How To Actually Survive Being Shot & Other How To Survival Tips and Tricks (Compilation)

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we've all seen the hollywood movies where the good guy has an epic shootout with a thousand bad guys and after gunning them all down the lead bad guy fires off one bullet and hits our hero in the shoulder or maybe the leg somewhere painful but you know not lethal then the bad guy goes down in a hail of gunfire as the hero wins the day through superior firepower what's not shown in these hollywood movies though is just how dangerous it is to get shot yes even a quote flesh wound end quote today though we're going to explore what happens to your body when you get shot and how to survive a gunshot wound obviously no one thinks a gunshot wound to the head is a great idea but surely getting shot in the shoulder or the leg will make you look pretty heroic and maybe hurt real bad but not be life threatening sadly it's time to toss all of those myths out the window because yes even a shot to the shoulder and especially the leg can be fatal bullets travel fast that's why superman is famously portrayed as faster than a speeding bullet what you may not realize though is just how fast they travel a 9 millimeter bullet of the same caliber used by most police officers travels at a whopping 900 miles an hour while a 5-5-6 round of the same type used by american combat carbines typically travels at around 2045 miles per hour a 762 millimeter round of the same type used by heavy american machine guns and the ak family of russian combat rifles travels on average at about 1841 miles per hour those incredible speeds means that they contain an incredible amount of kinetic energy bullets however are very small things most are under an inch but what they lack in mass they more than make up for in acceleration and remember that in newton's second law of motion the relationship between speed and kinetic energy is not additive it's quadratic with such incredible velocities even small rounds can deliver a truly terrifying amount of energy take for example the humble nine millimeter bullet even with its small size it can still deliver on average 542 joules of energy while the five five six millimeter round packs around 1763 joules and the 762 round around 3525 joules when a bullet enters the body all of that energy it's carrying has to go somewhere and that's going to be your soft fleshy body tissues as the bullet enters the shock wave of impact causes your flesh to expand and creates a large cavity which then very quickly falls back in on itself this huge shock through your body's tissues can severely damage internal organs even if the bullet didn't actually pierce any of them next is damage that the bullets cause once they're inside your body in the movies the good guy gets shot in the arm or the leg and the bullet is fished out and the wound cauterized and bam just like that the hero is ready to go back to chewing bubble gum and kicking ass in real life things tend to get messy especially if the bullet's final stop is somewhere nice and bony like a shoulder that's because bullets are very prone to fragmenting once hitting something solid like bone due to their incredible velocities and the fact that bullets tend to be made up of layers of different materials striking a bone or sometimes even just the extreme stresses of rapid deceleration inside the human body can be enough to fragment a bullet into many pieces and this can make things really messy fragments of a bullet will explode outwards in different directions causing even more damage to surrounding tissues and organs bullets that retain most of their mass are even prone to bouncing around inside the body cavity if they happen to strike bone and needless to say having a piece of very sharp deformed metal bouncing around inside of you like a pinball machine is not great for your health the body is notoriously allergic to being shot at and it tends to react to bullet wounds by trying to pump as much of the blood you have inside of you into your immediate vicinity this rapid and extreme blood loss is what makes bullets so potentially fatal as even severe organs and tissue damage can be repaired or survived given a fast enough medical response with all of your red red groovy leaking out of you at an alarming rate though death is just minutes or even seconds away top scientists have labored for decades and have at last determined that the best way to survive getting shot at is to try to keep as much of your blood inside your body where it belongs so our survival tip number one for surviving a gunshot wound is to apply immediate pressure to the wound site you want to try and wrap bandages of some sort even dirty t-shirts would do around the wound itself and maintain constant pressure in order to slow the blood loss if shot on a limb elevated above the heart to minimize blood loss and keep the pressure on you should very quickly be on your way to the hospital but if you happen to be on a solo rambo-esque mission in the middle of the jungle against evil drug lords then the important thing is to maintain pressure and never ever remove the bandage no matter how bloody they get removing a bandage on a wound can actually tear open the wound again after your body has worked very hard to seal it up through coagulation of course you could try the popular hollywood method of cauterization which is a very good way of stopping blood flow if you know what you're doing only certain types of wounds can be successfully cauterized without submitting large parts of your body to terrible third degree burns and even worse without very prompt medical attention those third-degree burns could pose an even greater risk of deadly infection than your single bullet wound if blood loss can't be stopped or slowed down significantly and the wound is on a limb it's time to take drastic measures you're going to want to get your hands on a stick and tear up your shirt into a long strip tie the shirt above the wound but before the torso and then wrap the ends of the shirt around the stick and start turning the stick in circles like a crank this will tighten the shirt around your limb to painful levels but you need to keep going you need to tighten your makeshift bandage so tight that it cuts off all blood flow to your wound and yes this does mean that if you don't get very prompt medical attention you will end up losing the limb without blood flow the limbs tissues will die off but your life will be saved by preventing you from bleeding out tourniquets as these makeshift devices are known can be lifesavers and are a last-ditch measure to save someone's life in the end the best way to survive a gunshot wound is to not get shot in the first place but if you do get shot you need to remember to keep constant pressure on the wound and as a last resort create a makeshift tourniquet and tie off the affected limb better to lose an arm or a leg than to bleed out and die with modern medicine even the most grievous gunshot wounds can be very survivable and doctors often talk about the golden hour where if a trauma victim can be on a surgical table within an hour that person's life can likely be saved the world's a tough place and sooner or later you're gonna get hurt today we're gonna look at how to survive the most common injuries you may suffer in your life number four stabbing getting stabbed sucks we know because we asked our resident challenge expert about his run-in with the wrong end of a sharp knife and we'll let him explain i was overseas door-to-door stuff went through a door at the exact same time as a bad guy coming out we both surprised each other and as we ran into each other we both dropped our rifles i went for my sidearm he went for his knife i was just a second slower on the draw than him because of my body armor and the way i landed and he pounced and slid a short knife into my side straight into my armpit so what's the best way to survive being stabbed whether on purpose or on accident first the best way to survive being stabbed is to not get stabbed if someone pulls a knife on you it's time to turn heels and elbows in the opposite direction don't try to be a hero or a billy badass and just book it but what if there's nowhere to run in that case remember the five d's of dodgeball dodge duck dip dive and dodge but alright if you forgot the five d's of dodgeball and you couldn't run away how are you going to survive a stabbing first if you're able to try to direct the stab to somewhere favorable the human body is basically entirely a no-stab zone but if you must there's better places to direct an incoming stab than others places to avoid include your flanks which will allow a knife to penetrate deeply and pierce one or more organs a stab in the upper flank is especially dangerous and our lab rat is lucky the incoming stab was in a generally upwards direction that completely missed his lungs lungs are extremely allergic to being stabbed but a stab in the lungs has two full dangers first you'll compromise the lungs ability to remain inflated and do its job meaning you've seriously compromised your ability to breathe secondly a punctured lung can fill with blood leading to a disastrous secondary effect to your health like a rapid death or a slow gurgling death as you choke to death on your own blood while asphyxiating so where do you want to take a step if you're able to put your forearms up and block or deflect the incoming blow even if the knife slips past your guard you'll take a lot of kinetic energy out of the attack limiting the penetrating power of the stab you'll potentially get your forearm slashed to ribbons but better than taking a knife through the ribs by the way prepare for some intense pain if the knife manages to ram straight into your forearm bones a less ideal but more survivable location is to take a stab in the stomach stomach injuries are excruciatingly painful but very survivable if you can get medical attention within 30 minutes to an hour the recovery process will be extremely long and you run the risk of serious internal infection if your stomach is ruptured and the contents spill out inside you after you've been stabbed whether on purpose or by accident the next important thing is to administer first aid as quickly as possible if the impaling object is still sticking inside you resist the urge to go all rambo and rip it out instead leave the object inside you and wrap a bandage around it pressing firmly to stop or slow the bleeding pulling out the impaling object will open the wound up as long as it's inside you it's basically sealing the wound if you've been stabbed or impaled in the chest the most important thing to do is seal the wound as quickly as possible that's because if air gets into your chest cavity it can fill up the chest cavity and put pressure on your lung which prevents it from expanding fully this is known as collapsed lung and will lead to asphyxiation a good way to treat a sucking chest wound is to use a piece of plastic directly on the hole and then press firmly using gauze or a dish rag or a piece of torn t-shirt whatever's handy to staunch the bleeding number three getting shot maybe you're hanging out at a shooting range or an american public school and suddenly it happens you get plugged how are you going to survive getting shot first it's important to assess the situation and get yourself to safety is whoever shot you still shooting at you or in the general area ask them politely to stop if they refuse get to safety no point in surviving your first gunshot wound only to have to deal with an immediate second next it's time to apply some immediate first aid because unlike a stabbing a gunshot wound is typically exponentially more destructive to your internals that's thanks to the massive shock and expansion your body experiences as a round penetrates which can result in the creation of a brief internal cavity which your organs snap back into you're going to be experiencing major blood loss which if you don't take immediate steps to address will have you unconscious in as little as 30 seconds and dead in 60. so no matter how much bleeding there is or isn't always treat a gunshot wound as if you'll be unconscious and helpless in 30 seconds which means move fast if you grew up in the 80s and 90s immediately forget everything you saw in the movies about digging the bullet out first of all it's in no way immediately important to remove a bullet second the bullet will likely have fragmented into dozens of tiny pieces requiring delicate surgery to find and extract third sticking a knife inside you to dig out a bullet is a good way to compliment a bullet wound with a stab wound the first thing you want to do is stop or slow the bleeding immediately apply pressure to the wound with your hands while you or a buddy tries to find a more suitable bandaging material once more improvisation is key a torn t-shirt wad of paper towels your annoying friend's screenplay that they won't shut up about the only thing that matters is the material is absorbent enough to take in some of the blood and seal the wound tightly ideally you'll want to use clean material but a dirty dish rag lying in an alley will do in a pinch you can deal with a blood infection after you've stopped littering the streets with said blood now maintain pressure and whatever you do do not change the bandaging until a doctor or emt does it for you even if you used a filthy rag and later find something much cleaner and are worried about infection ripping off the bandaging will tear loose the blood clot that's hopefully forming to keep your kool-aid on the inside now that you got your immediate wounds taken care of check for an exit wound odds are when you get shot your body's going to respond with adrenaline steroids and a whole lot of natural painkillers given enough blood loss in a state of mental shock you might not even feel any pain many soldiers have died after having one wound treated only to ignore the second wound they didn't even realize they had that's right the brain is a tricky thing and if one wound is readily apparent but the second isn't it can completely shut off the pain signal from the second wound as it struggles to deal with the shock of the first plug your exit wound the same way you did the entry wound then make a move for safety or help if help is already on the way it's time to conduct a more thorough assessment carefully inspect the rest of your body for additional gunshot wounds or secondary wounds and treat each accordingly we hope you're never in this situation but we cannot stress enough how important this step is if you've been shot in an extremity elevate the wound while you wait for help unless the wound is on your torso or your head you also want to keep your head at the lowest possible elevation this will ensure that gravity helps blood flow to your brain and keep you conscious and alive number two car crash given the frequency of auto accidents it's bound to happen sooner or later you're gonna be in a car crash hopefully it'll be of a less severe nature first wear a seatbelt seriously it's 20 21 and we can't believe we still have to tell people to do this wearing a seat belt can reduce your chances of a fatal injury by 45 and of a moderate to critical injury by 50 seat belts are even more useful in trucks where they reduce the risk of fatal injury by 60 and they moderate to critical injury by 65 it's not enough to just wear the seatbelt though you have to wear it properly the upper part that crosses your chest can be uncomfortable on long car rides or maybe it puts a total crimp in your style but not wearing it can be just as bad as not wearing a seatbelt at all even worse wearing the lap band only can lead to very serious pelvic injuries especially for men who happen to like having a fully functional reproductive system next you want to sit as upright as possible in your seat kicking your feet up on the dash is a great way to not only lose your feet but have your knees smash through your face and turn your brain to pudding if you're in the front seats the deploying airbag can cause serious injuries to your legs and put you in a position in the subsequent crash that will have a greater chance of catastrophic spine or leg injuries next if you see the crash coming avoid throwing your hands up in a panic the deploying airbags could cause serious injuries to your arms hands and even face in a game of stop hitting yourself that the airbag will definitely win the best thing to do is instead keep your body as loose as possible instead of tensing up in anticipation of the crash you've probably heard of newborn babies surviving incredible falls or car crashes with relatively few injuries a big factor in their survival is the fact that babies remain loose allowing their body to better absorb and redistribute the incoming kinetic energy once the vehicle has come to a stop conduct an immediate safety assessment even before you start tending to you or your passengers wounds you want to check the environment to see if it's safe if the vehicle is on fire or if you've landed in a ditch that's quickly filling with water your first priority is to get yourself to safety no point in treating wounds if you're just going to burn to death or drown if your environment is safe and your wounds are serious remain in the vehicle don't try to exit the vehicle as you could have spinal or head injuries you aren't aware of it's generally best to remain in the vehicle until emergency services personnel extracts you themselves only leave the vehicle if necessary for safety's sake or to treat a life-threatening injury with first aid this also applies if you find yourself at the scene of a car accident leave the victim in the vehicle unless absolutely necessary to move them always allow medical personnel to make the decision to move an individual if you come across a car accident victim that's been ejected from the vehicle the same rule applies move them only if there's a safety risk if possible treat any life-threatening injuries without moving them as once more you could make a spine or head injury exponentially worse by moving the victim number one acid for the last decade there's been a persistent trend in men attacking women with acid with the goal of splashing it on their faces the aim of the attack isn't so much to kill as it is to horribly maim and disfigure whatever the cause of your run-in with acid is knowing what to do can not only save your life but seriously reduce the scarring of an attack if the acid is in powder form first try to reduce your exposure by vigorously brushing it off your skin you can ideally do this with a shirt sleeve or gloved hand but vigorously brushing it off with a bare hand will not leave much time for the acid to work on your flesh if the acid is in liquid form don't attempt to brush it off with your hand or any other body part even if it's protected this will only spread the acid around making treatment much more difficult and potentially increasing future scarring and disfigurement instead immediately flush water over the affected area and continue doing so until emergency medical services arrive water will help dilute the acid and if applied quickly enough can help prevent permanent disfigurement if water isn't available use any other type of liquid on hand milk is also ideal as it'll help neutralize the acid as well as products with a high concentration of water such as beer the key is to pour as much liquid as possible for as long as possible diluting and washing away the acid if the acids got into the eyes immediately flush them with water and continue flushing them with water until help arrives make sure to pry open the eyelids and get water under the eyelids as the acid can come to rest there or be pushed there by the water next remove any clothing affected by the acid and move from under the puddles formed by the water treatment to prevent secondary injury to your feet or legs the first thing you might think when you ask yourself how you might survive prison is what prison are we talking about not all prisons are made equal and you could say there's a big difference from life in thailand's infamous bang central prison aka the bangkok hilton and a progressive place of containment in the country of sweden we might also note dostoyevsky's famous line the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons we've all likely watched tv episodes featuring the world's worst lockups but of course we can't do a show on how to survive in all the various types of prisons in the world today we'll talk mostly about u.s prisons the good the bad and the very ugly welcome to this episode of the infographic show how to survive in prison so you've been handed a prison sentence and have survived jail it's your first time inside and you are no doubt worried about how you'll get along you watch the movies depicting daily violence and a hierarchy of men living out a dog-eat-dog lifestyle you are far from being a hardened criminal let's say you're in a large joint such as california's san quentin prison a place you've likely seen on tv at some point on your first day you'll be booked and you'll go through what is called an admission and orientation interview this will decide what part of the prison you'll be housed in and if you have any special medical needs you'll also be given clothing and other stuff like hygiene items yep you'll have to strip and do that bending forward and coughing motion so that guards know you're not hiding things in your posterior crevice you'll just have to get used to this so accept everything you're asked to do survival tip number one which should be obvious is do what you are told and don't make a fuss obviously if you're being abused it's a different matter as we said you're no gang banker and you're not a former cop sex offender or police informant you don't need to be kept away from certain people you're now in your new home or housing unit how are you feeling well the question was asked on cora about first day prison experiences and the top post on one thread started with one word terrifying the person added i've never felt so alone in my life my first week in jail i had done in total solitary confinement this was like the opposite of that and yet i still felt more alone before we get to the matter of survival relating to violence you have to figure out how to accept you'll be spending the next few years in this place or another similar place and how to keep yourself from not going crazy believe it or not a lot of people will tell you that meditation is one thing that can help you get through prison after all close your eyes and be in the present with only your breathing to concentrate on and in some respects you could be anywhere for a few minutes or more you are not really in prison in some places you can actually join a prison contemplative program and if that's available we advise you to join if you read about these programs you'll find those who join them are less likely to be harmed inflict self-harm take drugs and have more balanced emotions and even a heightened self-awareness we can't express enough how much meditation will help you get through your sentence reuters wrote about such a program in one u.s prison men in the meditation group reported significantly larger reductions in perceived stress anxiety depression disassociation and sleep disturbances than the inmates who didn't participate in this program and yep even the tough guys sometimes learn that shutting down your busy mind a couple of times a day will keep the demons away okay you're going in the right direction but meditating won't keep bullies away if you've ever spoken to someone who has done a lot of time they will likely tell you that to stay out of trouble do not act like a tough guy right from the start you see even if you are tough there will no doubt be someone tougher than you if not you can always fight with four strangers or someone who has come at you from behind on the prison yard with a shiv in hand if you want to stay safe keep your head down that's not always easy because prison can be a hostile place one person explained his first walk to his cell with other new inmates in san quentin arms are hanging out the cells holding mirrors middle fingers from others trash is flying down from the upper tiers yelling and screaming the most horrible things it's not exactly welcoming he said he heard shouts directed at him with the words fudge you i'm going to fudging stab you let me see your butthole you are going to die we have of course used fudge to replace a harsher sounding expletive prisoners are not generally averse to breaching strictures of formal polite speech you are rightly fudging terrified as a newbie walking down that busy floor to yourself but just keep your head down and try to look calm look as though this scene means absolutely nothing to you don't try to laugh to look cool as that is only inviting trouble even do a bit of meditative walking now you have arrived at yourself you might be sharing the cell with someone and it is of the utmost importance that you two get along remember he was there before you and you should respect his space and help clean the place as one british guy who wrote a book on prison survival advises having a sense of humor goes a long way in prison your life will be so much easier if you can help the other guy in the cell and others in the prison have better lives by occasionally making them laugh now you are there and settled we've already told you not to break prison rules but there are also unofficial inmate rules one former u.s prisoner writes that it's not a good thing to get too friendly with the prison guards at the start as people might think you're a snitch snitching in prison is a huge no-no and you must remember that some prisoners are waiting for any excuse to beat the hell out of someone don't give anyone that excuse if you get labeled a snitch your life will be hell and you might have to get moved to protective custody so from the start don't act tough have a sense of humor if possible and be polite to other prisoners there are some other things you should be careful about some folks might be looking to take advantage of you if at all possible try not to borrow stuff in prison if you have cash don't tell people about it don't start asking people why they are in prison try to stay away from drugs heroin might ease the day but it quickly takes back everything it gets getting caught with drugs will get you more time and borrowing drugs can lead to a life of pain despite what you have seen on tv one former prisoner writes avoid clicking up or joining a gang for the most part the only way out of the gang is dying one way to help with this is by joining a program if you can study study if you can get books from the prison library then when will you ever have a better chance to educate yourself read and return to society a better man another former prisoner on the same forum writes that one word should be remembered in prison and that is the word respect that goes for doing things like changing the channel on the tv or even picking up a pair of dumbbells if in doubt ask those around you if they are okay with what you're doing you don't have to sound weak just polite speaking about dumbbells now's your chance to get in shape have a regular workout routine and with your reading programs meditation and working out you'll leave prison a better person in some ways all seems to be going well you have a decent roomie and you're getting clever and fit but as philosopher john paul starter once said hell is other people you've tried to be respectful but as one former prisoner put it the occasional bully will try to push you out of your comfort zone it's just like high school mistakes are a trifle more painful what should you do in prison if someone steals from you disrespects you and tries to physically hurt you you will have heard on countless tv shows that if you don't attempt to fight back in some situations that person or other persons might try to hurt you or take advantage of you again hell it's not so bad getting a black eye or a busted lip you might not win but fight back don't ever go looking for trouble but if you can't get away from it don't tell the guards and don't just lie down after one fight it's usually easier to defend yourself in other fights this doesn't mean you have to get into fights many prisoners serve their sentence without having to scrap okay you're getting continual grief from one person or several people do you really have to join a gang well you saw how that turned out for edward norton in the movie american history x the website inmate survival writes fitting in with society is hard but to be accepted by your prison mates is even harder ouch the website tells us that of course you'll be identified by your race whether you're asian african-american spanish native american or caucasian now as we said all prisons are different but even if you're in a place like san quentin which is infamous for gangs you don't necessarily have to join one on the downside if you are continually extorted by one things can get hard for you how can you avoid not joining a gang if this happens one former convict with a youtube channel called prison talk explains how this can be done the host who spent 10 years in federal prison in the u.s tells us i did my whole bid i never joined a gang however he adds that just to make doing his time better he did hang out with a certain group he got along with prison life can be lonely and scary so it might be better to join what we might call an unofficial gang you might just call them friends he explains that if things turned ugly he would indeed help those friends and in turn they would help him if you roll with certain people you will just have to help them if things take a turn for the worse this doesn't mean looking for trouble it's just self-preservation prison talk tells us you do to an extent have to get involved even if you don't want to get involved it's inevitable in conclusion get some friends but know that those friends might one day need your help this is life on the streets in school and even in the office but you certainly don't need to join an official gang another thing we might add is that before you make friends know who they are find out if they are gang members or even if they are perhaps sketchy be smart and take your time when latching onto people your reading and the self-awareness you gain from meditation can help with making you a better judge of people unfortunately as many former prisoners will tell you like life outside of prison life inside can just be unfair yes you can have a hellish time even if you have done as we said in this show a researcher at harvard university tells us prison is a sexual jungle and there are many predators looking for weak prey the group stop prisoner rape says around 200 000 men each year worldwide are raped while doing time often men are treated like animals and they become animals others are mean to the core it's also hard to get help because being a snitch gets you in more trouble what can you do well sometimes you might not have a choice but to ask to be moved the marshall project even says a good amount of sexual assaults are committed by the guards so unfortunately there is no easy way out one inmate interviewed while in prison said if you appear to be weak and they think they can take advantage of you that's where things start to go wrong another inmate said don't shower naked wear your underwear another said staying safe is not snitching however if you really have no way out you just might have to tell sometimes you just can't fight five men at once no matter how tough you are sometimes you just gotta get away that said with friends and a healthy lifestyle and doing all the things we've told you to do it's unlikely you'll be in this position don't think rape is just an everyday thing and that you'll become someone's punk or [ __ ] there are an estimated 110 million landmines left in the world unexploded and just waiting for the wrong person to wander by sometimes even decades after the conflict that saw them laid down is over minds don't discriminate and kill long after the fighting is stopped they're difficult to detect even more difficult to safely clear out and often their presence alone simply forces people to abandon entire towns and villages in afghanistan some areas of the country have been mined so frequently by different powers that the mines lay in layers like geological layers of the earth and in the former yugoslavia you can still find mines disguised as children's toys along stream banks with soldiers releasing them by the dozens into the fast flowing waters so they would kill and maim their enemies downstream if you're a world traveler there's always the risk of stepping off the beaten path and into a literal danger zone and today we're going to find out how you can get yourself out of a minefield mines come in a variety of different types some are designed to destroy vehicles and others are meant to kill or maim personnel in combat a wounded enemy is better than a dead enemy because the casualty will force other soldiers to risk their lives to save their comrade thus many anti-personnel mines aren't made to outright kill an individual but rather just to simply maim them anti-vehicle mines are designed to take out heavy trucks tanks and you could stand on top of one or even do jumping jacks and never set it off even more sinister some minds are designed to detonate only on the second or third activation thus killing or wounding soldiers who travel along paths thought safe from minds generally speaking minds come in two varieties anti-vehicle mines directed upward explosive blast meant to penetrate the soft underside of a vehicle while anti-personnel mines explode and generate a great deal of shrapnel so as to inflict maximum injury some mines such as the american claymore mine are set up above ground but most mines are buried by dirt layers so as to make them more difficult to spot modern mines can be deployed by aircraft and some are even able to self-bury in loose soil a few inches other mines typically those employed by terrorist or asymmetrical forces are a little more than disguised ieds and historically these have taken the form of children's toys or objects that appear valuable these are designed to kill and wound civilian populations rather than military personnel and are particularly insidious in their design the average mine responds to downward pressure triggering off a pound per square inch sensitivity limit that is preset by the manufacturer or the mine layer some modern mines can have their sensitivity adjusted so that they only respond to greater amounts of pressure this way they avoid being detonated by small animals or children and will instead detonate when a soldier steps on them most mines simply detonate their explosive while on the ground while others contain a small amount of explosive charge which boosts the mine up into the air before a secondary explosion in the main body showers the area in lethal shrapnel the infamous german s mine or bouncing betty from world war ii is the best example of one of these self-elevating minds and proved to be wickedly effective at causing mass casualties these mines generally achieved a lower absolute kill count but instead achieved a far greater casualty count and often this is the preferred outcome in combat it's better to wound many enemies than kill a few as it will lower the amount of firepower your enemy can bring to bear and force him to divert resources to care for the wounded so what could you do if you found yourself stuck in the middle of a minefield how could you get out and survive with most of your limbs intact first is the most obvious turn around and retrace your steps making sure that you step exactly in the same spot you did when you were blindly walking into the minefield this is of course not a foolproof strategy as mentioned before some mines are designed to detonate only on the second activation and so just because you didn't blow up the first time you wandered into the minefield it's no guarantee you won't blow yourself to bits on the way out the best thing to do is to stand absolutely still and call for help if you've wandered into a minefield then there's probably a good chance that there's someone in the local area whose job it is to clear mines let's say you're all alone though and simply staying put is not an option well we're not gonna lie to you getting out of an active minefield alive or with all four limbs intact is going to be a pretty slim proposition despite what you may have seen in the movies it takes trained experts many many days to successfully clear even just a small portion of a minefield you on your own are probably not going to fare so well if you've got no other options though well you could try and mark your own way out from the minefield you've probably seen it on tv a soldier crawling on his belly feeling the dirt in front of him with his knife for minds and marking off when his trusty knife clinks into one just below the surface well it's better than nothing but in all likelihood this is probably still going to get you killed however probably is a better bet than definitely so go get your trusty knife or find yourself a nice long and thin branch that's hopefully within arm's reach now mines respond to downwards pressure so if you prod into the dirt in front of you at a 45 degree angle and make sure you do it nice and easy you have a decent chance of not setting off the mine you eventually prod into if possible you instead want to slowly prod the dirt in front of you with your stick to a depth of about a foot and then if you hit nothing move your stick while still buried in all four cardinal directions north south east and west you ideally want to bump into a mine from the side while your stick is still buried because even coming down on a mine at a 45 degree angle can be fatal you should be able to feel a pretty firm resistance from a mine when your buried stick bumps into it and trying to move your stick gently along the edges of it will let you know if you've truly hit a mine or just a rock this is going to be an incredibly slow and painstaking work remember how we told you that it takes professionals days to clear a small minefield you're going to want to keep clearing the dirt in front of you inches at a time every time you sink your probe into the dirt try to move it about 2 inches in each direction then if all clear move 4 inches to the left or right of where you were and do it again once you've cleared half a foot or so laterally in front of you move your probe four inches ahead of you and do it all over again think of it like a typewriter and you're clearing the ground in front of you row by row once you've cleared a few feet like this you have to make a decision how badly do you need to get out of this minefield are you injured and in need of medical attention are you in some kind of danger other than you know blowing up at any second from buried minds if you need to beat a hasty retreat out of the minefield you can use a technique to attempt to clear a path in front of you after you've cleared out a few feet with your probe first you're going to want to lower yourself to the ground in the area you've cleared then take something heavy as heavy as you can find and prepare to throw it ahead of you this works best if you have a rope you can use to throw it far and then pull it toward you dragging out a path which should detonate any buried mines you'll want to lay on the area of ground you've cleared with your feet toward the direction you're throwing your pack because your head is more important than your feet and you want to protect it from any exploding shrapnel by staying low you'll avoid much of the shrapnel flying through the air as the mine explodes outwards and should avoid the majority of the worst effects of a self-elevating mind such as the infamous bouncing betty so hopefully you have a backpack and a length of rope because you're going to throw that backpack as far as you can ahead of you and quickly lay down with your feet toward the backpack then simply drag the backpack toward you and hopefully set off any mines in your way remember though not all mines go off on the first activation so repeat this process a few times if nothing goes off after the third or fourth time you got yourself a path that is maybe clear of mines we have to stress that in no way is this technique perfect but it beats dying of exposure or of your wounds if stuck in a minefield the sad truth is that outside of specialized equipment even the best trained and armed soldiers in the world can do little to save themselves when stuck in a minefield odds are then that you with no training and no equipment are probably going to fare much worse the techniques we highlighted in this video are in no way perfect but if push comes to shove they are the best chance you've got of making it out alive from a very terrible situation hello citizens welcome to purge night for the next 12 hours all emergency services will be suspended and all crime is legal now it's time to vent all that rage and frustration you've been storing up over the last year it's time to purge so you're caught up in the modern dystopia that is the new founding fathers of america's version of the good old u.s of a and it's march 21st purge night how do you survive the purge without the benefit of high-powered military weaponry as nothing more than a simple normal everyday joe first let's recap the history of the purge briefly originally started as a grand social experiment on staten island by the ruling political party the new founding fathers of america the purge quickly grew to be a national event and now every march 21st all crime is legalized for 12 hours of absolute pandemonium and mayhem but it's not just the everyday citizen getting in on the mass murdering because in order to keep up casualty figures purge night is routinely supplemented by government kill squads whose sole purpose it is to murder as many people as possible but wait you thought that purge night was about people venting their criminal anger and frustration out so that the rest of the year you could live a peaceful law-abiding life well no because it turns out that the new founding fathers of america are less interested in making america a great place to live and more interested in preserving the interests of the rich and powerful purge night's real purpose isn't to help keep american crime down it's actually to rid the united states of minorities and poor people hence the government kill squads so how are you going to survive class warfare in its most literal form first you have to have a plan for purge night waltzing into a 12-hour apocalypse is a great way to get yourself killed so you better have a good plan with multiple contingencies to keep you alive your plan should include a place to shelter and how to get there in case you're running late on purge night and get caught out in the open you should have both multiple avenues of approach to your shelter as well as multiple avenues of escape in case your shelter is breached if you're sheltering at home things like steel plates over windows and thick security doors will help keep out even the most determined purgers but finding alternative more secure shelter is probably your best bet places like old mine tunnels abandoned military structures and even derelict barges floating offshore are the perfect purge shelter an old mine tunnel might be creepy and dark but it typically only has one obvious way in with much less obvious escape shafts that could be hundreds or even thousands of feet away with a single entryway anyone wanting to purge you won't have the advantage of surprise as long as you took the time to disguise your escape shafts well even better would be places like abandoned military bunkers or even all decommissioned missile silos although those might be difficult to get into and make usable offshore structures means anyone hellbent on purging you is going to have to go through a whole lot of effort just to get to you and if you're armed which you should be then they're going to present a very easy target as they make their way to you you might simply opt to skip physical shelter altogether and instead just take to the sea on a boat 12 hours isn't that long and unless purgers are incredibly motivated to hunt you down taking off for a half a day at sea is a great way to stay away from the gangs of roving purgers of course another way to survive the purge is to simply be someone people don't want to purge in the first place odds are as you go through the rest of your year you're at least a little bit selfish or rude to your neighbors and co-workers in a world with a yearly purge that's a great way of making sure you have a big fat target on your back come purge night instead of being rude or selfish try to be unselfish and helpful mow your neighbor's lawn let them borrow your car when theirs breaks down maybe keep your political views to yourself and off your facebook make yourself likable and come purge night anyone wanting to hurt or kill you is going to find that they have a laundry list of people they want to hurt or kill even more than you it's only 12 hours after all so as long as you make sure you're as close to the bottom of that hurt kill list as you can possibly get you'll be fine during purge night gangs of roving psychopaths roam the streets looking for easy victims so the best way to defeat these gangs of roving psychos is to have an even bigger gang of your own round up like-minded individuals in the months leading up to purge night and form a neighborhood militia even a small group of well-disciplined individuals committed to protecting each other can fend off larger packs of uncoordinated perchers just looking to cause mayhem but forming a deadly neighborhood watch to survive purgingite is only the first step in the world of national security the best way to ensure that your facility or your vip isn't targeted for attack is to discourage an attack in the first place this is known as becoming a hard target and involves taking steps to ensure that when an attacker sizes you up for a possible attack they realize that doing so would be too costly even if successful to be worth the effort on purge night being a hard target might be so effective that you wouldn't be targeted in the first place after all if you only have 12 hours to cause mayhem why waste most of that time going after the neighborhood that's well defended and equipped to protect itself better to prey on weaker more vulnerable people instead so to become a hard target on purge night forget going solo and round up that posse of like-minded neighbors like we said against undisciplined bands of roving purgers just realizing that they'd be going up against a disciplined force might be enough to discourage an attack in the first place there's likely easier pickings elsewhere anyways and like we said the clock is ticking but being disciplined is key you don't want to appear like a group of random rabble create a uniform for your neighborhood protection force and have every member wear it on purge night uniforms mean solidarity and for roving purgers it also lets them know that a well-established force is present in the area best to move along and look for more vulnerable targets next practice basic self-defense drills together and if you've got access to them which you absolutely should in the insane world of the purge make sure everyone is armed and knows how to use a firearm next you'll want to roll out homemade barricades to shut off vehicle access to your neighborhood as well as seal off avenues of approach that could be taken on foot you can do this with physical barriers or by stationing groups of armed guards much like the defense of a military installation you can purposefully leave one very obvious path for attackers to take and this is where you would funnel anyone wishing to purge you so they can be easily taken out set up defensive positions for your guards with criss-crossing fields of fire and anyone wishing to purge your neighborhood including government forces will find the effort is simply not worth it but what if you're forced to go solo well your best bet is to hide get out of the city flee to the countryside and take to the hills park your car somewhere remote then take off on foot pushing deeper and deeper into the wild ideally you would have begun your camping trip well before purge night and made sure that your ultimate destination required multiple modes of travel to get there like parking your car at the end of a dirt road somewhere then taking a boat ride and then hiking to reach your final destination the united states has a great deal of truly wild places and you can survive purge night by hiding out with bigfoot of course the best way to survive the purge though is to make sure you aren't perishable to begin with like we said in our recap of purge history the entire event is basically an excuse for rich people to kill off poor people so to survive purge night just be rich the wealthy and powerful are not just in many cases the most horrific proponents of violence on purge night but are basically immune to being purged themselves thanks to their massive resources elite security agents intruder-proof safe rooms and homes that double as military fortresses all make being rich during purge night the best way to stay safe though you'd still have to watch out for your fellow one percenter who loves nothing more than to play their six sadistic games of revenge and torture on each other come purge night if you're financially challenged then good news because there's still a chance to make yourself untouchable come purge night the america of the purge is still sort of a democracy so simply run for a high enough government office and you can be classified a level 10 government employee which is still illegal to kill on purge night the government still needs to operate post purge after all and if all of our political differences could be settled with mass murder well at least facebook would be a lot quieter place all right you're not rich and you're not likable enough to get elected matter of fact you're not likable enough to not get purged and you know that that kid you cut off at the green light a week ago is definitely going to be looking to get all purgey on you come purge night your home is kind of indefensible because you can't afford the fancy security systems other people can and you don't have access to a whole cache of weapons what are you gonna do often the best place to hide isn't where people won't go looking but where they don't want to go looking we're talking about the worst places you can imagine spending 12 hours in places that no human being in their right mind would ever enter like a t-mobile store not as good as a t-mobile store but close would be a sewage treatment plant even a rancid landfill these are places people avoid in their normal lives and for someone to hunt you down in one of these disgusting locations they're gonna have to be really extra motivated become one with the filth dig in deep to a pile of fresh trash or camp out next to a large sewage holding pond these places are gonna smell so disgusting that very few people are going to even think about looking for victims in a place they themselves would never willingly go of course you can also opt to wait out the purge in places that are just incredibly unlikely to be targeted by perchers places like a local library think about it what psychopath purger is going to even consider for a second to check a local library for victims or anything worth stealing you'll naturally want to avoid hiding out in places that could attract looters after all every crime is legal come purge night and a bunch of people are just going to be looking for free loot but who in the world is going to be breaking into a library looking for things to steal the best way to avoid purge night though is just to leave the country all together you don't even have to be rich to do it just hop in a car and drive either north or south until you hit the canadian or mexican border it'll take you a couple of tanks of gas and a day road trip but you can plan out a long weekend for yourself and sit in a crappy canadian motel room eating poutine and watching america burn itself to the ground on tv just like the real founding fathers would have wanted let's say you are flying from berlin to new york city for some ungodly reason both the pilot and co-pilot are unconscious perhaps after drinking a strange brew delivered to them by a sadistic villain that has a fondness for cats the passengers are a hysterical mess and you volunteer to land the plane according to one pilot when interviewed you'd have a chance but you'd have to be on your game and likely not be cursed with having a less than very good attention span could you do it first of all what kind of plane are you trying to land a 640 seat boeing 747 400 or a small six-seater let's start with the small plane and we can pretend we have justin bieber in company in the back and you are the brave bodyguard albeit with no acumen for flying planes there would also only be one pilot let's say the plane is fine and you still have contact with air traffic control without that you are all probably fudged you tell air traffic control the situation the pilot's totally unconscious you tell them mayday just so they know the gravity of the situation you are faced with what looks like a cornucopia of switches and buttons and knobs and you don't know what any of them do luckily for you there are just a few very important things you need to know that is your height speed and your flight profile according to an aviation website this is a graph which gives you a step-by-step depiction of a maneuver or phase of light it's basically the instructions for what you have to do to land safely according to the pilot obviously don't panic don't pull the nose down and head for ground just yet just keep going until air traffic tells you that you are close to a place you can land if you can see the windsock at the airport you'll know which way the wind is blowing and it's safer and easier to land into the wind with the wind behind you you could land too quickly and that's where all the deathly kind of things happen now you're going to have to listen to control so you know what buttons to push lower the plane to the end of the landing strip bring out the first flap and lower it about 30 to 40 degrees this will make the wing bigger slow you down and improve your landing angle you want to be hitting the runway about a third of the way down pull the plane up a bit so you feel you will not just go head first into the tarmac when you are down hit the brakes which are located above the pedals when you stop turn off the engine you just saved a pop star according to the pilot without someone explaining which button is which you'd likely not have a chance so what if it was a massive passenger plane and you were the only one on that plane with the gumption to try and land it this question comes up a lot on aviation forums and pilots are there to answer first of all you'd have to hope you could get into the cockpit the good news is you probably have a much better chance at saving 500 people as you did trying to keep bieber safe this is because your highly advanced plane has an instrument landing system aka ils one pilot said that getting to the airport and landing should be a piece of cake because the ils is in control you'd still have to tell air traffic control what's going on and just hope to god you don't have to go manual because of horrible weather or unforeseen emergencies you will need to set the ils after speaking with those on the ground as another pilot says without autopilot your chances are very very slim unless you have some training another pilot said you'd never even get into the cockpit because the cabin crew wouldn't allow you to if anything they take over as some have even learned basic flying skills in their training the show mythbusters actually allowed a bunch of amateurs to try and land a plane and all failed everyone virtually died but when air traffic control was allowed to help there was success another pilot points out something very important and that is how to use the microphone to actually talk to those down below you must toggle the switches until you can get through otherwise you were doomed he explained that you'd have to get low enough to attach the aircraft systems to the runway landing system set the flight management systems for your approach and also set the auto brakes you'd have to follow a lot of directions to do this and to paraphrase him if you needed to land without the use of autopilot you're definitely going to end up on one of youtube's world's worst plane crashes videos you might be pleased to know this has never happened in aviation history at least in a large passenger plane it's happened a bunch of times since the year 2000 however in small aircraft each of the instances we could find with the aid of air traffic control the plane was landed safely albeit one time crash landed and another time the plane was damaged in each case everyone on the plane survived except in two cases the passed out pilots died later in the hospital due to the reason they passed out in the first place we've all been there one moment you're lying in bed comfortably wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets blissfully warm and peaceful then the next your alarm is going off and before you know it you're trudging through another cold winter morning to go to work eight hours at a job you hate trying not to think about the fact that you'll be repeating this routine tomorrow and every day after that until you die or maybe you're stuck in the dark days of summer in the midst of another record-breaking heatwave because global warming is definitely not real and panting desperately trying to fan yourself and find some relief truth is most people would rather live out lives in a comfortable room temperature world of 70 degrees fahrenheit but our reality routinely puts us against bitter elements extreme cold or extreme heat if you live somewhere insane like australia you get both plus every animal there can kill you in both hot and cold but what if you could train yourself to resist the effects of extreme temperatures we've all read about modern supermen with the power to withstand extreme heat or extreme cold and do things that would seem like they'd killed just about any other person alive what about you though the average joe could you realistically train your body to survive extreme cold wim hof is a dutch man known as an extremophile and has earned the nickname the iceman in fact you've probably seen him featured already on our show since he was a teenager hoff has been routinely subjecting himself to extreme cold and he's learned not only to love it but to thrive in it he's completed several marathons completely barefoot in the arctic circle once spent over an hour swimming under ice has hiked almost the entire height of mount everest wearing only shorts yet hoff is definitely not immune to the effects of the cold as a matter of fact during his first attempt to set a record for swimming under ice he had to be rescued by a diver after his cornea began to freeze yes you heard that correctly corneas can apparently freeze and all that did was slow hop down he beat the record the very next day so then how does he do these incredible feats hoff is well known and often criticized for marketing what he terms the wim hof method while reviews are mixed the method is fairly simple and consists of engaging in regular meditation and elaborate breathing exercises according to the method you first begin with 30 cycles of breathing meant to induce controlled hyperventilation you inhale filling the lungs completely which means starting your breath down in the stomach and slowly expanding your lungs upward then you release the breath but without actually exhaling instead you let the pressure in your lungs force air out before inhaling again once you've mastered 30 cycles of controlled hyperventilation you then focus on controlling your body's response to being deprived of oxygen you do this by taking deep breaths in holding it briefly and then completely expelling all the air out of your lungs with empty lungs you then resist the urge to breathe in as long as possible you might feel yourself drifting into oxygen deprivation panic but if you hold out long enough you'll actually eventually receive a boost of oxygen as your liver releases oxygen-rich blood that keeps it stored for emergencies like this free divers who swim without oxygen often practice hitting this point and warn that the hardest part is simply keeping your cool and not freaking out the third step is then to work on your breath retention after mastering the complete exhalation exercise you then repeat and when you're urges to breathe get incredibly strong you then take a full deep breath in and hold it for 15 to 20 seconds altogether a complete workout should include three consecutive rounds of all three steps and this hof claims will help you master your ability to resist the effects of the cold but does it work well surprisingly yes it does scientists have discovered that resisting the effects of cold is more to do with your own mental preparation and willpower rather than anything biological studies on people who have learned to resist the cold show that their core body temperature remains pretty much the same as a regular person's it's simply their perception of cold that's different for them the same cold that sends you scurrying into a pile of blankets is merely a light breeze of course biology does help though and scientists have also found that individuals who regularly expose themselves to extreme cold actually develop fat deposits known as brown fat this is the same type of fat you had as a baby and is largely to thank for your chubby cute appearance as a newborn babies are pretty terrible about keeping body heat in so the body is able to burn this fat more effectively than regular fat which helps keep it warm if you regularly expose yourself to extreme cold you too can hack your body into believing it needs to generate this type of fat deposits and in turn they'll help keep you warm the trick though of course is to undergo what extremophile's term acclimatization or the process of gradually increasing exposure to extreme cold sorry but eating a bunch of donuts on the couch isn't going to get you the precious brown fat you need for your underwear only trip to the north pole it's just gonna get you regular fat so how do you acclimate to extreme cold first start with your willpower because if you don't have much of it you'll never get used to the cold you can start though by regularly immersing yourself in cold water in south korea there's a community of women free divers who regularly die for pearls in the freezing ocean wearing nothing more than a cotton suit women of all ages engaged in this diving even women as old as 90. the regular exposure to cold water has toughened up the women to the effects of cold on their bodies and the good news is that you too can be made as tough as a korean granny you can start by taking a shower every morning which you should already be doing only now you'll be doing it only with cold water start by exposing yourself for 30 seconds at the end of a nice hot shower then gradually increase the amount of time until eventually you're taking full on cold showers you'll be well on your way to hiking through antarctica in your birthday suit and you'll save a fortune on your water bill that's a double win if you live somewhere with snow then it's time to kick it up a notch the antarctic explorer h.r bowers was well known for stripping completely naked every morning and dumping buckets of cold water and slush over himself you however can start with a wim hof technique often called snow laying and you guessed it it's as simple as laying on snow while wearing as little as possible just like the shower regularly increase the amount of time you spend exposed to the snow if you're not somewhere snowbound though you can replicate this by filling a tub full of ice and sliding in the longer you can stay in the closer you'll be to calling yourself a proper iceman pretty soon you'll be toasting cokes with polar bears wearing nothing but sandals though we should warn you that sudden exposure to extreme cold does come at a risk of a heart attack so make sure you're in decent health before you attempt any of this and consult a doctor also coca-cola lies and polar bears will 100 percent eat you on site though luckily for you they'll all be dead from global warming soon we've now conquered one half of the planet wearing nothing but ducktales themed boxers and a smile but what about heat for heating we're turning to one of our own wilderness survival gurus who's had regular experience in desert environments with temperatures well above 100 degrees fahrenheit or whatever people who never landed on the moon measure it with just kidding we really all should be using a single measuring system and it's kind of silly we don't anyways tolerating heat is also a mental affair though unlike the cold the body actually comes first in extreme temperatures the body attempts to cool itself by sweating profusely the water acting as a radiating fluid which more easily enables heat to transfer from your body to the ambient air that little trick by the way is what made humans the top species on earth while other animals were killing prey with sharp claws and fangs we simply ran our prey to death and typically did so during the hottest times of the day when animals who can't sweat or sweat very poorly were most vulnerable to dying of overheating meanwhile our awesome sweat glands pumped away the entire time keeping us from dying as we chased our prey for miles at a time but the real reason why our ancient ancestors didn't keel over dead from the heat and so many modern suburbia spartan challenge tryouts do has to do with water we investigated this issue carefully and discovered that top scientists have learned that sweat consists mainly of water so if you aren't properly hydrated your body isn't going to have much moisture to work with and help vent deadly heat being generated within your body of course your body needs water for pretty much anything it does though so the real trick of surviving extreme heat is to simply stay hydrated incredibly you can lose as much as a liter of water per hour in a hot environment if engaged in strenuous activity and considering that most doctors recommend you drink one and a half to two liters of water every day during normal activity you can quickly see what the problem is the trick is going to be to keep consuming water during your time in the heat with our desert guru recommending you drink at least 8 liters of water a day the entire time you're in extreme heat you'll want to consume this water at a moderate pace however as extreme heat can make the stomach quite sensitive and drinking too much water at once could actually lead you to vomiting and unless you enjoy eating vomit you're going to be losing out on precious liters of water instead just pace yourself as you drink taking frequent sips if you're out in extreme heat for a long time though then water alone will eventually not be enough and you'll need to replace precious minerals such as potassium due to sugars and other ingredients your body doesn't need unless under extreme stress sports drinks are terrible to drink if you're just sitting on the couch all day doing nothing more than yelling at informative youtube shows in the comments section adding sports drinks to your hydration routine and extreme heat though will keep you in tip-top shape and as long as you protect your exposed skin from the sun there's really no limit to how long you can tolerate even scorching temperatures maintaining hydration is key though over hydrating can also be deadly and lead to a condition known as water intoxication don't worry though that's pretty rare and your body will pretty readily warn you of this condition though if you're truly in the middle of record-setting heat there's little risk of this happening the good news for anyone born after the year 2000 is that studies in denmark have shown that they will probably live to be a hundred but that doesn't mean that the rest of us are doomed to an early grave a clinical professor at stanford university says what's holding us back are bad habits so the secret to longevity has as much to do with what we don't do as what we do do sure there's a strong element of luck and genetics at play in the longevity game but these are things we can't control so let's concentrate on the things we can control in this episode of the infographic show how to live to a hundred the office for national statistics show our life expectancies just keep on increasing in 1981 a 65 year old woman in the uk might be expected to reach 81.9 years of age longevity is something we all strive for there are vitamin supplements exercise regimens medical procedures and mind therapy techniques that all claim to make us live longer there's a huge industry built around prolonging life but how do we actually reach that wise old age of a hundred in this episode we've decided to research some of the proven methods of living a longer fuller life and we've noted some of the comments made by those who have made it over the hundred mark themselves today we share their secrets and see how you too could live to be a hundred exercise daily now this is something that some of us find difficult to ease ourselves into the secret is to find the type of exercise that you enjoy to the extent that it can be practiced as a hobby not everyone finds the gym to be a fun environment but if you do visit it regularly swimming is good if you hit the pool once a day or every other day or why not find a low impact sport like badminton even power walking through the city beats driving a car or taking the train or bus everywhere the more you exercise the more your body and brain will reward you with those feel-good chemicals dopamine and endorphins so find the exercise that you enjoy and stick with it new york city man alexander image lived to be 111 years old and before his death he told nbc news that he stayed in good condition with a lifetime of healthy eating and spent many years swimming and performing gymnastics one hundred and eleven-year-old lord vailard still performed five to ten push-ups every morning until his death on june 1st 2018. stress is a killer literally one good way to avoid stress is to find a hobby that you enjoy doing or even better find a job that you enjoy doing so much it feels like a hobby not every golf player will turn professional but if you find out what your true passion is while still young you may be able to turn that into a career otherwise find a sport or activity that puts you in a relaxed frame of mind it could be reading or even watching films find something that puts you out of your normal work routine and do it regularly also try to have a vacation at least once a year and try to incorporate your hobby into that vacation if you like walking why not book a trekking trip in nepal gertrude weaver who lived to be 116 years old credited being calm and kind as the secret to her longevity treat people right and be nice to other people the way you want them to be nice to you she told time magazine in 2014 so relax be kind and don't sweat the small stuff or as novelist charles bukowski said find what you love and let it kill you stay connected but with the right people emma morano who was the world's oldest person at 117 when she died in april 2017 explained that ending her abusive marriage in 1938 contributed most to her longevity i didn't want to be dominated by anyone she said brigham young university found that social isolation increases risk of death by up to 30 percent while other studies place the risk as high as 60 psychologically loneliness is linked to depression anxiety substance abuse schizophrenia and dementia not all lonely people are depressed or suicidal but it is also realistic to observe that of those who are suffering from psychological problems many list loneliness as part of the problem loneliness can have practical and circumstantial effects that might lead to one's demise a lonely person may have a disease that would ordinarily be recognized if he or she were amongst a group of caring people or maybe a sudden health event like a heart attack or a stroke may go unchecked and nobody is there to rush the patient to the hospital so staying connected is key to a longer life but make sure you stay connected to kind and caring people eat well an apple a day keeps the doctor away or so they say fruits and vegetables should be an important part of our daily diet emma murano ate raw eggs every day and had fondness for cookies until she checked out at age 117 it's claimed japan has more than 50 000 people over the age of 100 and this is often attributed to the country's low-fat fish heavy diet avoid fried fatty food and fast food should be a once in a while treat rather than a daily diet get screened a regular medical checkup could catch any potentially life-threatening diseases in the early stages however that said adelina dominguez who died age 114 claimed to have never taken any medications and never visited a hospital in her life staying slim not smoking and being financially secure by the age of 50 could be the secret to living longer according to a 50-year study by researchers in sweden just 10 of the study group of 855 all men born in 1913 lived until their 100th birthday all of these 10 were non-smokers who had kept themselves slim and fit and had low cholesterol and low blood pressure they drank no more than four cups of coffee a day and owned their own house by the age of 50. dr lars wilhelmsen of the salgrenska at the university of gothenburg who has been involved in the study for the entire 50 years said our recommendation for people who aspire to sentarianism is to refrain from smoking maintain healthy cholesterol levels and confine themselves to four cups of coffee a day it was also noted during the research that those participants who lived to 100 years old had a mother who had also lived to an advanced old age get enough sleep the average american gets one hour less sleep than they need sleep is important for neuron development and general cleansing of toxins studies have repeatedly shown that sleep deprivation can lead to serious health issues such as high blood pressure heart disease cancer diabetes and a general increased risk of mortality director of the sleep to live institute robert oxman says the majority of research shows that a longer sleep time is associated with better health don't overdose on sleep either as research also shows that those who sleep more than nine hours a night also have a higher risk of dying but this may be that excessive sleep is associated with other conditions such as cancer and depression generally eight hours of sleep every night is ideal drink a little alcohol agnes fenton from new jersey lived to be 111 years old and credits drinking three bottles of beer and a shot of whiskey a day for over 70 years for her grand old age although heavy drinking will probably lead to an early grave study after study has shown that a small amount of alcohol each day does increase your chances of making it to 100 years old research presented to the american association of science suggested that moderate drinking of about two glasses of wine a day could contribute to an 18 drop in the risk of an early death these results came from a 90 plus study group by the university of california who studied the lifestyle of people who lived to at least 90. but this is no reason to reach for the bottle and the corkscrew many of those who reached 100 years never drank a single drop of alcohol all their lives to live to a hundred years everything including alcohol should be taken in moderation however before you pick up the corkscrew an even bigger study published in the lancet medical journal says 5 standard glasses of wine or five pints of beer a week is the upper safe limit and zero alcohol intake is the healthiest option but all scientists agree that heavy drinking is not good for you life is unpredictable it can throw you curveballs from time to time and disasters can happen so it's always good to be prepared as there may be a day when knowing that special survival tip could save your life today we'll be giving you our countdown of the top things you may need to know to be prepared when that disaster does strike welcome to this episode of the infographic show 15 tips that will one day save your life number 15 disinfecting water typical household bleach has about 5.35 chlorine content and so can be used to disinfect and sterilize polluted water to use household bleach for disinfecting water add two drops of bleach per quart or liter of water stir it well and let the mixture stand for a half hour before drinking if the water is cloudy with suspended particles filter the water as best you can and add four drops of bleach per quart or liter of water number 14 lighting a fire we've all seen how you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together in some dry grass but what if you're stuck in the freezing cold surrounded by ice what you'll need to do is carve out a big chunk of the ice shape it into a disk and use the warmth of your hands to melt it into a smooth round lens like a magnifying glass let the light shine through it and you'll have a concentrated beam with enough heat to start a fire number 13 natural disaster after a catastrophic natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami water sources can become polluted making drinking water sparse before you use the bleach option if you are able to fill up your sinks your bathtub and every container you can with water to provide yourself with safe drinking water before it runs out this could make the difference when surviving a personal drought number 12 surviving a house fire if you found yourself stuck in a building with the only way out being the window then some simple items may save your life tying bed sheets together can make a handy rope to lower yourself to safety and even nylon stockings can be bound together in the same way if the room starts to fill with smoke it's a good idea to run a t-shirt under the tap and hold it to your face to filter the air you're breathing number 11 condoms have multiple uses even more useful than stockings are condoms and they can be used in many survival situations you can clean one and turn it into a water container use it as a latex glove keep your cell phone and other things safe from dust and water or even convert it into a makeshift slingshot for surviving in the forest number 10 aspirin after a heart attack most heart attacks occur when the blood supply to a part of your heart muscle is blocked aspirin thins the blood and helps prevent blood clots from forming taking aspirin during or immediately following a heart attack can reduce damage to the heart and potentially save your life number 9 cpr cardiopulmonary resuscitation or cpr is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with mouth to mouth in an effort to keep a person alive while waiting for paramedics taking a cpr course every couple of years to keep up to date will ensure you can kickstart someone's heart when the occasion calls for it this tip may mean you save another person's life number eight sinking your car it's a scene we often see in movies but it also happens in real life the car skids off the road and into a lake or river if this happens to you then quick thinking is key it is critical that you open the car door as soon as you can before you sink too deep and the water pressure makes it impossible if you can't open it then break a window once enough water comes in the pressure will equalize try to relax hold your breath and swim to safety number seven caught on a riptide if you're swimming in the ocean and find yourself being dragged out to sea the first thing to do is not panic and relax conserve your strength by floating rather than swimming against the current and raise one arm as a distress signal identify which direction the current is moving and swim to the left or right of it but never against it you can swim parallel to the shore and eventually you'll pass the riptide and be able to swim to safety number six snake bite between seven and eight thousand people are bitten by snakes each year and if it happens to you you need to know how to react if you are bitten get away from the snake immediately and then limit your movement as this prevents blood flow and the spread of venom this will give you more survival time and remember as much as you can about the snake so the hospital can administer the correct anti-venom number 5 crayons as candles crayons can give your children hours of creative fun but they also have other practical uses if you find yourself in an emergency situation where the electric has been cut and you have no candles but you have crayons then you're lucky you have a solution you can actually use crayons as candles and they will stay lit for around 30 minutes number four driving when tired if you're on a long drive and you find yourself dozing off be aware it only takes a micro sleep to go from freeway to forest and a car crash that could end your life so stop revive survive pull over and get out of the car for a few minutes to wake yourself or if you see a service station or cafe take a longer break and grab yourself that much needed coffee number three tornado if you're caught outside in a tornado your safest bet is to stay in your car park it in an open area lock all the windows and doors buckle your seatbelt and ride out the storm if you're at home head to the basement and cover yourself with a mattress or sleeping bag make sure you know where heavy objects rest on the floor above such as pianos ovens and refrigerators so you can avoid them if they crash through and head protection such as a helmet can also boost your chances of survival number two avalanche the center of an avalanche is where the snow moves the fastest making it the most dangerous place for you to be so move sideways if you can if you find yourself being dragged with the snow flow use your surfing skills to avoid being buried by deep swimming as hard as you can in the direction of the fast moving snow but if it does look like you will end up buried cupping your mouth will create a small pocket of air for you to survive on for up to 30 minutes and finally number one don't text while driving the national safety council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year nearly 390 000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving and one out of every four car accidents in the united states is caused by texting and driving it's a big problem and putting the phone away and focusing on the road ahead could save your life today we're going to look at 9 of the most dangerous animals and teach you some tips on how to stay alive if you should ever cross paths it might not have huge teeth or slashing claws but the african cape buffalo is terrifying all the same unlike most prey animals the cape buffalo will not run from a fight choosing instead to turn and face a threat head on or horns on more accurately if faced with a charging buffalo your best bet is to find the nearest tree and climb it if there are no trees around you however and you happen to be armed you're going to need nerves of steel that's because cape buffalo can reach speeds of 35 miles per hour when charging and are so powerful that nothing short of a shot directly to the brain can stop one mid charge with a four and a half inch wide brain you have to hold your ground and wait until it's about 65 feet away when a buffalo will typically drop his head in preparation of goring you with its horns this will give you a clear shot straight to the brain and your only hope of surviving the attack if you're hanging around cape buffalo then it's probably good to know how to handle the next animal on our list the lion surprisingly most predators actively avoid getting into fights or attacking strange prey because they don't want to risk unnecessary injury and an unfamiliar prey might have defenses the predator doesn't know or understand any injury no matter how slight might spell death for a predator by leaving it unable to hunt therefore a lion while still dangerous will rarely ever actually attack a human instead it will charge at you once or twice in what are known as mock charges these are meant to test your nerve if you run it will signal to the line that you are weak and would make a good snack your best bet is to maintain eye contact with the charging lion and never break it slowly backing away and responding to the mock charges by spreading your arms and shouting making yourself appear bigger and signaling that you are not afraid and ready for a fight more than likely the lion will break off the attack and try to find something easier to munch on continuing our tour of africa leads us to the second most powerful cat of the savannah the leopard as solitary hunters leopards are far more cautious than their lion cousins and thus much less likely to attack you in fact leopards are some of the least aggressive predators because they need to stay in peak physical condition in order to hunt and will not take any unnecessary risks that might injure them however if you accidentally stumble across one as it is feeding or is with its cubs you can expect the leopard to attack in the event of a leopard attack don't run or back away instead hold your ground and make as much noise as possible clapping your hands and shouting more often than not the leopard will decide you aren't worth the risk and will leave you alone next up is another african icon the elephant surprisingly fast runners elephants can reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour while typically pacifists elephants kill an average of 500 people a year and the two times an elephant is likely to attack is if it's with its young or when a bull undergoes must a reproductive phase during which the elephant is flooded with testosterone and is extremely aggressive much like a lion elephants will typically do one or two mock charges it's important then that you hold your ground and make lots of noise as running will trigger the instinct to chase don't try to climb up a tree as elephants are very powerful and will tear most trees down though sometimes hiding inside a hollow one or hiding behind it may be enough to discourage the elephant as an absolute last option play dead while protecting your head with a bag or other item and the elephant might lose interest hopefully without stomping on you first the next animal on our list is bar none the most dangerous in all of africa the hippopotamus surprised don't be hippos kill more park rangers hunters and tour guides in africa than lions or elephants combined extremely aggressive and territorial they may be herbivores but their six inch long tusks are able to crush bone and rip flesh apart with a top speed of 18 miles per hour your best bet if attacked by a hippopotamus is to run once committed to an attack standing your ground or trying to make yourself seem big and loud won't scare one off these are animals that other apex predators are so afraid of that hippo young are known to play amongst feeding crocodiles and even nip at them without retaliation the crocodiles are fully aware of what an angry mother would do to them dogs are man's best friend except when they are wild or feral feral packs of dogs can be extremely dangerous and can be found in a surprising variety of places from the streets of mumbai in india to dallas texas in may 2016 a pack of feral dogs attacked a woman in a dallas neighborhood biting her over 100 times as the most likely of all the animals on this list for you to encounter it's important to know how to spot an attack and protect yourself if faced with a pack look for the smaller or less aggressive members to start fanning out around you while the alphas face you head on this signals that the pack is getting ready to attack as they will try to hit you from multiple angles at once your best bet at this point is to climb something tall like an electrical box or the roof of a car if you can't get away though curl up into a ball and make your hands into fists to protect your fingers then cover your face and neck with your arms not very likely to kill the dogs will quickly lose interest and move away the great white shark easily the most feared animal in the world yet the least likely to ever attack you once known as man-eaters it is now known that sharks actually dislike humans as prey and often attack only due to cases of mistaken identity a thrashing swimmer or surfer on a board can often look like a seal from below the water despite their enormous power and size great whites actually kill the least amount of humans and almost always give up an attack after only a single bite when their taste buds kick in and tell the shark yuck this isn't a seal if you find yourself face to face with an attacking shark though your best bet is not to thrash around as you'll mimic injured and vulnerable prey instead make your way to shore calmly and slowly keeping eye contact with the shark at all times as ambush predators if the shark doesn't think it can get the jump on you it might abort the attack altogether if it does decide to attack though thrash and punch as hard as you can despite the popular advice of going for the nose remember that right underneath that nose is a mouth full of razor sharp teeth instead try going for the gills to avoid putting your hands straight into the shark's mouth as the world's most successful reptile crocodiles are found almost everywhere that humans are and attack an average of 2 500 people a year having been around almost as long as sharks crocodiles seem to have reached evolutionary perfection all the way back during the age of the dinosaurs when their distant cousins were the size of school buses and regularly made a snack of even the mightiest dinosaur the best way to survive a crocodile attack is to never be attacked at all but if you find yourself in its clutches you only have one hope go for the eyes with the strongest bite in the world at a mind-blowing 5 000 pounds per square inch you would need a hydraulic jack to pry open its jaws and with a scaly hide thick enough to deflect lower caliber bullets even a gun might not help you like a fully armored knight the eyes offer the only weak spot in its armor and a good jab will often make a crocodile immediately let go of its prey thanks to habitat loss outdoor enthusiasts are finding themselves increasingly more often face to face with aggressive bears as you're not on the menu though most of the time a bear will prefer to avoid you so your best bet to avoid an attack is to make lots of noise as you travel through the forest so as to let bears know of your presence if you do find yourself dealing with an aggressive bear don't run or climb as the old adage goes you'll only die tired bears can run up to 35 miles per hour and climb better than any human instead stay calm and slowly walk away but if an attack does come immediately roll up into a ball with your stomach towards the earth and your hands protecting your neck because bear attacks are not predatory behavior the bear will only continue the attack as long as it thinks you're a threat so despite your instincts don't try to fight back instead continue playing dead and stay that way even after the bear leaves grizzly bears are known to loiter around an area for up to 20 minutes to ensure that a threat is truly neutralized as modern human beings we take so many things for granted good food clean water shopping healthcare time in front of the tv trips to the movies sporting events a good night's sleep the list goes on and on but what if you woke up tomorrow and all of this was gone no more convenience no more fun and having to fend for yourself when life gets tough well that's exactly what we're going to be exploring today we'll be seeking advice from military experts survivalists and researching stories in the media welcome to this episode of the infographic show how could you survive if you were stranded on an island if you found yourself stranded on an island you'd quickly need to forget about life's luxuries and instead knuckle down and focus on the essentials for staying alive so let's start by looking at what those essentials are ross boyer was the survival consultant on the 2014 bear grylls show the island where women and men were stripped of their luxuries of 21st century living and left for up to six weeks as part of an experiment to see if they would recapture their primeval instincts what are some of the key survival tips they were told to adopt number one three is the magic number three seconds before taking any action three hours is the longest time you should take to establish your base and don't forget that you can last up to three days without water and three weeks without food number two aware of the beach the sand will be scorching and will be the driest part of the island so you will dehydrate very quickly there are also sand flies which have ferocious bites that can get infected and watch out for dangerous and unpredictable tides and wave patterns number three what about food well nearly all islands will have jungle areas and if you know what you are looking for the jungle can offer enough food to survive however there are also things to be wary of avoid plants with white or yellow berries don't eat mushrooms as many are highly toxic so it's not worth the risk if it tastes bitter or soapy then spit it out shiny leaves mean danger stay away from plants with leaves in groups of three and avoid beans or plants with seeds inside a pod number four fire fire fire fire is your friend and essential for warmth cooking boiling and sterilizing water and signaling for help with smoke so how do you light one with no matches focusing sunlight through a lens is ideal but if you don't have a lens you will need to place some dry leaves on a piece of bark and roll a stick between your hands so there is enough heat friction between the stick bark and leaves to spark a flame number five stay calm being stranded on a desert island can leave even the most experienced campers feeling confused scared and panicked but panicking causes us to lose control and stop thinking rationally once the realization of being lost has set in take a deep breath and reassure yourself that help will come then get back to focusing on other areas of your survival number six find a friend in the popular 2000 film castaway tom hanks's character befriended a volleyball using blood from an injured hand he drew a face on the ball which he named wilson for obvious reasons it was his only companion during the four years alone on the island and then there's robinson crusoe rousseau had a parrot called paul that he befriended and taught how to speak so find or invent a friend to keep yourself from going insane number seven have a positive attitude most modern castaways are rescued within 12 hours and most of us can last for a night but if that does not happen then keeping a positive attitude is essential for survival tell yourself every day that you can make it through keep pushing on so these are the essentials but what about putting it all into practice next we decided to look at a couple of real examples and see how our castaways fare former british army captain ed stafford spent 60 days naked and marooned on a deserted island in the south pacific with only his video camera no food no water no tools no knife and not even any clothes we mentioned how important fire is well it took poor old staffer two weeks to start one after he located the right wood for food he did manage to find and kill a feral goat which he skinned cut up and cured this provided him food for an entire week stafford got very sick at one point but as this was for tv his support crew flew some medicine in lucky for stafford but if it had been for real it could have been his end he said the biggest challenge he encountered was coping with isolation at times stafford felt he was going to lose his sanity but he survived to tell the tale next we came across the story of lucy irvine british adventurer and author who spent a year on an uninhabited island with one other person to write her book castaway tuwin island is a mile-long uninhabited strip of sand and palm trees in the torres strait 70 miles from papua new guinea lucy shared her time with turtles and giant gowanus she says that food was the main focus of the day they would hunt in the morning for sharks presumably small ones as she says they were easy to catch she had a few coins and bank notes when she arrived but money is no use on a deserted island they tied the coins to little flags and used them as weights to get the fishing lines out the notes became kindling for the fire lucy said that returning to civilization after her survival experience was a shock and when they published her book castaway she became something of a celebrity and went from naked woman grubbing about in the sand for bait to a creature groomed for television chat shows we found one other interesting story about an australian david glashin who went from high flying businessman to being alone on a deserted island where he has been for more than 20 years now 74 years old glashane moved to the idyllic restoration island of the northeast of australia in may 1997 after losing his fortune in a stock exchange crash but originally he didn't go alone a woman from zimbabwe went with him their plan was to build a 60 room luxury resort according to glasheen she couldn't handle it it was all too tough for her and she left shortly after arriving so glashim grew a beard and stopped wearing shirts and though his plans for the resort did not work out he decided to stay alone at the tropical castaway over the 20 years he's been on the island glacier has survived by growing his own vegetables as well as catching fresh crabs and fish he's renovated a world war ii outpost into a livable home complete with solar power but as time passed and the outside world evolved technology has reached glashin who now has internet access so we're not sure glashian is technically stranded but certainly an interesting story so much so that he's even had a visit from russell crowe who once moored his yacht and stayed for dinner so now you know how to survive if you are stranded on an island if it does happen you may well be picked up within 12 hours or perhaps you will want to stay for years like our nomadic australian castaway david glashim whatever happens remember to stay calm find food water and shelter and learn how to stoke a fire earlier this year an article appeared in the new yorker that illustrated just how many super rich folks are getting ready for the end of the world as we know it in the article steve huffman the ceo of reddit explained why he was building a secret house out on the woods where he can stay when the government has collapsed and the city's streets are full of chaos there are more of these wealthy survivalists than you might think they even have a facebook page where they share tips on what to do when the end comes and which gas masks you should buy we want to be ready said one rich venture capitalist when the great earthquake hits california or when civil war tears apart the united states today we are going to take a closer look at such a scenario in this episode of the infographic show could you survive living underground forever don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our notification squad first of all no one really lives underground and doesn't come up at all perhaps the closest thing we have right now is a costa rican man who presently lives in his underground mansion that he calls topolandia he's been called the hobbit and he lives down there with his wife and two kids his 2 000 square foot place is between 15 and 63 feet underground has all the mod cons of a normal house including plumbing so that's a start but how long could he stay down there and not come up when experts are asked this question one of the things they come up with before food and water let's say we have enough for a while is what would happen if the sun never touched our skin according to some people the lack of vitamin d that we get from the sun would soon make us pretty depressed and grumpy which might explain the predisposition of people from the united kingdom we would not have much energy either and maybe start to go a little crazy and experience something close to what's called yukon fever so first thing our underground house really should be made with access to sunlight call it a sunroom even with a bit of sun scientists say that if we were to spend a long time underground we'd end up having much longer sleep cycles we would also require electricity down there which would either mean there are people up above still helping us out or we had an amazing automation system run by advanced robots that we could control from our house in fact automated processes above ground would be pivotal in our survival as farms and factories are presently becoming automated what's to say that in 50 years from now above ground advanced ai couldn't take care of business and even fix itself when things go wrong but let's say we aren't there yet if we are living in a place with almost constant sunshine perhaps we could take our energy from the sun using solar panels we might also take it from the earth itself something we call geothermal energy in all likelihood if we've had time to prepare for our underground life it's probable that we could have electricity for a long time to come we'd need access to fresh water the average american consumes 58 gallons of water a year which is about 7242 ounces or about two and a half cups a day this doesn't include water that americans consume via soda and other drinks one of the ways we could get fresh water would be to dig until we find a source and it might help if we have brought with us from the top some kind of water purification kit we would also have lots and lots of stored emergency water and we would have a way of collecting rain water providing of course that above ground is not a toxic hell with all this we should be able to survive we'd have to be able to collect the water but also make sure our cave wouldn't flood from water seeping in from above or from another part of our dwelling now we need food we have a huge storage of canned food and other goods that won't perish for a long time but we are pretty much done if we don't have a farm if we have a big enough farm we could even have farm animals down there with us and let's hope a la noah's ark we have two of everything a book that was published this year states that on average we eat about 35 tons or 70 000 pounds of food in a lifetime our existence will depend on how we farm underground we'd grow potatoes and vegetables employing the hydroponic method or the aquaponics method and we'd even have a fish farm we will need a plumbing system because if you've watched our show on poo and pea we pretty much fill swimming pools during our lives and no it's not a good idea to keep drinking our own pee according to a doctor speaking to slate our urine will become highly concentrated with dangerous waste products and drinking it can cause symptoms similar to those brought on by total kidney failure as for our poo well we'd use it to fertilize the soil in which we grow vegetables sanitation would be one of our main concerns because if we get ill that could soon spell the end of days for us our cave could also get smelly so that would mean we'd need some kind of ventilation in chiang mai thailand forbes recently reported a high-end ultra-secure ultra-expensive villa project each villa comes with a nuclear shelter underground that is equipped with what is called a hepa air filtration system we are going to have one of those too our main problem would be keeping such a system running while we are underground our many plants would also act as air filters the fact is we could no doubt survive for a long long time underground but what most experts talking about the matter say is that psychologically we would suffer it might even start to feel like hell down there a kind of situation not unlike philosopher jean-paul sartre's play no exit and that's if you are in a group isolation experts say would also drive us crazy this was a matter of reality for a cult in russia that police discovered in 2012 they lived underground and some of the kids in that cult had never seen the sun a slew of articles followed this amazing story with scientists chiming in on what an underground life might be like a normal lifespan should be possible they said but chronic illness would occur because of the lack of sun and yes we'd all be really really moody and depressed according to one story we could make up for our lack of vitamin d by eating lots of eggs cereal fatty fish cheese and fortified milk we just need to keep reducing those things other scientists say we could get rickets diabetes heart disease or suffer from multiple sclerosis or asthma all because our ever-giving star is out of our lives in conclusion it all depends how deep down we have to be if very deep perhaps because the atmosphere above is highly toxic we will struggle if we are just hiding from godzilla and can even have a sunroom as we are not far from the surface we will fare better the earth goes through periodic cooling periods known as ice ages with the last ice age ending a few tens of thousands of years ago today we're resting comfortably in the middle of a mild climate period which means moderate winters in most places around the world and year-long sunshine in california but today we're also capable of changing the environment artificially and are already doing so via uncontrolled release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which are warming the planet but with thousands of nuclear weapons around the world primed to detonate that warming trend could very quickly reverse and send us straight into a man-made ice age hello and welcome to another episode of the infographic show today we're asking how can we survive a nuclear winter the legendary astrophysicist carl sagan co-authored a paper in the 1980s called climate and smoke an appraisal of nuclear winter in this earth-shattering essay sagan and his partner james b pollock studied the physical effects a nuclear war would have on our planet and discovered that not only would such a war devastate nations but it could potentially disrupt the global climate by vaporizing debris and filling the atmosphere with ash soot and aerosols a nuclear war would result in global dust clouds that would block the sun's rays for years preventing the sun's energy from reaching the surface of the planet this would trigger a cascade cooling effect which would plummet global temperatures by as much as 22 degrees celsius turning sunny california into something more akin to blustery seattle the world would enter an artificial ice age though recent studies have shown that sagging and pollock's original estimates may have been a bit overzealous our environment is incredibly fragile and even a 10 degree drop in temperature would have a dramatic repercussions not only would lower temperatures severely shorten growing seasons for crops but all of that block sunlight would send weather and ocean current patterns that help keep the world mild today into disarray the north atlantic drift is an ocean current that brings warm water heated by the sun in the equator to northern europe which in turn is why europe is so far north yet enjoys mild weather and warm summers with a decline in sunshine this current will completely shut down and without warm water being circulated around europe and into the mediterranean europe would begin to see weather close to what is common in canada today spain and france's famous summertime beach destinations would be a thing of the past and in fact pretty much the entire mediterranean would be far too chilly to go for a swim in but it wouldn't be just sunny beaches that are casualty of the nuclear winter the north atlantic drift also helps bring favorable weather for growing crops to europe and without it europe would experience a catastrophic crop collapse during what little growing season may be left due to all the dust in the atmosphere the east coast of the us is also dependent on ocean currents for its mild weather and a global cooling that reached the equator would shut down the gulf stream along the us's shores originating in the gulf of mexico the gulf stream circulates warm water up along the east coast of the u.s and into southern canada helping bring mild temperatures to the area during spring and summer chilly temperatures would be hard enough to deal with but all of that block sunlight would also shorten growing seasons for crops with much reduced sunlight humanity would be unable to grow enough crops to feed everyone alive today and mass starvation would ensue if current stockpiles of non-perishable goods could be evenly and fairly distributed a doubtful circumstance in a post-apocalyptic world it's possible that the majority of the population could survive a short-term nuclear winter the length and severity of a nuclear winter would ultimately depend on the amount of weapons exchanged between combatants but even a small regional exchange of just a few hundred low yield weapons is estimated to plunge the earth into a 10 year nuclear winter even with today's large stockpiles of non-perishable goods there's simply no way the majority of the population could survive a decade of famine those that do survive however would face crippling vitamin and mineral deficiencies leading to disease and illness which would further decimate humanity's plunging population in the midst of a nuclear winter you'd probably be delighted to see a few shafts of sunlight through clouds full of choking dust but beware that sunlight could be lethal that's because a nuclear war would destroy the ozone layer meaning there would be little protection from the sun's harmful uv rays unless you slather up in the most powerful sunscreen you can find basking in the sun for too long will result in severe sunburns and cancers your eyes would be especially sensitive to that intense uv radiation and it would be vital to wear goggles or sunglasses with uv filters in order to keep yourself from going blind because uv rays can damage your eyes without you feeling it your vision could become severely impaired without you realizing what is happening until it's too late a nuclear winter would be clearly a nightmare scenario but it might be survivable after all your ancestors already did that's right we're the descendant of a very small group of humans who have survived an ancient nuclear winter 75 000 years ago a super volcano in modern-day lake toba sumatra erupted with a fury equivalent to thousands of nuclear bombs and was 100 times greater than the 1815 eruption of mount tembora which resulted in 1816's year without a summer injecting 6 billion tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere the eruption dropped global temperatures by 3 to 5 degrees celsius for 3 years and further cooling lasting decades though scientists differ on the severity of the cooling the toba super eruption is widely credited with the creating a genetic bottleneck in human evolution during which the human population dropped suddenly to a surviving population of only about three thousand to ten thousand individuals so though a nuclear winter sounds bad know that you were already genetically predisposed to survive one but how exactly can you help your odds of survival first you'll want to tackle your greatest threat the cold insulating your home will be critical to keeping warm and if you don't know anything about insulation or construction now is a good time to learn at least how to use spray foam insulation materials fuel supplies will run critically low very quickly and even trees may become scarce if there's not enough sunlight for them to grow you're going to want to keep out as much cold as possible while keeping in as much heat as you can at all times secondly you'll want to secure a fresh water drinking supply a nuclear winter may paradoxically not necessarily result in snow as disrupted weather patterns and a lack of evaporation and thus precipitation may turn the world into a frozen desert even if there is snow where you are though it's likely to be highly contaminated with radioactive or other particles from the trillions of tons of debris ejected into the atmosphere by the nuclear bombs emergency water filters will be critical for your health as well as water purification tablets and possibly iodine pills for radiation poisoning it goes without saying that intense radiation will also be a hazard but you are in fact not very likely to be irradiated in a nuclear winter to stay out of ground zero blast zones that's because a nuclear weapon is designed to air burst or explode several hundred to a few thousand meters above its target this is because if the bomb were to explode on the ground the blast wave would be mitigated by terrain and buildings severely limiting the explosive potential of a nuclear bomb high up in the air though a blast wave can spread for several miles without being dampened by the hilly terrain or dense clusters of buildings and airburst detonation will also ensure that the majority of the radiation from an explosion will actually be projected upwards into space while a groundburst detonation will irradiate millions of tons of soil which will be carried by the wind so stay out of large craters and you shouldn't be turning into a fallout style ghoul anytime soon your third concern will be to secure a food supply this may be trickier than finding water or keeping warm as even perishable goods will quickly become scarce and with most nuclear weapons aimed at major manufacturing and distribution centers it's unlikely you'll find much that will be safe to scavenge without irradiating yourself hunting and fishing may seem a viable alternative but the world operates on a complex food web with organisms feeding on each other and at the very bottom of that food web sits the sun it doesn't matter if you're a polar bear or an antarctic leopard seal the food you eat inevitably eats food that in turn eats something that grows thanks to the sun polar bears for instance hunt seals who in turn hunt small fish who in turn feed on krill or plankton which depend on the sun global food chains will collapse inevitably but with a severely diminished population you just might be able to eke out enough hunting and fishing to survive if not well there's always billions of freshly barbecued human bodies lying around a nuclear winter would decimate civilization and possibly drive humanity to the brink of extinction but this isn't a threat we haven't faced before as the topa super volcano showed us we as a species have what it takes to survive and thrive in the face of any disaster and with these catastrophes acting as genetic bottlenecks our children will be even more capable of surviving whatever the future throws at them it's late and the house is quiet you're lying in bed getting to the end of the episode of the infographic show what happens when you die you think you hear a thud on the lowest floor you hit pause and listen nothing it was probably just a cat doing its late night prowl thing you hit play but at that moment three men burst through your bedroom door all of them wearing hoodies their face is hidden by gas masks no sooner than you drop your phone the men have your arms and are wrapping duct tape around your mouth they don't under a word they're not here to kill you they're kidnapping you as your man handled out of the bedroom you can just about hear the audio on the phone see you next time what you don't know is there are things you should be doing right now the fact is some kidnappees are better than others as in the case of machine gun kelly and the crime that finally brought him down this was the kidnapping of a wealthy businessman named charles f herschel herschel was what you might call a very smart kidnappy why was that you might ask well old man herschel might have been blindfolded but he was aware immediately that he had to start taking mental notes you take one now if you get kidnapped get over the fright and start thinking the man put herschel in a car and even though the tied up man couldn't see a thing he knew that he had passed two oil fields that were about 30 minutes apart how did he know that you guessed it he smelled them he thought he could also hear pumps all this time he's been kind of counting the time as best he could he knew that when they stopped for gas the time was likely around 3 30 am he later told the fbi that it took about an hour for them to arrive at a house there was a gate that he heard being opened and there was a second gate all noted by mr urschel in what turned out to be a formidable memory that house wasn't where they kept him though ursula was pushed into another car there and because he felt around the back seat and heard the noise it made he guessed it was likely a cadillac or a buick he then started counting again and guessed it took about three hours for the next stop which was a gas station old ursh pricked his ears again and overheard a conversation at the station which would be very important he later told the fbi this is what he heard the crops around here are burned up although we may make some broom corn they started driving again and he noticed there was a big rainstorm like really big and the men even stopped the car after that they drove on and on and when they finally stopped one of the men made a silly mistake and told urschel the time he was then led inside a house and a room that had two beds his bed was an iron cot he also heard the voice of a woman in the house even though his abductors had filled his ears with cotton some days later he was taken to another house 15 minutes away there he heard barnyard animals and he also heard a man and a woman in another room but he hadn't heard those voices before he kept memorizing this and if you've seen our show on how to be a memory master you'll know that older shall could have easily remembered everything he had experienced so far to cut a long story short over the course of a few days he heard various animals he heard a well being pumped and he knew that the well was northwest of the house he heard a rope and a pulley working he also realized that each morning around 9 45 a plane would pass overhead okay so you amateur abductees if in his shoes might have been feeling sorry for yourself and dreaming of bacon and eggs but herschel was decoding his surroundings all the time an important thing he noticed was that one morning it rained really hard and the plane didn't fly overhead that day what happened next is the kidnappers got their cash and they took ursula to a town and released him he then went to the police so when he talked to the fbi what did he tell them of value well he thought that he knew what car he'd been in he knew the driving times to each destination he knew what the house might look like and what might surround it he also knew about weather conditions and importantly the time he could hear the plane on its own website the fbi writes that meteorologists of the united states weather bureau of dallas texas was contacted people there said from what ursula had said about the rain he might have been at the place called paradise in texas it made sense given what he said about travel times this was a place that had recently seen some corn burning the fbi also wrote that if he was really held at paradise then that would make sense too because he would have heard a plan each day around 9 30 a.m they looked at the records to see if anyone of importance lived in paradise and lo and behold they got a name we won't go through the whole case again but we will tell you thanks to ursula's private snooping the kidnappers were eventually all arrested so tip one when you get kidnapped note everything in your mind and keep telling yourself the story your kidnapping should read like a really descriptive novel or short story in your head and you must tell that story over and over again so you don't forget it like any good author ursula envisioned the room he was in the animals and the well outside the plane and the rain but urschel to some extent was in good hands those guys weren't out to hurt him but get the money and leave him alone they were actually all right with herschel in terms of how they treated him with your kidnapping that might not be the case maybe you're just an average person and you or your parents don't have much cash that won't deter a sadistic killer he doesn't want to pay off he wants to look in your eyes as he snips off some of your most treasured body parts maybe he just wants to show you some wicked love before he finally decides to strangle you with his mother's stockings you might also be the victim of a gang that just needs an innocent person for some leverage with the police this has happened many times so don't think just because you're an everyday guy you won't ever get kidnapped gangsters and serial killers might sometimes have a victim of choice but some of them embrace equal opportunities when it comes to choosing someone to abduct first things first your kidnapper likely doesn't want to kill you right away but if you kick and scream and fight and make things difficult for your captor well he or they might just finish you off there and then if you really can't get away then accept that and later look for more opportunities if you can win the fight fight by the way if you get stuffed into the car trunk you should look for a glow-in-the-dark cord pull that when the car is stopped and it'll open the trunk get out and scream like you've never screamed before run victim run if there's no cord you can also try and take the lights out and stick your hands out even the more apathetic driver on the road will likely call the cops and report a human waving from a tail light of course there's a big difference from someone who wants to put your removed wiener in a roll and eat it to someone who is merely holding you to thwart the police but in both cases it might help to create a rapport with your captor peter vronsky possibly the most important writer today on serial killers said in his books that there have been cases of killers letting people go so don't blow your lid and don't start giving your captor a hard time about his body odor if he is what you'd call a psychosexual killer you'd want to keep him calm and make him like you if your captor is just a mean gang member then remain calm and keep that mind of yours working if they ask you to do stuff just do it don't complain any chance you get to make yourself human like a real person exploit it the notorious serial killers ted bondi and ed kemper both let people go it's very likely that they didn't want to deal with a real person if you get a chance humanize yourself and that goes for any kind of kidnapping experience bundy once let a girl go and she said he told her it's your lucky day little girl get the hell out of my car she thought she had seemed too real for him kemper once let a person go after he spilled pills in the car and the person commented that her father was on the same meds that was too real for kemper and even he asked about her father's condition she got to go and didn't end up as decapitated playhead under the big man's bed you can talk about stuff incidental stuff but not your kidnapping or your abductor's intentions what you learned in psychology class about freaks or why he's making a big mistake if you see a story you like talk about it if a song comes on the radio chat about that just keep things real of course we're not saying don't try to escape if you see a way out especially if you're at the mercy of a demented killer but you should meticulously plan your escape if you get caught trying that might be the end of you if you can get your hands free great but first survey where you are are the doors locked when does he sleep what do you think is outside is there anything nearby you can use as a weapon how fast can he or they run if you're sure you can get away then do so but take precautions but let's say you're not going anywhere for a while you're waiting and you know to be calm and create a rapport with your captor to be brutally honest if your captor is the kind that is as warped as ted bundy the fact that you're still alive is a miracle still you have to keep calm your composure might keep you alive longer and hey living with trauma is better than decomposing with the worms don't even cry in front of this person speak to them kindly if you can and don't get worked up don't lie to him don't think you can manipulate him so don't pretend you're best buddies or you're actually enjoying the experience he will see through that and it might just expedite your death you are not friends but you're also not a threat or an annoyance if you're being held by a gang don't start asking questions about these people even if you're being held by a killer don't ask questions since knowing stuff about people gives you a lot less chance of them releasing you the less you know the better you can pick up stuff just by observing now for some real practical stuff just to stay comfortable you might try and stretch as much as you can to keep your mind in a good place try and meditate and focus on breathing do this when there's nothing you can observe when you're being held for money or for leverage the longer you're there the better chance you have of getting away in the end these people likely don't want to kill you since they want something in exchange for your breathing body murder is the last resort and it can mean a death sentence for them if they're caught bear that in mind unfortunately the psychosexual serial killer kidnapped you to live out a fantasy and his intention was always to get rid of you once he had fulfilled his evil desires if making yourself real didn't work you might just have to rely on the mercy of god or the cops or the small chance of him just retiring on the spot what's your secret escape plan you've been imagining for years tell us in the comments and let's see who can come up with the best way to get out of it now go watch machine gun kelly the life and crime of public enemy number one thanks for watching and as always don't forget to like share and subscribe see you next time
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,392,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to survive, how to survive being shot, how to survive being stabbed, shot, stabbed, lion, prison, prisoner, how to survive prison, the purge, how to survive the purge, minefield, land an airplane, how to land an airplane, extreme cold, cold, live to 100, how to live to 100, nuclear winter, stranded on an island, how to survive stranded on an island, the infographics show
Id: _Hb_f7PF4eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 9sec (6849 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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