How to add a Zoom camera AND screen share into a vMix production.

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if you'd like to use your Zoom input screen share and camera in your v-mix production at the same time just like this stick around good day everyone Tim from vmix here and today we're looking at screen sharing using zoom zoom integration was added to vmix in version 27 and that's the version that I'm using today now if you wanted to follow along step by step you can download our free 60-day trial of vmix so here in vmix we have already added a couple of Zoom inputs right here in number number seven and eight now in order to add a zoom input I've just gone down to add input clicked on zoom and then clicked okay and then gone through the setup process and I've done that twice to add two Zoom inputs now if you want to know more about Zoom you can check out the videos we have Linked In the description now once I have some Zoom inputs in my production I can right click on them in order to make some changes to our settings so what I'm going to do now is right click on number seven here and first of all I'll show you the participant Source now at the moment I've selected none which allow allows me to have some blank inputs here that allows me to create things like this double box here before actually bringing people into the production itself Now by default it will be on default which means it will automatically load up the first person that connects to a zoom meeting and underneath that you'll be able to select the individual participants so I've selected it none at the moment so I can kind of set things up before bringing people directly into the production now underneath that I've got participant Source type and for the options here we have video share and and auto now this determines what source will appear in this input by default in this menu here Auto is the selected option now Auto means that the source is going to be whatever the zoom participant is sending you at that time so if they have their camera video set up to be sent to you then you'll see that in this input if they then switch it to a share option then you will see their screen share in this input so depending on what they're sending you at that time is what you'll see in this input and if they do start sharing with you a little blue Banner will appear to let you know that they are sharing now the other options here will change that now if we select video here that will mean that the source will only be their video camera source and not their share it's locked down to their video Source only if we select share here it means that our source will be their screen share Source only so it's locked down to their screen share now as as I mentioned before Auto is the default option here and it basically just allows the participant to send whatever they want to be seen in the zoom call so if they're sharing a screen you you want to present that if they want their camera to be seen then they're presenting that so that's kind of how the auto option works however what if you want to display both their camera and their screen at the same time for more interesting content well that's where this tutorial comes in we can actually add two Zoom inputs in v-mix of the same participant and then change the source on each input so it means that we could have their video camera as one input and then a screen share as another input and so by using this double input method it allows us to do cool things like having a double box here with the small box down the corner for the camera and then the large box for the screen share now the final thing that we need to consider here is the participant audio so by default Zoom doesn't send screen share audio and I think that's because you want to usually talk over a presentation if you've got audio on a presentation and a microphone from a camera it can kind of get a little bit muddled through Zoom so they don't have it on by default but in your v-mix production you could manage that audio separately so I'll show you how to set that up now so if you want to include that screen share audio you'll need to adjust the audio source so I'm going to rightclick my input here then go down to audio source and select share so this will just send the screen share audio so it's only going to be really effective in this two input method where we have one input bringing through the camera audio and the other input bringing through the screen share audio now we're going to set all of this up from the beginning and bring in Heath to our production with his live camera feed and his screen share so first I'm going to go to input seven here and right click on it participant Source I'm going to select Heath now we have a heath in our production hello Heath um you don't need to say anything right yet I should have teed you up for that one now I will ask you how are you Heath I'm going well thanks Tim how are you I'm doing well thank you for joining me on this production today now I'm going to right click it again and I'm going to select the participant Source type and I'm going to select his video which means that he's only going to be sending through his camera video feed on this particular input now in number input eight I'm going to right click on it go to participant source and click Heath now we have two heaths in our production yep thank you Heath now I'm going to right click it again and I'm going to go participant Source type and select share so on this input now I'm only seeing if he shares uh his screen with us so that's now why it's blank because he's not actually sending anything through yet so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to request Heath could you please send through a screen share from your Zoom so Heath will now set up screen sharing as you can see it's gone blue lets me know here that he is sharing something so I can bring that into the program output and if you want to just scroll on that website for us there and give us a quick description of what we're looking at so complete your training in what's next at vmix University okay thank you very much so yeah we have the big window here which has his screen share and then a smaller window so we can see who he is and what he's up to all right now what I'm going to get Heath to do now is set up audio sharing for his uh sharing content firstly I'm going to make sure it's set up in vmix by right clicking on the input going down to audio source and just making sure it says share so that's going to bring through the share audio and click that and then I'm going to ask Heath to go through the process of setting up share audio in Zoom so if you could do that now for us Heath okay so it looks like he's selected the media player window that he wants to share he's clicked shared sound he's then selected stereo as an option and then he's clicked share down the bottom and he's queued up the video and it looks like he's ready to go now okay it looks like Heath is finished and he's now sharing his screen which is a video file with some audio so I'm going to get Heath to play that and we should be able to hear some audio coming through from that share and we should see the audio meters move next to this input so if you want to play that for us [Music] Heath all right cool if you want to pause that for us now and so yeah that was it we had the audio coming through directly from his screen share on this input only and we can use it as a part of our production so he can talk and also play audio from his screen share as well so that's very exciting so I appreciate your help today Heath and uh I'm just going to finish off this video now so any final words no just uh good luck with getting it done it's been a long day thank you very much thanks for joining us today on this video if you do have any questions about Zoom or vmix definitely drop us an email via the support page on we'll also have some Zoom videos Linked In the description if you want to know how to use zoom fully and not just the screen sharing options here so uh yeah check those out and uh yeah thanks for watching and we will stream you [Music] later destination unkknown [Music]
Channel: vMix
Views: 5,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vMix, live streaming software, webcasting, live video production, video switcher, live production software, live streaming
Id: 01SEE9GsRxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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