and there's no outlet so let's jump into it i'll show you guys exactly how to do it it's not as complicated as you think there are a couple steps you have to follow and then it should be pretty simple i'm going to try and break it down for you as simple as possible and the first thing you want to do is find out locate where you want to install your electrical outlet in this case i'm in my closet i don't really care where it is as long as it's somewhere in this area here so what you want to do next is since there's no power readily available here you look around the adjacent walls to see if there's any power outlets located anywhere around in this case since i'm inside my closet they are none however on the other side of this wall here there is an electrical outlet because that's my bedroom so what we're going to do is we're going to go on the other side and take a look at where that outlet is and see where we can tap off of that outlet to add an outlet in here the main thing when adding an outlet if you have one on the adjacent adjacent wall it's easier to install an outlet between the same studs what do i mean by that if i look behind this wall and i find that outlet i want to try and locate the studs where that outlet falls in between and translate that to this side of the wall that way i don't have to cut across any studs it will all be within the in between the same studs just on the opposite side of the wall it makes a lot easier when um adding an outlet if you stay within the same two studs that way you don't have to damage the drywall much in this case i'm not going to damage it at all i'm just going to basically cut a hole on this side and put a box in on this side and tap into the outlet on the other side all right let's take a look and see if we can locate the outlet and find the studs all right guys as you notice if you can see we found our outlet on the other side of the wall located here so what we're going to do first is we're going to try and locate the studs i have here a magnetic stud finder it's one of my favorite tools to use there are two types actually i prefer this one and they also have one like this what this does is it pretty much finds the nails or screws that go into the studs so you know exactly where the studs are located so we're going to try and find the first one usually when the outlets are installed it's going to be a stud either on this side of the outlet or on this side of the outlet so we can pass our magnetic tool along the side and there you go so now we know we have a stud here and um i'm going to try and look my outlet needs to be somewhere on this side so i'm going to try and find the stud on the opposite side from here there we go looks like we located it if we measure in between the studs usually studs are either 16 or 24 inches on center in this case you can see here they're about 24 inches on center 24 inches so what i'm going to do next now is i want to locate this stud on the inside of my closet so what i'm going to do is i'm going to measure from this wall to this stud so when i go behind the wall i can translate that dimension so i'll locate this stud based on this dimension we're about 17 or 18 inches away from the wall it's the first stud so what i'm going to do is when i go inside the closet and i measure 18 inches i'll use this stud finder and once i find a stud in that general vicinity then i'll know i've located this stud and 24 inches away will be that outlet so that's the space that i'm working with ideally on the opposite side of the wall i'd like to locate my outlet somewhere here so i don't have much of a run it should be like maybe a foot or a foot and a half away from that outlet and that should serve me well enough all right guys the next step is to remove the wall plate on the outlet there are two screws one located here one located here we can remove the screws and the outlet will be able to come out now that we have the outlet out we can go ahead and try and locate which side is the power side and which side is the neutral side now we can pull the outlet up and we can test to see what is our hot wire in this case if you guys if you guys haven't already seen my video um go ahead and check it out it's where i go over the basics of electrical wiring but just based on this i can tell we have our ground screw right here this wire here is our neutral and on this side our black wire is our hot just to verify it i'm going to use my uh volt meter or multimeter if you guys don't have one of these i suggest you do get one and they're pretty easy to use my grounding screw here should give me 110 volts there you go 120 volts so we know which side is the hot and which side is the neutral i'm going to have to run a cable now from here to the new box that i'm going to install on the other side so what i'll do is i'm going to remove the cables so i can take a look inside the box if you guys can see right here we have some space i'm going to drill a hole right here and pass my power cable through here this is the cable i'm going to be passing through it's called romex it's got cables it's got three cables inside now let's go ahead and drill the hole i like to drill it in the corner the bottom corner away from the other cables and there you go we got a nice little hole already drilled in our box now we can go ahead and turn off the breaker so we don't get electrocuted now we go ahead and push our romex cable through [Music] all right let's go inside the closet and open the hole for the new box and see if we can pull that wire through now that i'm back in the closet i want to see if i can locate that stud i know it is about 18 inches from the wall so it means that it's going to be located somewhere in this general vicinity once again i can try and use my stud finder and there it is okay so now i know that on this side over here is where the outlet is and i know from this location to the other stud is 24 inches so i'm gonna try and locate my outlet somewhere let me slide this down a little bit more somewhere around here that way my hand can reach through it won't be more than a foot away from where my hand is all right let's go ahead and open up the hole in the drywall right here and see if we can find the cable that we push through now that we've located the general vicinity of our outlet box somewhere around here we have to figure out how we're going to install it what i have here is a box that's going to receive the cable from the back i'm going to come through one of these tabs right here to mount this we cut the drywall and slide the box directly in and these tabs up here when we tighten these screws these tabs flip up on the top and the bottom and they tighten up on the drywall holding this box in place and that way we'll be able to have the outlet in a firm box and an enclosed box which is what you want now that i have my box and i wanted to install it somewhere around here what i'm going to do is flip the box over and i want to make sure that the box is level which is where this little stud finder comes in handy because it has a little level it's about level right there that's about level right there and what i do is i mark it here on the sides on the bottom on the other side there we go now i just have to make a cut with this outline and my box should be able to fit in there i use my drywall tool this is a pretty handy tool makes light work out of cotton drywall [Music] now i can try and reach in and see if i can find that wire here it is okay that's not too bad so what we can do now is we can take our box and you'll see a tab here we can bend it and push this cable through what i like to do sometimes is use a screwdriver and bend that tab a little bit so that the cable comes through a little easier sometimes this the tab can be a little tight [Music] all we need to do now is connect our outlet and put on our cover plate and then we can finish our terminations and the power on the other side all we need to do now is strip the wire and expose the wires and as you can see here we have our three wires we have the we have the black which is hot the white which is neutral and our copper which is grown on our switch it's pretty easy this one is labeled but you can see here this is labeled white this is labeled hot and our ground screw is right here this one is good because it has push pins so all i have to do is push the wires in here and it will lock in place on this one notice here you have a strip gauge i don't know if you can see it here but this is how much of the wire you need to strip back [Music] and that should be it easy easy easy so we'll take the black which is hot and insert it into it like this so we'll insert it into here it doesn't matter which one you do whether it's the top or the bottom because they're both connected so we'll insert the black we'll insert the white and if i don't know if you can hear that but it clicks in place and lastly we'll install the ground screw right here [Music] now it's all done all we have to do now is just ins push this back in like this [Music] all right now that our outlet is in we just put on our cover plate tighten up our screws and we are done we just have to go on the other side now and make our final connections for the power [Music] now that we're back in a room we're going to repeat the same process like we did in the closet we're going to first start by stripping the cable and exposing the wires and we're going to repeat the process connect the white to white the black to black and the ground to ground in this case the outlet had push pins just like the one in the closet so i'm just going to push them in on the same side so the white would go on the white side the black will go on the hot side and the ground i'll attach the two grounds to the same grounding screw [Music] now that we've connected all the cables it's time to tighten up all the screws all around and i like to add some electrical tape just to prevent any future shocks once this is done we can push all our wires back into the box and put our outlet back in tighten up the screws and we should be all set to go final step will be to turn on the breaker and then test all the outlets to make sure that we have power on both the outlet in the room and the outlet in the closet and now we're all done we have our outlet in the closet and our cover plate is back on the original outlet we have power in the closet so now we're done all right guys thanks for watching and hopefully now you'll be able to add an outlet wherever you need it following these simple instructions thanks a lot for watching guys and i hope to catch you guys next time in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Deanin' It Yourself
Views: 1,398,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Add an Outlet, add an electrical outlet, add an outlet from another outlet, add an outlet to an existing wall, add an outlet from a light switch, add an outlet in the middle of a run, add an outlet to an existing outlet, add an outlet from a switch, add an outlet form a switch, add an outlet to a circut, add an outlet to existing circut, add an outlet for tv, adding an outlet, how to add, electrical wiring 101, electrical outlets 101, Electrical outlet install
Id: -CY3MsI97zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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