How to 10x Your Business Overnight

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if there were a way to get your business or new product to 2x 10x or 100x overnight would you do it if there are a way to all but guarantee that no matter what business you're in it could become more successful than it currently is would you do it and if you could compress a decade of building a business into weeks would you do it if so this Workshop is for you and using the super influencer process I'll outline in a second will make someone here today enough money to retire that is a promise I would know because I've also used what I'm about to share with you to do exactly that I'm Alex fosi my first big business I scaled at $2.5 million a month which was B2B gym launch was gym licensing my second business was an e-commerce business that sold through an affiliate and influencer program which got to $1.7 million a month which is B2B to see my third company was a software for lead gen agencies which we grew entirely off of Affiliates and influencers which we got to $1.6 million per month and so I've paid real money to get influencers to promote my businesses just to give you some context I spent over 20 million on influencers to promote Prestige Labs that's the actual checks that's what we that's what I paid out now we made that's what I paid out and in Allen I spent over $22.8 million on influencers to promote the software those are my actual payouts from our dashboard and I've had over 23,000 Affiliates who promoted my last book $100 million leads that's a screenshot from our uh CRM which helped me sell over a million copies of my last two books $100 million offers and $100 million leads and you can see the slack message from my book manager there and so this process that I'm about to share with you creates real lifechanging value and it allowed me to sell my first two businesses to American Pacific group for 46 .2 million and sell Allen with a trailing 12 month of $12 million in revenue and then use all that money to start acquisition. comom to invest in and scale companies and currently our portfolio together ises about $17 million a month and so I've made Millions using influencers to promote my businesses and I can help you do the same and so I start with this proof because there's a lot of sucky fluff that's being taught out there like this fluff sucks from people who've never done what they claim and simply copy and paste stuff that they don't understand people being like I teach things that I've never done and I refuse to do that and so after spending losing and then finally making millions on influencers I've learned a lot of what not to do but I also figured out a few things that work and so today I'm going to share with you a three-step super influencer process anyone can use to get a flood of buyers into your business for free even and especially if you have no following or money yourself and so here is the three-step process number one know which influencer to pick number two know how to get them to talk to you and then number three I'm going to show you how to get them to promote your stuff because if you know who to pick and you get them to talk to you you get them promote your stuff you will make more money than if you do not and arguably if you pick the right influencer you might make life-changing amounts of money and so think about it this way if tomorrow the rock or Taylor Swift agreed to promote your business do you think your business would grow no matter what you sell be it umbrellas Contracting tequila or VA agencies or whatever it is if the rock got up there and said this is the dude do you think you would make more money obviously of course it would and better yet do you think there's any single move and this is the key point we talk about opportunity cost of the time and effort we put into every move we make in business do you think there's any single move that you could make that would make you more money in less time than partnering with someone like that no probably not so then why on Earth are we not putting all of our time into the one thing that could make you the absolute most amount of money in the shortest period of time I don't know why not and so before I dive in let me explain why taking action what I'm about to share with you with you may be the most important decision in your life all right so obviously option one you could be lame option two do it and change your life so I'm going to opt for option two and hopefully you do too and so there's a reason that this is so important especially right now there's a big shift that's happening in the economy and specifically the economy of attention traditional advertising is dying social media and influencer brands are on the rise you've all heard this but let me show you some stats to support it all right it's the reason that Logan Paul and prime a 2-year-old Company 2 years old is now beating they have more sales than power raid a 36y old company two years 36 and they're crushing them it's the same reason Mr Beast febles a less than 2-year-old company are in the multiple hundreds of millions of dollars a year in sales and they're gaining rapidly on Hershey's which was something that before this time and age was thought to be impossible and it's why so many mega brands are getting launched with influencers like Kylie has her Cosmetics proper 12 with Conor McGregor Kim has skims and you've got Ryan Reynolds with Aviation Jin and he's got a bunch of other brands as well so many of these Mega brands are getting launched with mega influencers or super influencers because they can almost guarantee profitability on day one so think about it like this if you can reach 1 million people for free as long as your product sells for more than it costs you make money period and so the question just becomes which thing will make the most money rather than whether that thing will make money at all so Mr Beast here has to make the decision of am I going to promote Margaritas or am I going to promote chocolate but if he did promote Margaritas guess what he would still make money not as much as he could if he did chocolate but he would still make money and what crazy world can you live in that you can guarantee millions and millions in sales on something that actually has poor product Market fit this is one of those big insurance policies you can take out on the future of your business if you make the right pick and this has never existed before this moment until now and so here's some graphs because everybody likes graphs it's the same reason they're more viewers on internet than they are on television more listeners and they're all radio listeners and even crazier this costs less and converts higher which means that there's more total people watching listening and consuming and more of them buying for less money overall the game has changed yet so few businesses are taking advantage of it and so you can see why this is such a huge opportunity said differently if the only thing between you and the fastest business growth you could possibly imagine was three steps wouldn't be worth doing great I think so too so let's dive in the three-step super influencer process how to pick them how to get them to talk to you how to get promote your stuff so let's start with number one how to pick the right influencer so there was a movie that came out a year ago or a year or two ago called air and the premise was simple Nike a shoe brand was struggling to enter the basketball Market at the time this is not drawn to scale the representation is that they weren't making that much money everybody else was making more fantastic and every year they would spend money on player sponsorships and they would get quote second tier rookies to wear their stuff there's the guy he's second tier he's wearing Nike and they kept losing the best players every year to Adidas and Converse yes Converse was actually a big player back then and so the exhausted partnership manager AKA talent scout insisted to Phil Knight that they go all in on this new Young rookie named Michael Jordan he was one of the top picks and they bet their entire basketball budget so they took what they were going to pay five to 10 players and just gave it to one and they did it in order to sign him and he got the biggest deal that anyone had ever signed because Nike needed him more than he needed them and they hoped they hoped that they would do $2 million in basketball shoe sales but instead they did 122 million in the first year and they created an iconic brand that has yet to be surpassed decades later and you can see how Nike now eats the entire pie all because they went all in on the right influencer they picked the right guy and so the question for you is who's your Michael Jordan and so there's two ways you can approach this one you have a branded product and you go find a super influencer to partner with so you have the thing and then you go to find the person or two you find the person and then you brand something around them either works so the Nike Air story was an example of number one Nike was selling basketball shoes people who wear basketball shoes tend to watch and idolize basketball players so finding the best available basketball player made the most sense for them in this case Michael Jordan so they kept their brand and then Jordan promoted a personal line that's how they married the two cuz he needed them less than they needed him but Nike overall was still a bigger brand than Michael Jordan was especially as a rookie an example of number two is some company that you probably haven't heard of which is Congo Congo is a drink manufacturer they have three massive Brands underneath of their umbrella and one of them is prime the other two also do half a billion dollar a year in sales and you've heard of those too but for the purpose of the presentation I'm just going to focus on Congo so Congo you've never heard of Logan Paul you probably have and so they decided to say we're going to go find the influencer and create the product that's branded for them and we're going to do the delivery and so the difference these two examples is Nike you get the pro the influencer to promote your brand or you deliver on theirs that's the difference between the two models both work and so which brand you use depends on who has the bigger audience cuz you're like wait how do I get which one well it just depends who's bigger so Nike had a bigger audience than Jordan so he promoted them now he was still up he was bigger in basketball than Nike and so they created a specific line around Jordan so that's kind of the Nuance of this and that's why understanding how this works is so important for you actually executing on it Logan Paul has a bigger audience than Congo more people have heard of him than Congo and so they delivered for him and so you can get an army of tiny influencers or find one super influence and the pro tip here is that the first if you want to find lots of little guys who are 100K each right it will take you longer but you'll be able to retain more ownership because you'll pretty much always be bigger than them and that's what I did in these companies so with Prestige labs and Allen both of those I had lots of lots of little Affiliates lots of little influencers the second is faster and easier to manage but you give up more now I will say personally that I lean far more towards this now as I understand branding and I understand speed to Market and I understand the value of aggressive growth and the insurance policy that a super influencer provides to a business which is exactly what we did with school I both co-own and act as my own influencer for the school games and school the platform itself and so you might be like okay well that's great for Nike and Prime and febles and school but what about me what about everyday business owners how do we actually get in contact with influencers and super influencers well first you have to know who buys the sort of stuff you sell the fancy term for this is ideal customer or Avatar or ICP then you got to figure out the influencers they follow then you got to pick out the super influencers from there that best fit your product and so I think about contacting people in layers so this is tactical all right so everyone take notes like this is the part where you take notes on it all right so first I start with influencers I know personally now you might be like well I don't know influencer believe it or not you probably do know someone personally they might not be Logan Paul but they probably have a bigger following than you I can almost guarantee that you know someone who has a bigger following than you that's why you know them and if you contact all of them or don't know any because I'm going to give all the people with excuses in the room they're like I don't want to talk to people I know okay fine so if you did contact all of them or you don't know any then you move on to the next Circle which is I ask my network who they know I say okay I don't know any big influencers do y'all know any big influencers and when I make this point I want to emphasize this actually ask you can even cut the person that you ask in on your side of the deal if they make an intro and it actually works out and you can pay real money for this because it's exceptionally valuable for you and your business for all the points I already made and so you just say something like do you know XXX person or do you know anyone who has that size audience or who caters to this type of people and if you want to add the optional I'm paying XXX for an intro now if they don't know anyone so this is for the people who have excuses in the room if they don't know anyone so you don't know anybody and your friends don't know anybody because you live in a rock fantastic then you move on to the next circle out which is influencers you follow or have heard of and what I do is I reach out everywhere multiple times and find Mutual connections and I harass the living hell out of them and offer bounties and crazy gifts and when I say harassing living hell I mean of my friends not the person all right to be very clear great way to not get a partnership done but reaching out on multiple channels super smart so if you follow them on Instagram also look at them on LinkedIn look at them on Tik Tok look at them via email look at Via Direct Mail people forget about this you can actually deliver stuff to people's address by the way you can't unsubscribe from Direct Mail fun fact all right so there are things that you can do to get people's attention and here's what's interesting somebody who has a very large following on Instagram might have a very small following on L LinkedIn and they might check both of their inboxes but where do you think you're more likely to stand out when they get one of 10 inbox messages on LinkedIn versus the one of 1,000 they get on Instagram right go everywhere because you might stick out and you can follow up to be clear I'm not saying don't follow up do that but I definitely want to take the people I know and ask them for it and now if none of them respond to you then you can go through formal channels and this is a little bit of a pro tip so one obviously some of these guys will have agents if you if you're looking for super influencers and I will say this having now dealt with super influencers it's not as much as you think most of the time most of the time it's not nearly as much as you think if you're a bigger business owner for those of you who get that otherwise you'd be like I have to spend $10 million to get this person honestly Superstars you can get for a couple hundred grand a year you'd be amazed now here's the little Pro tip for you most influencers of some sort have a website and most of them sell at least one thing and a little Pro tip for you is just actually go to their website as another place and opt in actually contact support actually Reach Out find the email address on the site and reach out you'll be amazed at again instead of going to the Thousand DM inbox on Instagram that there might only be six people who are actually emailing so just don't make the assumption that because lots of people see it lot lots of people take action so I'm going to tell you a quick analogy in this because I think this will drive it home we recently put out uh we did a we did a contest for editors because we have a big media team at MOS media and we had 1,200 people off of one post said that they were interested in the role now many people were probably like oh man I don't want to apply for something like that because I probably don't have a shot well wait for the second stat we then gave all of those 1,00 people who who wanted to be editors one raw file and we said just edit it and you've got 48 hours to send it in guess how many of the 1,200 the 1,200 people actually submitted an edit 60 60 5% one in 20 so the odds are still in your favor if you actually take action you would be and that's a pretty big number and it's the same thing going for jobs going for girls going for whatever you want you'd be amazed how low the bar is if you actually try and so that's how you pick them tactically all right so let's just recap this for number one find find this biggest person that you connect with using the circles if your audience is bigger than theirs then you ask them to promote your thing if Their audience is bigger than yours you offer to deliver for them finding your quote Michael Jordan can give you the benefit of years of building a massive audience without the time cost and you immediately reap the benefits of their work in exchange for a portion of the upside and so that's how you pick the right influencer number one so let's move on to step two you're like okay I've got my eyes on this guy I've got my eyes on my Michael Jordan now you got to get them to talk to you so no matter how good your thing is or the offer that you want to make them if they don't respond to you or you can't get a hold to them you're not going to get very far so here's how I get them interested verify yourself the magic message and the rule 100 three steps so let's walk through the first one so verifying yourself has two individual steps first you literally verify yourself on the platform if you can pay the $10 per month or whatever it is to get the blue check mark all right you do this because you will get five to 10 times the response rates and so if I think about my time as valuable if I can get if I can compress my time to 10x time for $10 a month I cannot imagine a better use of resources that means for 10 bucks you can get 5 to 10x the time back absolutely worth it step two of verif yourself is don't be like Rakesh 000018 don't be like him be like Jim Jim has a verification badge he has a description of what he does by the way if you want to partner with influencers to do stuff say so in the description say what you want them to see if you're like hey I'm reaching out to influencers and it just says like big music head and you're reaching out about e-commerce stuff probably not a good idea they're going to immediately read your social resume and be like this guy has nothing to do with what he's offering me if you want to be a professional act like a professional do it for money do it like it's your job because it is he's a profile picture now one thing that I would fix about Jims is I would make it more more of his face closer up and lighter lighter and brighter if you will I put mine there because of course you know magic social media man that I am um mind you I had to learn this the hard way my first version of this was like I was zoomed all the way out and you couldn't have seen it was super pixelated all right and so I've learned this stuff over time so you want to make sure you have a picture that makes you look like human being fantastic and then actually use the platform post a few things that show who you are on whatever platform you choose to so you can see he's got post obviously this guy's into music and his stuff's about music that makes sense by the way I don't know either of these people I just grabb them from my DMs I just saw who stood out and who were people had guarantee would never respond to all right so in short don't be a weirdo don't look like Rakesh be like Jim and to be fair Rakesh if you do watch this I don't think you're necessarily a weirdo you're displaying like one all right so number one verify yourself check so now if we have verified ourselves we got to figure out what we're actually going to say to them so let me give you the magic message so this is a sample message script you would send this to an influencer hey longtime fan firsttime messenger I own a company that partners with influencers to start communities this was one I made for school that they own based on your following it looks like you generate anywhere from X to Y per month in recurring income here are screenshots of people who started this month alone mind you the screenshots don't necessarily need to be from you they're just screenshots of other people who've had the same experience you get the majority of the profits we do a majority of the work would you be up for a 15-minute call for me to walk you through what something like this would look like that's it very straightforward now to be clear the more personalize the message the better you only need one person to say yes put the time in to actually look like you took a moment to think about this person don't just blast a hundred of these messages copy and paste I say long time longtime follower first-time messenger guess who some of the best people to start with are people you actually follow bonus points if they've already interacted with you before in the past and guess what if they don't respond congratulations you just got practice for free bonus points if it is your dream influencer offer to fly out to show them you're serious if you incur costs they will take you more seriously if you want to play with the pros you got to act like a now if you're listening to this you're watching this and you're like well I don't have the money to fly out that's fine but if you want to play in the big leagues you got to do what you got to do and they're not going to take you seriously because they want somebody who has some level of resources and success now you can fake it before you make it which I'm not really a fan of or you just say I'm going all in on this and you make the BET and you're going to strike out sometimes and that's okay because life is long and you only need one and so what you'd say something like this you'd say hey I'm out that way all the time so it's no big deal I'm happy to stop by so we can meet one another and see if there's an opportunity that makes sense the key part is like I'm out that way all the time because they also don't want to in inconvenience you but if you're like oh it's no problem I'm out there that way anyway because it also shows that you're busy you're doing other stuff you're they're not the only uh only only frog in the kettle I don't know if that's a saying I'm going with it okay fantastic and next little bonus tip is that if they have a public office spend time and money on an scen gift and a handwritten card and offer to pay a lot of money for them not you ahead of time for just 15 minutes and I'll be very clear about that last point the amount of people who are like hey I'll pay $100 for your time that might be a lot of money for you that might not be a lot of money for them and so you got to understand who you're playing with right if you if you're going up to kmen Electra shoot what's gen Z's equivalent of that uh Haley Bieber now she's married who's a hot girl Sydney Sweeney Sydney Sweeney great you're going to Sydney Sweeney and you're like hey babe we got out to dinner dinner's on me not a very compelling offer for SNY cuz they've got guys who will literally pay for all the food for the rest of her life and her travel and not just to get a picture of her underwear anyways the point is the point is calm down the point is is that you have to make it relevant to the influencer or the super influence that you're that you're going for it has to be something that they would actually value and the personalization I will say on a personal level that first one about making a big obscene gift it's more about the thought and the effort that someone can see that you incurred to put the gift together so I got an amazing gift the other day it's a it's a full SI don't copy this it's already been done all right so I got a full-size uh modern art piece that had uh the background of a of an Ace of Spades because we're we're in Vegas our headquarters in Vegas and it had this cool graffiti is paint all over it of the quotes that I had influenced the artist on and so it was all the quotes that he had had for me that had made an impact on his life and I got that and I was like this is so cool and it was clear and obvious that he spent a lot of time putting this together and it was relevant to me and so as a side note this is yet another Pro tip for you if you're going to give a gift to somebody and you're a business owner don't put your logo on it put theirs on it why would I wear someone else like it doesn't make any sense I want you to make something that I would want to wear all the time and then I will think of you every time I wear it then I create the positive Association okay bonus points over fantastic so you verify yourself you look like a legitimate person you send the magic message you offer to incur cost you try and send obscene gifts if you can if not you just offer to fly out if you can and at the very least you do a lot of work ahead of time which I'll get to in a second and you send the magic message great now since it's time to send it how many do we send you send a 100 messages per day split between as many platforms as needed 100 there's a rule of 100 it's consistent across Industries people talk about it I don't know why but I can't say that it works and so this will normally take about 4 hours per day so set a kitchen timer and send the messages you'd be amazed at how like if you just do this it will take you that long and just rip the Bandit off do it one day just do it one day and then you'll realize that you didn't die when someone doesn't respond and then you can do it a second day and then a third and then all of a sudden you'll start getting responses back I just had a DM recently from a lady who's like I read your book I did my first day of the rule of 100 and she was like I already got 10 responses she's like this is unbelievable and she spent years delaying her first message and I'm both happy for her and sad for her because imagine the potential you waste every day you don't do what you need to do in order to get where you want and then you keep repeating this until you get the replies bonus points and this is what I was referencing earlier if you've if you already follow this influencer and you've interact with them in some way you've commented on a story they they likeed something back then you already have an in you already have a history with that person even even tangential even tiny it still makes you look more real than Rakesh now I'll give you also a pro tip as being a quote super influencer if you want to call me that share your target influencer stories so this is what my DMs look like so this is what my my in the the outbox looks like or whatever so lots of stuff weirdo obviously porn blah blah blah now when I see mentioned you mentioned you in their story I I create content and so if someone created content for me because they mentioned me then it gives me the opportunity to put that on my story and if it's valuable then it provides value to my audience for no cost to me that's what a mentioned in a story is on top of the fact that they're spreading my message so it's actually like one of the easiest ways to quote give to a super influencer is just share what they have and also if I go into a DM inbox and I see that they've because you can see how many times someone has mentioned you or shared a story of yours and you see 15 shares I think oh shoot you know what I've incurred a bit of a debt with this person it's so nice of them to share this stuff they're making content for me they're they're spreading people to me I like them more at the onset day one day Zero so if you want to get their attention that's just a little Pro tip for you and a big reminder because I want to keep hitting this point is that you don't need a 100 influencers you just need one super influencer to take your company to the next level and transform your life so recap on section two on what you actually say to get them to respond number one be someone worth responding to verify yourself two look like a legit person on your profile three send the magic message or variations of that and personalize it personalize it personalize it offer to incur cost to meet them that's a little bit more advanced but it will work send 100 messages per day this takes time but you only need one and share the super influencer stories and posts you will gain more Affinity from them than if you do nothing at all so now that we have picked our influencer and we have optimized our messages and we're sending them we're going to start getting replies so here's how you close the deal here are the steps one over preparation equals profit two every position has an advantage three NOS or yeses so let's dive in so before you speak with them you want to prepare mockups of what their thing would look like on your product or the product that you want to make for them either way works remember you can take your Nike shoes and say we've got this idea for a line and we want to put it under you or I wi label drinks and I want to make a drink that's just for you Logan Paul or I want to make a tequila just for you the rock or I want to make a whiskey just for you Conor McGregor or I want to make Cosmetics just for you Kylie see where I'm going with this this is not new but people aren't seeing it this is why the opportunity exists so on top of the mock-ups you want to show graphs you want to be like this is you now this is you with me I say this simply but this is literally what you want to show someone you want to show some you actually did a little bit of math all right and you have some estimates and projections to go with that you want to say hey you've got this many followers if we post this post x times per week we assume y reach and we convert 1% of clicks which is standard based on these things that I've seen in the past within 12 months we should be able to get to here does that sound interesting if they say yes awesome you you're one step closer to closing the deal if they say no you find somebody else and you ask them why is it interesting because you know what they might give you some of the best feedback possible and so bottom line is that you want to show that you worked a lot on this and this is a key Point you'll see it as a recurring point when you're getting with the super influence I'll tell you why in a second the main reason you do that is because they want to work with a partner that's going to work hard for them and the best way to prove that you're going to do it later is to do it now is to do it first one of my favorite sayings is the best way to show an audience that you'll that you'll give them value after they buy is to give them value before they buy brilliant I know but guess what people don't do they're like I don't want to take I don't want to be taken advantage of my time is valuable no it's not and it's it's also relative you're coming to ask something from them don't mistake it like sure you're going to come be like they're going to benefit too but if you're going to a super influencer you're the one who stands to gain far more than them because they have themselves and they can make that partnership with anyone and you want them to pick you don't think about the time it takes you to make this great think about how much time you're going to save by them agreeing that you move years of work in the future rather than the fact that it takes you a day or two to prepare one presentation for 15 minutes so that you crush it and so for those you like but how do I structure the presentation this how you structure the presentation promise you tell them the good stuff that they're going to get from the partnership proof you tell them why they should believe you past experience or if you don't have that stats of people like them doing something comparable and if you have the product that you think that they should sell bring it and show it to them this is called a demo AKA a demonstration you want to show them that because if they do have a strong brand they're going to want want the thing to be good because they want to make sure that they're serving Their audience and so if you've got the bees needs of products let them taste the honey three plan tell them what the next steps look like what's expected of them and what you're going to do and by the way make your side look better than theirs so that they look like they're getting the best side of the deal and to be real they should be because they've already spent all these years leading up to this so you don't have to spend five years to build this audience they already did that and so they're going to just point which takes little effort but that's because they're leveraging the years of work they put in and then you're going to spend the rest of your time present forward making out for the fact that you didn't work the 5 to 10 years to build the brand and that's the deal and you might still have a smaller percentage of the overall pie and it's still worth it and so finally you've got the proof you got the promise you got the proof you got the plan and then you make the offer so then you make an offer so good they feel stupid saying no give them a Michael Jordan offer if they're bigger than you offer them more more if they're smaller still offer a lot and I'll give you a key little Pro tip on this help them grow if you want to go after a middle-sized influencer they may want growth more than they want money and so then offer them that instead or in addition so you can give on these variables it's like okay I can give you less in the economics but I'm going to invest all these resources I'm going to bring Five Guys I'm going to hire for you to help you 10 extra content so we both win because real talk if they are permanently associated with your brand if they get 10 times bigger guess who else gets 10 times bigger you worth it now I go through those four things and the thing that most of you guys are going to struggle with is proof so let's talk about that so this brings to the second point of this little mini part which is getting them to say yes every position has an advantage and a disadvantage I really want you to drill this in all right for example if you're brand new you sell the benefits of being brand new so for example I used to help agency owners with my company Allen which is a software for for agcy owners and some of them serve as gym owners which means they were direct competition of mine in my other company gym watch and so they'd say well hey it's easy for you to get gym owners you're the 800lb gorilla in the industry to which I would reply well one I wasn't always the 800lb gorilla I started at zero like everyone else but I promised a different set of benefits I said hey these companies don't care about you so if I was in your position I'd be like Alex doesn't care about you you're just number to him he he just wants to hit quota that's what his sales guys are doing right you're going to get assigned to some dozen care account rep who just clocks in every day that they train for a couple weeks just to get sped up and they're never going to cater to you but with me you're my only brand partner you have my full attention I don't want 100 Partners I just want one good one I can go all in on someone I can work day and night to help and grow and so you have my contact you have my cell phone you can come to my house I'll cook you dinner we'll be partners on this it would be impossible for them to give you the same attention as me now if you're thinking wow that's not a bad point well then I wonder what the advantage of being the 800lb gorilla is now if I'm the 800lb gorilla so once gym launch was the number one in the industry I would argue the opposite angle I would say well we have the best practices across a lot of accounts and I can feed them directly to you this kid doesn't have any other experience I can take the findings from thousands of accounts and feed them right to you we have the infrastructure and skill to just plug you right into this guy's got to hire all this I've got specialist across all these different things that can help you at a higher level and sure Sarah is only good at media buying but she's better at media buying than his generalist and we can help you scale on the business side because we already have we know what we're doing and you'll know that your audience is getting taken care of because we have support infrastructure let's say this thing does crush well guess what's going to happen to your little minnow he's going to get overwhelmed because he's never had this much attention before we know how to deal with it we've done it before and so the question is do you want to trust your brand as someone who's just getting into the industry or someone with a track record do you want to risk what you work so hard for on someone who might not even be here in 6 months we've been here almost a decade and we're going to keep being here so you're like wow okay every position has an advantage and a disadvantage and you sell based on the position you have in the marketplace so play to your advantages if you're new to the game and you're just getting into and this your first super influencer partnership then you're going to emphasize Personal Touch care flexibility going Allin the owner mentality of this is us being Partners we're in this together I'm going to do anything it takes to get to be successful now if you're this guy you're the 800lb gorilla then you're going to talk about track record the best practices the infrastructure The Specialist across functions brand Association they're going to get from associating with your brand where they don't get that with the minnow and once that happens whichever play you have they're going to say yes and if they don't then we go from our advantages and disadvantages to NOS or yeses which means we zoom out so let's talk about that if you don't have a track record the other reason to over prepare and make your presentations exceptional is that you can show them to other presentations that you make for other super influencers so if I try to pitch Kylie on cosmetics and I make this beautiful deck and I show all these graphs and all this explanations guess what I get to use I can take that when I go to Conor McGregor and I say this is some of the work that we prepared for other influencers I'm not saying work we did for them I'm just saying this is the type of stuff we do now when you see that what happens is people are like huh they're going to see who you're pitching and they're going to see the work that you do over and over again they're like wow this guy sustains a high level of professionalism and polish despite business he might not have won it's like and the subtext is imagine what he' do if we were actually working together and that's what you want them to think and so even if you didn't pitch them this is the extra Pro tip is that even if you didn't pitch Kylie or Connor or uh Ryan Reynolds you can show them alternative structures that you thought through and if you show three different versions for the three different influencers they might be like okay I saw you prepared me and that was okay but I really like what you did with Ryan Reynolds I like that version can we do something like that for me and so you give them more options to bait them in engaging with you and so all these things help you look more legitimate and increase the likelihood that you get one super influencer and if you get frustrated don't the gap between no and yes is where the opportunity to make life-changing money is and so we went out over a lot of stuff today and to bring this home I want to tell you guys two stories one from a new business owner using the super influencer process and the other from a very large established business owner because I want to cater to both people in the audience right now so I'll start with uh who both use the strategy for lifechanging wealth so let's start with a big business owner so some of you guys have heard of Tony Robbins in N graos they run a very large portfolio businesses and they recently reached out to a super influencer Matthew mccon and Matthew mccon plugged in their infrastructure they launched The Art of Living so it was a product that Matthew was the front face of and they did the delivery on the back end and they branded the product around what he wanted the art of living and they had the most people attend ever they had two plus million people registered for the that and almost half a million attend live and a million plus people see it unlike anything they'd ever had because they harnessed a single super influencer with a phenomenal brand and I point this out to show you a single partner can bring in life-changing income and so that's just an easy big business example all right those guys had the infrastructure they reached out I'm sure Tony Robins knowing all the the presidents and things like that he was probably one or two phone calls away from Matthew mccon and he said yes fine but let's talk about a small business example because I think for some of you guys here this may be the most relevant for you since a lesters may feel Out Of Reach for some of you and I want to be clear I don't think they're Out Of Reach for you I just think you may feel that way and so I want to at least meet you where you're at here's two UK guys Ms and fad and they added 44,000 per month in recurring Revenue without ads or a following neither of these guys has a following and they weren't even the face and that's key just like Congo with Logan Paul no one knows who Congo is no one who knows who Ms and fad are but when I show you who they partnered with you might have heard of them and so here's what they did they found an influencer Eddie ABW a former pro bodybuilder from the UK he only had 50,000 followers at the time and they reached out just like I said in the the the presentation earlier and then he replied doing the exact thing that I mentioned in the presentation earlier and then they told him that he'd be their only partner and the only client he had just like I said in the presentation earlier and theyd spent all of their time growing this brand which is exactly what they did to take him from 50k on because that's what he really cared about and he agreed and then they asked him if they'd want to start a paidon on community and they told him what would be expected of him and gave him projections proof promise plan here's the offer and then they made the proof promise plan into a presentation for him notice they focused on branding the product around him it wasn't the Ms and Fahad Community it's the abue crew about people were trying to get in shape get healthy again and he's older now so he's a slightly older demographic which I find actually as a side note very funny because makes a pot are 20y old guys all right Eddie Abus is in his 50s or 60s now and so then they launched the community and in the first 30 days two 20-y old guys with no following and no money got to 44,000 in monthly recurring Revenue in the United States at least that's a top 1% income and I want to be very clear it's not because like Ms and vad were able to take five years of work and compress it into one series of conversations because they were willing to give up the upside they were willing to get rejected by the other hundred people they reached out to that didn't say yes so they could get the one that did and so this worked because Eddie's audience wanted more high value access to him so mien vad made that happen very simple and so they benefited from his brand and he benefited from their operations and the work that he wasn't willing to do so when I talked to them they were like he uh he just just wants to make content he doesn't want to do anything else and so we just said we'll do everything else we'll bring the camera we'll do the recording we'll do the editing we'll even put the stories up they have the ctas with the links so that we drive people with the community and we'll manage the community itself and we'll send you a cut of the money and he said cool and so they both profited and so the point is if you actually just follow this process you can jump forward multiple levels of income quickly because you only need one super influencer to change your life just one and so for more tactics about this stuff because we're getting close on time I have free books and courses on Outreach using Affiliates also if you zoom into that little picture of mson fad you see a little book that they have in the background the only book they have referenced there it's book check it out um and you can watch this stuff on my site so I actually have the training for reaching out getting Affiliates more in-depth stuff more scripts all that stuff it's absolutely free on my site acquisition. comom trining it's all free all right um and if you don't have a product to recruit a super influencer with so the first ones if you already have a product and you and you want to just go straight to to getting them to promote it that's what that's for you and if you don't have a product then you can start like makes and vad by building a community for an influencer and the reason this is kind of like a one fits a one siiz fits all product for most influencers is that pretty much every influencer literally gets followed because people want access they want more exposure to them and so all you do is just have more exposure more content more access just behind a pay wall so that the highest fans get what they want and everybody else still get stuff for free so it's a win-win all right and so if you want that games it's also free to start so if you're like I don't know what the product you can start one for free and you can go start approaching influencers to do it all right so I hope that I fulfilled my promise to you from the beginning in the three-step super influencer process which is one know how to pick them two know how to get them to talk to you and three how to get them to promote your stuff so you can create life-changing wealth and hopefully I gave you the tools to Leap Frog your income if you actually take action so there's all your free stuff thank you guys so much enjoy
Channel: Alex Hormozi
Views: 99,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Hormozi, Alex Hormozi Business Tips, Alex Hormozi Gym Launch Secrets, Hormozi, Business guides, Business tips, Skillsets, Skill Stacking, The Game Podcast, mozination
Id: Z2tgZC_XkT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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