How to “Unlock Your Brain” to Build Wealth with Real Estate FASTER

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this is real estate rookie episode 344 my name is Ashley K and I am here with my co-host Tony J Robinson and welcome to the real estate rookie podcast where every week twice a week we're being the inspiration motivation and stories you need to hear to Kickstart your investing Journey so today we've got an amazing guest for the real estate rookie audience we've got the one and only Jim Qui and if you guys don't know Jim if you Google his name you'll see him rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in Hollywood and business Elon Musk uh Oprah Winfrey uh so much more and Jim what you guys are going to hear in today's episode uh is an expert in your brain and he's going to teach you how to turn your brain into a more optimized tool to help you find success and I get that it's not directly related to real estate investing but so much of what you're going to hear will help rebuild that belief system that you need to take that step to become a real estate investor and just overall it's going to be a really amazing conversation one of the big takeaways that um Jim will talk about that I had for this episode is he's going to talk about your problem of time management and what he says kind of blew my mind you don't have a time management problem you have a priority management problem and as he goes through why and explains exactly his thought process on this I want you to start thinking about your own calendars your own schedules and what you do actually PRI prioritize and make time for too and throughout this episode Jim will tell us little questions we should be asking ourselves as we go through then if you listen all the way to the end he actually gives you a bunch of resources that you can use for free to uh get access to learning more about improving your brain power Jim welcome to the show thank you so much for joining us on the real estate rookie podcast we thought we would start off this episode with questions from our audience so we let everyone know that we were going to be having you on to the show and we had several people submit questions that they wanted us to ask you so our first question is from Amy Heeney how can you overcome procrastination so Jim what would be your advice so three things that move the needle to overcome procrastination it's uh for Limitless motivation and you can use this for motivating yourself to to do the things you need to do that you're putting off and uh you could also do this for people on the other side to motivate them to to buy to motivate them to list to motivate them to to invest also so it works on both sides um the formula that we came up with and Limitless expanded our brand new book it says P * e * S3 P * e * S3 so let's unpack that the first thing you need to do to have more motivation and overcome procrastination the peace stands for purpose I realize that things you could have goals in your head but if you're not acting with your hands you have to tap into the second age which is your heart which are the emotions and that's really where purpose comes from purpose really is an emotional state it's uh feelings of excitement because I feel like if you don't have reasons you won't get the results so let's say you want to remember someone's name a lot of people will forget people's name you know being an memory expert putting on that memory coaching hat on to motivate someone to remember names tap into the reasons ask yourself why and that's how you get your purpose why do I want to remember this person's name maybe it's to show the person respect maybe which is so important by the way to remember names and faces and business right cuz how are you going to show somebody you care for their future their finances their family if you don't care enough just to remember like their name so maybe it's to show the person respect maybe it's to close a deal maybe it's to get a referral maybe it's to practice these techniques that they learned in this podcast um but remember reasons reap rewards and if you don't feel it you won't do it and it's not intellectual reasons everyone knows intellectually they should work out they should meditate they should prioritize their sleep but a lot of times we're not feeling the rewards that would come from it so remember we're not just like how people don't buy logically they buy emotionally because we're not biological we are we're not we're not uh logical or biological you think about dopamine oxytocin serotonin endorphins we are this chemical feeling soup so I say the first thing to have it is narrow really feel your purpose for doing something you know the benefits out come from doing that thing that you know cuz sometimes in business you have to feed your business till it feeds you back right you have to feed it you're work maybe you're working a N9 to to five and you're doing this but you feed your business consistently until it feeds you back but feel the results in advance and just that's purpose next you have to go to E which is p * e * S3 the E is energy a lot of people procrastinate because they're just exhausted um we have a 10-month-old and he's teething and we're not getting any sleep at night he just like we're waking up five six times a night uh so it just it affects your motivation to do the things that you need to do so you need to optimize your energy that's why in Limitless expand we talk about the best brain foods for energy mental energy we talk about how to manage your stress very tactical thing science-based because stress takes a lot of energy we talk about how to optimize your sleep and supplements that give you energy so that's just really nailing down the energy because an exhausted mind doesn't do anything and then finally you could have Limitless purpose you could feel it and you have energy to act on it and you could still not perform you could still procrastinate because often the third reason people procrastinate besides lack of purpose or feeling purpose and lack of energy is maybe they have a goal that's just too big right they want to build their portfolio make a certain amount of income and get a c like 100,000 followers or whatever right and S3 are small simple steps realize that a confused mind doesn't do anything just like a confused buyer doesn't do anything so how do you make it super super simple by breaking it down so maybe let's say exercise is really good for your brain performance right you create brain derived neurotropic factors uh bdnf but if you're not exercising maybe a small simple step is putting on your running shoes maybe um people see me on social media with Oprah or Elon or something like that and people always ask how we connected we bonded over books right you read to succeed leaders are readers right Warren Buffett reads 500 pages a day um because knowledge says not only Power knowledge is profit but if you're not reading 30 minutes a day maybe it's because you ate a big processed meal right and you're you lack energy or you don't feel the rewards that come for purpose or maybe it's just too big of a habit change for somebody and maybe a small simple step opening up a book is a small simple step reading one line in a book is a small simple step how you find your small simple step there's this the magic question everyone we could turn this in a little Master Class where everyone could write this down what is the tiniest action that I could take right now that will give me progress towards this goal and where I can't fail what is the tiniest action I can do right now operative word is now where it gives me progress towards this goal it's going to be closer to this goal where I can't fail because it takes very little uh energy and effort to be able to do it so we just did uh we have our own podcast uh 400 plus episodes 20 minutes each uh recent episode was with a biological dentist talking about how your oral hygiene your oral health can lead to better brain health and if you're not flossing or kids aren't flossing maybe get them to floss one tooth because nobody's going to stop at one Toth but the idea here is inch by inch it's a cinch yard by yard is just just way too hard so those are the three areas that I would suggest kind of putting your energy in focus and then once you're doing that it just uh becomes second nature and you start develop momentum so yeah break break it down little by little a little becomes a lot because consistency compounds Just Like Money Jim so many so many good little nuggets in there I've got so many notes I was scribbling as you were talking um first I just I just want to talk about like the uh you talked about like the fitness thing and like just waking up and putting on your running shoes um so i' I've competed in a few like amateur bodybuilding competitions and one of the worst Parts was getting up every morning to do you know 60 minutes of cardio and I never focused on the 60 minutes of cardio my thing was just get up and brush my teeth and if I could make it to the sink to brush my teeth there was like a 99% chance I'd make it downstairs to to get on the treadmill and do the cardio so I I love that idea of finding that small step that leads towards that that bigger action I want to Circle back though to the purpose piece because I I feel like purpose is it's a heavy word and a lot of people float through life without really identify a true purpose and you touched on a little bit but say that I'm someone who's just feeling a little lost or a little stuck just in general what steps should someone in that position take to get some clarity on what their purpose is in life okay so life purpose I was thinking about a little bit differently for this I was thinking about purpose for working out and purpose for reading or purpose for micro things but certainly you could tie things to your life purpose um we have a whole chapter of the in the book about finding your purpose and I would say so people use words interchangeably and I find it kind of fascinating people will say passion and purpose and they'll they'll feel like it's the same thing but for me it's very distinctive passion for me and I related it to purpose how it's related to purpose passion for me is something that lights you up so Ashley Tony you might have something that just or lots of things that light you up and for me learning is something that lights me up it didn't always you know I had struggles in this area I had a traumatic brain injury I was labeled broken took me years longer to learn how to read after my accident when I was 5 years old you know in kind of special education all of that um but learning eventually became my purpose my my passion so passion is what lights you up for me purpose is how you use your passion to light somebody else up so maybe somebody is really passionate about real estate and they're purpose so so learning is what lights me up teaching people how to learn is my purpose to light other people up as my example um brain optimization is my is a is a passion of mine it just lights me up right and teaching people how to optimize their brain lights them up so that's my purpose um so I would say that giving yourself enough stimulus to see where your passions flow and then how can you use your passions to light other people up maybe your passion is music and your purpose is performing for other people to light them up right with your music some people's passion could be real estate or some aspect of of real estate uh and maybe going out there and Performing that is more of your purpose right and so for me it's uh it's it's not necessarily easy but it I think it's pretty simple you know what I mean so lots of things aren working out all every day is not neily easy but it's pretty simple and straightforward right and so for me another way of finding your purpose is to ask purpose-driven questions and tying into your values meaning a great question everybody could ask themselves right now is what's most important to me in life right what's most important to me in a relationship what's most important to me in a career and it's different for every single person it's individual for every single person and so I would say like if your purpose for life is growth contribution um having fun an adventure is different than somebody who has their purpose their you know values in life is um security and safety right so it's other people could really value adventure and other people could value safety and those two people are going to invest differently right they're going to they're going to they're going to do different things with their money with their time um and imagine these two people are married right that's going to be very different and even in a relationship finding the values you have in a relationship some people value Trust loyalty kindness right but but everyone values something a little bit different and so there's a hierarchy of the things that we value so for me like my life values are love growth contribution a sense of adventure and joy and so I make my decisions based on that and I feel like part of success is having the Curiosity to know yourself that's why people go to therapy or they meditate or they do introspection and reflection and journal but then part of it is having the Cur but you have the Curiosity to know yourself Having the courage to be that person is another game entirely because a lot of people are scared of other people's opinions um other people's expectations and so yeah I would say purpose is something that is how you could use your passions to light other people up and so just kind of keep it keep it there and if you're not really sure what are the things that light you up and what are things that also you can't stand you could also find purpose through things that really just aggravate the heck out of you right and then maybe it reveals itself you know and then that context also as well yeah Jim so so many good things there I love the the phrase curiosity to know yourself I've never heard it phrase that way but I think for so many people they probably never really take the time to get to know themselves on that deep of a level and we're we're all just I guess kind of have these surface level relationships with ourselves so I love that that phrase curiosity to to know yourself but tying it back to just like our our our rookies that are listening I think a common misconception that a lot of new Real Estate Investors struggle with as they step into this space is they're looking for Real Estate to be the end all Beall for them when really the real estate investing is just a vehicle for you to live out your passion your purpose and whatever that is so I think folks don't need to put as much pressure on themselves to find all the Fulfillment inside of real estate investing but just get that business to a point where it allows you to do the things you're passionate about and Jim that that actually ties really nicely into our next question here from uh from Tiffany o and Tiffany's question is for for people who have talents and passions in multiple areas and she lists out real estate investing content creation music Etc uh and wants to unleash all of those in life how do you know which one to put your full and whole focus on first do you focus on one or two at a time until you've re reached a satisfaction point and then move on to the next or do you attack them simultaneously way yeah so everybody has a different um brain type and so one of the things I'm really excited about this new new book is there's a chapter on there on cognitive types and I realized after coaching for for over 30 years that everybody learns a little differently everyone leads differently everyone thinks a little bit differently and we found four four buckets we call them brain animals and we created a quiz in the book people could also access it online at my brain and then it takes 4 minutes to go through you don't buy anything it's just we give you just like there's personalized medicine based on your genetics and personalized nutrition based on your microbiome well this is kind of like your personalized learning and once you understand going back to knowing yourself there there's this um I if you the TU saw Matrix but when Neo walks in and meets the Oracle for the first time in her kitchen there's a sign right above the door and it translates uh know thyself right which is such an important part to get out of the Matrix and just kind of into your power and um so like this will allow you to know a little bit more about yourself and we have these animals that we could talk about in this conversation and uh and it informs how you approach things and it performs how you whether you multitask or you like just focus on one single thing uh at a time and so there's different I'm not I mean certainly we give people advice um but I also know ultimately the best coach is self- coaching right and when you know yourself and you know because not every even diet is for everybody right some people are allergic to certain foods um or they just can't digest it or just doesn't agree to with them and same thing with that is other people like to learn differently and buy differently um think differently and also perform differently and some people like to focus on just one single thing that's their way other people like to do multiple things in parallel and be more of a a Jackall trades and be passionate about all those things and again who am I decide like what would be absolutely best for an individual but I would see like if you're making progress that would be the test right Limitless which is the name of the book it's not about being perfect it's about advancing and progressing beyond what you what you believe is possible so progress I feel like is the name of the game if I was ask everybody you know if you're life was exactly the same as it is 5 years from now would you be happy and for most people they they wouldn't right cuz growth makes people happy you know making progress makes you happy and so if you're if you're able to manage lots of different passions and purposes in your life then by all means if that's if that's your brain type run with it and I know so many people that get attracted to the next shiny thing and they love ideas and they love New Opportunities and they stick with it for a couple weeks and then their motivation kind of falters and and plateaus and then they move on to something else also as well so I would say not every things for everybody not everybody's for everything everyone's a little bit different but you know as you do it judge it by results and that that's ultimately this the investing game right you're always getting feedback you make mistakes which we all do but there's no such thing as failure there's only failure to learn something and those mistakes becomes Stepping Stones to get us to the next level and I I think a couple of the things you just said there really relate to a new real estate investor a rookie as far as the shiny object every episode they're hearing of new and different ways to actually invest in real estate and it is hard to stay focus focused on that but one thing I want to ask about is so you talked about identifying yourself figuring out you know who you are and then also working on your weaknesses how do you identify what your weaknesses are you know there's the the common ones such as I know I should go to the gym every day I don't but what about like weaknesses in your business or weaknesses that may not be as apparent to you what are steps you can take to actually identify them so I I feel like all success is about skill development a big part of it meaning that if you want to create a new result in your life you need to do a new behavior and in order to that new Behavior need you need training to be able to do that that's why people listen to your podcast they go through courses they read lots of books and um you know there are all kinds of Assessments online strength finder assessments and you know tools that could help you going back to the power of knowing yourself because I think self-awareness is definitely a superpower and there's this different approach again some people lean in all in in their strengths other people they focus on their weaknesses and they try to level up their weaknesses for me once I see the areas where I'm not progressing or I don't have a natural adaptation to pick up this skill right I have to make a decision and for everything I feel like we could do anything but we can't do everything and that's where I either delete I delay or I delegate right if I'm not going to do something I have to either delete it off my to-do list I have to delay it and schedule it for another time or I have to I have to delegate it to somebody else maybe a vendor or maybe somebody else on my team or you know some people eventually they could hire an assistant to be able to support them but in terms of of weakness in order to create a result if you don't have the skill development to be able to do that result then I feel like that's a weakness right you want to create a result which is sales or more income or whatever it is and if you feel like you're not a good salesp person because you're not getting the result if you're acting on it some people don't have the sales cuz they're not motivated going back to the conversation we had about motivation but if they're actually doing something like a method and they're not getting the result then they have to upgrade that method through training discipline deep work and if it's not coming really easy with them then they have to make a decision which means should I put more energy and effort into this weakness or is there a way that I could get support and kind of build my team team where somebody it's right getting the right people building a team is like getting right people on the bus getting the wrong people off the bus making sure the people on the bus are sitting the right seats meaning they have the right roles and responsibilities and I think that's where this brain assessment comes in because once you know how people think like there's a one of the animals is an elephant who is highly empathetic when you take this quiz um and we found that our whole customer support team they're all elephants and we didn't plan it that way it's just people go with their strengths and they find roles that allow them to use their powers and I you I find this self-awareness is very important but also the awareness of the people around you even the brain type of Your Potential Prospect you know or a client or an investor they would they would operate differently based on the way that they think and learn and perform so these four brain types are I find are super super uh helpful and critical as a new real estate investor a big piece of getting started is risk management and just stress overall so do you have some advice for somebody who's maybe you know working a W2 job they haven't taken a lot of risk for themselves financially and now they're about to invest their life savings what are what is your advice for Stress Management when taking these kind of risks okay so risk mitigation is so important because when we're stressed we just don't make good decisions right chronic stress will shrink the human brain when you're stressed you're in a state of sympathetic fight ORF flight right when we're under anxiety we we feel like we're we're being threatened right because stress is is a is a kind is kind of that kind of response uh to fear and what I would say is um see see I have this idea that life is difficult for one of two reasons either because we're leaving our comfort zone life is difficult right we're playing and practicing at the edge of our limits life gets tough or life is difficult not only when we're leaving our comfort zone sometimes life is very difficult that we stay in our comfort zone right because nothing if nothing changes nothing changes right and comfort zone is a nice place to visit the challenge is nothing grows in the comfort zone and so for if people have a decent amount of risk tolerance right in order to get a new result you have to do a new thing in order to do a new thing then we have um it could be threatening because it's unknown and generally people are afraid and fearful of the unknown and uncertainty and anybody who's achieved anything had to do something that took a little risk right because if you're if you're safe you're not going to do the things that allow you to expand and if you want your business to grow your bank account to grow then you need to grow but it takes energy it takes attention it takes an immense amount of effort and you have to choose your your hard right being broke is hard and going out there and doing something brand new in in this case real estate investing is is hard right If we're honest what we choose we choose what's hard right being sick and tired is hard and going to the gym and you know planning your meals and you know prioritizing that could be hard but you know we we choose we choose our hard and so you know I I admire people who make the choice and ultimately it's their choice because I do believe in agency in terms of people's personal responsibility my whole thing is just I ask that that people just don't complain about it if they're not doing anything about it that that's my own Jim I got to I got to get you to talk to my my 15 almost 16 year-old son about what you just said because he and I have had some some similar conversations um about you you can't be mad for the work that you didn't do you know um and he's he's having a little bit of a hard time grasping that but um I I want to Circle back I love what you said about to get new results you have to get new new behaviors which oftentimes requires coaching I I think there's one additional element to that I'm curious what your thoughts are and for you too Ash but I feel like the the fourth piece would be Community because so much of our beliefs I think are tied to the people that we surround ourselves with and if our community that we're currently a part of thinks that you know Financial Freedom is risky if our current Community believes that investing in real estate is risky if our current Community believes that you know building that business is risky inherently we start to adopt those those mindsets so I guess just Jim what what are your thoughts on the role that that Community uh plays and in that behavior transformation as well yeah um we talk about 10 tenants for to optimize your brain right the best foods and sleep and Stress Management very tactical very science-based and the book is full of those things one of them happens to be a positive peer group right Community who we spend time with is who be we become we've heard the phrase in the self-development performance industry for a long time that you're the average of The Five People You spend the most time with and if you spend time with nine broke people you're likely to be number 10 right and the science behind it is interesting because you have something called Marin neurons and these are things in where you they imitate it it allows you to imitate people mostly unconsciously and I always tell people watch W TCH and I use a lot of acronyms because there're short forms ways of like pneumonic ways of uh remembering something quick so just remember watch the things that we're mirroring and imitating from the people in our community the W stands for words we tend the same have to use the same language as the people around us the same slang as the people around us and those words words have a big impact on our beliefs you know and our thoughts the A and watch our actions we tend to behave the same way as the people around us if all our friends are investing then we're more likely to invest if our friends are smoking we're more likely to smoke or drinking we're more likely to drink if they go to the gym we're more likely to go to the gym right we model the behaviors of the people around us right our community the tea and watch are our thoughts and this is very important because we tend to have the same limiting beliefs as the people around us because we picked them up in conversations and just through osmosis at events people see me do uh I don't know like I'll we'll pass around a microphone to an audience and maybe 100 people will introduce themselves and I'll I'll memorize all their names right or they'll challenge me in some way like that and I always tell people I don't do this to impress you I do this to express to you what's possible because the truth is all of you could do this and a whole lot more we just weren't taught right there are no classes in class called memory and that's just like there's no classes on how to focus and all the things that we teach in in this book that that being said people had events will often come to me and say Chim I know your memory act I'm so glad you're here I'm just not smart enough I can't do this right I can't invest I can't make money like everybody I always say stop if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them if you fight for your limits they're they're yours your brain is this incredible supercomputer and your selft talk is the program that will run so you tell yourself I'm not good at remembering people's names you won't remember the name of the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer notu now remembering names is so important in business again because how you're going to show somebody you're going to care for them if you don't care enough just to remember their name right number number one business etiquette networking skill there is but going back to imitation you know we tend to have the same also besides thoughts to see and watch his character we tend to have the same level of Integrity of the people around us you know if they're kind of don't have a lot of integrity we're kind of like have the same morals as as as the people we spend time with and the last thing our habits and the H and watch is the habits first we create our habits and our habits create us right but we tend to have the same habits as the people around us also as well so yeah I think a positive peer group is essential I think on the alternate side sometimes our family and friends we can love them but they don't have to be our peer group you know what I mean a peer group is somebody who has influence on how you think and how you act and how you feel about yourself and family they could be well-intentioned but sometimes they could be sincere but sincerely wrong right and they could be well-intentioned meaning maybe they don't want you to get involved in this project or this investment because they don't want you to get hurt or they don't want you to get your hopes up right um maybe they see you growing because you're always listening to podcasts or reading books and going to conferences and unconsciously they don't want to lose you because you're growing and making progress and you know they fear a fear of you know that you're going to abandon them or something like that but I'm saying you could love your family and friends but you could choose your peer group you could create a book club you could create an accountability group right you could create people that hold you to a higher standard for yourself and because we know that's going to greatly affect you know not just our our methods that we're going to use but also our mindset and our motivation for around people have driven all the time it's just like you got to be driven right because by contrast you're you're going to feel like you know don't fit in in human beings when we talk about Community everybody wants to belong right so I think it's so important to find your tribe I love that that tied in so well Jim I mean I'm happy to hear that that the community was already a big part of the the framework that you have because I've seen it play such an important role in in my life I know in ashu's life and for so many people that are getting started that that Community piece that peer group is so so incredibly important um and and and just really quickly like I I love the concept of filtering out advice from people who aren't necessarily qualified to give you that advice I love my mom to death but I'm I wouldn't take real estate in investing advice from my mom because she she hasn't done it uh I love my dad my dad's never made a podcast so if he gave me feedback on uh I don't know if you should say that in the podcast like it it it doesn't apply as well now if you know if Ashley gave me feedback on on a real estate deal like I'm I'm going to take that right I would say like um just like when we talked about complaining that you can't be upset by the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do you know when we're talking about criticism because so many people shrink and you know being limited is the opposite of being Limitless right and so many people shrink down because of other people's expectations and I would just remind people that if you feed if you're if if you're fueled by the expectations of others you're just going to run out of gas and you should shouldn't take advice from somebody or no sorry you wouldn't take criticis I wouldn't take criticism from somebody you wouldn't take advice from so we can make it really really simple that is that is Golden man uh let me make sure I got that you said I wouldn't accept criticism from someone I wouldn't accept advice from yeah that I think that's a nice filter yeah you could always get feedback we could always get feedback from people because I think feedback is the Breakfast of Champions right so it's nothing wrong with getting feedback from people and learning from you know uh from others but but certainly it helps to learn the fastest way to FasTrack your success is learn certainly from people have done it right and in my case I've invested millions of dollars into learning how to learn how to optimize my brain 30 plus years of my life doing it and if I put it into a book and somebody could read that in a book in a few days you can download decades into days and you don't have to spend the millions of dollars decades to be able to do that it's a wonderful way to shortcut that right same thing with with same thing with real estate same thing with anything that's why I love reading books I mean you you get to uh consolidate Decades of experience from someone else and and put that into like an actionable format I love love a good book but Jim something you mentioned as we were talking about the the peer group piece was the limiting beliefs and especially for someone that's at the beginning of their Journey a lot of times those limiting beliefs can lead to analysis paralysis where they're they're they're stuck in an action because they don't believe they can actually achieve these things so you you've touched on it a little bit but what are some some proven ways you've seen to kind of break through some of those self-limiting beliefs so mindset is the foundation for for everything right mindset is a set of assumptions and attitudes you have about something so you could lose you could even know all the gr methods but if your mindset is I don't know um in order to make money have to hurt people or take advantage of them or money is the root of all evil right all behavior is belief-driven so you won't even use the methods to its potential because you have a deep-seated belief saying that you know something to the contrary right and so it's very important to get those things in line and it's nice to discover we we walk people through a process it's kind of extensive in the book about how to discover the lies in your life and a li is an acronym limited idea entertain what are the Limited we entertaining that just are not true right and so going back to the power of knowing yourself self-awareness being a superow it's nice to do a kind of a mental audit because it's it's really hard to change something if you're not aware of it right if you don't it's really hard to be able to change your finances if you're not looking at your finances if you're not pulling up your bank statements if you're afraid of look running a credit report or whatever right or if you're not going and getting on the scale or whatever the metric is for health you know and so what I would say is do an audit of your current thoughts and then there's so many different like tools and techniques that we talk about in the book EMDR EFT tap you know tapping some of you familiar with tapping on meridians to be able to change limiting beliefs uh we talk about the power of self- hypnosis and we're we're hypnotizing ourselves all the time I think the nature of the work is all about transcending I mean if you look at a word like transcend ending the trance you know and the trance is not only through marketing and media that's saying we're broken or we need to be fixed or you know those kind of things and fear that comes through the media and everything but also it's a self hypnosis you know I think one of the ways to change is to be really conscious they say the two most powerful words in the English language are the two shortest words I am because whatever you put after it it determines your your life your identity and your your your destiny if you will and so a nice I am statement because some people say like I am a procrastinator and that's that is their identity and then they wonder why they can't get things done you know and it's a difference between saying like I am a smoker and changing the behavior it's really hard if you people identify with being a smoker you know as opposed to that's something that they do and what you do is not necessarily Define who you who you are you know Al also as well but absolutely prioritize mindset know the lies you're telling yourself and then see if there's a way you know in the book we do have a transformation process where we just kind of reframe their limiting beliefs and it's usually a 180 the opposite of what is holding them back and so like some of the lies that we talk about as examples in learning are things like um mistakes or failures right and that's just simply not true people think failure is the opposite of success when failure is clearly a part of success right and you know it's sometimes like when we're talking about risky sometimes it's too you know what's risky is playing it safe nowadays you know and that that could be a challenge also but these are all a mindset issue it's your assumptions and your attitudes about something and so and just especially whether it's money or it's real estate but also your attitude assumptions about the most important thing which is you you know what you believe is possible what you believe you're capable of what you believe you get really raw what you believe you deserve and some people you know deep down don't believe they could be happy or deserve that loving relationship or to you know deserve to be healthy right and then it doesn't matter what the methods are they're either going to you know not do the methods or they're going to do it in such a way that they're still limited around their mindset you know and and their the belief pattern so a lot of the stuff that we believe is complete BS they're just belief systems and just not like for me when I was 9 years old I I was slowing down a class and I was being teased bullied and being because I was just not getting the lesson that day and teacher came to my defense and she pointed to me and said leave that kid alone good intentions like family right leave that kid alone that's the boy with a broken brain and I was like wow I didn't realize I had the broken brain right cuz like when you're born you're you're a blank slate so all the all these beliefs got imprinted on us so every how did it play out every time I did badly in school which was like every week or I wasn't pick for sports which was like you know every week I say oh cuz I have the broken brain and that became my my my belief and it and for the longest time for like a decade and a half it limited me because that everything is all behavior is belief driven right if you believe you can or believe you can't either way you're right the Henry Ford quote so definitely do an audit of your beliefs see if you can do a 180 of it and just and also just you know see what's working cuz some some beliefs serve us but we don't have to believe everything everything we think Jim how does this tie into manifestation I recently started listening to a podcast that talks about some of this this sounds very familiar as to you know whatever you want you have to manifest it and you have to put it out into the universe that this is who you are this is what you want and this is how your life is going to go does what you write in the book kind of correlate with any kind of manifestation or how does it differ if we're defining manifestation as taking something that's invisible that you can't see and making it something you can see like you're creating something um I'm not a big fan of Law of Attraction because I also believe in the law of action and the Law of Attraction and manifestation is kind of like you could sit in a chair and just imagine it's going to happen and I'm not that hasn't been my personal experience that actually reminds me of a quote that I heard once is like uh you know you if you're going to build a house you're not going to hire a builder who's going to dream about building your house you're going to hire one that's going to plan how to build your house so that does that kind of decipher what your difference is compared to manifestation I I watch a lot of mixed martial arts I grew up watching a lot of anime and I would think about that stuff all the time with emotion like the Law of Attraction talks about so I visualize it and I imagine it but that doesn't mean I necessarily have the skill set right if I'm not going into a gym and getting proper coaching in jiujitsu or you know Muay Thai or something else I'm probably not going to get the results not even probably I just won't no matter how much I obsessed about it you know with energy and and Imagination so I feel like built into the world word attraction is the word action and I think that um nothing happens with without it can our beliefs affect the universe and sure and I feel like we have to do our part also yeah I've always felt like that the law of attraction is just when you focus so heavily on something you just start to identify more opportunities that you might have overlooked before but yeah like you you that ex exactly right exactly right yeah like the recency effect type thing U but yeah I can't imagine someone sitting at their dining room table manifesting their way to losing weight when they're still shoving you know cake and pizza down their face every day like it it doesn't work that way um Jim I want to talk a little bit about the the financial piece because uh for a lot of our audience they're they're W2 employees they're they're working day jobs um but a lot of folks I think aren't necessarily maybe operating in their areas of of strength when it comes to like what they're doing to earn money what's your advice for folks to kind of get more an alignment so that as they are earning money through their W2 jobs it's more aligned with what they're actually good at yeah I I'll go back into this idea that you you we we do what we have to do right like when my my family when they immigrated to the states that my dad was 13 lost both his parents they couldn't afford to feed him came here to live with his aunt um we live in the back of a laundry mat that my mom worked at they had many jobs my my that Aunt who I knew as my grandmother growing up past of Alzheimer's you know while she was caregiving for me so everybody has a different story and everybody has a different story so it's not a comparison thing but I also believe it's not about resources it's about our internal resourcefulness right we didn't have any money education didn't know anybody no network or Rolodex or but I just feel like that adversity could be an advantage and the challenges lead to to change right I don't know one strong person that had an easy life so if you have a hard life and you're working and you have a family we just have to it's it's not even about time management time is the one thing we all have the same of right not everybody has the same things I talked about income education connections but we all have 24 hours in a day but I don't think it's about time management I think it's about priority management and for priority management is different because priority management is saying that the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing all right the most important thing is keep the most important thing the most important thing and and so we do what we can and again we feed our business after hours till until it feeds us back and that if if if your values are Freedom right that's one of the things that that you hold dear that's your treasure then you know you could build you could have structure in your job and also do something and I also feel like entrepreneurship it it people have a having been an entrepreneur my whole life never and never having a W2 uh before people think it's easy but I also think you know it it's a different kind of effort right when you're not being told exactly what to do and you're not reporting to a boss your raise becomes effective when you become effective right because it's all on us and it's a different mindset in terms of personal responsibility um because you don't have that safety net right and I'm not saying quit your job and just go full-time into anything is you you know you could have a family and you could have bills and you have you have to do it intelligently but I'm just saying that you have to get out of your own way meaning some people are doing the opposite of priority management and they're doing things that aren't getting them the results but they fool themselves because they're busy and they they complain to their family that they're tired and for me it always comes down to purpose you know my purpose was very clear you know growing up because I value my my family my friends and and I'm asking myself who's counting on me to show up today who's counting on me to do the hard things today you know who's counting on me to be at my aame today right and that fuels my desire and my mission to do the things that I do like people are surprised to hear that public speaking was my worst fear I mean like worst fear because if you grow up with brain damage and you can't read you never know the answers you never want to be called on in class right so my superpower was shrinking down and being invisible sitting behind the tall kid right I would never I went all through school without giving a book report because I was terrified of doing that now life has a sense of humor because what do I do I all I do every day is the two things that were the hardest things for me which is public speak on this thing called learning right but I think adversity could be an advantage but going to towards your your question I would I would say to the person who's working their their N9 to-5 their their W2 you know you have to make a choice there there's a quote in Limitless again that says life is a letter C between B and D B is birth D is death life is C choice that these difficult times that you're going through they could distract you these difficult times can diminish you or these difficult times they could develop you we we decide with the choices that we make every single day and so I would say one of the most powerful productivity tools Performance Tools you have is your calendar and yet most people don't use it they they put in like oh this is my parent teacher meetings this is my doctor's appointment this is my 9 to5 but they're not scheduling like that side hustle they're not scheduling their workouts they're not scheduling their meditation whatever it is their sleep time the things that are important and you can know what someone's priorities are by looking at their calendar right because what we put our time to is really it's not what we say it's what we show right and even in business it's not what you promise it's what you prove right and when when you when you act consistently then the results do the speaking for you and so I think it's very it's better well done than it is well said but for me I'll be thinking about your reasons you know want you unlimit your mindset about believing it's possible that you deserve it your motivation the purpose part is really you know just who's relying on you right and then the other thing is like we at one life why why aren't we why AR we running towards our dreams like we're on like we're on fire like that that kind of urgency you know and ranted you do difficult things but if it was easy everybody would have everything right if it was easy everyone would have it but when you could get yourself to do the things that other people won't do then you can live a life that other people can't live right but you have to pay the price okay so Jim before we wrap up here what is kind of the promise or what sort of transformation will occur of this book like what do you want someone to get out of this book after they have read it the bottom line for for my work is your brain is your number one wealth building asset it just is we live in an age where no one watching this it's not like hundreds of years ago if we're agricultural age Industrial Age we're paid for our our brute strength today it's our brain strength it's not your muscle power today it's it's your mind power and the faster you can learn the faster you could earn because knowledge says not only Power knowledge is profit right and so the idea behind this book is your brain is the wealth creating machine it has uped everything else around us that we see right every technology but this is the ultimate technology but people upgrade their phones their cars their apps more than they upgrade this technology which is which is everything right your brain and so what I would say is this Limitless the promise of the book is we're providing you with an owner's manual for your brain but it's not like an anatomy book it's a very practical way to be able to change your mindset your motivation and the methods you do to learn the ultimate skill to master in the 21st century is your ability to learn rapidly and translate that learning into action that's the ultimate competitive Advantage Bar None because when you could learn how to learn when you could focus you could concentrate you could read three times faster you could understand everything that you read you can remember everything that you need to remember and you can Implement and think and solve problems what can you apply that to everything real estate money marketing martial arts music Mandarin everything in your life medicine whatever you're studying everything gets easier in your life so the book focuses on two things it focuses on how to optimize your Hardware right the the brain optimization and also how to optimize the software which are the processes on how to focus how to read better how to improve your memory how to remember client information product information give speeches without notes I mean all the things because I believe two of the most costly words in business and in Life or I forgot right I just think about about the how we lose Effectiveness when we say I forgot that conversation I forgot what I was going to say I forgot that presentation I forgot to go to that meeting I forgot that person's name and on the other side memory makes money right when you can easily remember names and faces and client information product information give sales presentations remember listings remember things you have to do you just show up with confidence in in your life and capabilities and so the promise of the book is to really make you more Limitless in the area that really matters to invest in the most important wealth building device that you have which is your brain so we talk about how to focus how to get better sleep how to change your habits how to get rid of old lingering habits how to change your limiting beliefs that hold you back in terms of self-doubt and self- sabotage and then all the accelerating you know learning methods that are there and the new book the expanded version that that's just coming out is is all about how to build momentum so we talk about these brain types and people could take the quiz at my brain animal it just takes four minutes nothing to buy again it's kind of like which Game of Thrones character are you and I'll give you a prescriptive on how to apply this towards your business right your brain type how to negotiate how to communicate with people that have different brain types than you we talk about learning agility at work we talk about neut Tropics that uh will enhance your mood your mental energy help you with your focus and your memory we talk about how to use AI in your business and in your day-to-day to perform better to learn faster so it's just kind of like the culmination of like 30 years of research and teaching and coaching uh myself into like the one place and this is the one book that will help you learn every other book afterwards you know because you'll read it f all the other books faster remember all the books f or focus better and people can find it at Limitless and when they do it at this time we gift them hundreds of dollars of speed reading and memory training as my gift just to celebrate the launch of the book and we donate all the profit to charity for the book so to build schools for children Alzheimer's research and memory of my grandmother and and so much more oh awesome Jim thank you so much uh we really appreciated having you on the show today and sharing uh your book and all of that information with us um some of the things that I I loved were that this is very relatable not just for rookie Real Estate Investors but also for experienced Real Estate Investors and anyone in business in general too that may be listen ing to the podcast so uh Jim where would you like people to find out more information about you and the book so we have a podcast too you just search my name in your podcast app you just have to spell it right it's Jim quick kwi K it's my real name I didn't change it to do this I literally yeah I was literally thinking that earlier Jim if that was you know yeah it's my father's name my grandfather's name but um so you could find a and YouTube we have over like 1.3 million subscribers there we put out dailies there um Limitless book is probably the best way if you want to be able to support that book this book will be the most important book that's my promise to everybody because it'll help you with all other books so many people buy books and they sit on your shelf and become shelf hel not self-help because nobody's reading that book um and then uh take the quiz mybrain and post the animal I would challenge everyone to post their animal online and tag tag Us in it so we see it and um I'll repost a couple and gift out a couple of books randomly to the community just as a thank you for having me on your show but um yeah social media is just Jim Qui everywhere kwi well Jim thank you so much we really appreciate it I'm Ashley at wealth from rentals and he's Tony at tonyj Robinson on Instagram and we will be back with another guest we'll see you guys [Music] then your games nobody see all this time a't change
Channel: Real Estate Rookie
Views: 5,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build wealth with real estate, real estate, build wealth, how to build wealth, building wealth, real estate investing, how to invest in real estate, jim kwik, kwik brain, brain expert, limitless book, limitless expanded, productivity, time management, priority management, procrastination, how to stop procrastinating, finding your purpose, life purpose, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, financial freedom, biggerpockets, real estate rookie, real estate rookie podcast, podcast
Id: 9bammgU8LhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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