How to *actually * achieve your goals (+ FREE Notion Template!) | Define Your Goals Challenge

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have you ever wondered why some people seem to absolutely Crush their goals and for others it's just a bit of a struggle if so you are not aone friend I felt the same way for the longest time to the point where I wouldn't even set goals because I just didn't see the point but the secret to achieving your goals is not rocket science and it's something we can all do really easily so stay tuned because I am going to reveal a secret in just a [Music] minute [Music] hello and welcome to week two of the Define your goals challenge if this is your first week joining us then I'm going to need you to do two things number one drop down into the description box below and sign up to grab your free goal planning template in notion you'll also get the lowdown on the Define your goals challenge as well as all of the information from week one then number two I highly recommend going back and watching last week's video so you can get all of the juicy goal setting principles that we went over before we dive into this week's topic and so with that let's get started now if you've been waiting for the secret to achieving your goals here it is allow yourself to succeed that's it allow yourself to succeed now before you click away and say that is way too simple don't worry we're going to get into what to do about it in just a second but first let me ask you this question have you ever not done something because you're afraid of what would happen if you succeeded afraid to push publish on that new YouTube video or afraid to submit your resume for an amazing job opportunity that you don't feel qualified enough for I know for the longest time that I kept things status quo because I was afraid of what would happen if I actually did the thing that I really wanted to do so in order to best set ourselves up for Success we need to create a plan of action and that is what we're going to do today the reason this is so powerful is because when we actually create a plan of action we're removing all of the excuses to say this is too hard or I don't know how because you already mapped out exactly how to do it so let's hop into our notion template and actually plan out these goals so we are going to head back into our brainstorming section where we wrote down all of our goals from last week and start there if you have not done that yet please go watch last week's video and get all of those goals written down first today we are going to actually open up each of our goals and do the planning portion last week my challenge to you was to sit with your goals for the we kind of reflect on them pray about them whatever that looks like for you so that you know that your goals that you wrote down are actually relevant in your life right now I ended up changing one of my goals I made my goal to work out a tad bit more specific so I changed it to incorporating daily movement six times a week the reason I did this is because I didn't want to do anything too crazy rigid on myself I feel like when I put the expectation of myself to sit down and do a workout video or whatever it might be it sometimes times hinders me from actually doing the goal by saying that I'm going to do daily movement six times a week that allows me to incorporate other types of movement that might not be a like full-on workout like taking my dogs on walks because that is still movement and it totally counts I did also add two goals One Is to learn how to Mac I have been talking with my mom about this one she used to Mac and I really want to learn how to make some plant holders or maybe some wall hangings for the house who knows we'll see and the second one is to read six books this year I want to become more of a reader and I know I am a slow and inconsistent reader right now so six felt very doable to me especially since this is just a fun goal I do also have another goal that's not showing on here because it is a carryover from last year and I feel pretty good about how I planned that out when I first moved it around so I'm just going to leave that for now today I'm going to walk you through one or two of my goals and how I plan them out so you can see that process in notion I'm going to start with the reading goal and the first thing that we're going to do is fill out the quarters in which I want to complete the goal then below we see that there is a place to write down the challenge and the solution now these might not always be filled in but just in case there is a roadblock that feels like you can't get past write it down and take a minute to come up with the solution so that you know there's a way around it for me I know it is a challenge to find time that I can be consistent about reading I like to read before bed and that's great for fiction books but for things that I want to take notes on that is not a great time so my solution is going to be to audit my routine and see if there's a better time for me to fit in a reading habit next we're going to come up with a plan of action to see this goal through first as I said above I need to evaluate my routine and find a good time for reading I also know that I want to get a library card set up because I don't want to always have to buy the book I want to read then I also want to go ahead and pick out which six books I want to read to eliminate that friction point in choosing what book I'm going to read next there there are a few action items here to include in the tasks table so I'm just going to add those to the table below I'm making sure to include a d date here so that I give myself a timeline for these actions I also am just going to go ahead and Link My reading Habit to this goal because that is related to this goal and something I want to work on to add a new habit you can either click right here to add the habit or you can head to the habits page from your goal dashboard and add one that way we are going to be talking more about the habits portion of the goal planner next week so be sure to tune in now I know my reading goal is going to be a numbers based goal since I want to read six books so I'm going to go ahead and add six to the total number and put zero as the number done at the moment on my planner you might notice there are quite a few other properties I do have my finance page connected to this so I can include financial goals if I want to and if you want the exact template that I personally use you can grab that in the description box below but I do want to note that in the free template you get with this goal challenge there are a few two different ways to quantify your goal one is to use numbers like I did for my books the second is coming down here and adding action items into the table to count your tasks associated with the goal this option is super nice because notion automatically updates your progress for you as you mark your tasks off and you don't have to calculate it then lastly if your goal is only quantifiable by a habit the progress bar will automatically update if you link a habit to the goal and I will show you an example of that in my next one just know that the progress bar is going to first look at your numbers if there are no numbers it's going to then look at your tasks and if there are no tasks it's going to look for habits this offers you some flexibility on how you want to choose to quantify your goal but no matter what you choose you're still going to be able to see that progress happening in real time so for this goal it's going to look at my numbers since I added in the six books that I want to read and as you can see if I update this from 0 to one my progress increases okay so my reading goal is all all planned out now and I want to show you how it looks to plan my daily movement goal this one is going to be a bit different because I am basing this off a habit I'm going to come up here and choose quarter 1 because I want to get right on this goal right away in the new year and then I'm going to head down to the challenge and solutions portion One Challenge I have just like my reading challenge is that I don't really know when it is that I want to work out lots of people say to get up early and do it in the morning but I'm not really sure I like that I kind of like the afternoon better but I also don't know if that really Works into my schedule so there's some things to figure out there my solution to that is going to again be to evaluate my routine and see if I can find a good time for me to work out you might have noticed I did not add that as an action item to my reading goal and I'm also not going to add it here because we're going to talk about habits and routines in the next week's video so I already know I'm going to be evaluating my routines then then for measuring my goal all I'm actually going to do here is track my workout habit for quarter 1 and see where it goes so I'm going to link that habit right here I have my own little system in place to review my habits which I'm going to talk about more next week but as I evaluate my habits and decide how I'm doing on them I can update the status of that habit which is what's going to increase the progress bar in my goal I like to consider something a habit after solidly doing it for like two months this number is a little bit different for everybody so you can tailor that time frame to you but to me 2 months feels really reasonable and also solidified all right so those are two examples of how I would set up my goals in the goal planner my challenge for you this week is to go ahead set up all of your goals and make sure that you have a way to measure all of them as we talked about last week projects and tasks are great ways to break down your goals to make them feel more manageable I broke down my goals into tasks and habits in the examples that I gave and I usually Reserve projects for really big goals which happen a lot more in my biz than in my personal life but hopefully this still gave you a great example of how you can break down your goals to make them feel more achievable lastly I want to encourage you guys to be sure to give yourself some Grace now that doesn't mean to not do the tasks that you said you going to do but if you're really struggling to get your tasks done or your projects done it is okay to move your timeline a little bit this doesn't need to be some rigid regime to make sure you're getting your tasks done on the exact day that you said you were going to do them and to cover up any mishaps that may occur with our goals we are going to talk about how to rework goals that don't seem to be fitting in with our current season of life during the last week of the challenge so be sure to stick around for that and with that you guys you have completed week two of the Define your goals challenge give yourself a pat on the back you're halfway there and the new year is almost here we are going to absolutely crush it if you liked this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe so that you do not miss the last two weeks of this challenge they are going to be good have a very happy new year and I will see you guys next week bye guys [Music]
Channel: Kat Waugh
Views: 2,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: achieve your goals, 2024 Goal Setting, New Year Goal Setting, Free Notion Template, 2024 Notion Goal Planning Template, Notion Goals template, Notion Goals template free, Notion Goals template 2024, goal setting in notion, goal setting notion template, goal setting 2024, goal setting notion template free, goal setting for 2024, new year goal planning, new year goal setting, goal planning system, goal planning 2024, goal planning, notion goal planning, notion goals
Id: 3AZk0c0lp88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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