How to add a Ui boombox to your gorilla tag fan game

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[Applause] uh what's up everyone and today um I'm going to be making an updated tutorial to my boom box it's now uses UI which is really cool so download the new package and you won't have to delete any scripts because they use a different scrip so now um you can go in here drag the prefab in and it's like everything's already set up right you just got to like you know actually change it um where at the flip where's my one second guys I'm not exactly too sure where my move is that's fine okay but yeah you're going to want to uh make your interactable your grab interactable your XR manager but if you don't have this just go under Grill player make a new empty call XR manager make XR interaction manager what in the world am I getting spammed for what okay I'm sorry guys but yeah so now you're going to want to add X XR interaction manager on your left and right hand controllers delete the uh other manager what's it called the XR direct interactor and make two Spears under one under your left one under your right add the direct interactor make the interaction manager the interaction manager um turn off spear collider okay and change um thing to uh non- collidable the layer sorry so now when you're left in right-and controller add a ray interactor and then make the interaction manager your XR manager so now you can go on here change it to your XR manager excuse me and yeah um let me show you guys well I can't really show it works cuz I got my VR on but what it work by what it works by is like um if you click trigger when your hands nearby it will enable it so that's pretty cool um and it they actually like turn on the songs and stuff like uh yeah to change songs Just Add an audio Source or drag your song on here I'll show you guys how so say I want to turn on this audio you're going to want to go here turn on this and it's going to be like this but you're going to want to drag it out like that much turn on planel wake and loop so now it's going to have another song added just do that except like different songs or I guess if you wanted to could do the same song but I don't see why you would but if you want it to start off with like a song already on just enable song one so yeah bye guys
Channel: MONKEY
Views: 283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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